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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Price Dalton said:
Great idea. I live in Los Angeles, I'm not really even sure if I know anyone who isn't voting Obama, and I'm couch-locked following invasive knee surgery.

What are some things I can do to help out (besides more donations)?

I'm still on page 72, but...

You could always call your local Obama headquarters, explain your situation, and they could help you phone bank (make calls on Obama's behalf). I'm sure they have other activities for someone who can't move.

Good luck!


has calmed down a bit.
Cheebs said:
No way. He'd be harder to beat. He'd energize the christian right without the need for a flawed VP and it'd be near impossible to connect him to Bush since he really isn't a big neocon on the war and they did nothing together or even have pictures/video of them together.

Yeah, but at least the election would've have devolved into this garbage that we're experiencing now. And if you're going to lose to a Republican, why not lose to the least jerk-like?
Cheebs said:
No way. He'd be harder to beat. He'd energize the christian right without the need for a flawed VP and it'd be near impossible to connect him to Bush since they did nothing together or even have pictures/video of them together.

Definitely, Huckabee was always their best candidate-he was a better politician, and a Republican more "in tune" , if you will, with the way the country was going than McCain ever was. The best thing about Sarah Palin is that, should she not be completely destroyed politically by the time this campaign ends (which is somewhat doubtful, death of 1000 cuts), she's the Huck's perfect foil and if she decides to keep going after the Presidency she'll get the support of the evangelical base over Huckabee.


Strap on your hooker ...
Evenflow said:
Fuck ya Obama.... that's exactly how to deal with this crap

Not to mention, that was really a great speech on education..... but but but all speech no substance..... ENOUGH!
Yeah, it's a stark contrast to how McCain keeps laying out his plans by detailing precisely how he plans to recoup a massive national debt by cutting federal income while fighting a war he has no apparent intention to end. The programs he intends to cut back to bring us back to profit have certainly not been obfuscated in intangible terms, they have been clearly defined and explicitly named.

Happy opposite day!
Palin is just regurgitating the same RNC acceptance speech over and over.

She is ball-washing McCain, her husband,blah blah blah.



Clown shoes?

lawblob said:
I don't understand why the liberal 527 groups are so incompetent. Why the fuck doesn't Move-On or some similar group actually put together some effective attack ads.

Instead, all I hear about liberals 527s are their ridiculous ads making fun of General Petraeus, an obviously terrible tactical decision.

I don't understand why conservative 527s are so effective and liberal 527s are horribly incompetent.

Because Obama knee-capped liberal 527s after he won the primaries, in the belief that they would be able to maintain full campaign money spent pairity-especially since John McCain has been such a vocal critic of 527s in the past. The intent was the run the entire Democratic message machine out of Obama's headquarters for maximum message coherency. It's been a mildly effective strategy, but with McCain selling out and the RNC willing to let the House and Senate burn, Obama gave the liberal 527s a quiet nod to start doing their thing late last week.


woxel1 said:
You'll be happy to learn that he did tackle this point, and if the reporters do their job you'll be hearing about it soon.

I am happy about it, but that's a big if. The thing about Obama, and especially Biden, is that they do attack McCain/Palin's policies rather effectively, but it's often ignored by the mainstream media in favor of the broad rhetoric. That's why I've been saying that Obama needs to press harder - the mainstream media would have a difficult time ignoring Obama if he flat-out said "McCain is lying (about so and so)", since they adore any sort of possibility of conflict and controversy.

The good thing here is that, if Obama were to say that about McCain and taxes for instance, it would be 100% true and be backed up with clear evidence. So it would be a scathing attack that's based on fact, something the Republican Party isn't familiar with.


not a medical professional
Questioner: "What can we do to increase the male presence in the class room? I'm the only male teacher in my building"

Obama: "Well, I agree with you.. No need to beat around the bushes here... [proceeds to answer question]"

I think I just found McCain's next smear ad!

Sexual Innuendo and innapropriate comments against women!


"If you start paying teachers what they're worth, then men will say "hey, thats a job that's respected" - and they'll come towards the job"


BTW, barackobama.com carries all his appearances live. CNN didn't load for me so I went there. Very good answers and discussion. If people were had a clue, this race would be over..


Clothed, sober, cooperative
My local Fox affiliate just worded the intro the the lipstick piece as if to indicate Obama had been talking about Palin, then ran only "lipstick on a pig," as the soundbite.

CNN was more honest. Couldn't bear to check Fox proper. However, I suspect public backlash throughout the day will put it to rest.
I hope someone is gonna youtube the whole Obama speech + Q/A on CNN right now; gotta show my wife when she gets home.

The clips on youtube tend to cut off the Q/A sessions of his speeches :( which are the best part.


PhatSaqs said:
Are they following each other from state to state?

Not sure if that's the case, but Obama and McCain are both in Virginia today.

Oh, Palin just brought up the Bridge to Nowhere, right on schedule. It's amazing how hollow this candidate really is, and such a contrast after just watching Obama.


SCReuter said:
Not sure if that's the case, but Obama and McCain are both in Virginia today.

Oh, Palin just brought up the Bridge to Nowhere. It's amazing how hollow this candidate really is, and such a contrast after just watching Obama.
I really don't understand how shitty our media has become--I haven't seen anyone mention that she supported funding for that bridge. They're just blatantly lying and getting away scott free.


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Dolphin said:
I really don't understand how shitty our media has become--I haven't seen anyone mention that she supported funding for that bridge. They're just blatantly lying and getting away scott free.
Rachel Maddow's show hit this...but that's not quite the MSM.


not a medical professional
Obama speach is done.... switching to the mccain palin disaster right now.

McCain is like a flailing idiot on stage.. goddamnit.

He sounds like Chris from Family guy... minimize it and just LISTEN to his voice.. it sounds like him.


"I've got an old ink pen" [pulls out a SHARPIE!?]

Goddamnit McCain.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
lawblob said:
I don't understand why the liberal 527 groups are so incompetent. Why the fuck doesn't Move-On or some similar group actually put together some effective attack ads.

If you start with the proposition that the people who don't already agree with you on how to vote are "fucking idiots" and express amazement that such people even exist, an oft-repeated sentiment around here, wouldn't it be harder to be persuasive?


McCain/Palin are swagger jackers. "We don't work for the government we work for you. Change is coming." Obama has been saying this since day 1 :lol


DrEvil said:
Obama speach is done.... switching to the mccain palin disaster right now.

McCain is like a flailing idiot on stage.. goddamnit.

He sounds like Chris from Family guy... minimize it and just LISTEN to his voice.. it sounds like him.


"I've got an old ink pen" [pulls out a SHARPIE!?]

Goddamnit McCain.

Did you see his qualification for Todd Palin as First Dude? He said "he rides snowmobiles, he isn't afraid of Washington." The crowd actually cheered.


SCReuter said:
Oh, Palin just brought up the Bridge to Nowhere, right on schedule. It's amazing how hollow this candidate really is, and such a contrast after just watching Obama.

My personal feeling is that the GOP is readying a line of vacuous, empty shells for any future elections and that she is only the second prototype. Our current President, of course, being the first, was assembled with the single fatal flaw of being male, thus losing the ability to garner faux-sympathy at the drop of a sexist dime.


PhatSaqs said:
McCain/Palin are swagger jackers. "We don't work for the government we work for you. Change is coming." Obama has been saying this since day 1 :lol

Editorial cartoon in today's Washington Post:



not a medical professional
Xisiqomelir said:
$3000 Obamabet GET!


My man's first unofficial act as President will be to buy me a 60" Kuro :lol

Where is this being done? I wanna get in on this action.
Xisiqomelir said:
$3000 Obamabet GET!


My man's first unofficial act as President will be to buy me a 60" Kuro :lol[/QUOTE]

Or McCain first act (if he wins) will be to put you into further debt.

It all makes sense!


Wha, McCain/Palin got 23k in the audience in virgina today. How come Obama really doesn't do big rallies anymore since the convention?



It's in Ireland so you'll have to do a bank wire to fund your trading account. I sent on Monday and was biting my nails the whole first part of this week hoping fake Republi-bounce wouldn't evaporate too fast. :lol

Obama was trading at 60 pre-RNC, he was 50 on Monday, I just bought at 52.6 and I'm sure he's going to go shooting back up again pdq.
At this point Sarah Palin is remindin me of the Attorney General chick in Idiocracy during the "it has electrolytes!" segment. A dumb person saying the same bullshit over and over becase they don't know anything else.

Anyway, here's some eye-opening stuff from Gallup-regional breakdown of the Palin "bounce":

For JUST the RNC convention:


And for BOTH conventions:


Most of the bump is coming from one place-the shitter of the States, the South. There is NO bump in the West, and the East/Midwest bumps are likely due to a combination of Obama coming off his convention bump and McCain getting his at the same time.

It has been said in this thread time and time again, but Obama is in a really strong position right now in this election and that's why the GOP has gone into full freakout mode. You don't run ads like that one about the Illinois child molestation prevention bill when you are ahead or even tied, you do it when you are going down in flames.
Cheebs said:
Wha, McCain/Palin got 23k in the audience in virgina today. How come Obama really doesn't do big rallies anymore since the convention?

I think he could get double that easily if he wanted too. As to why not? I guess it's about balance. He's already had lots of big rallies and you can't deliver the same type of nuanced speech and Q/A sessions with a crowd of 23,000 as you can with a crowd of 300 (just look at his superb CNN speech).

I suspect that this is only a temporary shift in strategy and it won't be long before we see the big rallies return.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Xisiqomelir said:
$3000 Obamabet GET!


My man's first unofficial act as President will be to buy me a 60" Kuro :lol
Fuck dude :lol

I definitely don't have the stones to throw down that much money on something like this. As confident as I am with Obama, my confidence in the average American is so low.

Give me a "American average IQ will drop from '08 to '09" and I will empty my ING account into that puppy.


Tamron Hall (MSNBC) needs to tell this Republican talking head that McCain should apologize to Hillary Clinton before Obama even begins to think about apologizing to Palin.


ryutaro's mama said:
Or McCain first act (if he wins) will be to put you into further debt.

It all makes sense!

I want to put something like a $2000 bet on Obama, but then if he loses, it'll be like the ultimate of all crushing disappointments. :lol McCain/Palin going on to run the country and me throwing 2 grand away at the same time would not make for a good day.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
David Frum (former Bush speechwriter) wrote an interesting article in the NYT: The Vanishing Republican Voter

"At the same time, conservatives need to ask ourselves some hard questions about the trend toward the Democrats among America’s affluent and well educated. Leaving aside the District of Columbia, 7 of America’s 10 best-educated states are strongly “blue” in national politics, and the others (Colorado, New Hampshire and Virginia) have been trending blue. Of the 10 least-educated, only one (Nevada) is not reliably Republican. And so we arrive at a weird situation in which the party that identifies itself with markets, with business and with technology cannot win the votes of those who have prospered most from markets, from business and from technology. Republicans have been badly hurt in upper America by the collapse of their onetime reputation for integrity and competence. Upper Americans live in a world in which things work. The packages arrive overnight. The car doors clink seamlessly shut. The prevailing Republican view — “of course government always fails, what do you expect it to do?” — is not what this slice of America expects to hear from the people asking to be entrusted with the government."
The fact that Rasumussen has Obama back up by one point is excellent news.

It seems that bounce is ALREADY fading. If Obama leads by one-two points going into the debates, he is golden. If the bounce falls further then McCain is finished.

The ball's in Obama's court. He must play this right.
Rasmussen Reporting

Bush won women 55 to 44 in 2004 vs Kerry and still won by a very small margin
McCain leads Women 51 to 44 in 2008 vs Obama which is a smaller margin

McCain leads Obama in favourability by 2 points


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Fragamemnon said:
At this point Sarah Palin is remindin me of the Attorney General chick in Idiocracy during the "it has electrolytes!" segment. A dumb person saying the same bullshit over and over becase they don't know anything else.

Anyway, here's some eye-opening stuff from Gallup-regional breakdown of the Palin "bounce":

For JUST the RNC convention:


And for BOTH conventions:


Most of the bump is coming from one place-the shitter of the States, the South. There is NO bump in the West, and the East/Midwest bumps are likely due to a combination of Obama coming off his convention bump and McCain getting his at the same time.

It has been said in this thread time and time again, but Obama is in a really strong position right now in this election and that's why the GOP has gone into full freakout mode. You don't run ads like that one about the Illinois child molestation prevention bill when you are ahead or even tied, you do it when you are going down in flames.[/QUOTE]

This is such a great post (like almost all of yours on this matter, Frag). Lol at the imagery of the an elephant falling from the sky while on fire. Flaming dumbo.
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