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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Cloudy said:
I don't gamble but I think as of today, every $100 you put down on Obama earns you $62.50 if he wins. On the other hand, if you bet $100 on McCain, you win $120 if he bcomes prez.

So if I bet $100 on each guy:

Obama win = 162.50 or 61.54% odds
McCain win = 220.02 or 45.45% odds

This is a very simplistic explanation as the numbers change depending on what side has more action. The change from before the RNC is because a lot more people are putting money on McCain now

Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this :p

No matter who wins you'll be down 100 bucks before you can win anything back. If Obama wins you lose 38 bucks, if McCain wins you win $20.
Ok this is getting ridiculous, Obama and the DNC need to fight back, I am new to politics but fuck the Mcain ads are strong and dirty and seems effective, and the Democrats seem like pussys right now, not fighting back at all.

The pig lipstick comment is on the right track, fight fire with fire. hire Jon Stewart or something.

Bill Maher explained it much better on what Obama needs to do. DO SOMETHING! YOUR LOSING!




Washintonpost said:
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home during her first 19 months in office, charging a "per diem" allowance intended to cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business.
Palin, your so funny...

AniHawk said:
I already live in Colorado! What do I do?!
Tamanon said:
He raised at least 55 million in August. Don't have the exact figure yet.
Exactly, all these reports of him being in trouble financially are... bizarre.

That picture of the lady looking desperate pisses me off too.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Rapping Granny said:
Ok this is getting ridiculous, Obama and the DNC need to fight back, I am new to politics but fuck the Mcain ads are strong and dirty and seems effective, and the Democrats seem like pussys right now, not fighting back at all.

The pig lipstick comment is on the right track, fight fire with fire. hire Jon Stewart or something.

Bill Maher explained it much better on what Obama needs to do. DO SOMETHING! YOUR LOSING!


You don't know what you're talking about newbie, apparently constantly getting shit on and taking it is Obama's secret path to victory, because it worked so awesomely in 2004, just ask PoliGaf.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Steve Youngblood said:
When we look at history and cry that Democrats need to be more aggressive, arguing that in the past, Americans are uninterested in truly intelligent discourse ("just look at Bush"), I think we're ignoring to an extent just how ineffective candidates like Kerry and Gore were at connecting with the public when they ran. Yes, they might have scored points among the intellectuals at home, but Gore seemed mechanical, and Kerry waffled constantly to nail his point home. Sure, he had a legitimate argument, but it got lost somewhere in translation.
Worth repeating. It's not a failing of the Obama/Biden pair.


It's bizarre, apparently Obama was supposed to have a response ad out right as soon as McCain's stupid ad came out. He's gotta be psychic now too. He's out there, actively attacking McCain/Palin for lying, for pretending to be change/reform, for opposing issues that are important to people. HE IS ATTACKING! HE IS HITTING!
there is only one way Obama will win. Get the young people to vote.

We were promised they would in 2000, they didnt

We were promised they would in 2004, they didnt

Get those God damned College students, drop outs or whatever to go out and vote damn it! fuck the winter weather because you will fry from global warming under McCain

fuck your exams because you will die under McCain

fuck your parties because Palin will neuter your girlfriends

fuck your videogames because you will be too fucking poor to get any under McCain

get the fuck out and vote, thats the only way Obama wins .



"GAF's biggest wanker"
Tamanon said:
It's bizarre, apparently Obama was supposed to have a response ad out right as soon as McCain's stupid ad came out. He's gotta be psychic now too. He's out there, actively attacking McCain/Palin for lying, for pretending to be change/reform, for opposing issues that are important to people. HE IS ATTACKING! HE IS HITTING!
PoliGAF is living in bullet time. WHY IS EVERYONE MOVING SO SLOWLY?


artredis1980 said:
there is only one way Obama will win. Get the young people to vote.

We were promised they would in 2000, they didnt

We were promised they would in 2004, they didnt

Get those God damned College students, drop outs or whatever to go out and vote damn it! fuck the winter weather because you will fry from global warming under McCain

fuck your exams because you will die under McCain

fuck your parties because Palin will neuter your girlfriends

fuck your videogames because you will be too fucking poor to get any under McCain

get the fuck out and vote, thats the only way Obama wins .


They were supposed to vote for McGovern too, right?


force push the doodoo rock
artredis1980 said:



Slurpy said:
It really is sickening. Obama must have the patience of a saint to not get riled up about this stuff and go on a rampage, because it makes my blood boil when I'm just here at home.

I think I need to take a break from poligaf until the night of the first debate. Until then I'll just tune out of the 24 hour news channels and only read election stories that are clearly about policy. There is no sense in me getting this pissed over bs that I can't help.

The sad thing is that when McCain won the primaries I hoped that this would be a great election that would stick to policy and be above character assassination, instead it looks like this is quickly becoming the dirtiest campaign in my short memory.
capslock said:
You don't know what you're talking about newbie, apparently constantly getting shit on and taking it is Obama's secret path to victory, because it worked so awesomely in 2004, just ask PoliGaf.
Kerry got shit on and smiled.

Obama gets shit on, grabs the turd, and rams it down McCain's throat.

Bit of a difference.


artredis1980 said:
there is only one way Obama will win. Get the young people to vote.

We were promised they would in 2000, they didnt

We were promised they would in 2004, they didnt

Get those God damned College students, drop outs or whatever to go out and vote damn it! fuck the winter weather because you will fry from global warming under McCain

fuck your exams because you will die under McCain

fuck your parties because Palin will neuter your girlfriends

fuck your videogames because you will be too fucking poor to get any under McCain

get the fuck out and vote, thats the only way Obama wins .


I think Gears of War 2 is going to hurt young voter turnout.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
Bush isn't the embodiment of conservative ideology, in fact his spending has been much more in tune with leftist ideology. McCain isn't Bush either. Besides people tend to forget that Democrats control the House and the Senate, where legislation is made.

Regardless, he associates himself with the Republican Party, and the Republican Party heartily gave him his endorsement and supports him, and continues to support him, for 8 years.

You can say he doesn't fit your vision of a conservative president, but he is one.

Please stop trying to thrust him on liberals, as well. Liberals believe in expanding government in terms of social programs involving aid, not expanding the military. Liberals, in general, tend to accept science. Conservatives, for the most part (social), reject science. There are many manners in which Bush fits current conservative ideology as defined by the Republican Party, and he most definitely does not fit the with the Democratic platform.

Just because he spent a lot doesn't mean he's liberal. Or leftist. Or Socialist.

Mahadev said:
O... M.... G....

So Clinton is a conservative and Bush was a leftist, right? You don't know crap about politics but you keep up with your condescending posts like you know better than everyone else when you fail miserably in each and every single post. You make APF look like a good poster.

Quit it, please. If you can't respond reasonable, don't respond. Show him why he's wrong.

Oh, before I forget;

McCain isn't Bush, but he sure parallels him a lot. Voted with him most of the time, has adopted Bush's (former) positions on many, if not all, issues, employs the same campaign tactics he did, and has hired/listened to the same people that guided Bush to victory in his campaign and failure in the White House.

Show me, Andy, how he's different.


You know the reason old politics are old politics? Because they work. Obama is starting to hit back, but they need to do so harder. Telling the public about "the old Karl Rove playbook" isn't doing anything. It's making people think you are WEAK. People want democrats that HIT BACK. Being nice worked in the Dem primaries, but it's not going to work for the general election. I'm glad to see that they are starting to hit back to some extent, but they really need to go harder. It's agitating seeing Joe talk about playing nice guy and keeping it issues orientated. If Palin gets out of line, PUT HER IN HER PLACE. No more soft Democrats.

What I'm also tired of is the do-nothings in the democratic party who can complain all day about a biased media, about McCain's dirty actions, etc., but when called for to help lead the attack on McCain and Palin, they simply do nothing... except talk about how unfair things are. We need to start doing our part.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Thunder Monkey said:
Kerry got shit on and smiled.

Obama gets shit on, grabs the turd, and rams it down McCain's throat.

Bit of a difference.

Well then it's time for him to go nuclear tomorrow, tape an ad directly calling out McCain on this issue, and declaring no more joint appearances until McCain apologizes, including on 9/11. Show up at the event, just not at the same time. Also, he should say during the commercial that he doesn't care if this costs him the election, but he won't sink to McCain's depths to win it.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Poligaf is quite the rollercoaster. Relax. There will be two more of these moments before the election. Obama will be ahead again by next wednesday, and then behind again two weeks after that.

And there will be an October surprise. Mark my words.

You young hoppers just need to roll with it and vote.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Poligaf is quite the rollercoaster. Relax. There will be two more of these moments before the election. Obama will be ahead again by next wednesday, and then behind again two weeks after that.

And there will be an October surprise. Mark my words.

You young hoppers just need to roll with it and vote.
Are we all going to die?


capslock said:
Well then it's time for him to go nuclear tomorrow, tape an ad directly calling out McCain on this issue, and declaring no more joint appearances until McCain apologizes, including on 9/11. Show up at the event, just not at the same time. Also, he should say during the commercial that he doesn't care if this costs him the election, but he won't sink to McCain's depths to win it.

I don't think politicizing 9/11 like that would reflect well on him; he'd get knocked endlessly in the media if he did that. I say come out strong, but leave the 9/11 appearance out of it.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Poligaf is quite the rollercoaster. Relax. There will be two more of these moments before the election. Obama will be ahead again by next wednesday, and then behind again two weeks after that.

And there will be an October surprise. Mark my words.

You young hoppers just need to roll with it and vote.
It's not shaping up to be much of a surprise. Troopergate will be blown wide open, and the McCain campaign will respond by blaming the ruling on a liberally biased (and zomg sexist) Department of Justice.

Lulz will be had.


dabbled in the jelly
You guys need to settle down lol. Unfortunately for us this is nothing more than a nice song a dance "the media, the polls, the political pundits" for an outcome that has been decided way in advance. Just make sure you go out and vote November or if you like "get the word out" but don't worry about the dems not fighting back dirty enough or fighting fire with fire. It's not their "style" so to speak. :lol


OuterWorldVoice said:
Poligaf is quite the rollercoaster. Relax. There will be two more of these moments before the election. Obama will be ahead again by next wednesday, and then behind again two weeks after that.

And there will be an October surprise. Mark my words.

You young hoppers just need to roll with it and vote.

...and the way this is going it could very well be Palin's.


Hellsing321 said:
So how fucked is Obama?
Considering that the best that McCain can up with for now is criticizing Obama for trying to stop child predators and lashing out at him for making a comment McCain himself made in regards to Hillary's health care plan, I'd say he's sitting pretty.


artredis1980 said:
there is only one way Obama will win. Get the young people to vote.

We were promised they would in 2000, they didnt

We were promised they would in 2004, they didnt
This is absolutely true. Only registering, like they did in 00 and 04 means nothing. If they actually go to to the polls in mass, Obama wins going away. This is the honest truth.
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