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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Aaron said:
I guess being a mayor is sort of like being a corperate pilot, except that you don't create a $20 million debt.
I guess being a Vice Presidential candidate is a lot like being a bridge burner, except that how can she slap.


Gary Whitta said:

Well it's a lot closer to Alaska than Illinois!


WasteLand Soldier said:
this posted yet? Kind of a suprise.
I actually called this before it aired. Bill gets easily star struck and whenever someone useful and with actual brains is let on the show he turns respectful. He normally puts people on the show that he can manipulate just so he can always come out on top. This is why Obama coming on his show was so surprising. Everyone was worried about how Obama would do. Really the main question is why Bill agreed to this when likely he won't come out on top without looking desperate or an idiot.


bishoptl said:
Wow, that was some significant tap-dancing.

"She's a woman of her word, and she means what she says and says what she means"
"She cut special needs funding by 62%"
"You're a woman, Soledad, and you know that you say what you mean, just like she said what she means, and it's a privilege and an honour to..."


"you go?"
devilhawk said:
I actually called this before it aired. Bill gets easily star struck and whenever someone useful and with actual brains is let on the show he turns respectful. He normally puts people on the show that he can manipulate just so he can always come out on top. This is why Obama coming on his show was so surprising. Everyone was worried about how Obama would do. Really the main question is why Bill agreed to this when likely he won't come out on top without looking desperate or an idiot.

He probably got a shitload of negative feedback after the 1st part aired for how he acted and put this up for fear of losing some viewers.
devilhawk said:
Again, you are skipping the point on the timeline. I have already clearly conceded there are no statements from Obama that say community organizer is better than small town mayor. I am strictly talking about my perceived order of how the talking heads bickered back and forth starting with the pick of Palin. This happened all on Friday by flipping through the various 24hr news networks.

There was a reason the "LOL community organizer" bit was done. I don't believe it was useful and even tasteful. The mayor v community organizer comparison was definitely made throughout the day last Friday after Obama released his initial statement. Yes, it was the talking democrat heads who did it. Again, I beleive the "LOL community organizer" bit in her speech was stupid but the comparison wasn't heard for the first time in her speech.

Your timeline proves nothing because you're outlining something that you cannot truly depict. You cannot prove that the democratic talking heads started attacking her mayorship before the republican talking heads started attacking being a community organizer. You would definitely be straining yourself to prove that those D taking heads pushed out argument that community organizing was equivalent to her mayorship.

We're doing a not so elegant dance now...


BoboBrazil said:
He probably got a shitload of negative feedback after the 1st part aired for how he acted and put this up for fear of losing some viewers.

Most of the people who view his show on the regular know how he acts. It's not like he's going to change for the other three parts :lol


Socreges said:
1st part?

Fox News is going to air this on 4 episodes to make tons of viewers off of it.

One was Thursday, then it will continue on Monday - Wednesday.

edit: I think it's m-w but it may be t-thur... whatever lol


She actually did not cut Special needs funding. Alaska Challenge Youth Academy Program that was part of Special needs in FY 2007 was moved to an independent Department for FY 2008 which resulted in "less funds" going simply because the funds directed to Alaska Challenge Youth Academy Program no longer went under the Special needs label. Alaska Challenge Youth Academy Program comprised nearly 62% of the Special needs Budget.

FY 2007:Special Education was made up of:
Special Education Service Agency
Providence Heights School
Alaska School for the Deaf
Alaska Challenge Youth Academy Program

FY 2008/9:Special Education is made up of:
Special Education Service Agency
Providence Heights School
Alaska School for the Deaf

In 2007, the State contributed $5,429,000 in General Funds Receipts to the department.
In the 2009 Governors budget, this was increased to $6,253,800
This was an increase of $824,000 which is a 15% increase in state funding.

The Perils of Pundits with Agenda's reading emails without doing research.


BoboBrazil said:
Oh by the way they said on msnbc Palin will now go into seclusion in Alaska until after September 11th, supposedly to spend time with her son before he heads off to the war...gives her plenty more time to study up before she has to answer any media questions...

...and with that she has single-handedly made running for Vice President the equivalent of a college final exam.


mj1108 said:
...and with that she has single-handedly made running for Vice President the equivalent of a college final exam.
Lets cut some slack. Her son is being deployed to Iraq. While I am sure she will do some practice I do not doubt her son is number one reason.


laserbeam said:
Lets cut some slack. Her son is being deployed to Iraq. While I am sure she will do some practice I do not doubt her son is number one reason.

I doubt it as well. I think if I was nominated for a higher office, my family would be the last thing on my mind. Fuck em.


laserbeam said:
The Perils of Pundits with Agenda's reading emails without doing research.
I think it's because most 24 hour cable news reporters don't know how to properly investigate and verify a story. This is all very new to them.
methodman said:
I doubt it as well. I think if I was nominated for a higher office, my family would be the last thing on my mind. Fuck em.

Yep, she accepted the offer to be McCain's running mate. She knew full well her son was leaving to Iraq before accepting. She knew the eyes of America would be on her to answer questions when she accepted.


Zabka said:
I think it's because most 24 hour cable news reporters don't know how to properly investigate and verify a story. This is all very new to them.

It's sad because you would think they would have more common sense than taking random emails from people and not even fact checking it.

Though Liberal-Gaf never failed to amaze either jumping on an email without even researching it.

Cloudy said:
The fine women of CNN are not backing down from the GOP at all. Thank you Campbell and Soledad :D

Except that fine woman read an email from joe schmoe and took it as fact when it was a blatant lie and ran with it without even researching it like you know her job is supposed to do.


Except that fine woman read an email from joe schmoe and took it as fact when it was a blatant lie and ran with it without even researching it like you know her job is supposed to do.

Assuming that's true, I'm sure many people took Palin's blatant lies about Obama in her "speech" as fact also :p

Ok, I'll stop trolling now. The few Repubs in this thread seem like good guys :D


WasteLand Soldier said:
this posted yet? Kind of a suprise.
He saw that VICTORY took place in Iraq? :lol That's putting words in his mouth.

A GOVERNMENT-controller free market is unpredictable? As if a non-gov't-controlled one is any more. :lol



I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
I knew this facial expression reminded me of something.



Cloudy said:
Assuming that's true, I'm sure many people took Palin's blatant lies about Obama in her "speech" as fact also :p
The problem is that when the press gets sloppy it brings everything they report into question. There's plenty of stuff to go after Palin on already, so there's no need to run with everything that passes in front of your face.

I just hope this Special Needs budget cut story doesn't catch on.
Zabka said:
The problem is that when the press gets sloppy it brings everything they report into question. There's plenty of stuff to go after Palin on already, so there's no need to run with everything that passes in front of your face.

I just hope this Special Needs budget cut story doesn't catch on.

What about Bishop's post?

hmm, nevermind it seems to have disappeared
That mansion-like building they used as the backdrop for McCain's speech last night?


Walter Reed Middle School, Hollywood CA

Is it possible to be this much of a fuck-up in front of the entire world?
Cloudy said:
Assuming that's true, I'm sure many people took Palin's blatant lies about Obama in her "speech" as fact also :p

Ok, I'll stop trolling now. The few Repubs in this thread seem like good guys :D
laserbeam eats babies and desecrates the corpses of the worlds grandmothers!

He must be stopped!

Nah, he's cool. Corpse desecration and all.


Byakuya769 said:
What about Bishop's post?
The department removed from the Special needs Label is the missing 62% its Budget was over 5 million so when it became its own Special Education "shrunk"

Thunder Monkey said:
laserbeam eats babies and desecrates the corpses of the worlds grandmothers!

He must be stopped!

Nah, he's cool. Corpse desecration and all.

I gave up corpse desecration for the rest of the election been a long 19 months ;)
laserbeam said:
The department removed from the Special needs Label is the missing 62% its Budget was huge So when it became its own Special needs "shrunk"

Ah got you. That is weak fact checking then, don't they have whole departments to do that at cnn... sad.
laserbeam said:
The department removed from the Special needs Label is the missing 62% its Budget was over 5 million so when it became its own Special Education "shrunk"

I gave up corpse desecration for the rest of the election been a long 19 months ;)

You have a good one, and same to all.

Monkey getting sleepy.


Byakuya769 said:
Ah got you. That is weak fact checking then, don't they have whole departments to do that at cnn... sad.

Thats the perils of 24 hour live news. The guest is on for a limited time and they get this email in that could be big news so they rush it out to get the guest.


laserbeam said:
Thats the perils of 24 hour live news. The guest is on for a limited time and they get this email in that could be big news so they rush it out to get the guest.
But not even the advisor knew the details.

Internet guy is smarter than Palin's advisors.


WasteLand Soldier said:
this posted yet? Kind of a suprise.

I see the Bill O'Reilly, and I see a sane man at the same time. Didn't think they could exist. Blowing my mind.

I'm glad Obama impressed him enough for him to write this.


Stoney Mason said:
Shit Ron Paul on Colbert. Where is JayDub?

Sleeping, unfortunately. Guess I'll have to catch it on the YouTubes.

I stayed up late the previous night watching my Netflix: Metropolis and Enter the Dragon. Weird combo, to be sure. Still a fan of Fritz Lang; won't be renting any more Bruce Lee, though, if that was his best.


M3wThr33 said:
But not even the advisor knew the details.

Internet guy is smarter than Palin's advisors.

Welcome to the world of the 24 hour news cycle.

Hopefully this will at least cause some people to go "Hmmmm maybe there's more to this" whenever the next GOTCHA news breaks out.


Cloudy said:
Assuming that's true, I'm sure many people took Palin's blatant lies about Obama in her "speech" as fact also :p

Ok, I'll stop trolling now. The few Repubs in this thread seem like good guys :D

Well one could argue that people on the right that fall hook line and sinker for Palin's panderings are stupid, would one also admit the same for the people on the left that latch on any new gotcha news item? Or are they just to educated and wordly for that?
JayDubya said:
Sleeping, unfortunately. Guess I'll have to catch it on the YouTubes.

I stayed up late the previous night watching my Netflix: Metropolis and Enter the Dragon. Weird combo, to be sure. Still a fan of Fritz Lang; won't be renting any more Bruce Lee, though, if that was his best.
I couldn't sleep so I'll tell ya comedy centrals Colbert Report website should have the episode online by now.

I have a lot of respect for Ron Paul. Some of his ideals are crazy to me, but he at least can carry on a conversation with opposing viewpoints without getting into a patriotism fight.


How much of a difference do the debates usually make? From what I've seen of this election, the last thing that could have a massive effect on it is an intelligent debate. I'm imagining Obama giving his usual insightful thoughts in a careful and nuanced way, then McCain jumping up and shouting VOTE FOR FREEDOM and there goes the election.

SpeedingUptoStop said:
you guys see this article?


what do you think? Guy pretty much nails it IMO

I think it's the democrats' fault for insulting and belittling them so much. How else would those kind philosophers respond? They have genuine grievances, they're under attack from the elite and gays. Also, it's a tiny minority and that article is hateful and racist. :p
Chrono said:
How much of a difference do the debates usually make? From what I've seen of this election, the last thing that could have a massive effect on it is an intelligent debate. I'm imagining Obama giving his usual insightful thoughts in a careful and nuanced way, then McCain jumping up and shouting VOTE FOR FREEDOM and there goes the election.

IIRC the townhalls won Bush re-election.


Son of Godzilla said:
IIRC the townhalls won Bush re-election.

1st debate: Foreign policy and national security. Obama will offer actual solutions while McCain speaks in vague terms and generalities. McCain wins in the media because foreign policy is his thing, nevermind how awkward he comes across.

VP debate: Biden kicks so much ass it hurts. Palin does enough to 'hold her own' and the McCain campaign cries sexism win or lose. The media spin will be that she did really well as a newcomer against Biden who's been around forever and that she's ready.

2nd debate: A town hall. Brokaw moderates. Obama loses because town halls are McCain's thing.

3rd debate: Domestic issues. Obama will win the debate, but only slightly according to the media (gotta keep it close!). McCain continues to deliver in a vague and general style.


AniHawk said:
1st debate: Foreign policy and national security. Obama will offer actual solutions while McCain speaks in vague terms and generalities. McCain wins in the media because foreign policy is his thing, nevermind how awkward he comes across.

VP debate: Biden kicks so much ass it hurts. Palin does enough to 'hold her own' and the McCain campaign cries sexism win or lose. The media spin will be that she did really well as a newcomer against Biden who's been around forever and that she's ready.

2nd debate: A town hall. Brokaw moderates. Obama loses because town halls are McCain's thing.

3rd debate: Domestic issues. Obama will win the debate, but only slightly according to the media (gotta keep it close!). McCain continues to deliver in a vague and general style.

I think the Obama-McCain debates could go either way, but I'm guessing McCain will look better.

Obama gives long, nuanced answers that he obviously thinks a lot about while answering, which includes a lot of "Uh"s and pauses. People think that's stammering and dodging questions, as the saddleback forum is evidence to.

McCain gives straight forward and stupid answers, and if the primaries were any indication, has no problem with blatantly lying about what's he's done or said or what he will do. The media doesn't call him on it, and they love those confident short answers.

I think if the moderators are really on game, though, the scales would tip towards Obama.


"U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.), who was born and raised in the South, said Thursday he’s never heard the word “uppity” used in a racially loaded fashion"

Oh ok
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