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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Funky Papa said:
Dude, look at the owner. It's real-real.

Oh shit. What the fuck?

...:lol This kind of shit is like something from The Simpsons. It just needs the evil music when Barack is on screen. Fucking ridiculous. I would be ashamed beyond belief if I was an American Republican.


Between this and the sex education ad, there really needs to be one of "McCain and Palin don't care about the American people" ad.

They need to be painted as out of touch for playing the politics game while Obama can talk about the things concerning everyday people.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
syllogism said:
That's not a real ad sheesh, as in it's internet only.
Because if they ran it, they'd get shredded. Jesus christ, what a dirty trick.

Why do McCain/Palin INSIST on bringing up the Bridge to Nowhere? Everyone knows she supported it. They keep acting like no one knows and flat out lie about it. Why?


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Because if they ran it, they'd get shredded. Jesus christ, what a dirty trick.

Why do McCain/Palin INSIST on bringing up the Bridge to Nowhere? Everyone knows she supported it. They keep acting like no one knows and flat out lie about it. Why?

Because people are stupid and McCain and Palin's scriptwriters know this. I mean, just look at John McCain and Sarah Palin.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Obama needs to hit back hard, honestly, I understand his concerns about lowering the tone or coming across as an 'angry black man' but honestly, getting a reputation as a Kerry like wimp is no better.


force push the doodoo rock
Anyone from the south should know what the phrase means, the only people stupid enough to believe this BS are the people who bathe in John McCain Cool aid.


I mean surely anyone from the south knows what this means.
Lemonz said:
McCain making the 'pig' comment himself.


He was obviously talking about Hillary in that clip.

I love how even our colloquialisms are sexist these days.

Also, did the McCain camp squash Obama about "playing the race card"? But now when they feel the need to play the sexist card, it's all fair. This is what I hate about the Obama camp. Surely they have responded to this ad? Anyone have that?

EDIT Here it is:

Obama Campaign said:
Enough is enough. The McCain campaign's attack tonight is a pathetic attempt to play the gender card about the use of a common analogy - the same analogy that Senator McCain himself used about Senator Hillary Clinton's health care plan last year. This phony lecture on gender sensitivity is the height of cynicism and lays bare the increasingly dishonorable campaign John McCain has chosen to run.


sp0rsk said:
Anyone from the south should know what the phrase means, the only people stupid enough to believe this BS are the people who bathe in John McCain Cool aid.


I mean surely anyone from the south knows what this means.

We should have just let the South secede from the Union, let their economy go down the shitter for 50 years, and reconquered them.


worldrunover said:
He was obviously talking about Hillary in that clip.

I love how even our colloquialisms are sexist these days.

Also, did the McCain camp squash Obama about "playing the race card"? But now when they feel the need to play the sexist card, it's all fair. This is what I hate about the Obama camp. Surely they have responded to this ad? Anyone have that?

I suspect they've issued another nifty-neato memo or a cleverly-worded retort somewhere.. (*insert eyeroll emoticon*)


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
sp0rsk said:
Anyone from the south should know what the phrase means, the only people stupid enough to believe this BS are the people who bathe in John McCain Cool aid.


I mean surely anyone from the south knows what this means.

Anyone who has not made their minds up yet is pretty stupid.

Anyone who has not made their minds up yet is an independent.

Both Obama and McCain need independents.


Slurpy said:
Fuck it. I'm turning off the fucking internet and the TV for the next couple months. This isn't healthy for me, my blood fucking boils when I see this unbelievable shit.

This is me...I've been following the DNC/RNC conference threads page for page...but the last few days I just can't...i'm going to donate when I can, but if i follow every single sleasy dirty attack from the repubs, or how gullible people are at large to eat up this crap, i'm going to be in an endless foul mood from now until the election.

Yeah yeah, "I got this.jpg"...sorry, this country has given me every reason to be a cynic...logic doesn't prevail...facts don't prevail...only perception, and people are so goddamn stupid that perception can easily be warped and molded by fear and lies.

At least Matt Lauer on The Today Show this morning seemed to dismiss the "pig-gate" thing with the derision of a megarolleyes.gif it deserves...they even played back McCain using the same phrase, and said it's a common saying but somehow Palin now thinks she owns that phrase.
So... by letting McCain make the "HE'S TALKING ABOUT SARAH!" connection, Obama is now free to chide McCain for not only being sexist but jumping on the first chance to play the sex card?
I don't think I can read much more shit about this election. Its killing me. It is very very clear to me that the white, rich men and women of the United States do not want Barack Obama in power.

It is evident in CNN coverage

It is very evident in Fox coverage.

It is evident in CBS coverage.

It is evident in pretty much every coverage of the election out there.

News organizations no longer want facts, they want what causes the most drama and THEN, at the end of the day, they want John Mccain in the white house because he represents the corrupt bullshit that they buy into every day. It is absolutely disgusting and it burns my soul to the core.

I'm not sure what we do, I'm not sure what we can do. I guess we just sit and watch as our country is ceded to the first country out there that does it "right" as opposed to the one that does it for money.

Yet again a country is faced with the decision, as we were at the beginning of our existence, of whether or not the people of that country want those in power to determine what they think and feel, and as a majority, that country has seemingly chosen to let others determine what they think, and what they feel. Except now that country is the United States, and a possible majority of people in the country have chosen the exact anti-thesis of the principles upon which the country was founded.

So the wealthy owners of all the news networks and the contributors to John Mccain's campaign will once again determine, via the news networks, what America thinks and what it feels. And to me, it represents the greatest irony, because what our forefathers ran away from was exactly that. The revolution they designed was a complete rejection of the role of the state as our "thinkers", and yet it is exactly the system which has seemingly been constructed by the wealthy in the United States.

And just as it fell in the past, I have a very central fear that it will fall soon in the future, or maybe it already fell with the 2nd election of George Bush?

This whole statement will get attacked and misrepresented by those who believe this is the way it should be. But at the end of the day, let's be clear: Our country is fucked up, and its people are no longer educated enough to wipe their own asses with anything but their own faces. I don't care how much people spin what has happened and what is happening in the United States: our government is a fake propaganda machine and its role as such could very well lead to our downfall.

Look to history: What happened in countries where fake propaganda was emanated by their central governments more than the truth? What happened in nations where the gap between the wealthy and the poor was as huge as it is slowly becoming here?

What happens to anyone in society, who, upon wanting something but not being able to attain it without misrepresenting themselves, misrepresents themselves? Its called corruption. And the reason, as an independent, that I support Obama is that it is very very very obvious to me that John Mccain and Palin are extremely corrupt. They see the ring of power in the presidency of the United States, and Mccain himself has turned into a monster trying to get it.

And the possibility that we will be fooled, as a nation, into electing another president which represents the exact opposite ideals of the founding fathers is pure evidence that we are threatened as a nation. And I think I have decided on a gross generalization for all voters, at this point, who vote for John Mccain: They are worthless pieces of shit.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
What next, McCain ads with photoshopped pictures of Obama raping children? McCain really has turned into a piece of shit. Obama needs to call him out on it. Please don't be a pussy like Kerry was in 2004. :(


demon said:
What next, McCain ads with photoshopped pictures of Obama raping children? McCain really has turned into a piece of shit. Obama needs to call him out on it. Please don't be a pussy like Kerry was in 2004. :(

I urge everyone to e-mail the Obama campaign and tell them how you feel.


I understand everyone getting worked up about the McCain ads, they are pretty awful from what I understand (can't get to youtube from the office) but were as disappointed with the agents of the Democratic party going into the divorce records (an amicable divorce by the way) of Ryan and smearing him (it was sweet though, since it brought back crazy Keyes for a bit)? That launched Obama as a national figure.

This isn't a specific party problem, it's a politics problem.
so_awes said:
are we still in panic mode??
I'm in absolute disgust mode. :lol If this country keeps getting worse as it is I have enough money to just move elsewhere, and I speak a second language as well. But I hope America votes in the right direction this time.


It's the end of the world as we know it

It's the end of the world as we know it

It's the end of the world as we know it

And I feel fine.


HylianTom said:
As was suggested yesterday, Obama's bounce seems to be coming from the South.


Preference for the General Election, by Region

Sept 1-7, 2008
East - Obama 51% McCain 40%
Midwest - Obama 48% McCain 42%
South - Obama 39% McCain 54%
West - Obama 50% McCain 43%

At the height of McCain's numbers, Obama leads in all three critical regions. Not too shabby.

That takes in both bounces at their heights though. Kinda wonky.


TheKingsCrown said:
I don't think I can read much more shit about this election. Its killing me. It is very very clear to me that the white, rich men and women of the United States do not want Barack Obama in power.

It is evident in CNN coverage

It is very evident in Fox coverage.

It is evident in CBS coverage.

It is evident in pretty much every coverage of the election out there.

News organizations no longer want facts, they want what causes the most drama and THEN, at the end of the day, they want John Mccain in the white house because he represents the corrupt bullshit that they buy into every day. It is absolutely disgusting and it burns my soul to the core.

I'm not sure what we do, I'm not sure what we can do. I guess we just sit and watch as our country is ceded to the first country out there that does it "right" as opposed to the one that does it for money.

Yet again a country is faced with the decision, as we were at the beginning of our existence, of whether or not the people of that country want those in power to determine what they think and feel, and as a majority, that country has seemingly chosen to let others determine what they think, and what they feel. Except now that country is the United States, and a possible majority of people in the country have chosen the exact anti-thesis of the principles upon which the country was founded.

So the wealthy owners of all the news networks and the contributors to John Mccain's campaign will once again determine, via the news networks, what America thinks and what it feels. And to me, it represents the greatest irony, because what our forefathers ran away from was exactly that. The revolution they designed was a complete rejection of the role of the state as our "thinkers", and yet it is exactly the system which has seemingly been constructed by the wealthy in the United States.

And just as it fell in the past, I have a very central fear that it will fall soon in the future, or maybe it already fell with the 2nd election of George Bush?

This whole statement will get attacked and misrepresented by those who believe this is the way it should be. But at the end of the day, let's be clear: Our country is fucked up, and its people are no longer educated enough to wipe their own asses with anything but their own faces. I don't care how much people spin what has happened and what is happening in the United States: our government is a fake propaganda machine and its role as such could very well lead to our downfall.

Look to history: What happened in countries where fake propaganda was emanated by their central governments more than the truth? What happened in nations where the gap between the wealthy and the poor was as huge as it is slowly becoming here?

What happens to anyone in society, who, upon wanting something but not being able to attain it without misrepresenting themselves, misrepresents themselves? Its called corruption. And the reason, as an independent, that I support Obama is that it is very very very obvious to me that John Mccain and Palin are extremely corrupt. They see the ring of power in the presidency of the United States, and Mccain himself has turned into a monster trying to get it.

And the possibility that we will be fooled, as a nation, into electing another president which represents the exact opposite ideals of the founding fathers is pure evidence that we are threatened as a nation. And I think I have decided on a gross generalization for all voters, at this point, who vote for John Mccain: They are worthless pieces of shit.

worldrunover said:
I also must ask... who is LHC?
Larry Hildon Craig, he's running for the '09 ticket.


we all knew her
BrandNew said:
Fucking Midwest. Bunch of can't-think-for-themselvers.

I wish I could take umbrage at this statement as a Midwesterner, but for the most part I think you're right. I'm getting the eff outta here after I finish school next year.
TheKingsCrown said:
I don't think I can read much more shit about this election. Its killing me. It is very very clear to me that the white, rich men and women of the United States do not want Barack Obama in power.

It is evident in CNN coverage

It is very evident in Fox coverage.

It is evident in CBS coverage.

It is evident in pretty much every coverage of the election out there.

News organizations no longer want facts, they want what causes the most drama and THEN, at the end of the day, they want John Mccain in the white house because he represents the corrupt bullshit that they buy into every day. It is absolutely disgusting and it burns my soul to the core.

I'm not sure what we do, I'm not sure what we can do. I guess we just sit and watch as our country is ceded to the first country out there that does it "right" as opposed to the one that does it for money.

Yet again a country is faced with the decision, as we were at the beginning of our existence, of whether or not the people of that country want those in power to determine what they think and feel, and as a majority, that country has seemingly chosen to let others determine what they think, and what they feel. Except now that country is the United States, and a possible majority of people in the country have chosen the exact anti-thesis of the principles upon which the country was founded.

So the wealthy owners of all the news networks and the contributors to John Mccain's campaign will once again determine, via the news networks, what America thinks and what it feels. And to me, it represents the greatest irony, because what our forefathers ran away from was exactly that. The revolution they designed was a complete rejection of the role of the state as our "thinkers", and yet it is exactly the system which has seemingly been constructed by the wealthy in the United States.

And just as it fell in the past, I have a very central fear that it will fall soon in the future, or maybe it already fell with the 2nd election of George Bush?

This whole statement will get attacked and misrepresented by those who believe this is the way it should be. But at the end of the day, let's be clear: Our country is fucked up, and its people are no longer educated enough to wipe their own asses with anything but their own faces. I don't care how much people spin what has happened and what is happening in the United States: our government is a fake propaganda machine and its role as such could very well lead to our downfall.

Look to history: What happened in countries where fake propaganda was emanated by their central governments more than the truth? What happened in nations where the gap between the wealthy and the poor was as huge as it is slowly becoming here?

What happens to anyone in society, who, upon wanting something but not being able to attain it without misrepresenting themselves, misrepresents themselves? Its called corruption. And the reason, as an independent, that I support Obama is that it is very very very obvious to me that John Mccain and Palin are extremely corrupt. They see the ring of power in the presidency of the United States, and Mccain himself has turned into a monster trying to get it.

And the possibility that we will be fooled, as a nation, into electing another president which represents the exact opposite ideals of the founding fathers is pure evidence that we are threatened as a nation. And I think I have decided on a gross generalization for all voters, at this point, who vote for John Mccain: They are worthless pieces of shit.

...we are going to become Idiocracy...aren't we?
zesty said:
I wish I could take umbrage at this statement as a Midwesterner, but for the most part I think you're right. I'm getting the eff outta here after I finish school next year.

Trust me man, I live in Ohio right in the fucking center of the goddamn state. :lol

The state and surrounding area sickens me. At least PA is a bit better than us :/


I don't know why you all think Obama won't hit back...he always has. It's just that he measures his attacks and to merely hit back on every smear makes him reactionary instead of pro-active.

So, I'm sure he'll hit him but it will be with an attack meant to put McCain on the defensive...just wait.
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