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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Parl said:
I half jokingly suggest that it would be better for the US to pass its voting responsibilty to other countries for their Presidential elections.
If we did that, then a quarter of the world's problem will be gone, and things will be boring again.

Why else would they have re-elect Bush twice if not due to boredom of peaceful and sane times?


AniHawk said:

Latest CO polls, which came out yesterday, and were collected during McCain's campaign bounce, gave Obama a boost of 4. He was down by one previously, now he's up by three according to Rasmussen. Losing the rustbelt though.

Nice. A poll in Colorado taken at McCain's high-watermark.

I'm still thinking it's Colorado + Iowa + New Mexico FTW.


eclipze said:
Off-topic: The LHC was switched on at 9am +2GMT (1 hour ago). We're still kickin.

Is there anyone else here on the ground using Obama's n2n system? It's the easiest door knocking i've ever done in my life and it's really interesting to hear the viewpoints of unregistered/undecided voters. I know that the party ID skewed polls don't show it, but in my fairly split area, the response from undecided's about Obama is more positive than one would think. The wierdest concern i keep hearing is that they think their taxes will go up under an Obama administration. I guess that talking point is really sticking because the areas i'm in is definitely not in the 250k income class. A little literature and a few youtube video's if they let me chat with them longer than 5 minutes and the response quickly turns to a promising vote for Obama.

I'm in the Eau Claire/Trempealeau County area of Wisconsin. I know everyone is freaking out right now over these so called gaffes and skewed polls, but we on the ground have a different story. I've registered 42 new voters since i started on monday and there are hundreds more of me in the surround counties. It's evident that this is representative for all the "battleground" states. I can't wait to see the GOTV effort. It's going to be insane. The organization is incredible. So like a few have said before "Everyone chill the fuck out, We got this." :D

Good job. Are you just using the online system, or have you gone into your local office? (If you haven't yet, I'd highly recommend stopping by--they can always help you be more efficient).

I registered a ton of voters (I feel like it was in the neighborhood of 100-200, maybe more) when I spent 6 weeks in Nevada this summer. One thing that I would add is that new non-partisans/decline-to-state voters heavily lean Democratic, they just don't think it's in vogue to identify with a party.

I'm now stuck in New York with the start of law school, but some kids here are going to attempt to hit up Pennsylvania on a couple of weekends.

lopaz said:
Just to be clear, was that NC poll with the 20pt swing fake?
Not fake.


Parl said:
22,500 people polled in 22 countries favour Barack Obama 4-to-1 over John McCain.


Citizens of the United States should be more informed about the candidates than those of every other country in the whole world. Technically, the US would then therefore collectively favour Obama significantly more than 4:1, all things equal.

I half jokingly suggest that it would be better for the US to pass its voting responsibilty to other countries for their Presidential elections.

McCain: Your guilty conscience may move you to vote Democratic, but deep down you long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king! That's why I did this, to save you from yourselves! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a country to run.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Ah, I see. I thought I missed some shit.

Well there was the pig-gate (where Obama called Palin a fat ugly pig and it was accidentally picked up on mic), and McCain's disgraceful ad against Obama.
AniHawk said:
Well there was the pig-gate (where Obama called Palin a fat ugly pig and it was accidentally picked up on mic), and McCain's disgraceful ad against Obama.

Oh, I caught that. Wait, what -- that was Pig-Gate? He said that?


numble said:
Good job. Are you just using the online system, or have you gone into your local office? (If you haven't yet, I'd highly recommend stopping by--they can always help you be more efficient).

I registered a ton of voters (I feel like it was in the neighborhood of 100-200, maybe more) when I spent 6 weeks in Nevada this summer. One thing that I would add is that new non-partisans/decline-to-state voters heavily lean Democratic, they just don't think it's in vogue to identify with a party.

I'm now stuck in New York with the start of law school, but some kids here are going to attempt to hit up Pennsylvania on a couple of weekends.

Not fake.

I used to work during my summers off of college for a filterqueen distributorship going door-to-door trying to register people so we could cold call them and then selling them expensive shit once i got in the home, so I felt just starting off and trying the online system would be sufficient for the time being. I have a pretty decent approach that seems to be effective so far. However, I do plan on getting a hold of the local organizers in a few weeks to see if there's more than I can do to help get even more organized in our area. I have a few friends that are signing up to help and starting this weekend also. My goal is to turn Chippewa County (51-48 for Bush) blue and Eau Claire County (54-45 for Kerry) even more blue. Those two counties together have a population of nearly 150k so there is definitely an impact to be made. We'll see if it comes to fruition come Nov 4th.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Oh, I caught that. Wait, what -- that was Pig-Gate? He said that?

Well, that's the nice way of saying it. But I mean, if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. You know what I mean?


eclipze said:
I used to work during my summers off of college for a filterqueen distributorship going door-to-door trying to register people so we could cold call them and then selling them expensive shit once i got in the home, so I felt just starting off and trying the online system would be sufficient for the time being. I have a pretty decent approach that seems to be effective so far. However, I do plan on getting a hold of the local organizers in a few weeks to see if there's more than I can do to help get even more organized in our area. I have a few friends that are signing up to help and starting this weekend also. My goal is to turn Chippewa County (51-48 for Bush) blue and Eau Claire County (54-45 for Kerry) even more blue. Those two counties together have a population of nearly 150k so there is definitely an impact to be made. We'll see if it comes to fruition come Nov 4th.

I signed up for the n2n thing and it gave me addresses to hundreds of miles away from here. CA's turning blue anyway, they might as well have given me addresses to Nevada.


eclipze said:
I used to work during my summers off of college for a filterqueen distributorship going door-to-door trying to register people so we could cold call them and then selling them expensive shit once i got in the home, so I felt just starting off and trying the online system would be sufficient for the time being. I have a pretty decent approach that seems to be effective so far. However, I do plan on getting a hold of the local organizers in a few weeks to see if there's more than I can do to help get even more organized in our area. I have a few friends that are signing up to help and starting this weekend also. My goal is to turn Chippewa County (51-48 for Bush) blue and Eau Claire County (54-45 for Kerry) even more blue. Those two counties together have a population of nearly 150k so there is definitely an impact to be made. We'll see if it comes to fruition come Nov 4th.

Local offices usually can hook you up with registration forms and literature, as well as buttons and other little trinkets--and occasionally free food. Also targeted lists, and things like that--I haven't done stuff since they've implemented the online system, so I'm not sure how random or not it is.


AniHawk said:
I signed up for the n2n thing and it gave me addresses to hundreds of miles away from here. CA's turning blue anyway, they might as well have given me addresses to Nevada.

Screw Nevada. Take a weeks vacation with some friends and hit up Colorado. Mainly the counties surrounding Denver. Definitely some inroads to be made there to get those undecideds over to Obama's side.
eclipze said:
Screw Nevada. Take a weeks vacation with some friends and hit up Colorado. Mainly the counties surrounding Denver. Definitely some inroads to be made there to get those undecideds over to Obama's side.

We need NV too. Either that or CO will give Obama victory (assuming he takes NH.)


eclipze said:
Screw Nevada. Take a weeks vacation with some friends and hit up Colorado. Mainly the counties surrounding Denver. Definitely some inroads to be made there to get those undecideds over to Obama's side.

Hard to take a vacation when I go to school. Maybe I could schedule something before the election and make my way up there though. Never been out of the CA/NV/AZ area in the west.

NV might just be worth it for McCain to focus more resources there. I'll check the close counties from 04 and 06 and the primaries and see what's up.


clark, storey, mineral, and washoe counties were close in 06. A lot are on or near the CA border.

Lots of 50/50 counties in CO. One blue-leaning in 06.

Frank the Great said:
We need NV too. Either that or CO will give Obama victory (assuming he takes NH.)

I think the people that were interested in a Maverickish McCain are gonna be put off by a "I'm Bush 4, AND 5!" Palin.


capslock said:
McCain linking the 35W bridge collapse last year to the Bridge to Nowhere, now with video!


"Maybe the 200,000 people who cross that bridge every day would have been safer than spending $233 million of your tax dollars on a bridge in Alaska to an island with 50 people on it."

Didn't $197 million of our tax dollars that were meant for the bridge in Alaska to an island with 50 people on it wind up being spent in Alaska anyway?


AniHawk said:
because she "sold" the plane on eBay....:lol

this reminds me of that one Simpsons episode, And Maggie Makes Three:
Homer: How about...if I _triple_ the business? Then could I get a raise?
Al: Well, yeah, but --
Homer: [motions him to stop]

[shot of Homer reading "Advanced Marketing" at home]
[shot of garbage can containing "Advanced Marketing" and Homer reading "Basic Marketing"] [shot of both books in garbage and Homer reading the dictionary]

Homer stares at a bowling ball for a while after looking up "marketing", then leaps forward: "Of course!" He stands in front of the bowling alley firing a shotgun repeatedly into the air and entreating the screaming people around him to come and bowl.
so_awes said:
this reminds me of that one Simpsons episode, And Maggie Makes Three:

:lol :lol

Thank you for that.

They showed a bit of yesterday's Palin stumping and holy shit she needs to get new material. Even she sounds bored by it.



The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively that Sarah's oldest son, Track, was addicted to the power drug OxyContin for nearly the past two years, snorting it, eating it, smoking it and even injecting it. And as Track, 19, heads to Iraq as part of the U.S. armed forces, Sarah and her husband Todd were powerless to stop his wild antics, detailed in the new issue of The ENQUIRER, which goes on sale today.

THE ENQUIRER also has exclusive details about Track's use of other drugs, including cocaine, and his involvement in a notorious local vandalism incident.

“I’ve partied with him (Track) for years,” a source disclosed. “I’ve seen him snort cocaine, snort and smoke OxyContin, drink booze and smoke weed.”

The source also divulged the girls would do anything for Track and he’d use his local celebrity to manipulate other guys “to get them to steal things he wanted.”

“He finally did what a lot of troubled kids here do,” the source divulged. “You join the military.”

And as Gov. Palin has billed the state of Alaska for various expenses related to her children, as reported by The Washington Post, The ENQUIRER's investigation reveals that she was so incensed by 17-year-old Bristol's pregnancy that she banished her daughter from the house.

Another family friend revealed pre-prego Bristol was as much of a hard partier as Track was.

“Bristol was a huge stoner and drinker. I’ve seen her smoke pot and get drunk and make out with so many guys. All the guys would brag that the just made out with Bristol.”

When Sarah found out the teen was pregnant by high schooler Levi Johnston, she was actually banished from the house. As part of the cover-up, Palin quickly transferred Bristol to another high school and made her move in with Sarah’s sister Heather 25 miles away!

And the ENQUIRER also learned that Levi Johnston, the baby mamma’s future wedded dada, who was glad handed by John McCain at the GOP Convention, isn’t too happy about his impending shotgun nups either.

“Levi got dragged out of the house to go to Minnesota,” Levi’s friend told The ENQUIRER. “Levi realizes he’s stuck being with Bristol because her mom is running for Vice President.”

The friend also confided that both Bristol and Levi “broke up a few times and they definitely messed around with other people.”

Meanwhile, as members of the Palin family’s war viciously over “Trooper-Gate” and claims of Sarah’s extramarital affair have turned the political race into a chaotic arena of threats, denials and vicious attacks by political black ops, The ENQUIRER has discovered shocking new details about the red-hot affair scandal!


Shiggie said:
the obama campain is just dumb to ignore this shit. THE AMERICAN VOTERS ARE FUCKING RETARDED!

I think a new ad needs to come out and say that McCain and Palin are too busy attacking Obama to care about the American people. And then talk about the economy and energy and all that.

Funky Papa

HylianTom said:
As Papa Bear would say: this reflects poorly on the parents. :lol
Bush abused both alcohol and cocaine. At the end, it didn't matter. Plus, something tells me that deep inside their rotten, tiny bird brains, Palin supporters will manage to rationalize the issue; "oh, look, she is a normal woman with problems like the rest of us", they'll say.

Not that the decisions of his son are her direct responsibility, but you know what I mean.

gofreak said:
Ugh. If Hilary had won the nomination the shoe would have been on the other foot.
Had Hilary won the nomination the number of scandals would be insurmountable for the Dems. She has quite a collection.


gofreak said:
Ugh. If Hilary had won the nomination the shoe would have been on the other foot.

McCain would be wearing the kitchen sink around his neck at this point.

Funky Papa said:
Bush abused both alcohol and cocaine. At the end, it didn't matter. Plus, something tells me that deep inside their rotten, tiny bird brains, Palin supporters will manage to rationalize the issue; "oh, look, she is a normal woman with problems like the rest of us", they'll say.

Not that the decisions of his son are her direct responsibility, but you know what I mean.

Agree. They'll rationalize this away like they do with everything else.
Guys between Obama's blatant sexism and his desire to teach 5 year olds about how to have sex, there's no way this man is fit to lead our country.

I'm also glad that every quote is now going to be peered through the prism of sexism. That's really going to elevate the discourse of the next 50-some-odd days.


worldrunover said:
Guys between Obama's blatant sexism and his desire to teach 5 year olds about how to have sex, there's no way this man is fit to lead our country.

I'm also glad that every quote is now going to be peered through the prism of sexism. That's really going to elevate the discourse of the next 50-some-odd days.

If Palin can't handle a fucking general election, how's she gonna deal with the rest of the leaders of the world?
lockii said:
I don't think that's a real ad.
It is.

Also, they're already trying to get on Biden for making sexist remarks. Really guys, I'm telling you, the McShame's campaign is really gonna try to make this a sticking issue. The important thing they want to get in voter's heads though is that this is a black man attacking a white woman.
jey_16 said:
i am at a loss for words....how can this be happening, how the fuck can people lie like this and cover up so much crap yet their numbers are going up!

i can not believe that there are this many retarded people out there

Ugh. I'm not even gonna watch this one; I'm pretty sure it's going to put me in a shitty mood for the rest of the day.

Funky Papa

Obama is getting the same "fake outrage" that whites have gotten for decades on racism. Serves the socialists right. Why is it that every major liberal Democrat run city takes turns being the murder capital of United States? Detroit, Oakland, Atlanta, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Philadelphia and Obama's Chicago all are HIGH CRIME with hightest murder rates in U.S. What seems to be your problem? You're so racist Democrats that I bet you can't name one successfully run black run city.
Is there a way to turn off YouTube's comments? Just before I do something really crazy.

The massive cuntitude derived from the anonymity of the internet is becoming a bit too much for me to bear on.


SCReuter said:

Is this even allowed? It is a lie flat out. How can this be allowed in a campaign? And If the US actually puts this lieying shithole into office then I really lost my confidence in this country.

Obama camps whould put the FULL statement in a ad of themselve. So peple can see the context. And also press should work better to diffuse these lies (no matter who make them) and expose it to the public. But off course that means a strong backboned media that is actually truly neutral.


CharlieDigital said:
Ugh. I'm not even gonna watch this one; I'm pretty sure it's going to put me in a shitty mood for the rest of the day.

There are days where I'm happy enough with Obama's fighting spirit, and there are others where I'm convinced that he is the ultra-wimpy reincarnation of Kerry, Gore, and Dukakais all rolled together.

If he doesn't respond to this shit SWIFTLY and STRONGLY, my vacillation and my money ends.


HylianTom said:
There are days where I'm happy enough with Obama's fighting spirit, and there are others where I'm convinced that he is the ultra-wimpy reincarnation of Kerry, Gore, and Dukakais all rolled together.

If he doesn't respond to this shit SWIFTLY and STRONGLY, my vacillation and my money ends.

Yeah that show him.....he already responding anyway.
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