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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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BenjaminBirdie said:
It's really mindboggling to hear this detailed and substantive talk on Education that is matched on the other side with blank regurgitation of attacks with no focus in the least.

But talking detail about edumacation makes there heads hurt. DUH!


not a medical professional
Blame Obama!

This is actually really awesome, he's the most down to earth Candidate in a hell of a long time.

The whole Accountability of the Government line was AWESOME... it's really giving me a good feeling just listening to this guy talk.


force push the doodoo rock
DrEvil said:
He's talking about digital blackboards now..

And students making powerpoints and websites!


dun dun dun daaa dun dun dun dun dun!

That'd be great, chalkboards really fuck up my skin.


Console Market Analyst
I was enjoying the Obama education speech, when MSNBC decided it was time to go to commercial:



Fuck ya Obama.... that's exactly how to deal with this crap

Not to mention, that was really a great speech on education..... but but but all speech no substance..... ENOUGH!

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
I can't fucking believe the MaCcain camp put on an ad calling obama a sexist using his words taken out of context. fucking unbelievable.Hopefully they can respond very aggresively at this.


YES!!! My money went through!

Everyone at Intrade is sane, though, and he's sitting at 54. I put in a bid at 600 contracts at 50 just to see, and if no one takes I'll just bite the bullet and buy at 52-53 or something.
VanMardigan said:
Such a stupid fucking post. SO. FUCKING. STUPID.
You are right. It has more to do with veiled and unveiled racism and people's disgust at any mention of social reform. POOR PEOPLE SHOULD STAY POOR, AND ALSO I DON'T WANT TO PAY MORE TAXES THAN THE BAGGERS AT MY GROCERY STORE.

No really, that's the argument I've heard countless times from Obama to McCain floppers.

Also I was going to say this "We need a different style of politics" nonsense is more of the same REPUBS R EVIL talking point nonsense that lost the Dems the last two elections, but Obama seems far more sincere about it than fucking Kerry ever did.


Did Obama lash out against McCain's sex ed ad?

If not, this is something he NEEDS to force McCain to defend in the FIRST debate.


Dolphin said:
Obama said "puts away the videogames"!!! BURN HIM AT THE STAKE
That's been part of his stump speech since like 2007 lol. He always says parents need to make kids read/study instead of playing video games.

Obama has said he has personally never played a single video game since Pong came out when he was in High School.


I said it before, Obama needs to put out a ad that calls McCain out on opposing bills that protect children from pedophiles.

It would be brutal, and not a lie.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Gexecuter said:
I can't fucking believe the MaCcain camp put on an ad calling obama a sexist using his words taken out of context. fucking unbelievable.Hopefully they can respond very aggresively at this.

Cmon Hilary! Get in there! Rebuff McCain's bullshit by specifically bringing up McCain's lipstick on a pig comment about her (proposals).


TheKingsCrown said:
Omg people report more of what he is saying in his Q& A
Someone just asked him how he's going to combat the blatant contradictions and lies brought up by the McCain camp.


saelz8 said:
I said it before, Obama needs to put out a ad that calls McCain out on opposing bills that protect children from pedophiles.

It would be brutal, and not a lie.
Obama is not a fan of doing those type of ads meant for media hype only though. He tends to prefer doing state aimed polls based on local issues for his attacks or the mcain-bush stuff.


Working in school administration, his comments about making us more efficient and cutting down on bureaucracy was nice, though I'm unconvinced about the level of success a national initiative would have this far down on the totem pole.

Something certainly needs to be done though. In my relatively small school district (the city right next to where Obama was talking today, actually, :p), we have fifteen highly-payed "educational coordinators" all with the exact same job description tasked with the exact same workload, and 14 of them are sitting in their offices playing solitaire or gossiping, rather than out at the schools. I work for the one who actually does her job, lol.

Methinks we could eliminate some of those sorry fucks and divert some funds back into the schools themselves. When I go out on visitations, the disparity between the newer schools and the older ones is discouraging. Lack of funds isn't the only problem, but it sure as shit isn't a minor part of it.


Cheebs said:
His views are batshit insane. Moreso than McCain or Bush in many regards. But unlike McCain Huckabee just oozes niceness. He seems humble, kind, and not someone who'd throw everything but the kitchen sink at an opponent. Look very early in the primaries when no one knew who'd win. Romney attacked McCain like crazy, Huckabee who at the time many thought could be the nominee never attacked anyone. I'd NEVER vote for him due to his extreme Christian-right wing views but the guy seems to be one of the kindest politicians I've ever seen and for that he is ok in my book, as a pundit at least. His niceness kind of reminds of me a conservative jimmy carter, personality wise.
Outside of that whole "writing the constitution to accommodate the bible" thing he said to that religious group, a crazy statement equal to that of other crazy republican quotes, his message of how religion and government both influence each other are similar to that of Obama. We have all seen how crazy politicians behave and I wouldn't write him in as one.

plus if you need any other reason to like the man

Really should of been the republican candidate. :(


Cheebs said:
That's been part of his stump speech since like 2007 lol. He always says parents need to make kids read/study instead of playing video games.

Obama has said he has personally never played a single video game since Pong came out when he was in High School.

He's right about kids... I spent wayyyy too much time playing games as a little kid.


"Truth will out, in the end."

TheKingsCrown said:
Wait, contradictions and lies that McCain says OBAMA has put forth?
I meant, leveled against Obama, by McCain.

Edit: Holy shit, he brought up the lipstick.


Diablos said:

He's right about kids... I spent wayyyy too much time playing games as a little kid.

my mom wouldnt let me play that much in the summer... which carries over even to me now at 28... i play games a lot from fall to spring. Once the temps hit a consistent 70, i'm outside doing shit, or around the house doing work. Its nice that the game release schedule follows my playing schedule


has calmed down a bit.
Son of Godzilla said:
You are right. It has more to do with veiled and unveiled racism and people's disgust at any mention of social reform. POOR PEOPLE SHOULD STAY POOR, AND ALSO I DON'T WANT TO PAY MORE TAXES THAN THE BAGGERS AT MY GROCERY STORE.

No really, that's the argument I've heard countless times from Obama to McCain floppers.

Also I was going to say this "We need a different style of politics" nonsense is more of the same REPUBS R EVIL talking point nonsense that lost the Dems the last two elections, but Obama seems far more sincere about it than fucking Kerry ever did.

The Republicans are amazing at pushing fear and disinformation. You don't counter that by attacking the public, you attack the source of fear and disinformation. I'm glad Obama gets that by making comments about the talents and positives of the American people rather than demonizing entire sections of them the way the Republicans and far left gaffers do.

This is why he'll win, and I hope the Republicans don't succeed in engaging Obama in a mud-slinging contest where they after each other's constituents to shore up their own rather than reaching out to everyone.



"The other side is not good at governing, but they're good at running campaigns."

"This whole thing about lipstick, nobody actually believes that these folks are offended. These are the republicans who spend a whole bunch of time getting all huffy about why are you worried about people being politically incorrect."

"We are just going to keep on presenting the facts."
Miroku said:
what was this so called perfect question?
Essentially "I'm worried about how much the public is affected by non-issues, how do you plan to fight back"


I don't understand why the liberal 527 groups are so incompetent. Why the fuck doesn't Move-On or some similar group actually put together some effective attack ads.

Instead, all I hear about liberals 527s are their ridiculous ads making fun of General Petraeus, an obviously terrible tactical decision.

I don't understand why conservative 527s are so effective and liberal 527s are horribly incompetent.
Miroku said:
what was this so called perfect question?

You're gonna have to catch it on youtube. But he's having a Q/A session and one guy asked "What are you going to do about the bullshit that's out there now and all the faux outrage?"


not a medical professional
Obama's making jokes about how the Republicans put out press releases that are insane

Obama: "I once said McCain had lost his bearings while we were debating something..."

"Then They said I was attacking his age! They put out this press release... I mean come on.. that's nonsense"

<3 Obama.


Cloudy said:
Pounding the tax-cut issue right now. Told the reporters to "pay attention" :lol

I can't listen to this right now but that's the most critical thing. He simply has to get the message across that he will be LOWERING taxes for everybody but the top 1%. Right now a great deal of the electorate believes McCain is lowering taxes and Obama is increasing them, as the Republican Party has been falsely saying about the Democrats for years, but Obama still has a chance to change that mindset at least a little. He's been emphasizing that he'll lower taxes for 95% of working families, but that's not enough. He needs to flat-out say that the McCain campaign is lying about taxes, period.

Of course, reporters need to do their job as well and actually report it when he does attack that issue.


Miroku said:
what was this so called perfect question?
Made a point about how the other side is running a campaign not necessarily about the issues but with lies and deceit. With Obamas campaign being run so cleanly and without the typical political jabs how can they/plan to combat that.

Obamas answer was to continue to drive home their points on the real issues.


Odrion said:

Really should of been the republican candidate. :(
No way. He'd be harder to beat. He'd energize the christian right without the need for a flawed VP and it'd be near impossible to connect him to Bush since he really isn't a big neocon on the war and they did nothing together or even have pictures/video of them together.


DrEvil said:
Obama's making jokes about how the Republicans put out press releases that are insane

Obama: "I once said McCain had lost his bearings while we were debating something..."

"Then They said I was attacking his age! They put out this press release... I mean come on.. that's nonsense"

<3 Obama.
That was a good segment. How is the TV media handling this? Online at least, the McCain bullshit seems to have gotten to a breaking point where even the AP and CNN are calling them out.


Zeliard said:
I can't listen to this right now but that's the most critical thing. He simply has to get the message across that he will be LOWERING taxes for everybody but the top 1%. Right now a great deal of the electorate believes McCain is lowering taxes and Obama is increasing them, as the Republican Party has been falsely saying about the Democrats for years, but Obama still has a chance to change that mindset at least a little. He's been emphasizing that he'll lower taxes for 95% of working families, but that's not enough. He needs to flat-out say that the McCain campaign is lying about taxes, period.

Of course, reporters need to do their job as well and actually report it when he does attack that issue.
You'll be happy to learn that he did tackle this point, and if the reporters do their job you'll be hearing about it soon.
lawblob said:
I don't understand why the liberal 527 groups are so incompetent. Why the fuck doesn't Move-On or some similar group actually put together some effective attack ads.

Instead, all I hear about liberals 527s are their ridiculous ads making fun of General Petraeus, an obviously terrible tactical decision.

I don't understand why conservative 527s are so effective and liberal 527s are horribly incompetent.

Liberals are nice and conservatives are mean.
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