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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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testicles on a cold fall morning
APF said:
Implying a woman is a pig is suggesting she is fat. Referencing a woman's weight, or making derogatory comments that judge or value a woman by her weight, is considered sexist. Pigs are also considered ugly animals, or at least dirty scavengers, and talking about a woman in terms of putting lipstick on a pig is also implying you judge her by her appearance and she falls short in your estimation. This is also considered sexist.
you can't possibly believe what you're typing.
APF said:
Implying a woman is a pig is suggesting she is fat.

So Obama was calling her fat...

APF said:
Referencing a woman's weight, or making derogatory comments that judge or value a woman by her weight, is considered sexist. .

So once again Obama was calling her fat...

APF said:
Pigs are also considered ugly animals. Or at least dirty scavengers, and talking about a woman in terms of putting lipstick on a pig is also implying you judge her by her appearance and she falls short in your estimation. This is also considered sexist

So he is calling her ugly

So what was she calling herself when she referred to herself as a pitbull? I'm gathering the implication is that you are only allowed to refer to people as aggressive animals and stress the positive connotations of an animal such as a pitbull. Or people can only directly refer to themselves as animals of some form while others can't?

I suppose if someone really feels the idiom is based on the notion of making ugly women try to look good the idiom has some sexist content although to me it seems like the politcal content of that phrase has always meant trying to put a pretty ribbon or bow on bad policy as Mccain meant himself when he used the term. Interesting either way I suppose...

Seems like spin to me from either camp personally


Anyone read "The War Within" yet? I've been working my ass off lately and haven't had the time or spare brainpower to start my copy.

SM: I didn't say Obama was calling her any of those things, I only answered what you asked, how it could be perceived as indelicate. Palin can say whatever she wants about herself, just like Jews can talk about themselves being stingy or whatever.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Wheeljack539 said:
Was that it? Nothing about embryotic stem cell research, as that was what he was really angry at?

He feels it was a "stupid, stupid move" on Obama's part. The sad thing that in talking with him last night about some of that I got the feeling that he was actually mulling it over, but with this thing with Biden at this point I'm not sure.

Even sadder is they all seem to be buying into McCain and Palin, especially my mother.
Biden Stem Cell Quote said:
"I hear all this talk about how the Republicans are going to work in dealing with parents who have both the joy, because there's joy to it as well, the joy and the difficulty of raising a child who has a developmental disability, who were born with a birth defect," Biden said at a rally in Columbia, Missouri. "Well, guess what folks? If you care about it, why don't you support stem cell research?"

Wheeljack539 said:
Was that it? Nothing about embryotic stem cell research, as that was what he was really angry at?

He feels it was a "stupid, stupid move" on Obama's part. The sad thing that in talking with him last night about some of that I got the feeling that he was actually mulling it over, but with this thing with Biden at this point I'm not sure.

Even sadder is they all seem to be buying into McCain and Palin, especially my mother.

So he wants chess move politics instead of actual attempts at choosing compatible running mates?
AndyIsTheMoney said:
the problem is you say this, but most people only want to apply this rule to their own side.

But see - this is why a guy like Huckabee gets so much love from Dems. He's got a pretty good record in this campaign of recognizing a gaffe from a whistle call.

And speaking of Huckabee - he has said plenty of unfortunate things that a few people took the wrong way. But its so easy to watch those gaffes and see that he didn't mean his words the way they were taken by a knee-jerk few.

So yeah, I value consistency and honesty. Why the hell I follow politics is something I don't quite understand. :lol
gkrykewy said:
Dude, I'm sorry, but your family really sucks.

Far from it. They're not bad people, but the only real exposure they have is through the usual media outlets. It also gets real testy when it comes to politics (understatement for everyone I'm sure) and that they've lost a lot of faith in the Democratic Party over the years (though not enough to make them Republican).

Which is the main reason why I want to find out exactly what Biden said, because I am positive they saw it in a manner that would frame it in the worst possible way for him.
APF said:
SM: I didn't say Obama was calling her any of those things, I only answered what you asked, how it could be perceived as indelicate. Palin can say whatever she wants about herself, just like Jews can talk about themselves being stingy or whatever.

That's the crux of the argument. I don't think the political context of the idiom has ever been in question. Not to mention I don't really believe that the PC police have stopped men from using the term lipstick on a pig. It's still a pretty common phrase. Now if Palin steps out and says that's a sexist comment and women start to flock to that position then I'm might start to agree. Either way I'm just fucking with you mostly ;)

Halperin with THE TRUTH

Covering 'Lipstick on Pig' nonsense for even a min is dumb. New low for our profession in this election coverage.


If it's in the news, sadly it's no longer a non-issue.

In this election, non-issues are the war(except the surge), the economy, energy, education, immigration, healthcare and so on.
Tamanon said:
If it's in the news, sadly it's no longer a non-issue.

In this election, non-issues are the war(except the surge), the economy, energy, education, immigration, healthcare and so on.


Palin is a pig and Obama wants kids to learn about sex before they read is teh hotness after pollaton today!


I just realized that about two months ago, we sent our rich, racist, ignorant, and hateful great-aunt to Ohio so she would die away from us.

So uh, +1 McCain probably


APF said:
Seriously though, it's a pretty harmless gaffe that'll blow over and amount to nothing, but it does show how delicate you have to be with your words when a thousand microphones are on you every second
I bet this is why he has become very stuttery when talking.
Are we really talking about "lipstick on a pig" as sexist? Really?

Dude, do Republicans even like this campaign? I think this shit treats them like they're stupid, too. :lol


lawblob said:
Ahh yes, I forgot, Dems are trying to screw farmers and small businessmen!

Guess what, the only "small businessmen" who suffer higher taxes as a result of Obama's tax plan are people who intentionally structured their businesses to this type of taxation structure. Any small businessman who personally takes home $300,000+ per year and hasn't protected his businesses tax liability is too stupid for me to feel sorry for his increasing taxes under Obama's plan. It's not hard to structure your business to minimize tax liability; only morons will be screwed by this.

The real question is, why should they have to "structure" their businesses to avoid tax liability? Perhaps too many blood sucking accountants and tax attorney's are kept in business by laws that are overly complicated and full of loopholes.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
AniHawk said:
I just realized that about two months ago, we sent our rich, racist, ignorant, and hateful great-aunt to Ohio so she would die away from us.

So uh, +1 McCain probably

Something interesting... Gaf has spent the better part of the month begging Obama to go on the attack. Now it seems that he has gotten more aggressive, and the news media is saying he needs to calm down... Crazy world.


Stoney Mason said:
That's the crux of the argument. I don't think the political context of the idiom has ever been in question. Not to mention I don't really believe that the PC police have stopped men from using the term lipstick on a pig. It's still a pretty common phrase. Now if Palin steps out and says that's a sexist comment and women start to flock to that position then I'm might start to agree. Either way I'm just fucking with you mostly ;)
Hey, I'm still irked that Obama made appreciable gains by having his team flee to the fainting couch whenever Bill Fucking Clinton opened his mouth, so at least allow me the opportunity to snark about it when someone pulls that crap on Mr. Sunshine and Puppies.


HokieJoe said:
The real question is, why should they have to "structure" their businesses to avoid tax liability? Perhaps too many blood sucking accountants and tax attorney's are kept in business by laws that are overly complicated and full of loopholes.

Correct! The tax code itself created an entire tier of industry. Although I don't think the code was made complex to create the jobs, but more to hide money that the big boys have.
APF said:
Hey, I'm still irked that Obama made appreciable gains by having his team flee to the fainting couch whenever Bill Fucking Clinton opened his mouth, so at least allow me the opportunity to snark about it when someone pulls that crap on Mr. Sunshine and Puppies.

As I've said we'll always have the primaries to share our contempt about ;)
APF said:
Hey, I'm still irked that Obama made appreciable gains by having his team flee to the fainting couch whenever Bill Fucking Clinton opened his mouth, so at least allow me the opportunity to snark about it when someone pulls that crap on Mr. Sunshine and Puppies.

The media was responsible for 90% of the Clinton nonsense.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
sounds like a loving family

The 'die alone' rationale is mine alone.

She married my grandma's brother. Throughout their lives, they lived a better and wealthier life than my grandparents, and the aunt in particular was snooty and rude about it, always reminding my grandparents that they were poor. She always called my grandfather stupid since he had to support his family and work during the Great Depression when he wasn't even 13. When her husband died, our family took care of her. Visited her at Christmas, on birthdays, and bought her groceries and helped fix her house. We lived about 2 hours and 70 miles away.

After her most recent surgery, my mom took care of her for three days. In that time, she wouldn't let my mom use her phone or eat unless she was fully taken care of. The aunt referred to her as 'my husband's sister's daughter' instead of her 'niece'. She basically treated my mom less than human. Her blood-nieces finally got in contact with us a few months ago and decided to take her back to Ohio since we've been taking care of her for eight years now, but that woman deserves to die alone. A wretched human being. I have no sympathy for someone who makes someone as generous and kind as my mother cry just because my mother had the audacity to be generous and kind to them.

And my family is a loving one, thanks. Probably because we're Democrats.
Son of Godzilla said:
What's this pig nonsense?

Obama and Biden are using a new campaign mascot: a piglet made out to look like Sarah Palin, with glasses and lipstick. It was trotted out at a campaign stop today - the piglet is allegedly range-fed from upstate New York. They're being pretty unabashed about it, and the media is jumping all over them for it.


Then he said, that if people wanted a woman on the ticket, they wouldn't want a fat one, because lord knows we don't like fat in America!


force push the doodoo rock
It would be greatly appreciated if people could stop spreading endless amounts of fud in this thread.
AniHawk said:
The 'die alone' rationale is mine alone.

She married my grandma's brother. Throughout their lives, they lived a better and wealthier life than my grandparents, and the aunt in particular was snooty and rude about it, always reminding my grandparents that they were poor. She always called my grandfather stupid since he had to support his family and work during the Great Depression when he wasn't even 13. When her husband died, our family took care of her. Visited her at Christmas, on birthdays, and bought her groceries and helped fix her house. We lived about 2 hours and 70 miles away.

After her most recent surgery, my mom took care of her for three days. In that time, she wouldn't let my mom use her phone or eat unless she was fully taken care of. The aunt referred to her as 'my husband's sister's daughter' instead of her 'niece'. She basically treated my mom less than human. Her blood-nieces finally got in contact with us a few months ago and decided to take her back to Ohio since we've been taking care of her for eight years now, but that woman deserves to die alone. A wretched human being. I have no sympathy for someone who makes someone as generous and kind as my mother cry just because my mother had the audacity to be generous and kind to them.

And my family is a loving one, thanks. Probably because we're Democrats.

i was just kidding man. we all have our crazy aunt stories. i have an aunt story that involves a swat team lol. my family tends to be mostly Democrat, but very conservative democrats.


"John McCain says he's about change, too," Obama said, leading into a string of ways he contends McCain represents more of the same -- economic policy, taxes, education, foreign policy, campaign tactics. "That's not change. That's just calling something that's the same thing something different.

"You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig."

I can't believe this is an issue. :lol

Anyone who takes umbrage to this should be embarrassed. He's obviously referring to the policies, not the candidate(s), using a well-known expression. Keep reaching, right-wingers - it just shows your desperation.
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