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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Heh. The PPP poll was done as a sanity check against the SUSA poll.

-Yes, I saw the poll with McCain up 20 in North Carolina.
-No, I don't believe it.
-Yes, we are going in the field tonight.

The key difference here is party identification. SurveyUSA's numbers had self-identified Dems making up 40% and GOPers at 41%, roughly in line with the 2004 exit poll. PPP's numbers have Dems at 49% and Republicans at 36%, seemingly consistent with an overall increase in Democratic registration and identification across the country over the last four years.

The only way to settle the question of which party ID breakdown is right is to wait for the actual voting.
The difference between the two:

There's some CNN thing on right now about how goddamn racist that racist shithole Ohio is. There's always crazy talk about chiseling off the coasts, or seperating from the south, but there's no way the world wouldn't be better off if Ohio was launched into the sun.


I'm not paying any more attention to the polls until at least after the VP debate. Even if the debates don't have a big impact, the polls will still be a lot more accurate and telling by then, when it's that far from the conventions and any possible bumps/falls resulting from them.

And I still think the VP debate could have more of an impact than people think. Biden will hammer her on the issues (particularly foreign), there's no doubt, but that's not why. That debate could potentially make widespread Palin's beliefs and stances on various womens' rights issues and it could see her (and thus the McCain campaign's) standing with overall women drop precipitously as a result, which would be significant.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Cross your fingers. :p


Haunted said:
What a joke.

Taking quotes out of context and creating misleading ads like this would've been McCain's downfall in every other educated western country.


i seem to recall an obama ad claiming mccain wanted 100 or 1000 years of war. how about the 5 million is rich joke getting turned into "he seriously thinks 3 million is middle class" as part of the obama stump speech.
Pentagon chief cites caution on US troop pullout
16 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert Gates says a go-slow approach to withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq is justified by several worrisome circumstances, including slow progress on the political front.

In remarks prepared for testimony before the House Armed Services Committee, Gates also says sectarian tensions still exist and have the potential to undo recent security progress.

The Pentagon chief was testifying one day after President Bush announced that he has approved a plan to withdraw about 8,000 U.S. troops by February. Some troops will leave this fall, but the number of combat brigades in Iraq will remain at the current 15 until late January or early February.

BU BU BU... the surge worked!! Victory in Iraq!!


Palin says Jesus is returning. In her life time.

I asked how she felt about the second coming and the end times. She responded that she fully believed that the signs of Jesus returning soon "during MY lifetime," were obvious. "I can see that, maybe you can't - but it guides me every day."

Funky Papa

Maybe I'm suffering from severe hopium withdrawal, but the McCain-Palin ticket is starting to look unstoppable. He is a wealthy white POW, she is a good looking fundie with a big family; the combination is an entire bottle of Viagra for the Republican base.

They better screw up in the debates, because it's clear as water that the MSM doesn't feel like putting some pressure on them =/


SCReuter said:
Obama is talking about the lipstick comment now.

Oh and now he's hitting the media for covering it.
The media actually did a decent job debunking it I think. Other than Fox News.


Funky Papa said:
Maybe I'm suffering from severe hopium withdrawal, but the McCain-Palin ticket is starting to look unstoppable. He is a wealthy white POW, she is a good looking fundie with a big family; the combination is an entire bottle of Viagra for the Republican base.

They better screw up in the debates, because it's clear as water that the MSM doesn't feel like putting some pressure on them =/

... confused... most sane polls have obama tied or up 1 right after the convention left the polls. There is no historical evidence to even compare these bumps with because of how the conventions were set up. Coupled with the fact that Obama is tied or up, he is still up in EVs


TheKingsCrown said:
What is he saying?

"These are serious times, and they call for a serious debate" about the future of the nation. We can't afford another 4 years like the last 8.

"Spare me the phony outrage.. we have real problems in the country right now."


Yeah, the address about the lipstick BS is absolutely out of the park. This is exactly the right response and exactly what attracts people to Obama to begin with, and and makes McCain look like the shameless fool he is.

Funky Papa

gcubed said:
... confused... most sane polls have obama tied or up 1 right after the convention left the polls. There is no historical evidence to even compare these bumps with because of how the conventions were set up. Coupled with the fact that Obama is tied or up, he is still up in EVs
Just setting myself up for disappointment =/


Cheebs said:
The media actually did a decent job debunking it I think. Other than Fox News.

Yeah, I'm just not sure if it's good for the media to keep bringing it up over and over, making it the number one story, even if some pundits try debunking it.
Oooooh. It sounds like he's doing exactly what he needs to do: Make more speeches about the issues to refocus the election.

He should make one every day.


I love how he pointed-out the science teacher who was nearly the only one clapping at one applause line. "You must be a science teacher."

It was Conan O'Brien-esque, and got a good laugh from the crowd.
It's really mindboggling to hear this detailed and substantive talk on Education that is matched on the other side with blank regurgitation of attacks with no focus in the least.


Good thing he pointed out working across pary lines on the education issue!
Nice speech , I like the ideas /approach he has to education.


not a medical professional
Deku said:
How doomed is Obama today? :(

He's talking about digital blackboards now..

And students making powerpoints and websites!


dun dun dun daaa dun dun dun dun dun!


has calmed down a bit.
Azrael said:
Evangelical Christians. Sheep who live their lives by blind faith and obedience to everything their pastors tell them, and believe that thinking is Satanic. If you can believe that the planet is 6,000 years old, you can believe anything.

One of my mother's ex-friends became an evangelical. She used to work at the post office, but she called off work constantly until they finally got so sick of her they gave her disability, when in reality she's just a lazy hypochondriac. She doesn't pay her rent or her bills. She's begged thousands of dollars off her relatives, which instead of using to pay her debts she pissed away on useless junk from QVC. Then she won some money off the lottery, and instead of paying her bills or paying her relatives back, she donated it to her church because of a vision she had. She doesn't think she needs to pay her landlord or her relatives because God will sort everything out and reward them later. She's also a die-hard Republican and Bush supporter.

These people deserve to have everything stolen from them from the fat-cat cronies of the Republicans they keep voting into office. What puts me into a rage is they're fucking over the rest of us with their stupidity.

Such a stupid fucking post. SO. FUCKING. STUPID.
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