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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Tamanon said:

I see your sexist remark about Kerry and raise you some Hillary-related lulz:

Later, it turned out that McCain himself used the phrase more than once, including last year, when he was talking about Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's 1990s health care plan.

He said last October, "I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

6.) Increase federal taxes on guns and ammunition by 500 percent.

Fuck that shit.
You don't need no gun control.

You know what you need?
We need some bullet control.

Man, we need to control the bullets,
that's right.

l think all bullets should cost $5000.

$5000 for a bullet. You know why?

'Cause if a bullet costs $5000
there'd be no more innocent bystanders.

That'd be it.

Every time someone gets shot, people will
be like, ''Damn, he must have did something.
''Shit, they put $50,000 worth of bullets
in his ass.''

People would think before
they killed somebody, if a bullet cost $5000

''Man, l would blow your fucking head off,
if l could afford it.

''l'm gonna get me another job,
l'm gonna start saving some money...
and you're a dead man.

You better hope
l can't get no bullets on layaway.''

So even if you get shot by a stray bullet...

you won't have to go to no doctor
to get it taken out.

Whoever shot you
would take their bullet back.

''l believe you got my property.''
Nicodimas said:
Hey as long as you have to have goverment ID to get online and go public places then yeah I have No problem with that...................

afterall your a lawabiding citizen what would need to worry about?


this was a joke right?


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Obama's response to the sex-ad will basically determine whether or not he will win this election, if he gives another one of the 'law professor' type response while clarifying how much respects John McCain's honour, well, then this makes the Kerry campaign look Rovian by comparison.

I am just about fed-up with Obama taking this shit.




Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
NullPointer said:
But then the news would just be McCain and Obama surrogates each spouting piddly shit at each other, endlessly.

I mean, more than they already do that is. And thats exactly the kind of white-noise tune-out campaign that Obama has been trying to avoid - the 'Old Politics' and all.

And that's exactly why he is setup to lose, in a big way.


capslock said:
And that's exactly why he is setup to lose, in a big way.

Chuck Todd already stated that, fundamentally, the Dems are still ahead. Poll bumps don't mean much (especially in McCain's case), because what really matters is STAYING POWER.

After all, MacKendale's pick of Ferraro worked for a while too....until that plan fell flat on its face, and gave the GOP a landslide. What's to say the same won't happen here, especially once the media is set to tear Palin some new ones once she FINALLY deals with the press?

According to Todd, by the time Early Voting is done by October 15th, we'll have the best idea of how this race is going to pan out. Which is why those college kids in the likes of Ohio need to get da steppin'... :D
capslock said:
Obama's response to the sex-ad will basically determine whether or not he will win this election, if he gives another one of the 'law professor' type response while clarifying how much respects John McCain's honour, well, then this makes the Kerry campaign look Rovian by comparison.

I am just about fed-up with Obama taking this shit.
When will you get fed up with it?

Because i'm already fed up with obama supporters flailing around when something bad happends.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
XxenobladerxX said:
When will you get fed up with it?

Because i'm already fed up with obama supporters flailing around when something bad happends.

Cool, hope you enjoy at least 4 years of McCain/Palin.


I'm sorry, it wasn't a joke.

Well one exists and I would support it. With a concealed Carry License someone can go in buy a gun without having to involve FBI NICS at all.

So yeah I would support a Nationwide Concealed Carry License.

Cool, hope you enjoy at least 4 years of McCain/Palin

Well its already going to happen so no worries.
capslock said:
And that's exactly why he is setup to lose, in a big way.

He can attack, but he shouldn't attack on the basis of small things, easily forgotten by the public.

If he attacks, he has to attack the lies and give a positive vision of what his administration will do. IMO he's been too negative as of late - spending more time talking about what has gone wrong in this country rather than talking about the positives of an Obama/Biden administration.

If his message devolves into character attacks, innuendo, or making mountains out of mole-hills, independents and the youth vote may just tune out.



World wants Obama as president: poll

Posted Tue Sep 9, 2008 10:50pm AEST

US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama may be struggling to nudge ahead of his Republican rival in polls at home, but people across the world want him in the White House, a BBC poll said.

All 22 countries covered in the poll would prefer to see Senator Obama elected US president ahead of Republican John McCain.

In 17 of the 22 nations, people expect relations between the US and the rest of the world to improve if Senator Obama wins.

Too bad Americans are dumb...


capslock said:
Obama's response to the sex-ad will basically determine whether or not he will win this election, if he gives another one of the 'law professor' type response while clarifying how much respects John McCain's honour, well, then this makes the Kerry campaign look Rovian by comparison.

I am just about fed-up with Obama taking this shit.
You need to take a break from politics,its obvious you can't handle it without cutting yourself.
Tamanon said:

That's what so infuriating about the amount of spin and juice Drudge is able to put into out national discourse. When this happens for a conservative he puts up a "flashback" or a call to the other side doing it. Will he do that with a liberal? Of course not. He will pretend it's shocking! Perfectly all right to do it. He's got a conservative slant. Just annoys me when our gullible media falls for it everytime.


"I'm not into the small bore stuff. I don't care whether or not she built a bridge to nowhere. I don't care if she sold a plane," Biden said at the first event. "What I care about is what in God's name is she going to do - along with John McCain - about the thousands of people who don't have health care," those struggling with other economic problems, and the foreign policy challenges facing the country, Biden said.

"What I'm going to try to do, what I'm going to try to do very hard is to focus on the issues," Biden said.

"Folks look, I know what she's going to try to do. She's going to try to make it as personal as she can. She's going to take a lot of straight lefts and jabs at me, she's going to try to get me to respond, she's going to try to get me to respond in a personal way. That's not my style. I'm not going to do it."

He added that Gov. Granholm of Michigan has agreed to spend four days with him to help prepare for the Oct. 8 VP debate.

How Biden will be handling the debate, per Ben Smith.


Nicodimas said:
Well its already going to happen so no worries.

If McCain/Palin does win you will have a lot more to be worried about in the next 4 years.

deadbeef said:
If he doesn't get in the mud with her, she's gonna eat him up.

All he really has to do is make her look uninformed and inexperienced by debating the facts. Of course we all know that as long as she leaves the debate alive they'll praise her for "doing better than expected".
AndyIsTheMoney said:
fuck off? i just said he didn't mean it that way, but it sounded that way. god some of you are gonna need blood pressure medication before this election is over.


Also, Jesus Christ. Some of you need to lay off of our conservative brethren here. Look, did Obama want the pig comment to refer to Palin?


Is it going to be interpreted like that by the public?



And what happened to debating with the conservatives? Instead of responding "lol god ur stupid isnt it obvious" SPELL IT OUT. Bit by bit. In a decent manner. You know who you are swaying with your responses? People who read these threads, but don't reply much. Those that reply a lot are set in what they think. Someone who lurks here, member or not, is learning about each side's stances and attitudes, a lot more than you'd think. Thinking that the answer is clear and obvious to you when it might not be to others is arrogant, and that's off putting, even if you are right.

Your answers won't be readily accepted if they are presented in a distasteful manner, and that's what's going on now.

Grow up, fellas.

And stop freaking out. Donate. Volunteer. Talk to your friends, loved ones, co-workers, classmates. Obama's still leading, state by state. Fuck national polls. We need state support, and we got it. Worried about it?


Guess what? I just convinced no one with that outpouring. What'd I do? I convinced my family and friends thus far to vote Obama. I'm talking with my dad's friends, my mom's and some of my own which lean conservative. A lot of people simply do not have the time to look up the issues. One of my friends leans conservative, but she readily admits that she doesn't know about the current state of the party, she just knows about its supposed ideologies.

Instead of rolling my eyes at her, I'm working on a "letter" which'll include reasons to vote Obama, reasons to vote McCain, and a quick rundown of each candidate's history and approach to the campaign, with citations. (PoliGAF has been great for sources).

By the way, this is where the media fails us. They are supposed to educate us on the issues, not simply report what people say. You really want Obama to win? Get one more vote. Hell, get two. Drive people on Nov. 4 to polling booths. Are you in deep red/blue territory? Vote anyways. Show them that you are there, damn it. Give either party pause, know that your vote is worth fighting for, too.

Geez, PoliGAF. I wish I could quit you. : / I should be writing up my transfer application. : /


GhaleonEB said:
How Biden will be handling the debate, per Ben Smith.

Making her look stupid when it comes to issues is fine, but he needs to make sure she doesn't paint him with a brush without saying anything about it. That's exactly what happened to Kerry. He can't completely ignore every personal attack, though it's ideal, because unfortunately a large section of the population buys into that sort of shit.


NullPointer said:
He can attack, but he shouldn't attack on the basis of small things, easily forgotten by the public.

If he attacks, he has to attack the lies and give a positive vision of what his administration will do. IMO he's been too negative as of late - spending more time talking about what has gone wrong in this country rather than talking about the positives of an Obama/Biden administration.

If his message devolves into character attacks, innuendo, or making mountains out of mole-hills, independents and the youth vote may just tune out.
I would disagree on that - after every attack, Obama/Biden always detail their plans for the issues they're attacking McCain/Palin.

I think democrats in general are just too soft and hard-headed. You guys complain when he doesn't attack and complains again when he does attack.

Right now is the perfect time for Obama camp to attack - the public is feeling the high of the RNC convention, and BAM!! show them who's lying and who's not.
Plus, Palin's not around anywhere to refute anything since she's busy cramming for the debates - rally the media to go after her with some cheap shots (based on facts) put in.


Zeliard said:
Making her stupid when it comes to issues is fine, but he needs to make sure she doesn't paint him with a brush without saying anything about it. That's exactly what happened to Kerry. He can't completely ignore every personal attack, though it's ideal, because unfortunately a large section of the population buys into that sort of shit.
I think Biden will parry hard, then hit even harder on the issues.

Guy Legend

What the fuck, Biden was in my town of Columbia, MO today when he made his speech and I heard nothing about it before hand. Grrr....
deadbeef said:
If he doesn't get in the mud with her, she's gonna eat him up.

But that's not what brought us to this point.

That's not what put Obama on the map and found him his audience.

He marginalized his opposition and their tactics by working above and around them. If he gives up on that now, in the home stretch, and loses the luster and the vision that brought him this far - then he'll just be another Democrat reactionary snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

If the battlefield favors your opponents you change the battlefield, or you move the fight to another front where the enemy has no means of counter-attack.

In the words of the great politician, Spock, you can't fall into the trap of exhibiting two dimensional thinking.
Nicodimas said:
September issue of American Rifleman had <4>cards to give out to your friends on what "his" plan is:

1.) Ban use of firearms for home defense.

2.) Pass Federal laws eliminating your Right-to-Carry.

3.) Ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.

4.) Close down 90% of the gun shops in America.

5.) Ban rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.

6.) Increase federal taxes on guns and ammunition by 500 percent.

7.) Restore voting rights for five million criminals including those who have been convicted of using a gun to commit a violent crime.

8.) Expand the Clinton semi-auto ban to include millions more firearms.

9.) Mandate a government-issued license to purchase a firearm.

10.) Appoint judges to the U.S. Supreme Court and Federal judiciary who share his views on the Second Amendment.

I am suprised you all missed this. Enjoy reading what the other side believes...

please tell me this isnt obama, or mccain, please god


BTW, this whole episode could've just been avoided if Obama had just said "You can put lipstick on a cunt, but in the end, you still know it's a cunt"


Tamanon said:
Switch to FOX

That's exactly why they shouldn't mention it beyond their media release. No one is making a big deal of this except Fox who has it on their front page. Let it die with there with the people who'll never vote for Obama anyways..

I wish this could just be about issues but McCain knows he can't win that way...

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
capslock said:
And that's exactly why he is setup to lose, in a big way.

C'mon dude. We are the grass roots attack dogs. Our man has gotta keep his nose clean so that he does have some credibility to make change when he gets the reins.

This isn't so much an election to determine a winner between Obama and McCain.

This is an election to determine whether or not America is ready for change.
Arde5643 said:
Right now is the perfect time for Obama camp to attack - the public is feeling the high of the RNC convention, and BAM!! show them who's lying and who's not.

We agree on this actually. Attack the lies. Show that the republicans are playing politics while Obama and Biden are working on solving the problems.

Running this country, especially in the current circumstances is a tough gig, for anybody. There is a LOT of work to do, and a lot of fences that need mending, and a lot of strategies that need retooling, and a serious checkbook that needs balancing.

There is work to do. Obama and Biden can spend their time responding to the Media's round the clock Palin questions, or they can pivot to the actual problems we face, and their actual solutions.


BTW, I didn't follow betting sites back then but what were the odds on Kerry/Bush this time in 2004?

Right now it's:

Obama - 160
McCain +120

Before the RNC it was:

Obama - 180
McCain - +140


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Crayon Shinchan said:
C'mon dude. We are the grass roots attack dogs. Our man has gotta keep his nose clean so that he does have some credibility to make change when he gets the reins.

This isn't so much an election to determine a winner between Obama and McCain.

This is an election to determine whether or not America is ready for change.

Need I remind you that he's running in the country where 59 million people voted for W?


Cloudy said:
BTW, I didn't follow betting sites back then but what were the odds on Kerry/Bush this time in 2004?

Right now it's:

Obama - 160
McCain +120

Before the RNC it was:

Obama - 180
McCain - +140
I don't know how to interpret that.
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