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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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speculawyer said:
I'll bash religion. Of course I'm not a Democrat. And bashing religion offends Obama as much as it offends the GOPers who seem to think they own Christianity.

Religion is superstition with a large number of followers.
Telling gaf that I'm a conservative who has never spent a day in church might just blow people's mind. :lol
devilhawk said:
I was giving the order of how things broke in the media. So one can assume that it was to counter. It was just a laundry list anyways of the talking points that happened immediately after Palin was announced. You can't cherry pick here. I was obviously lumping the talking heads in for both sides you can't deny that because I stated that Palin responded to the experience barb. She never spoke at all before the speech. This entire experience debate was played out the weekend before this convention.

Some assumptions can be made here because AND ONLY BECAUSE he then retracted it:

This was referencing the second statement commending Palin.

Yet no equivalency is ever made between being a mayor and being a community organizer by the Obama campaign or Obama himself. That was your original claim, and you have yet to prove it or follow up on that initial claim. If you want to retract it and change it, that's fine.. it would keep us from going in circles here on unrelated statements.


I can't get how people can see only one side of things like this. Palin is just an opportunist while Obama did everything for others. I hate to break it to you but Obama knew being a community leader would be good for his political career. I know that wasn't his only motivation but it was part of it.

. Do you seriously thin Palin is just an evil bitch out for herself? Really. Is wanting this world to be better just a trademark goal of Obama now. Maybe just maybe she does want to make this world better. Now you can disagree about the goal but do you have to ignore the possibility that she thinks what she is helping the people. No its much easier to just dismiss her as horrible person. This hurts my brain.


I watch the little documentary produced by the RNC tonight and was puzzled; what is McCain's faith? That's how anyone ever refers to it, just "faith". Whenever he speaks about his faith he always goes back to the POW story and how others faith made him stronger. Did McCain lose whatever faith he had as a POW?


Xenon said:
I can't get how people can see only one side of things like this. Palin is just an opportunist while Obama did everything for others. I hate to break it to you but Obama knew being a community leader would be good for his political career. I know that wasn't his only motivation but it was part of it.

. Do you seriously thin Palin is just an evil bitch out for herself? Really. Is wanting this world to be better just a trademark goal of Obama now. Maybe just maybe she does want to make this world better. Now you can disagree about the goal but do you have to ignore the possibility that she thinks what she is helping the people. No its much easier to just dismiss her as horrible person. This hurts my brain.

I gotta say, Xenon, you type just about as well when you're asleep as you do when you're awake.
Xenon said:
I can't get how people can see only one side of things like this. Palin is just an opportunist while Obama did everything for others. I hate to break it to you but Obama knew being a community leader would be good for his political career. I know that wasn't his only motivation but it was part of it.

. Do you seriously thin Palin is just an evil bitch out for herself? Really. Is wanting this world to be better just a trademark goal of Obama now. Maybe just maybe she does want to make this world better. Now you can disagree about the goal but do you have to ignore the possibility that she thinks what she is helping the people. No its much easier to just dismiss her as horrible person. This hurts my brain.

She doesn't have to continually lie to make the world better.


The grass on the big screen behind McCain made it look like a green screen :lol!

I wonder if Colbert will start a new green screen campaign :p.


LuCkymoON said:
I watch the little documentary produced by the RNC tonight and was puzzled; what is McCain's faith? That's how anyone ever refers to it, just "faith". Whenever he speaks about his faith he always goes back to the POW story and how others faith made him stronger. Did McCain lose whatever faith he had as a POW?

He probably did lose faith in that situation. The guy went through some crazy shit in those years. That is bound to shake anyones faith.


Xenon said:
I hate to break it to you but Obama knew being a community leader would be good for his political career.

Yes, I'm sure his becoming a community organizer after graduating from Columbia and delaying his entry into Harvard Law by years in the process was an attempt to further his political career.


Obama calls out the GOP.....

(click link for full story)

Article said:
Obama says GOP avoiding issues on voters' minds

YORK, Pa. (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Thursday that Republicans at their national convention are attacking him to avoid talking about the sagging economy and housing problems.

"You're hearing an awfully lot about me—most of which is not true—but you're not hearing a lot about you," Obama said. "You haven't heard a word about how we're going to deal with any aspect of the economy that is affecting you and your pocketbook day-to-day. Haven't heard a word about it. I'm not exaggerating. Literally, two nights, they have not said a word about it."

The Illinois senator told voters that the GOP convention speakers are spending all their time talking about politics, not about issues that matter to voters. He criticized the Republicans for not addressing the economic distress or housing foreclosures that have grown during the Bush administration.

Speaking with reporters later, Obama dismissed the idea that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the GOP's vice presidential candidate, had been criticized unfairly because of her gender.
Xenon said:
I can't get how people can see only one side of things like this. Palin is just an opportunist while Obama did everything for others. I hate to break it to you but Obama knew being a community leader would be good for his political career. I know that wasn't his only motivation but it was part of it.

. Do you seriously thin Palin is just an evil bitch out for herself? Really. Is wanting this world to be better just a trademark goal of Obama now. Maybe just maybe she does want to make this world better. Now you can disagree about the goal but do you have to ignore the possibility that she thinks what she is helping the people. No its much easier to just dismiss her as horrible person. This hurts my brain.

... This kind of story telling is worthy of Too Human. Who's calling Palin a opportunist for becoming a mayor? Also, what candid conversation did you have with Obama to get what he planned to do with the rest of his life 2-3 year after he graduated college?

There really isn't any need to construct strawmen, or play the "liberal gaf hurts me" card.


Byakuya769 said:
... This kind of story telling is worthy of Too Human. Who's calling Palin a opportunist for becoming a mayor? Also, what candid conversation did you have with Obama to get what he planned to do with the rest of his life 2-3 year after he graduated college?

There really isn't any need to construct strawmen, or play the "liberal gaf hurts me" card.

I called her an opportunist, but not for becoming mayor, but for going on the ticket last-minute in spite of everything else I said. And although I also called her corrupt, I never called her evil or a bitch.


Xenon said:
I can't get how people can see only one side of things like this. Palin is just an opportunist while Obama did everything for others. I hate to break it to you but Obama knew being a community leader would be good for his political career. I know that wasn't his only motivation but it was part of it.

. Do you seriously thin Palin is just an evil bitch out for herself? Really. Is wanting this world to be better just a trademark goal of Obama now. Maybe just maybe she does want to make this world better. Now you can disagree about the goal but do you have to ignore the possibility that she thinks what she is helping the people. No its much easier to just dismiss her as horrible person. This hurts my brain.

Your argument is absolutely terrible. Nobody thinks Palin is an "evil bitch out for herself," we just think that she is NOT qualified to step into the office of the President at a moment's notice; and we think McCain's choice of Palin represents an amazingly blatant attempt at pandering to a political base.

Let's say Obama did EVERYTHING that he did because he was exclusively trying to progress his political career. The main point there is he actually HAS EXPERIENCE of SOME SORT. See experience arguments in other PoliGAF threads, blahblahblah. I think almost everyone in this damn thread wants to make this world better. Does that make us qualified to be VP? No, it doesn't. The point is, Palin is a disgusting attempt to try and gain female/sympathy votes for the GOP. It's disgusting, and we as Americans should wise up and not stand for it.
AniHawk said:
I called her an opportunist, but not for becoming mayor, but for going on the ticket for all the other things I said.

Which is perfectly fair, and you did not even have to perform time travel to come to that conclusion


Byakuya769 said:
... This kind of story telling is worthy of Too Human. Who's calling Palin a opportunist for becoming a mayor? Also, what candid conversation did you have with Obama to get what he planned to do with the rest of his life 2-3 year after he graduated college?

There really isn't any need to construct strawmen, or play the "liberal gaf hurts me" card.

Didn't Obama get a degree in Political Science, seems like a career in politics would be a logical step.


Byakuya769 said:
Yet no equivalency is ever made between being a mayor and being a community organizer by the Obama campaign or Obama himself. That was your original claim, and you have yet to prove it or follow up on that initial claim. If you want to retract it and change it, that's fine.. it would keep us from going in circles here on unrelated statements.
Well obviously I won't find anything from the campaign or Obama with organizer and mayor even in the same sentence. I think you are overlooking the big picture here though. The entire point of that post was a timeline of this experience debate and how it was played out on Fri/Sat. Community manager was put out there after the initial "but we have executive experience" by the right. This was to counter and try and say a "me too" in addition to his obvious legislative experience. This was in addition to Obama's, in what he called, a "hair trigger response."

This isn't a huge contention point from me. I was more trying to talk about how they are trying to convey a different type of experience. A point which went largely without a response.


Xenon said:
wtf... I need sleep.
dude go to sleep. I can't even keep track of where you are anymore. First it was funny, then it wasn't funny, but that was ok because people were questioning her qualifications, then it wasn't ok but Palin is being put under undue scrutiny because GAFFers are trolls, when pointed out that GAFFers aren't running for Vice President of the United States (Though we are all qualified to do so as we discuss foreign policy quite a bit and several of us own businesses/are bosses, though I have to admit we haven't sold a plane on eBay we're working on that) then it was ok because there was a double standard and Obama's clinging statement. When pointed out that Obama took weeks of fire even after apologizing for said statement and Palin had been there for one day a double standard would exist in complaining about scrutiny, AniHawk writes a book random posts start showing up in wierd places...I can't do it. I'll go to sleep too, we can continue tomorrow.


Xenon said:
I can't get how people can see only one side of things like this. Palin is just an opportunist while Obama did everything for others. I hate to break it to you but Obama knew being a community leader would be good for his political career. I know that wasn't his only motivation but it was part of it.

. Do you seriously thin Palin is just an evil bitch out for herself? Really. Is wanting this world to be better just a trademark goal of Obama now. Maybe just maybe she does want to make this world better. Now you can disagree about the goal but do you have to ignore the possibility that she thinks what she is helping the people. No its much easier to just dismiss her as horrible person. This hurts my brain.
I don't have enough info to determine if she's evil or not, but she's definitely a jerk. Moderate Republicans should feel embarrassed by the policy-free, lie-filled attack speech she gave last night.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Looks like the "get a brain, morans" guy has decided who'll get his vote.



Dartastic said:
Your argument is absolutely terrible. Nobody thinks Palin is an "evil bitch out for herself," we just think that she is NOT qualified to step into the office of the President at a moment's notice; and we think McCain's choice of Palin represents an amazingly blatant attempt at pandering to a political base.

Let's say Obama did EVERYTHING that he did because he was exclusively trying to progress his political career. The main point there is he actually HAS EXPERIENCE of SOME SORT. See experience arguments in other PoliGAF threads, blahblahblah. Additionally, I think almost everyone in this damn thread wants to make this world better. Does that make us qualified to be VP? No, it doesn't. The point is, Palin is a disgusting attempt to try and gain female/sympathy votes for the GOP. It's disgusting, and we as Americans should wise up and not stand for it.

Dude Alaska is close to Russia. She's got TONS of foreign policy experience.


devilhawk said:
Well obviously I won't find anything from the campaign or Obama with organizer and mayor even in the same sentence. I think you are overlooking the big picture here though. The entire point of that post was a timeline of this experience debate and how it was played out on Fri/Sat. Community manager was put out there after the initial "but we have executive experience" by the right. This was to counter and try and say a "me too" in addition to his obvious legislative experience. This was in addition to Obama's, in what he called, a "hair trigger response."

This isn't a huge contention point from me. I was more trying to talk about how they are trying to convey a different type of experience. A point which went largely without a response.

I'm not sure why people are so inclined to ignore the fact that the only real reason Palin was ever attacked for her lack of experience is specifically because McCain has ran his entire campaign on experience - trumpeting his own and deriding Obama's - and the VP's #1 job is to take over for the president if the need arises.

Afterwards, people started to look into it more and realized that not only does she have little experience, but she hasn't exactly done a stellar job in that time.
devilhawk said:
Well obviously I won't find anything from the campaign or Obama with organizer and mayor even in the same sentence. I think you are overlooking the big picture here though. The entire point of that post was a timeline of this experience debate and how it was played out on Fri/Sat. Community manager was put out there after the initial "but we have executive experience" by the right. This was to counter and try and say a "me too" in addition to his obvious legislative experience. This was in addition to Obama's, in what he called, a "hair trigger response."

This isn't a huge contention point from me. I was more trying to talk about how they are trying to convey a different type of experience. A point which went largely without a response.

Ok, so you just don't know what you're talking about. Nice.

One of Obama's first responses to the executive experience bullshit was pointing out the size and scope of his campaign. A campaign in which he has to make executive decisions.

Now I understand that campaign and community both start with "C", but it should not be that confusing.


ronito said:
It is telling. It shows the condescension of the republican party that so many have been arguing against for so long. Let me switch just two words:

""I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a being a woman, except that you have actual responsibilities,"
I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like being in an abattoir, except that you kill pigs

this is fun


Zeliard said:
I'm not sure why people are so inclined to ignore the fact that the only real reason Palin was ever attacked for her lack of experience is specifically because McCain has ran his entire campaign on experience - trumpeting his own and deriding Obama's - and the VP's #1 job is to take over for the president if the need arises.

Afterwards, people started to look into it more and realized that not only does she have little experience, but she hasn't exactly done a stellar job in that time.
I definitely didn't ignore that. That is why the pick is so risky, odd, and surprising. There are still a lot of question marks for sure. I think there are a lot of people that believe that if McCain picked someone else and kept with the experience angle, he would have lost badly. This is why this fall is going to be so interesting, and it may not even end up close. Obama could easily run away.


Byakuya769 said:
Ok, so you just don't know what you're talking about. Nice.

One of Obama's first responses to the executive experience bullshit was pointing out the size and scope of his campaign. A campaign in which he has to make executive decisions.

Now I understand that campaign and community both start with "C", but it should not be that confusing.
But here is the point that is important, my original semantics aside. The very first thing out of the Obama camp was a reference to the size of her mayoral township. That is where the entire experience/small town controversy stemmed from. This is all I was trying to say with my timeline post.


subrock said:
I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like being in an abattoir, except that you kill pigs

this is fun
I guess being a corporate pilot is sort of like being a pig killer, except that you fly planes.
devilhawk said:
But here is the point that is important, my original semantics aside. The very first thing out of the Obama camp was a reference to the size of her mayoral township. That is where the entire experience/small town controversy stemmed from. This is all I was trying to say with my timeline post.

Yea so? You have been arguing that her "LOL community organizer" bit was the fault of the Obama campaign because they belittled being the mayor of wasilla by comparing it to being a community organizer... Just admit your were wrong on this, and that she (her speech writers) had to attack the "least" significant thing Obama had done because her tenure of Mayor would look like a joke compared to anything else.

You would get much respect for doing so.

"I guess being a small town mayor is like being a Housewife, except you actually have responsibilities."
this posted yet? Kind of a suprise.

Chatting with Obama
By Bill O'Reilly for BillOReilly.com
Friday, September 5, 2008 Email This Article Print This Article Column Archives

Like him or not, you have to give Barack Obama credit for waging a smart, focused campaign. Destroying the Clinton machine was a major achievement and so was putting together a successful convention in Denver. Obama is now firmly a part of U.S. history, no matter what happens in the presidential election.

The problem some Americans continue to have with the Senator is that he is long on charisma but short on detail. This frightens some voters. Who the heck is this guy, anyway? So when Obama finally agreed to speak to me this week, specifics were on my mind.

First, the man. The Barack Obama I witnessed is self-confident, determined and driven. He was acutely aware of his surroundings from the moment he entered the room. He looks you in the eye and touches your shoulder. He understands how to connect one-on-one.

As far as philosophy goes, Senator Obama is convinced that the federal government should be in control of income distribution and, to some extent, should regulate the free marketplace. That is a classic liberal position, and Obama promotes it well.

The Senator also believes that poor Americans have a basic right to free health care and monetary supplements from the government with no strings attached. The American substance abuser, for example, would derive the same benefit as a hard working, laid off worker would. Again, classic liberalism. No judgments made regarding entitlements.

So, if Barack Obama does become president, there will definitely be change. His left-wing base will demand it, and he will come through. You can decide if that's change we should believe in, but keep in mind that the unintended consequences of government interference in the marketplace are impossible to predict. Free markets have a way of chafing under government imposition.

On the foreign policy front, Obama has convinced me that he is tough but cautious. He rose up quickly because he vehemently opposed the Iraq war. But now I see a man who understands the victory that has taken place in Iraq. I don't believe he wants to screw that up. I could be wrong.

After going mano-a-mano with Obama on television, I am also persuaded that he is a sincere guy—that he wants the best for all Americans. He's an ideologue, but not a blind one. He understands that his story is incredible, and, I have come to believe, he is grateful to the American system for allowing it happen.

It is true that we don't know whether Senator Obama has the ability to solve complex problems, but you can say that about all presidential contenders.

Like most politicians, Obama has used guile and good luck to accumulate his power. He can be ruthless, kind, unfair, and generous. In short, he's a real person trying to achieve an unreal position—that of the most powerful person in the world.

God help him.


Banstick Emeritus
Wow, that was some significant tap-dancing.

"She's a woman of her word, and she means what she says and says what she means"
"She cut special needs funding by 62%"
"You're a woman, Soledad, and you know that you say what you mean, just like she said what she means, and it's a privilege and an honour to..."



ronito said:
I guess being a corporate pilot is sort of like being a pig killer, except that you fly planes.
I guess being a mayor is sort of like being a corperate pilot, except that you don't create a $20 million debt.
Oh by the way they said on msnbc Palin will now go into seclusion in Alaska until after September 11th, supposedly to spend time with her son before he heads off to the war...gives her plenty more time to study up before she has to answer any media questions...


Byakuya769 said:
Yea so? You have been arguing that her "LOL community organizer" bit was the fault of the Obama campaign because they belittled being the mayor of wasilla by comparing it to being a community organizer... Just admit your were wrong on this, and that she (her speech writers) had to attack the "least" significant thing Obama had done because her tenure of Mayor would look like a joke compared to anything else.

You would get much respect for doing so.

"I guess being a small town mayor is like being a Housewife, except you actually have responsibilities."
Again, you are skipping the point on the timeline. I have already clearly conceded there are no statements from Obama that say community organizer is better than small town mayor. I am strictly talking about my perceived order of how the talking heads bickered back and forth starting with the pick of Palin. This happened all on Friday by flipping through the various 24hr news networks.

There was a reason the "LOL community organizer" bit was done. I don't believe it was useful and even tasteful. The mayor v community organizer comparison was definitely made throughout the day last Friday after Obama released his initial statement. Yes, it was the talking democrat heads who did it. Again, I beleive the "LOL community organizer" bit in her speech was stupid but the comparison wasn't heard for the first time in her speech.


WasteLand Soldier said:
this posted yet? Kind of a suprise.

<<O'Reilly article>>
woah, that couldn't have been written by him. what a remarkable difference between tv and print. i suppose he could be a completely different person when given space to mitigate his aggressiveness
BoboBrazil said:
Oh by the way they said on msnbc Palin will now go into seclusion in Alaska until after September 11th, supposedly to spend time with her son before he heads off to the war...gives her plenty more time to study up before she has to answer any media questions...
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