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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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yoopoo said:
They had an entire program just to do that last night @ 8...too bad no one watches CNN in prime time.

I watched it and it was complete garbage for the most part. The guy wasn't even going to bring up the fact that Palin was for the Bridge to Nowhere until Campbell Brown brought it up and even then they made it seem like she had a direct effect in the programs failing. They didn't bring up her Troopergate controversy, her asking her subordinates to resign as a test of loyalty, etc.


Cheebs said:
McCain's personal press aid wrote a book a few years ago. Want to know what it was called?


That is really a real book written by a McCain staffer.:lol
Are you serious :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


"GAF's biggest wanker"
harSon said:
I wish Democrats had these kind of balls :/
It doesn't take balls to lie.

Edit: Obama should start bringing a copy of that book to every one of his events. "As I'm fond of quoting from the aide of my respected campaign adversary..."


kaching said:
It doesn't take balls to lie.

It takes balls to blame Obama of sexism and petty insults for comments that you've said under a year ago and a phrase in which your press aid wrote a book for. That or confidence that our shitty MSM won't do shit to refute it.


harSon said:
I watched it and it was complete garbage for the most part. The guy wasn't even going to bring up the fact that Palin was for the Bridge to Nowhere until Campbell Brown brought it up and even then they made it seem like she had a direct effect in the programs failing. They didn't bring up her Troopergate controversy, her asking her subordinates to resign as a test of loyalty, etc.

It really is shocking at what pussies the MSM is in reporting stories. As I finish law school, I am able to see it more clearly, and it really disgusts me.

Every night on the NBC news they have some health related report, usually something to appeal to their geriatric viewership demo. They could be reporting on the most bat-shit crazy medical proposal ever announced, but they NEVER take a definitive stand on anything, because of fear of lawsuits. It is ridiculous, I am becoming more convinced that the MSM does more to confuse people than anything else. I don't see what is so hard about definitively giving a true - false designation for stories that are easily verifiable, but for some reason, everything must be shrouded in layers of ambiguity. It is enough to make me sick.


BobTheFork said:
I totally disagree. It takes huge brass balls to stand up and lie about something thats easily checkable, act like it never happened and not even acknowledge it.

Nah, all it takes is utter desperation and the ability to somehow be able to still sleep in your own skin. But balls? Not so much.
bob_arctor said:
Nah, all it takes is utter desperation and the ability to somehow be able to still sleep in your own skin. But balls? Not so much.

Exactly. It's slashing tires in the parking lot instead of fighting someone. Pure cowardice.
Revengeance said:
Pretty much. I was just reading that, and its very true. I haven't kept up in the last week, but I'm really surprised that mcCain is 'surging' in the polls. Is there any given reason for that?

bob_arctor said:
Nah, all it takes is utter desperation and the ability to somehow be able to still sleep in your own skin. But balls? Not so much.
I'm not saying it take brains or integrity, but I'm not the kind of person who could just go up there and lie my ass off and not care that people would be able to tell if they gave a shit. I really think thats takes some serious guts.


BobTheFork said:
Pretty much. I was just reading that, and its very true. I haven't kept up in the last week, but I'm really surprised that mcCain is 'surging' in the polls. Is there any given reason for that?

Some people believe that Republicans were oversampled.
:lol :lol :lol
The new ad is fucking hilarious.

Leave Sarah Palin Alone!!!!

It should also be noted that his use of wolves in this ad is eerily similar to that one controversial Bush 04 ad.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Cheebs said:
McCain's personal press aid wrote a book a few years ago. Want to know what it was called?


That is really a real book written by a McCain staffer.:lol



BobTheFork said:
Pretty much. I was just reading that, and its very true. I haven't kept up in the last week, but I'm really surprised that mcCain is 'surging' in the polls. Is there any given reason for that?


I know we all quote it all the time, but seriously, it's the best place to learn about how this election will pan out, and what the daily polls actually mean.


testicles on a cold fall morning
quadriplegicjon said:
i called it ages ago. so disgusting. glad obama did not agree to public financing.. he would have been crippled.
he still might be crippled since lingering tensions between them and former Clintonistas are holding back larger fundraising efforts.


Comrades Bush, Paulson and Bernanke Welcome You to the USSRA (United Socialist State Republic of America)

Nouriel Roubini | Sep 9, 2008

The now inevitable nationalization of Fannie and Freddie is the most radical regime change in global economic and financial affairs in decades. For the last twenty years after the collapse of the USSR, the fall of the Iron Curtain and the economic reforms in China and other emerging market economies the world economy has moved away from state ownership of the economy and towards privatization of previously stated owned enterprises. This trends was aggressively supported the United States that preached right and left the benefits of free markets and free private enterprise.

Today instead the US has performed the greatest nationalization in the history of humanity. By nationalizing Fannie and Freddie the US has increased its public assets by almost $6 trillion and has increased its public debt/liabilities by another $6 trillion. The US has also turned itself into the largest government-owned hedge fund in the world: by injecting a likely $200 billion of capital into Fannie and Freddie and taking on almost $6 trillion of liabilities of such GSEs the US has also undertaken the biggest and most levered LBO (“leveraged buy-out”) in human history that has a debt to equity ratio of 30 ($6,000 trillion of debt against $200 billion of equity).

So foreign investors are now welcome to the USSRA (the United Socialist State Republic of America) where they can earn fat spreads relative to Treasuries on agency debt and never face any credit risks (not even the subordinated debt holders who made a fortune yesterday as those claims were also made whole).

Like scores of evangelists and hypocrites and moralists who spew and praise family values and pretend to be holier than thou and are then regularly caught cheating or cross dressing or found to be perverts these Bush hypocrites who spewed for years the glory of unfettered wild west laissez faire jungle capitalism (and never believed in any sensible and appropriate regulation and supervision of financial markets) allowed the biggest debt bubble ever to fester without any control, have caused the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression and are now forced to perform the biggest government intervention and nationalizations in the recent history of humanity, all for the benefit of the rich and the well connected.
So now Comrades Bush, Paulson and Bernanke (as originally nicknamed by Willem Buiter) have now turned the USA into the USSRA (the United Socialist State Republic of America). Socialism is indeed alive and well in America; but this is socialism for the rich, the well connected and Wall Street. A socialism where profits are privatized and losses are socialized with the US tax-payer being charged the bill of $300 billion.
Xisiqomelir said:

I know we all quote it all the time, but seriously, it's the best place to learn about how this election will pan out, and what the daily polls actually mean.
Thx, i'll bookmark that. The 'leave Palin alone' comments are my biggest peeve right now. The same people who took Clinton to the mat not along ago for not being tough enough...


McCain campaign two weeks before the election said:
Today, he said the sky is blue while at an outside rally. This is yet another example of Barack Obama exposing his liberal bias, this time in relation to the environment.
Seriously, they are acting so ridiculous that if they take this any further it wouldn't be surprising to see comments like that!
Obama should start saying "Now I know McCain likes talking about straight talk but I'm going to give you the real straight talk about where we are and what our policies will do for you" on the stump and talk about how he and Biden are the actual reformers due to the policies they'll put in place. It would diffuse the nonsense being spread by McCain's camp and pressure them to focus on policy (which would then open them up to some criticism). All he has to do is undercut their message by saying he's the real deal and then focus on policy.

For the moment now, McCain's camp is winning the identity politics and Obama needs to control the narrative.


I've heard from a few places that the Washington Post will be reporting "something big" regarding McCain this evening. Something that will hurt his campaign badly. Anyone else heard this?

My question/theory: is he taking Alzheimer drugs?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Lying is neither brave nor considered what it takes to "be a man", the two values I see most associated with the claim that someone has balls.
Diablos said:
Seriously, they are acting so ridiculous that if they take this any further it wouldn't be surprising to see comments like that!
I'm expecting some creepy 1984 moments where McCain spend the rest of his campaign telling people the sky is green. "If the sky looks blue, it's because the liberal Democrats have pulled their blue enviro-hippie wooll over your eyes."
HylianTom said:
I've heard from a few places that the Washington Post will be reporting "something big" regarding McCain this evening. Something that will hurt his campaign badly. Anyone else heard this?

My question/theory: is he taking Alzheimer drugs?
Whatever it is... I hope it won't turn into a boomerang...


Why isn't there an Obama-Biden t shirt yet on his site? There's only a women's t-shirt. Eh.

EDIT: Ah, never mind. Found them.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
harSon said:
It takes balls to blame Obama of sexism and petty insults for comments that you've said under a year ago and a phrase in which your press aid wrote a book for. That or confidence that our shitty MSM won't do shit to refute it.

It takes a healthy dose of contempt for your constituents to pander baseless slander and distort reality to the extent they have done.

If by balls, you mean testosterone fueled insanity, then perhaps.

But if instead you mean a strength of character that is able to stick by their guns in the face of so much unjustified criticism... then you'll find those belong to Obama.

That guy has cajones man. To continue to take the high road, when the smart motherfucker could've swooped down and smashed them to bits with a few well placed jabs and attacks on the McCain campaign's blatant repeated hypocrisy.

But he's got a plan. He knows how to play the game, and he can keep his nose clean. That's why this guy is so remarkable... that's why we are so fervent with the support.

In otherwords...



Console Market Analyst
HylianTom said:
I've heard from a few places that the Washington Post will be reporting "something big" regarding McCain this evening. Something that will hurt his campaign badly. Anyone else heard this?

My question/theory: is he taking Alzheimer drugs?

Yes, I just heard it from you! And if I hear it from someone else, I can post on other forums that I heard from a few places that this may, perhaps, be true!
kaching said:
Lying is neither brave nor considered what it takes to "be a man", the two values I see most associated with the claim that someone has balls.
lol don't take it too literally. I just think you really have to not give a shit what anyone says if you are going down that lie/half truth road. Not everyone can pull it off, it does takes some serious balls. Just says guts instead.


Gallup has McCain holding a five point lead today. Both of them dropped a point.

Today is when McCain's +7 day dropped off, so they still have him leading by a big margin in daily samples.
mclem said:
Of course. She's running against him.

Dude, I was just having that conversation with a coworker.

Republicans call themselves Christians, but there's no doubt in my mind that Jesus Christ--their namesake--would bitchslap them if he could.

Obama preaches fairness, tolerance, and understanding. Christ's teachings.

Christ really is running against the Republican party.


when is my burrito
HylianTom said:
I've heard from a few places that the Washington Post will be reporting "something big" regarding McCain this evening. Something that will hurt his campaign badly. Anyone else heard this?

My question/theory: is he taking Alzheimer drugs?



Zeliard said:
Don't worry, Palin won't have a teleprompter at the debates. They can only keep her sequestered for so long before she is actually forced to try and speak intelligently on a subject, any subject, which she apparently isn't capable of doing.

She's getting prepped like crazy, don't doubt it for a second. I agree though, she will still be more likely to crack under the pressure than anyone else. There's only so much you can do when you are simply being fed info; she still has little to no experience debating. Joe Lieberman and co. won't be there to hold her hand on stage.


maximum360 said:
Obama down by 5 in WV: http://www.wsaz.com/political/headlines/28118604.html

44 to 39. I don't think WV will go democratic but I thought McCain would be double digits up here considering how the primary went.

I live in WV and I see a ridiculous amount of support for Obama around my city. It's DEFINITELY not like that in most of the state, but he's getting a lot of support here in Huntington.

That poll blows my mind, though.


GhaleonEB said:
Gallup has McCain holding a five point lead today. Both of them dropped a point.

Today is when McCain's +7 day dropped off, so they still have him leading by a big margin in daily samples.
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