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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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BobTheFork said:
lol don't take it too literally. I just think you really have to not give a shit what anyone says if you are going down that lie/half truth road. Not everyone can pull it off, it does takes some serious balls. Just says guts instead.
Audacity, if you will.

The Audacity of Shit.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
You're still not selling me BobTheFork. And the point is that you're giving McCain more credit than he deserves. Guts, Balls, whatever...they don't apply to what he's doing. You're responding to his scare tactics exactly the way they want you to.


The Blue Jihad said:
Dude, I was just having that conversation with a coworker.

Republicans call themselves Christians, but there's no doubt in my mind that Jesus Christ--their namesake--would bitchslap them if he could.

Obama preaches fairness, tolerance, and understanding. Christ's teachings.

Christ really is running against the Republican party.

Actually, I think according the New Testament Sarah Palin wouldn't even be allowed to be on the ticket.

1 Timothy Ch. 2, verse 11-15. It says women are not allowed to speak in church, or to have any authority over men. it also says women are not allowed to have braided hair... Ahh the Bible, the hits just keep coming!

As someone who has read the Bible cover-to-cover, I can say with some conviction.... don't make that same mistake.


lawblob said:
Actually, I think according the New Testament Sarah Palin wouldn't even be allowed to be on the ticket.

1 Timothy Ch. 2, verse 11-15. It says women are not allowed to speak in church, or to have any authority over men. it also says women are not allowed to have braided hair... Ahh the Bible, the hits just keep coming!

As someone who has read the Bible cover-to-cover, I can say with some conviction.... don't make that same mistake.

lol I gotta say...Karl Rove was a horrid horrid influence on the Republican party.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
HylianTom said:
I'm skeptical of blind sources, but had to ask. This person says that it's about prescription drugs and that the Washington Post will be breaking the news. Guess we'll find-out in a few hours. *shrug*


I never want to hear bad news about someone's health, so I'm not wishing ill on McCain, but if he is having health problems I think it will be a good wake up call for the American people. I can't imagine there are too many folks who thinks she is really ready to lead on day one.
kaching said:
You're still not selling me BobTheFork. And the point is that you're giving McCain more credit than he deserves. Guts, Balls, whatever...they don't apply to what he's doing. You're responding to his scare tactics exactly the way they want you to.
not trying to sell you, it's just an opinion. But please don't confuse what I'm saying with any kind of admiration, I think he's a lying scum bag. Just because I said it takes balls doesn't mean its a good thing, it takes guts/balls to commit a bank heist too lol. I didn't think I was responding to his tactics at all; I was just stating that it seems democrats don't go down this 'deny and deny until its truth' road.



Andrew Sullivan

For me, this surreal moment - like the entire surrealism of the past ten days - is not really about Sarah Palin or Barack Obama or pigs or fish or lipstick. It's about John McCain. The one thing I always thought I knew about him is that he is a decent and honest person. When he knows, as every sane person must, that Obama did not in any conceivable sense mean that Sarah Palin is a pig, what did he do? Did he come out and say so and end this charade? Or did he acquiesce in and thereby enable the mindless Rovianism that is now the core feature of his campaign?

McCain has demonstrated in the last two months that he does not have the character to be president of the United States. And that is why it is more important than ever to ensure that Barack Obama is the next president. The alternative is now unthinkable. And McCain - no one else - has proved it.


Fragamemnon said:
oh god unsourced DU crap. :(

To be fair though, the WaPo has been drawing out crap about Palin on a nearly daily basis for like a week now.

dude, DU is the #1 source for political entertainment on the web.


"Sarah Palin thinks she's more qualified than me, the Original Savior, because she was a Governor."
"She claims that 'community organizers' didn't have responsibilities"
"If getting nailed to a bloody cross because you touch yourself at night isn't a responsibility, well there's no amount of lipstick you can put on that pig!"

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Tim-E said:
BREAKING: Jesus to start a 527

I wonder if they are going to throw adultery shit at him. They've had all this time, I bet that they are going to come out in a fury.
eznark said:
dude, DU is the #1 source for political entertainment on the web.

The local news has a website where people can post comments to stories. Trolling redneck yokels that aren't used to being trolled=epic fun. DU is like gamefaqs for liberals.


Gaborn said:
I thought that was Conservapedia (seriously, some of their views are just... :lol :lol :lol )

oh damn, never even heard of that! Off I go...

man, lazy. I expected the Olbermann page to be much funnier, lord know he provides the material.


FlightOfHeaven said:
I'm still on page 72, but...

You could always call your local Obama headquarters, explain your situation, and they could help you phone bank (make calls on Obama's behalf). I'm sure they have other activities for someone who can't move.

Good luck!

I forget who asked the original Q, but the above post is correct. Additionall,y you can go here, sign up, and look around. One thing you can most certainly do is phone bank and they'll provide you with all the information you need. And again, keep in mind that even if you live in a "blue" state, there are important down ticket races to be won and maintained. If you have any questions, drop me a PM and I'll try to get you an answer.


Tamanon said:
"Sarah Palin thinks she's more qualified than me, the Original Savior, because she was a Governor."
"She claims that 'community organizers' didn't have responsibilities"
"If getting nailed to a bloody cross because you touch yourself at night isn't a responsibility, well there's no amount of lipstick you can put on that pig!"

"Ms. Palin, you claim to be a Christian. Well, let me tell you something. I knew Jesus Christ. I worked with Jesus Christ. I am Jesus Christ. YOU, my friend, are NOT like me."
Nice to see Andrew Sullivan back and posting (god can't believe I just said that). Both him and Josh Marshall are making the same point-McCain lacks the basic integrity and has embraced a degree of dishonesty that makes him unfit to be the President of the United States.
CharlieDigital said:
Just thought I'd share. It's really an expansion of a post I made in PoliGAF on Monday (and incorporates various things I've learned (and verified) from other posters here on GAF (thanks folks!)).

Some of the links and formatting are lost from the copy/paste, so head to the original post to get the links if you're interested in presenting them to others

Without further ado:


Wow, this is excellent. Mind if I use it as a template?

CharlieDigital said:
Wait, you're going to read through every page? :lol


I missed out on pages 11-30 in this thread.

Other than that, I've read every page in every thread since... I dunno, after the Penn. primary?

Yeah, I'm fucking crazy. Those "post count" posts someone's been posting? Heh. How about I've read every post, and clicked every link?

*maniacal laughter*
HylianTom said:
There was also a speculative blog on the Huffington Post listing his symptoms.


Pretty fun stuff, even if it amounts to nothing.

If it is something though.. ouch. I'd like to see Obama win this race without things like this.

The whole first half of that article looks like it's hinging on Palin being a bad choice--however, from the polling data and public support (from the base), wasn't it a brilliant move?
SnakeswithLasers said:
The whole first half of that article looks like it's hinging on Palin being a bad choice--however, from the polling data and public support (from the base), wasn't it a brilliant move?

My best estimation is that it kept their candidacy alive for another couple of weeks, but also immersed it in gasoline so that when it does start to flame out it will do so quite spectacularly.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
"Saddam PLANNED 911!!!!"

If the number of card-carrying jackases that believed that unsubstantiated lie spewed by Bush and others was reduced significantly, we may not have gone to Iraq at all. However, to this day, some people still believe those lies even though it has been proven to be a flat out lie from the beginning.

Seems like the same people who handled Bush are now handling McCain and their manipulation of American minds is as brazen and careless as ever. I suppose if the majority of Americans actually paid attention more than 10% of the time, they would be less inclined to beleive this lipstick/fish stuff. But as I look on MSNBC.com, I see a poll that shows about 1/3rd of respondents believe Obama went too far in the lipstick comment. I weep for this nation.


shooting blanks
lawblob said:
Actually, I think according the New Testament Sarah Palin wouldn't even be allowed to be on the ticket.

1 Timothy Ch. 2, verse 11-15. It says women are not allowed to speak in church, or to have any authority over men. it also says women are not allowed to have braided hair... Ahh the Bible, the hits just keep coming!

As someone who has read the Bible cover-to-cover, I can say with some conviction.... don't make that same mistake.

Yeah that's true, plus she should have her hair covered when going to church and wait to ask her husband at home...and submit herself to him.....not speaking in front of the congregation. This is far from Biblical it's liberal, and what's with all the guns she has...love thy neighbor? turn the other cheek?

Palin is the devil...lol

or more like Jezebel, Salome, or Delilah.
Forget cancer. What about the torture? No matter what his genes are, the people that were imprisoned alongside him are dropping left and right according to their own admission.

Look, do I care about his age? No. My dad's pretty advanced in his years, but he's still in terrific shape. The other day we climbed on our roof and fixed it. He built about half of our house (with help from mom). Age doesn't phase me. If the candidate has great ideas, integrity, and is 90 years old, by God, I'll vote for him/her.

His health is another thing altogether, especially with a VP pick like Palin. Yipes.
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