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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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AndyIsTheMoney said:
calling it like it is isnt passing judgment.

it is in a biblical sense, which is why I quoted bible scripture....of course, if you are not Christian/Catholic you get a free pass.

Judge away!!!!


GhaleonEB said:
A judge was warning Palin about her behaviour RE: ex-brother in-law before she even became governor.

Warned by the Court

A judge repeatedly told Palin and family not to badmouth her sister's ex

It goes downhill from there.

The problem with people digging this stuff up, is that none of it is going to stick right now. It all just rolls off her, if anyone even pays attention.

A few weeks down the line, once some of her Teflon has worn off, stories like this could do some damage. But if it's all out in the open by then, if anyone brings up these stories the McCain campaign will be able to shrug them off as old news.


formerly sane
AndyIsTheMoney said:
calling it like it is isnt passing judgment. He shit on America trying to take a moral high ground when all along he was not even adhering to the beliefs he used to put down our society and our country.

What moral high ground?

He simply called the government of his country on mistakes of the past while injecting some plausible fiction from past history of their Mistakes. He's calling it like it is as you put it.


Diablos said:
...or "being a reformer" depending on the day.

Maverick is a simple label that covers both.

Anyway, it was one thing to have a corrupt, inexperienced, abrasive hothead like Palin. It's another to have McCain transform into this sleazy old man (and just replace 'inexperienced' with 'incompetent' for him). The sex ad is the worst political ad I've ever seen. It's the type of stuff you'd see in movies. Something so outlandish it wouldn't possibly fit in real life. I mean, holy shit, this guy is trying to keep kids safe, and McCain's spineless campaign makes him out to be a pedophile.

This is how they're playing on race. It's not that Obama's teaching children about sex, it's that he's a black guy teaching sex to children. It's not that Obama's attacking Palin, it's that a black guy is attacking a white woman. Utterly despicable. Utter filth.

I guess John McCain never stopped being a sellout. Worked for him in Vietnam and it works for him now.


Off-topic: The LHC was switched on at 9am +2GMT (1 hour ago). We're still kickin.

Is there anyone else here on the ground using Obama's n2n system? It's the easiest door knocking i've ever done in my life and it's really interesting to hear the viewpoints of unregistered/undecided voters. I know that the party ID skewed polls don't show it, but in my fairly split area, the response from undecided's about Obama is more positive than one would think. The wierdest concern i keep hearing is that they think their taxes will go up under an Obama administration. I guess that talking point is really sticking because the areas i'm in is definitely not in the 250k income class. A little literature and a few youtube video's if they let me chat with them longer than 5 minutes and the response quickly turns to a promising vote for Obama.

I'm in the Eau Claire/Trempealeau County area of Wisconsin. I know everyone is freaking out right now over these so called gaffes and skewed polls, but we on the ground have a different story. I've registered 42 new voters since i started on monday and there are hundreds more of me in the surround counties. It's evident that this is representative for all the "battleground" states. I can't wait to see the GOTV effort. It's going to be insane. The organization is incredible. So like a few have said before "Everyone chill the fuck out, We got this." :D


The Carol McCain thing was what convinced my mom not to vote for him. She already liked Obama a lot, but now she hates John McCain.

Sounds like a good 527 advertisement. Here's a guy that left his wife who had waited for him to return from Vietnam, someone who had been in a car accident, for a woman he met in a bar 17 years younger.

John McCain would later say, "My marriage's collapse was attributable to my own selfishness and immaturity more than it was to Vietnam, and I cannot escape blame by pointing a finger at the war. The blame was entirely mine."

Hey, I just found the one thing he never said POW! for.


eclipze said:
Off-topic: The LHC was switched on at 9am +2GMT (1 hour ago). We're still kickin.

Is there anyone else here on the ground using Obama's n2n system? It's the easiest door knocking i've ever done in my life and it's really interesting to hear the viewpoints of unregistered/undecided voters. I know that the party ID skewed polls don't show it, but in my fairly split area, the response from undecided's about Obama is more positive than one would think. The wierdest concern i keep hearing is that they think their taxes will go up under an Obama administration. I guess that talking point is really sticking because the areas i'm in is definitely not in the 250k income class. A little literature and a few youtube video's if they let me chat with them longer than 5 minutes and the response quickly turns to a promising vote for Obama.

I'm in the Eau Claire/Trempealeau County area of Wisconsin. I know everyone is freaking out right now over these so called gaffes and skewed polls, but we on the ground have a different story. I've registered 42 new voters since i started on monday and there are hundreds more of me in the surround counties. It's evident that this is representative for all the "battleground" states. I can't wait to see the GOTV effort. It's going to be insane. The organization is incredible. So like a few have said before "Everyone chill the fuck out, We got this." :D

good job son


eclipze said:
Off-topic: The LHC was switched on at 9am +2GMT (1 hour ago). We're still kickin.

Is there anyone else here on the ground using Obama's n2n system? It's the easiest door knocking i've ever done in my life and it's really interesting to hear the viewpoints of unregistered/undecided voters. I know that the party ID skewed polls don't show it, but in my fairly split area, the response from undecided's about Obama is more positive than one would think. The wierdest concern i keep hearing is that they think their taxes will go up under an Obama administration. I guess that talking point is really sticking because the areas i'm in is definitely not in the 250k income class. A little literature and a few youtube video's if they let me chat with them longer than 5 minutes and the response quickly turns to a promising vote for Obama.

I'm in the Eau Claire/Trempealeau County area of Wisconsin. I know everyone is freaking out right now over these so called gaffes and skewed polls, but we on the ground have a different story. I've registered 42 new voters since i started on monday and there are hundreds more of me in the surround counties. It's evident that this is representative for all the "battleground" states. I can't wait to see the GOTV effort. It's going to be insane. The organization is incredible. So like a few have said before "Everyone chill the fuck out, We got this." :D

Thank you so much for your hard work.

Seriously, everyone who's putting in the effort, thank you. I mean it.
Unlike some of you, I'm not really worried. I get the feeling that the Obama camp feels very confident too, it's why they aren't stooping so low, and waiting to attack Palin.

Like the primaries, they know it's all about the electoral votes(delegates in the priamries), and they are probably focusing on the ground game. To me, it seems like they are treating the national stage as a mild distraction from the actual work.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think they are underestimating Palin. It's just that everyone else is overestimating her.


I want to chime in and add my thanks to those who've been helping in the swing states so much. I'm afraid there's not too much I can do (aside from donate) in either of my home states (CA & MA), so it makes me appreciate the effort all the more. Even both my home towns are *heavily* Obama (Boston + silicon valley)



titiklabingapat said:
Unlike some of you, I'm not really worried. I get the feeling that the Obama camp feels very confident too, it's why they aren't stooping so low, and waiting to attack Palin.

Like the primaries, they know it's all about the electoral votes(delegates in the priamries), and they are probably focusing on the ground game. To me, it seems like they are treating the national stage as a mild distraction from the actual work.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think they are underestimating Palin. It's just that everyone else is overestimating her.

Every time I see a traditional poll, I wonder about the degree to which it underestimates Democratic turnout. 1%? 2%? More?

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
eclipze said:
Off-topic: The LHC was switched on at 9am +2GMT (1 hour ago). We're still kickin.

Is there anyone else here on the ground using Obama's n2n system? It's the easiest door knocking i've ever done in my life and it's really interesting to hear the viewpoints of unregistered/undecided voters. I know that the party ID skewed polls don't show it, but in my fairly split area, the response from undecided's about Obama is more positive than one would think. The wierdest concern i keep hearing is that they think their taxes will go up under an Obama administration. I guess that talking point is really sticking because the areas i'm in is definitely not in the 250k income class. A little literature and a few youtube video's if they let me chat with them longer than 5 minutes and the response quickly turns to a promising vote for Obama.

I'm in the Eau Claire/Trempealeau County area of Wisconsin. I know everyone is freaking out right now over these so called gaffes and skewed polls, but we on the ground have a different story. I've registered 42 new voters since i started on monday and there are hundreds more of me in the surround counties. It's evident that this is representative for all the "battleground" states. I can't wait to see the GOTV effort. It's going to be insane. The organization is incredible. So like a few have said before "Everyone chill the fuck out, We got this." :D

Thank you. This is what the campaign does best... it's ground game at its finest... and rest assured; a person talking to you face to face, for a few minutes to dissemble the lies and the fear, is far more powerful than any bullshit that talking heads can muster behind some cameras in some disconnected part of reality.

I'm not in a position to do anything (been that I'm not even American!), but if I did have the chance, I would volunteer myself in a similar fashion; this shit is just too historic to not get involved in. And a while from now, you'll be able to tell your kids the story of how you saved America, nay the world from biggotted ignorance and facism.
HylianTom said:
Every time I see a traditional poll, I wonder about the degree to which it underestimates Democratic turnout. 1%? 2%? More?
Nationally, they might be right on. For the states that actually matter? They might be(esp considering some pollsters probably weight their samples based on the elections in the past 8 years), we just don't know how much.


Crayon Shinchan said:
Thank you. This is what the campaign does best... it's ground game at its finest... and rest assured; a person talking to you face to face, for a few minutes to dissemble the lies and the fear, is far more powerful than any bullshit that talking heads can muster behind some cameras in some disconnected part of reality.

I guess I believe the notion that this country is about us and that every individual can make a difference. Probably why I am a contributing member to public radio also. I may not have as much time or money to do "fun" things, but the sense of accomplishment and making a difference is well worth it. I guess it goes back to an old saying, "we the people"? :D
I think Clinton needs to make an appear WITH Obama in South Ohio and literally tell them to vote for him because they're clueless over there in that state as to what is actually good for them.

I'm sure it'll happen. Its going to require excellent timing however. Possibly the week or 2 before election day.

I wish Florida was more into play then it is now. Correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't Clinton campaigning for Obama recently there? Anyone know how that is going?


Sucks at poetry
devilhawk said:
Thanks for the random link to the random forum?

It's just more right-wing uninformed spew stating incorrect facts and bullshit propoganda about the opposition. It just sucks to see someone blatantly posting it and telling the other side that they are the ones being brainwashed.
domokunrox said:
I think Clinton needs to make an appear WITH Obama in South Ohio and literally tell them to vote for him because they're clueless over there in that state as to what is actually good for them.

I'm sure it'll happen. Its going to require excellent timing however. Possibly the week or 2 before election day.

I wish Florida was more into play then it is now. Correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't Clinton campaigning for Obama recently there? Anyone know how that is going?

clinton stumped there last weekend, i think.

i don't think there's any hope for florida, personally. that and ohio, i'd campaign vigorously in those states but not really hope for anything to come from it


Extollere said:
It's just more right-wing uninformed spew stating incorrect facts and bullshit propoganda about the opposition. It just sucks to see someone blatantly posting it and telling the other side that they are the ones being brainwashed.

Wait... which forum are you talking about, I'm confused.


Extollere said:
It's just more right-wing uninformed spew stating incorrect facts and bullshit propoganda about the opposition. It just sucks to see someone blatantly posting it and telling the other side that they are the ones being brainwashed.
Uhh, that list isn't really all that far fetched. The reasoning the poster gave is obviously slanted. A good part of the list are basic differences between the parties. Also, Obama wants to raise the dividend, inheritance and capital gains tax so that wealthy individuals are taxed harder. Obama has a reason for doing it, but it definitely is true.



domokunrox said:
I think Clinton needs to make an appear WITH Obama in South Ohio and literally tell them to vote for him because they're clueless over there in that state as to what is actually good for them.

I'm sure it'll happen. Its going to require excellent timing however. Possibly the week or 2 before election day.

I wish Florida was more into play then it is now. Correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't Clinton campaigning for Obama recently there? Anyone know how that is going?

Tied in most recent Rasmussen poll. It actually went up for Obama since the previous one, and this was during McCain's convention bounce. Maybe Palin scared the older Jewish crowd.

Also, Ed Koch just endorsed him yesterday. Called Palin, 'scary'. Might help.

I'm hoping for a Powell endorsement, myself.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
clinton stumped there last weekend, i think.

i don't think there's any hope for florida, personally. that and ohio, i'd campaign vigorously in those states but not really hope for anything to come from it

Same. I think it'll be a stealth takeover of CO in the long run. But definitely work in VA/IN/OH/PA/MI/WI area to keep the focus centered there. Maybe even try to flip MT and force the GOP into spending money there.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Holy shit, what did I miss? Colorado polls? What?


Latest CO polls, which came out yesterday, and were collected during McCain's campaign bounce, gave Obama a boost of 4. He was down by one previously, now he's up by three according to Rasmussen. Losing the rustbelt though.


22,500 people polled in 22 countries favour Barack Obama 4-to-1 over John McCain.

BBC News said:
People outside the US would prefer Barack Obama to become US president ahead of John McCain, a BBC World Service poll suggests.

Democrat Mr Obama was favoured by a four-to-one margin across the 22,500 people polled in 22 countries.


Citizens of the United States should be more informed about the candidates than those of every other country in the whole world. Technically, the US would then therefore collectively favour Obama significantly more than 4:1, all things equal.

I half jokingly suggest that it would be better for the US to pass its voting responsibilty to other countries for their Presidential elections.
AniHawk said:

Latest CO polls, which came out yesterday, and were collected during McCain's campaign bounce, gave Obama a boost of 4. He was down by one previously, now he's up by three according to Rasmussen. Losing the rustbelt though.

Okay so, LHC aside, what is the topic title referring to? Just the HONOR WARZ?
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