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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Tamanon said:
It's bizarre, apparently Obama was supposed to have a response ad out right as soon as McCain's stupid ad came out. He's gotta be psychic now too. He's out there, actively attacking McCain/Palin for lying, for pretending to be change/reform, for opposing issues that are important to people. HE IS ATTACKING! HE IS HITTING!

I also love how McCain is the one who had to essentially flip his entire campaign message around to match Obama's because it wasn't working, but apparently Obama is the one who is "in danger" and "needs a more consistent message" and "isn't connecting with people". All because of polls that occur 4 days after the Republican National Convention.

omg srsly ppl


Shaheed79 said:
You guys need to settle down lol. Unfortunately for us this is nothing more than a nice song a dance "the media, the polls, the political pundits" for an outcome that has been decided way in advance. Just make sure you go out and vote November or if you like "get the word out" but don't worry about the dems not fighting back dirty enough or fighting fire with fire. It's not their "style" so to speak. :lol

The Dems' 'style' has gotten them beaten over and over... Their style haslet an incompetent such as G-Dubya get 8 years in office.


soul creator said:
I also love how McCain is the one who had to essentially flip his entire campaign message around to match Obama's because it wasn't working, but apparently Obama is the one who is "in danger" and "needs a more consistent message" and "isn't connecting with people". All because of polls that occur 4 days after the Republican National Convention.

omg srsly ppl

You gotta quit watching the Fox Noise Channel.


*drowns in jizz*
Thunder Monkey said:

I think we already know the answer to this one.

But it does have a funny image of Michelle.:D

Well, thats a tough one. Their histories should give us a clue.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan

This picture needs to be posted on every page for emphasis. The amount of knee-jerking in this thread is unbelievable. Obama is in no way in trouble.
Do McCain and Palin have the kind of campaign Obama's been running? Have they been registering voters in record numbers? Do they have the kind of money or fundraising capacity it would take to compete with Obama's war chest?

You guys are overreacting again, just like you did when Hillary Clinton was this unstoppable force that would split the country and Democratic party in two. He single-handedly took down the Clintons guys. The Clintons.

Just chillax, all of you. GAF told me that the Large Hadron Collider is about two hours away from killing us all, so you all should have better things to do than worry about a few questionably gathered polls - like getting out and reconnecting with your loved ones.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I'm putting my doubts into SurveyUSA and their recent polls. It feels like they are oversampling republicans moreso than other pollsters, and we have seen before during the dem primaries that they can be horribly wrong in their polling methods.

I mean, they have McCain at +20 in NC, while Bush carried the state by 12pts. Are you telling me a state that has been trending democrat in new voter registration like many other states is suddenly going to go republican even further? Not to mention the state has a 30% black population. The current average by all pollsters is +5 McCain.

Their Washington poll is also suspect, showing Obama only up +4, while Kerry carried it against Bush by 7pts.

Just my thoughts. I think people need to quit overreacting and CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
Tyrone Slothrop said:
he suspended his campaign. it's that bad.

i actually heard he was giving up his senate seat out of pure embarrassment from the latest polls, and was moving back to the foreign country he grew up in to continue his worship of Allah in peace, right after Michelle burns a flag at the US Capitol in protest about how she can't count on her young daughters to learn sex ed in pre-K anymore


FlightOfHeaven said:
Quit it, please. If you can't respond reasonable, don't respond. Show him why he's wrong.

Dude no. I've tried reasoning with him he just keeps up spreading bullshit with an audacity I have seen in no other poster here. If you're willing to spend hours of your life replying to every wacko on the internet that's your problem. But before you critisize me read his post history.


*drowns in jizz*

I dont know why, but I found the quotes in this article fucking hilarious. I had trouble convincing myself that it wasnt actually satire. The spokespeople really are a piece of work. She should get into comedy.

Speaking on behalf of the McCain campaign, former Massachusetts Gov. Jane Swift tonight flatly stated that Obama had called Palin a pig.

"[T]he formation of the Palin Truth Squad couldn't have happened too soon, as we saw when Sen. Obama in Lebanon, Va., this evening uttered what I can only deem to be disgraceful comments comparing our vice presidential nominee Gov. Palin to a pig," Swift said.

"Sen. Obama owes Gov. Palin an apology," she said.

Asked why she was so confident Obama was "comparing" Palin to a pig, she said Palin was the only one of the four candidates on both parties' tickets who wears lipstick.

"She is the only one of the four candidates for president, or the only vice presidential candidate who wears lipstick," Swift said. "I mean, it seemed to me a very gendered comment."

But, Swift added, if "as part of his apology Sen. Obama wants to say, no, he was calling Sen. McCain -- who is a true hero in our country -- a pig, then I suppose we could wait en masse for an apology to that, as well."

It was pointed out to Swift that, after the line about the pig, Obama had said, "You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called 'change,' it's still gonna stink after eight years."

Swift then suggested that Obama was calling McCain a fish.

"I have a fourth-grader and two second-graders at home," she said. "I would not teach them that this is sort of a high-minded debate on policy issues when they are calling people rotten old fish or a pig. In fact, it sounds a lot like some of the least intelligent debates on the playground sound like at our elementary school."

A reporter then reminded Swift that in December, McCain was asked about criticisms coming his way from then-opponent Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., and McCain replied, "Never get into a wrestling match with a pig. You both get dirty, and the pig likes it."

Was McCain calling Romney a pig? a reporter asked Swift.

Of course not, Swift said.


It's hard to post on NeoGAF while hiding under my bed, but I'm doing it!

In non-sarcasm: For fucks sakes people, it's early September. We haven't even had one debate yet. Put on your big girl panties.


dabbled in the jelly
kevm3 said:
The Dems' 'style' has gotten them beaten over and over... Their style haslet an incompetent such as G-Dubya get 8 years in office.
Style was in quotations for a reason. Do you have any idea how much dirt the dems could of slung at W.Bush during the Kerry run and now McCain? I'm not even talking made up attacks and spins like the GOP are using but indisputable dirt that could plaster both McCain and his running mate to the wall. So why don't they use it in the face of all the lies and slander being thrown Obama's way? I mean really ask yourself that and think about what that could possibly mean.


I think you guys are being way too optimistic at this point. I mean take a look around, and take a look at the media... it's not looking good.

Too many retarded dickfaces in this country to get comfortable.

I'm gonna be sweating it for 2 more months.


Beavertown said:
Too many retarded dickfaces in this country to get comfortable.
There is a difference between "getting comfortable" and "freaking out over mundane shit in early September before a single debate has occured."


TDG said:
There is a difference between "getting comfortable" and "freaking out over mundane shit in early September before a single debate has occured."

We'll see what the debates can do, but I really doubt they will sway people one way or the other, and at this rate the Republicans can take a shit directly on stage and somehow Obama and Biden will be blamed.


Beavertown said:
I think you guys are being way too optimistic at this point. I mean take a look around, and take a look at the media... it's not looking good.

Too many retarded dickfaces in this country to get comfortable.

I'm gonna be sweating it for 2 more months.
I say everyone needs to chill the fuck out. Take a couple of weeks off until the first debate. Get some of your life back and stay away from politics for a while. Following elections this closely is not good for you. I followed the 2004 election WAY too much and it basically became a second job. Never again.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
TDG said:
There is a difference between "getting comfortable" and "freaking out over mundane shit in early September before a single debate has occured."

You disregard the fact that all this 'mundane shit' has a cumulative effect, it adds up, in the end permanently defining a candidate in the minds of swing voters, if this keeps up, by the time the debates come around it will be too late for Obama to swing things back.


McCain you are vile, vicious, corrupt, ungodly, unloving and murderous. You speak great blasphamies against the savior of hope. You would devour a widows earnest earning to feed your own appetite. Woe on to you McCain for you will recieve the greater damnation.


reilo said:
I'm putting my doubts into SurveyUSA and their recent polls. It feels like they are oversampling republicans moreso than other pollsters, and we have seen before during the dem primaries that they can be horribly wrong in their polling methods.

I mean, they have McCain at +20 in NC, while Bush carried the state by 12pts. Are you telling me a state that has been trending democrat in new voter registration like many other states is suddenly going to go republican even further? Not to mention the state has a 30% black population. The current average by all pollsters is +5 McCain.

Their Washington poll is also suspect, showing Obama only up +4, while Kerry carried it against Bush by 7pts.

Just my thoughts. I think people need to quit overreacting and CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

panic aside, i think it's effective to look at the truth: obama is off his game. doesn't mean it's the end of the world, but for the first time in the campaign he's hit a wall. he can't criticize her without OMG HE CALLED HER A PIG and other such bullshit obscuring the message he wants to get out. so how do you get around this? hopefully the obama camp can figure this out sometime within the week if they havent already.
Mahadev said:
Dude no. I've tried reasoning with him he just keeps up spreading bullshit with an audacity I have seen in no other poster here. If you're willing to spend hours of your life replying to every wacko on the internet that's your problem. But before you critisize me read his post history.

yeah i know, all opposing opinions and beliefs are bullshit to you.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
stem cell research
less government spending
less pork barrel/earmark spending
supports cutting the corporate income tax and other taxes
close Guantanamo Bay

Bush is a tax-cutter remember. Also, keep in mind that the actual platform that McCain is running on calls for the complete banning of embryonic stem cells, even private research. And are we sure he actually wants to close Gitmo still? I know he used to, but he seemed pretty upset at that horrible upholding of Habeus Corpus.


TDG said:
There is a difference between "getting comfortable" and "freaking out over mundane shit in early September before a single debate has occured."

Somehow I doubt the geniuses who got excited over the Palin's empty words have the intellectual capacity to form a logical opinion about debates. They'll probably like the candidate who shouts the most about America being the best country in the world or the one the news networks decide is the most "impressive".
mj1108 said:
...and the way this is going it could very well be Palin's.
"Surprise... We're pregnant!"


No really. I want this woman knocked up. Now.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
No Clinton grew up a self proclaimed Goldwater conservative.
Around 44-48 years ago is, according to Wikipedia, when she considered herself a Goldwater conservative.

Did it ever occur to you that people change their views as they grow up?


Diablos said:
Around 44-48 years ago is, according to Wikipedia, when she considered herself a Goldwater conservative.

Did it ever occur to you that people change their views as they grow up?

No Clinton is a conservative and Bush has leftist policies. Last I heard one after another socialist parties in Europe are making offers to him to be their leader after his term is over in USA. True story.
Diablos said:
Around 44-48 years ago is, according to Wikipedia, when she considered herself a Goldwater conservative.

Did it ever occur to you that people change their views as they grow up?

omg im not saying shes a conservative, someone made a comment about clinton being more conservative than many republicans, and i was just saying she grew up a goldwater conservative. go back and read the posts before you respond to my reaction
Mahadev said:
Dude no. I've tried reasoning with him he just keeps up spreading bullshit with an audacity I have seen in no other poster here. If you're willing to spend hours of your life replying to every wacko on the internet that's your problem. But before you critisize me read his post history.

Then have a set of links ready to go in your favorites, so whenever he posts, you can just repost.

AndyIsTheMoney said:
stem cell research
less government spending
less pork barrel/earmark spending
supports cutting the corporate income tax and other taxes
close Guantanamo Bay

I'm impressed by his support of Cap-and-Trade.
McCain has blocked and opposed stem cell research recently.
McCain continues to support the War in Iraq. That's where a good amount of our spending comes from. Indeed, under him, the deficit would grow faster than it would under Obama.
Earmarks... well, I'll give you that. It does hurt his argument that he picked Palin, though.
Bush also does tax cuts. That's not different.
I'm also not sure about his stance on Guantanamo. He's not for rights for the detainees there, and that contradicts his stance on shutting down Guantanamo. The reason they are there is so they have no rights.

Well, you got me on cap-and-trade, and earmarks (sorta).


*drowns in jizz*
Andy, next time try to get your information from sites that aren't disgruntled Hillary supporter PUMA blogs. Cause thats a little embarrassing.


Unconfirmed Member
This is probably like 50 pages old but I had to ask. Why did triumph get perm-ed?

I was sad when I was browsing earlier in this thread and saw that.
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