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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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I want to shoot myself over this fuckin pitiful race. Sigh. Pitiful media coverage. Pitiful electorate. Pitiful campaign tactics. I'm so freakin demoralized.

Just gotta be neutral. I had no idea politics was this dumb-fuck stupid.
Zeliard said:
"John McCain says he's about change, too," Obama said, leading into a string of ways he contends McCain represents more of the same -- economic policy, taxes, education, foreign policy, campaign tactics. "That's not change. That's just calling something that's the same thing something different.

"You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig."

I can't believe this is an issue. :lol

Anyone who takes umbrage to this should be embarrassed. He's obviously referring to the policies, not the candidate(s), using a well-known expression. Keep reaching, right-wingers - it just shows your desperation.

you can tell that while he was saying it, he realized how it would be perceived. look at the audiences faces as he says it, everyone there knew how it sounded regardless of what he meant.
TheGrayGhost said:
I want to shoot myself over this fuckin pitiful race. Sigh. Pitiful media coverage. Pitiful electorate. Pitiful campaign tactics. I'm so freakin demoralized.

Just gotta be neutral. I had no idea politics was this dumb-fuck stupid.

its not all this bad, wait until the debates
AndyIsTheMoney said:
you can tell that while he was saying it he realized how it would be perceived. look at the audiences faces as he says it, everyone there know how it sounded regardless of what he meant.

Audience reaction bullshit is bullshit.

Barack doing a put down in person = fun times. Any attack on that level of cute/clever/harshness would get the applause.
sp0rsk said:
It would be greatly appreciated if people could stop spreading endless amounts of fud in this thread.
If Obama would stop calling Palin a fat pig then everything would be alright.

On a serious note I'm taking a sabatical until the first debate. There is really no news until then. See you all pre-debate.
ViperVisor said:
Audience reaction bullshit is bullshit.

Barack doing a put down in person = fun times. Any attack on that level of cute/clever/harshness would get the applause.

watch the video and tell me of your very first thought after watching it. Regardless of it only being a saying and not being directed intentionally towards Palin. Obama, the audience, and the viewer all get the same idea after hearing it.


TheGrayGhost said:
I want to shoot myself over this fuckin pitiful race. Sigh. Pitiful media coverage. Pitiful electorate. Pitiful campaign tactics. I'm so freakin demoralized.

Just gotta be neutral. I had no idea politics was this dumb-fuck stupid.

I hold firm to my belief that following politics in America will drive you MAD, and most of the blame lays upon an uneducated populace (corporate interests 2nd).


Duke Togo said:
Is this even politics anymore? Or is this the ultimate form of politics?
Yep. This is the true form of politics right here: saying what people want you to say, not saying what people don't want you to say, and making it seem like your opponent is a bad person.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
watch the video and tell me of your very first thought after watching it. Regardless of it only being a saying and not being directed intentionally towards Palin. Obama, the audience, and the viewer all get the same idea after hearing it.

Yeah - the idea that McCain and Palin are lying. That they are pretending to be the opposite of what they are.

That they think people are stupid. And that they just got called out on it by Obama in no uncertain terms.

That's what the crowd "gets".

Thinking he called Palin a pig is all kinds of stupid.

polyh3dron said:
That would be unfair to Republicans.

:lol :lol - Both sides use mighty heaps of FUD, but its funny as hell anyway.


sp0rsk said:
What on Earth is going on in this thread?

I think JayDubya tagged out and APF came in, but don't worry, I'm sure there'll be new poll numbers from some other random organization and we'll be treated to countless pictures of Obama telling everyone to calm down because, you know, he's got this shit.

This thread makes the Gaming forum look sane sometimes.




AndyIsTheMoney said:
watch the video and tell me of your very first thought after watching it. Regardless of it only being a saying and not being directed intentionally towards Palin. Obama, the audience, and the viewer all get the same idea after hearing it.

Just fuck off, please.
TDG said:
Yep. This is the true form of politics right here: saying what people want you to say, not saying what people don't want you to say, and making it seem like your opponent is a bad person.

All of you are criticizing American democracy because of this small incident while not realizing it is because of our "stupid" populace and our democracy that allows Barack Obama to be in the position to be running the country in the first place.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
All of you are criticizing American democracy because of this small incident while not realizing it is because of our "stupid" populace and our democracy that allows Barack Obama to be in the position to be running the country in the first place.
I don't understand your post, did you mean to quote me? ...Because I was only talking about the true nature of politics.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
TheGrayGhost said:
I want to shoot myself over this fuckin pitiful race. Sigh. Pitiful media coverage. Pitiful electorate. Pitiful campaign tactics. I'm so freakin demoralized.

Just gotta be neutral. I had no idea politics was this dumb-fuck stupid.

that what attracted me to Obama in the first place, he held up for a while out there without the "politics n Bullshit", but everybody around is screaming ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK!!!,

fuckin ridiculous.

i Hate the way this Country discusses issues and politics
AndyIsTheMoney said:
All of you are criticizing American democracy because of this small incident while not realizing it is because of our "stupid" populace and our democracy that allows Barack Obama to be in the position to be running the country in the first place.
Barack Obama has been granted the privilege of running for President due to the stupidity of Americans?

Am I seeing some racist connotations here or are they in my head?

Is it like Giuliani's snide "only in America" remark?


~Devil Trigger~ said:
that what attracted me to Obama in the first place, he held up for a while out there without the "politics n Bullshit", but everybody around is screaming ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK!!!,

fuckin ridiculous.

i Hate the way this Country discusses issues and politics

Kerry lost the last election specifically because he never went on the attack. Republicans constantly sling mud and some is bound to stick with a significant chunk of the electorate unless you fight back at times. It's necessary. Democrats have lost too many contests trying to stay above the fray. That doesn't tend to work in this country.

Having said that, the "lipstick on a pig" comment was still clearly directed at the McCain/Palin ticket's policies and how they (the policies) aren't real change from the past 8 years.
polyh3dron said:
Barack Obama has been granted the privilege of running for President due to the stupidity of Americans?

Am I seeing some racist connotations here or are they in my head?

Is it like Giuliani's snide "only in America" remark?

is that seriously what you get from what i said? seriously? even though "stupid" Americans was in quotations? I was replying to all of the post saying how stupid Americans are and how flawed and failed our democracy is, saying that obviously our people aren't all that stupid, and our democracy isnt that flawed if a man most respect and admire so much is in the position to run the country.
capslock said:
I can't believe you guys are still talking about pig-gate after the sex ad, I mean, come on....

TalkingPointsMemo said:
According to the McCain campaign's own email, the sex ed claim is based on Obama's support for a bill, in the Illinois state legislature, that said:

"Each class or course in comprehensive sex education offered in any of grades K through 12 shall include instruction on the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including the prevention, transmission and spread of HIV."

As you can see, the McCain ad says that Obama was the one who pushed the "comprehensive sex education" measure. The Obama campaign has pointed out that the bill would simply add instruction on disease prevention to already existing Illinois sex-ed standards. But the McCain campaign cheerfully turned this into Obama's support for "learning about sex before learning to read."

Not much to say about it. Just more of the same crap from the usual suspects.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
i was just kidding man. we all have our crazy aunt stories. i have an aunt story that involves a swat team lol. my family tends to be mostly Democrat, but very conservative democrats.

Sorry that I overreacted. That was even pre-edited it down from an even harsher response.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
All of you are criticizing American democracy because of this small incident while not realizing it is because of our "stupid" populace and our democracy that allows Barack Obama to be in the position to be running the country in the first place.

Obama Anthropic principal?



polyh3dron said:
Barack Obama has been granted the privilege of running for President due to the stupidity of Americans?

Am I seeing some racist connotations here or are they in my head?

Is it like Giuliani's snide "only in America" remark?
What does this have to do with race at all? Why is your first reaction "OMG Racist." Your thinking is no better than when dumb republicans immediately go "OMG sexist."


This is so stupid. They'll do anything to avoid the issues. I love how her Fannie/Freddie ignorance wasn't covered half as much as this retarded stuff..

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
CharlieDigital said:
Why do you guys even play their game of non-issues?

Practice... honing their skills on those that know they're been disingenious, so that they can actually change the mind of people blinded by rhetoric or that just haven't been confronted by anything other than the caricatures that fox news have painted up.
Crayon Shinchan said:
Practice... honing their skills on those that know they're been disingenious, so that they can actually change the mind of people blinded by rhetoric or that just haven't been confronted by anything other than the caricatures that fox news have painted up.



Yeah, McCain is a lying sack of shit. To think I once had an iota of respect for the cretin. He's really dragged this race into the gutter.


September issue of American Rifleman had <4>cards to give out to your friends on what "his" plan is:

1.) Ban use of firearms for home defense.

2.) Pass Federal laws eliminating your Right-to-Carry.

3.) Ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.

4.) Close down 90% of the gun shops in America.

5.) Ban rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.

6.) Increase federal taxes on guns and ammunition by 500 percent.

7.) Restore voting rights for five million criminals including those who have been convicted of using a gun to commit a violent crime.

8.) Expand the Clinton semi-auto ban to include millions more firearms.

9.) Mandate a government-issued license to purchase a firearm.

10.) Appoint judges to the U.S. Supreme Court and Federal judiciary who share his views on the Second Amendment.

I am suprised you all missed this. Enjoy reading what the other side believes...
GhaleonEB said:
Yeah, McCain is a lying sack of shit. To think I once had an iota of respect for the cretin. He's really dragged this race into the gutter.

He is really overplaying his hand. There's no way he come out of this looking good, honestly. I have to say, after this morning I really didn't expect to have Obama be in such a great position at the end of the day.

Their joint appearance ought to be really something on Thursday.

Cloudy said:
This is so stupid. They'll do anything to avoid the issues. I love how her Fannie/Freddie ignorance wasn't covered half as much as this retarded stuff..

That's because the Obama campaign didn't pounce on the Fannie/Freddie gaffe like they should have.

You guys REALLY need to stop blaming the media. They aren't favoring McCain or anything. It's just that McCain's camp pounces over ANY perceived mistake Obama makes, and they are staying constantly on the offensive.

If Obama would have attacked Palin for Fannie, it would have gotten a lot of coverage.


Nicodimas said:
September issue of American Rifleman had <4>cards to give out to your friends on what "his" plan is:

1.) Ban use of firearms for home defense.

2.) Pass Federal laws eliminating your Right-to-Carry.

3.) Ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.

4.) Close down 90% of the gun shops in America.

5.) Ban rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.

6.) Increase federal taxes on guns and ammunition by 500 percent.

7.) Restore voting rights for five million criminals including those who have been convicted of using a gun to commit a violent crime.

8.) Expand the Clinton semi-auto ban to include millions more firearms.

9.) Mandate a government-issued license to purchase a firearm.

10.) Appoint judges to the U.S. Supreme Court and Federal judiciary who share his views on the Second Amendment.

I am suprised you all missed this. Enjoy reading what the other side believes...

Wow, that's....that's just crazy stuff. :lol


Nicodimas said:
September issue of American Rifleman had <4>cards to give out to your friends on what "his" plan is:

9.) Mandate a government-issued license to purchase a firearm.

What is the problem with something like this?

I have no clue what one goes through to purchase a gun right now. Don't know anything about gun laws.


Frank the Great said:
That's because the Obama campaign didn't pounce on the Fannie/Freddie gaffe like they should have.

You guys REALLY need to stop blaming the media. They aren't favoring McCain or anything. It's just that McCain's camp pounces over ANY perceived mistake Obama makes, and they are staying constantly on the offensive.

If Obama would have attacked Palin for Fannie, it would have gotten a lot of coverage.
Obama isn't attacking enough!! he needs to do moar!!11!!


What is the problem with this?

Hey as long as you have to have goverment ID to get online and go public places then yeah I have No problem with that...................

afterall your a lawabiding citizen what would need to worry about?



MRS. CHENEY: Even Katie is in the act now. She's got an idea. All right, this is going to be another of "Cheneys' Greatest Hits." This one has to do with the fact that John Kerry has a completely and totally weak record on national security issues, that he's had a record for 30 years of weakness on national security issues. But --

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, he's working very hard to cover it up. Now, we got into the campaign, of course, and he's trying hard to cover up the fact that he voted against the first Gulf War; against Operation Desert Storm; voted against most of the weapons systems that President Reagan used to keep the peace and win the Cold War. But the point is that no matter how hard he tries, no matter how much spin he tries to put on it, that you can't cover that record up with a little tough talk during the course of the campaign, that as we say in Wyoming, you can put all the lipstick you want on a pig, but in the end of the day, it's still a pig. (Laughter and applause.) The amazing thing is you can tell that story in any state in America and they get it.

Obvious sexist remark about Kerry.
Frank the Great said:
That's because the Obama campaign didn't pounce on the Fannie/Freddie gaffe like they should have.

You guys REALLY need to stop blaming the media. They aren't favoring McCain or anything. It's just that McCain's camp pounces over ANY perceived mistake Obama makes, and they are staying constantly on the offensive.

If Obama would have attacked Palin for Fannie, it would have gotten a lot of coverage.

But then the news would just be McCain and Obama surrogates each spouting piddly shit at each other, endlessly.

I mean, more than they already do that is. And thats exactly the kind of white-noise tune-out campaign that Obama has been trying to avoid - the 'Old Politics' and all.
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