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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Cheebs said:
Ferraro got taken down by scandals and problems with her husband's business dealings by the media and became a a net negative on the Mondale ticket. I am unsure the same will happen to Palin,

Yeah, I doubt the Palin hype will last. The MSM will eventually break through and put the smack down on her, especially with the dishonest direction McCain is taking the campaign.


quadriplegicjon said:
seriously. i dont understand how these polls jumped jumped to quickly. how can so many people be convinced to switch their opinions in such a short amount of time?

they had a story about it when they released the polling information behind the numbers. There have been a disproportionate amount of republicans (in relation to the current political map of the country) included in recent gallup polling.


MrHicks said:
how the hell is this race still relatively close
almost half of america can't all be rich miljonairs
what average joe would vote mccain after the last 8 years

are these people brainwashed to shit by the news networks or just stupid as fuck?

Evangelical Christians. Sheep who live their lives by blind faith and obedience to everything their pastors tell them, and believe that thinking is Satanic. If you can believe that the planet is 6,000 years old, you can believe anything.

One of my mother's ex-friends became an evangelical. She used to work at the post office, but she called off work constantly until they finally got so sick of her they gave her disability, when in reality she's just a lazy hypochondriac. She doesn't pay her rent or her bills. She's begged thousands of dollars off her relatives, which instead of using to pay her debts she pissed away on useless junk from QVC. Then she won some money off the lottery, and instead of paying her bills or paying her relatives back, she donated it to her church because of a vision she had. She doesn't think she needs to pay her landlord or her relatives because God will sort everything out and reward them later. She's also a die-hard Republican and Bush supporter.

These people deserve to have everything stolen from them from the fat-cat cronies of the Republicans they keep voting into office. What puts me into a rage is they're fucking over the rest of us with their stupidity.


SCReuter said:
What a joke.

Taking quotes out of context and creating misleading ads like this would've been McCain's downfall in every other educated western country. I certainly know that his campaign would be finsihed at this moment in all the European countries I've been to. That shit just doesn't fly in a country with proper journalists in the media - any self-respecting commentator will immediately call him out on this, especially since it's so easy to refute (common sense etc).

If McCain wins this elections with a campaign like this, the USA deserve all the ridicule. Hope you guys enjoy being the laughingstock of the world for the next 4 years. I feel kinda bad for the thousands (tens of thousands?) soldiers and civilians that are going to die under another warmongering Republican president, but hey, what can you do.

edit: Obama supporters are cool, you can come over, we love you guys.

Synth_floyd said:
Don't you guys realize that elections are never about issues?
Only in the US. smh

edit³: Thank fucking God he's still polling ahead - if Obama wins, you can largely ignore the above post. :lol

Haunted said:
What a joke.

Taking quotes out of context and creating misleading ads like this would've been McCain's downfall in every other educated western country. I certainly know that his campaign would be over at this moment in all the European countries I've been to. That shit just doesn't fly in a country with proper journalists in the media - any self-respecting journalist will immediately call this out and dismiss this, especially since it's so easy to refute (common sense etc).

If McCain wins this elections with a campaign like this, the USA deserve all the ridicule. Hope you guys enjoy being the laughingstock of the world for the next 4 years.

edit: Obama supporters are cool, you can come over, we like you.

Sadly that wasn't the most disgusting ad McCain put out yesterday.


HylianTom said:
Question: will Obama repeat the "lipstick" line at today's rally?

Any predictions? He should be live on television shortly..

he should say "you can put eye-black on a pig... but its still a pig"

sorry, cant think of anything manly...


That Sex Ed ad may be the lowest I've seen an actual candidate (not a 527) sink. Here's hoping the Obama camp hits back hard with an ad of their own.


HylianTom said:
Question: will Obama repeat the "lipstick" line at today's rally?

Any predictions? He should be live on television shortly..

I think it might be a good idea, take charge of the issue today, say the line in within the appropriate context a few times, thus giving the MSM the chance to show comparative footage tonight, dispelling the nonsense. If the MSM goes along, it could then give Obama a chance to go on the attack, responding to McCain's lipstick ad with his own spot showing that Repubs will do anything to avoid talking about issues.
HylianTom said:
Question: will Obama repeat the "lipstick" line at today's rally?

Any predictions? He should be live on television shortly..

No chance in hell. Although if he did it would prove he has huge balls.

But if you look at what he did after McCain camp accused him of playing the race card, he'll probably back down.
gcubed said:
he should say "you can put eye-black on a pig... but its still a pig"

sorry, cant think of anything manly...

"You could put a jock-strap on a pig..."

I don't know if it would hold the same meaning at that point though :p


worldrunover said:
Sadly that wasn't the most disgusting ad McCain put out yesterday.
Oh God, I think I'm afraid to ask. You referring to the "learn about sex before learning to read" ad? Distorting the truth like that is equally as disturbing, yeah.
I'm stunned McCain can be THIS hypocritical after his comment to Clinton was worse.

HylianTom said:
Question: will Obama repeat the "lipstick" line at today's rally?

Any predictions? He should be live on television shortly..

According to the front page of Drudge he's going to explain the situation on Letterman tonight. Of course that's Developing... so who knows.


CharlieDigital said:
Just thought I'd share. It's really an expansion of a post I made in PoliGAF on Monday (and incorporates various things I've learned (and verified) from other posters here on GAF (thanks folks!)).

Some of the links and formatting are lost from the copy/paste, so head to the original post to get the links if you're interested in presenting them to others

Without further ado:


Look, most people believe what they want to believe about they candidate they like/dislike. It works for/against either candidate. The reason they won't research Obama to verify the falsehoods is because they WANT it to be true as justification not to vote for him..

Trust me, if someone has a legitimate interest in voting for a guy, they'll do reasearch..


worldrunover said:
"You could put a jock-strap on a pig..."

I don't know if it would hold the same meaning at that point though :p

yeah, do something like that though... pause before lipstick and change it to something else. Would get a good reaction from the crowd, and seems to fit very well in my "fuck you" world... which is most likely the reason i will never run for public office
Haunted said:
Oh God, I think I'm afraid to ask. You referring to the "learn about sex before learning to read" ad? Distorting the truth like that is equally as disturbing, yeah.

Yeah, suggesting Obama wants to teach 5 year olds about sex, and that's his only achievement in the Illinois senate, when that bill was NOTHING about that, to be honest is just vile.


shooting blanks
Azrael said:
Evangelical Christians. Sheep who live their lives by blind faith and obedience to everything their pastors tell them, and believe that thinking is Satanic. If you can believe that the planet is 6,000 years old, you can believe anything.

These people deserve to have everything stolen from them from the fat-cat cronies of the Republicans they keep voting into office. What puts me into a rage is they're fucking over the rest of us with their stupidity.

LOL sad but so true
I think McCain will take NC with a little over 5 points but the 20 was clearly way off.

The last poll surveyUSA took in the primary had Obama up 5 points here and he won by 15. Something in their model is out of whack for this state in particular. Looking at the massive voter registration numbers, compared to other relatively-sized states, I'd say we are one of the clear examples of the new voter / likely voter scale being different for this race.

Not much chance of a win here, but enough to justify some spending for the future.
This whole chain of events is further proof that if Obama had picked Clinton they could have WALKED into the White House. Because at that point McCain never would have picked Palin and every woman in America would vote Obama.

Not saying he SHOULD have picked her, just saying that could have gone on vacation for the next two months and still won the thing.
Cloudy said:
Look, most people believe what they want to believe about they candidate they like/dislike. It works for/against either candidate. The reason they won't research Obama to verify the falsehoods is because they WANT it to be true as justification not to vote for him..

Trust me, if someone has a legitimate interest in voting for a guy, they'll do reasearch..

The thing is, I tend to expect more from guys who have more education and who are as embedded in the tech industry as we are (guys in our company). We're all engineers at heart (and he has a physics degree); if anything, inquisitiveness is a part of our psychological makeup.

This is really what puzzled me, that a guy with his background would so easily digest the Republican message...
Mermandala said:
I think McCain will take NC with a little over 5 points but the 20 was clearly way off.

The last poll surveyUSA took in the primary had Obama up 5 points here and he won by 15. Something in their model is out of whack for this state in particular. Looking at the massive voter registration numbers, compared to other relatively-sized states, I'd say we are one of the clear examples of the new voter / likely voter scale being different for this race.

Not much chance of a win here, but enough to justify some spending for the future.

I think the talking points memo story on the poll did a good job of explaining the differences. SurveyUSA uses the 41% repub 40% dem breakdown from 2004 exit polling. PPP uses voter registration percentages of 49%Dem 39% Repub. Looking at that it's easy to see how there can be such a big difference between the two surveys.


not a medical professional
You're all lucky its a slow day at work ;)

I've been staring at the same screen for.. an hour already, lol.

Like I said though, I did it REALLY quick -- if I wasn't fearing for getting caught, I would have cleaned it up a bit more...

I think this is all much more fun for me, as I'm Canadian... if by some stupid reason the American Public votes McCain into office... well... we're all screwed.



HylianTom said:

New NC Poll:
McCain: 48%
Obama: 44%

Some interesting details in the article about party identification. Polling was taken on September 9th.

If it's this close in North Carolina, that makes me feel a bit more confident about Virginia.
That makes it even more clear that the SUSUA poll was an outlier.

Obama needs to call McCain a sad, desperate liar from now to the end of the election. It's just fucking sickening what he's doing.


McCain is selling his soul to become president. The sex ed ad and that new internet ad are both completely vile. It's a shame how far that man has fallen. I've often disagreed with him but always respected him, particularly during his older, actual maverick days. Now, not so much.
GhaleonEB said:
That makes it even more clear that the SUSUA poll was an outlier.

Obama needs to call McCain a sad, desperate liar from now to the end of the election. It's just fucking sickening what he's doing.
I was thinking about this on the train this morning...it would actually work. If Obama retorted to everything Mccain said that he was lying, he could easily paint him as a liar...because its the truth.


First tragedy, then farce.
Guys, stop worrying.

We are right now at the height of the McCain bounce. This is when Obama was up 9 points last week.. and according to every major electoral map. OBAMA IS STILL WINNING.

This is probably McCains high point in the polls, and he is still losing. I beleive the debates are going to be very one sided, the media is turning on Palin again as more and more stuff comes out about her..

The bounce not resulting in big McCain leads this week is a very very good sign. Did McCain get a bounce? Very small. You cant measure the McCain bounce versus the high point of Obamas bounce. It looks like McCain took an Obama +3-4 and shrunk it to an Obama +1-2.


Can someone post the url, not just the gif, of the list of Obama senate bills etc... I need some info on experience etc...

It was a list that had a count of each type of bill etc...



TheKingsCrown said:
I was thinking about this on the train this morning...it would actually work. If Obama retorted to everything Mccain said that he was lying, he could easily paint him as a liar...because its the truth.
Yeah, I was thinking something along those lines. As usual, I find myself agreeing with Josh Marshall.

All politicians stretch the truth, massage it into the best fit with their message. But, let's face it, John McCain is running a campaign almost entirely based on straight up lies. Not just exaggerations or half truths but the sort of straight up, up-is-down mind-blowers we've become so accustomed to from the current occupants of the White House. And today McCain comes out with this rancid, race-baiting ad based on another lie. Willie Horton looks mild by comparison. (And remember, President George H.W. Bush never ran the Willie Horton ad himself. It was an outside group. He wasn't willing to degrade himself that far.) As TPM Reader JM said below, at least Horton actually was released on a furlough. This is ugly stuff. And this is an ugly person. There's clearly no level of sleaze this guy won't stoop to to win this election.

And let's be frank. He might win it. This is clearly a testing time for Obama supporters. But I want to return to a point I made a few years ago during the Social Security battle with President Bush. Winning and losing is never fully in one's control -- not in politics or in life. What is always within our control is how we fight and bear up under pressure. It's easy to get twisted up in your head about strategy and message and optics. But what is already apparent is that John McCain is running the sleaziest, most dishonest and race-baiting campaign of our lifetimes. So let's stopped being shocked and awed by every new example of it. It is undignified. What can we do? We've got a dangerously reckless contender for the presidency and a vice presidential candidate who distinguished her self by abuse of office even on the comparatively small political stage of Alaska. They've both embraced a level of dishonesty that disqualifies them for high office. Democrats owe it to the country to make clear who these people are. No apologies or excuses. If Democrats can say at the end of this campaign that they made clear exactly how and why these two are unfit for high office they can be satisfied they served their country.
worldrunover said:
This whole chain of events is further proof that if Obama had picked Clinton they could have WALKED into the White House
Really? A double minority ticket?

also, you're assuming Clinton would say yes.


worldrunover said:
This whole chain of events is further proof that if Obama had picked Clinton they could have WALKED into the White House. Because at that point McCain never would have picked Palin and every woman in America would vote Obama.

Not saying he SHOULD have picked her, just saying that could have gone on vacation for the next two months and still won the thing.
Maybe, but I think you underestimate how totally reviled Clinton is outside of Democratic circles. I think Biden is as good as it gets, and they're going to take this thing anyway.
I don't even know what you guys are trippin' about...popular vote doesn't even matter! Obama has this one IN THE BAG...just look at the Electoral Vote. :\

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