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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Fragamemnon said:
Nice to see Andrew Sullivan back and posting (god can't believe I just said that). Both him and Josh Marshall are making the same point-McCain lacks the basic integrity and has embraced a degree of dishonesty that makes him unfit to be the President of the United States.

Sullivan I think has been on a slow-burn of hatred towards what the GOP has become, if you read his posts regularly, you'll see as this campaigns gone on, the GOP campaigning has basically turned him into almost a liberal.:lol


I have given up, this ridiculous wtf is wrong with people. I mean there is a good chance John Mccain might not see through his first term, the guy is 72. This woman will become the next Commander in Chief, really?

Its deja vu again, the obama campaign needs to be on offense not playing defense all the time. I was very optimistic about obama winning but its not looking good.
vangace said:
I have given up, this ridiculous wtf is wrong with people. I mean there is a good chance John Mccain might not see through his first term, the guy is 72. This woman will become the next Commander in Chief, really?

Its deja vu again, the obama campaign needs to be on offense not playing defense all the time. I was very optimistic about obama winning but its not looking good.
Viral marketing much?




Tamanon said:
"Sarah Palin thinks she's more qualified than me, the Original Savior, because she was a Governor."
"She claims that 'community organizers' didn't have responsibilities"
"If getting nailed to a bloody cross because you touch yourself at night isn't a responsibility, well there's no amount of lipstick you can put on that pig!"

Jesus has shown that he lacks TRUE christian values with a callous display of sexism typical of Barack Obama supporters, and touts his community organizing even though he failed to realize one of his own staffers would work against him. John McCain has sacrificed 5 1/2 years for his country, thats more than a few minutes on a cross.

Jesus not a Christ you can believe in.

I am John McCain and I hereby sacrifice my morals and beliefs for power.:D
Tamanon said:
Sullivan I think has been on a slow-burn of hatred towards what the GOP has become, if you read his posts regularly, you'll see as this campaigns gone on, the GOP campaigning has basically turned him into almost a liberal.:lol

I've read Sully for a long time, he's the kind of conservative that I wouldn't have shot on sight out of principle if I was running the show. He's rational, honest, and represents a sort of right-center ideology that, when balanced out with some equally rational and honest left center policies, could result in some really effective government.
Fragamemnon said:
I've read Sully for a long time, he's the kind of conservative that I wouldn't have shot on sight out of principle if I was running the show. He's rational, honest, and represents a sort of right-center ideology that, when balanced out with some equally rational and honest left center policies, could result in some really effective government.

Ditto, totes. The best thing Bill Maher ever did was turn me on to his stuff.
GhaleonEB said:

The AP of all things is not buying the lipstick BS.

I keep thinking - surely this garbage crosses the line. Surely there's gonig to be more of a backlash against McCain. Right?

Well, I think Obama has a clear chance to capitalize here through either effective reactionary attacking, or effective arguments persuading the public and the media that the level of discourse needs to be elevated beyond this nonsense. However, stupid controversies such as these when insufficiently countered or derided can get play.


Gallup question: 2004 was the first election I seriously paid attention to. Historically, how accurate are Gallup polls? They're like the only credible poll out there that has Obama in considerably bad shape.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Forget the national polls, fellas.
TPM said:
I say this with the proviso that it's clear that the polls are settling back to roughly a tie. And there's no need for anyone to panic. But lots of people write in to say that the national polls don't mean anything, that it's the electoral college that decides the election and that Obama remains firmly in command on that count.

Don't be fooled. Every electoral college count you see is by definition a lagging indicator simply because individual state polls don't come in anywhere near as frequently as national polls. So when you point to an electoral counter, you're referring to a composite picture that is a few weeks old. If the race remains a statistical tie as it is as of today, with a hair's breadth of a McCain lead, the electoral map will soon rebalance to a rough tie as well.
Diablos said:
McCain said he'd be too old to run in 2008.

They're even. If McCain runs an ad, Obama can too.

There's a difference between experience and age. You gain experience as you go along, sometimes at an even faster clip than you expect, but you never get younger :lol


BrandNew said:
Who is this old fart on MSNBC

Shut the fuck up already, my lord

She got lost on the way to the Golden Girls Convention - cut her some slack!
(If we're lucky, she might tell a Saint Olaf story while she's still on the air..):D


Diablos said:
Gallup question: 2004 was the first election I seriously paid attention to. Historically, how accurate are Gallup polls? They're like the only credible poll out there that has Obama in considerably bad shape.
It has accurately predicted the winner of the vast majority of presidential elections since its inception. I'll try to find details.

1. McCain talking sexism has opened doors for Democrats to Attack McCain on being a sexist

a) He called Janet Reno the 'Father' of Chelsey Clinton
b) McCain did not protest when a town hall questioner called Hillary a Bitch
c) McCain called his wife a 'cunt' and a 'trollop'


Diablos said:
Gallup question: 2004 was the first election I seriously paid attention to. Historically, how accurate are Gallup polls? They're like the only credible poll out there that has Obama in considerably bad shape.
Gallup has been more volotile this cycle. They showed a bigger convention bounce for Obama than anyone else (+8), and were the only pollster to show a spike when Obama went on his overseas trip (also in the +8 range). I keep that in mind when they do these wide swings.


artredis1980 said:

1. McCain talking sexism has opened doors for Democrats to Attack McCain on being a sexist

a) He called Janet Reno the 'Father' of Chelsey Clinton
b) McCain did not protest when a town hall questioner called Hillary a Bitch
c) McCain called his wife a 'cunt' and a 'trollop'

I don't think you want to get this into a sexism war of whose more sexist. You keep it to one camp claiming sexism, the other camp claiming the first camp is a moron who lashes out.
Biden: I will teach Palin how to be a 'man'

"She's going to try to make it as personal as she can. She's going to take a lot of straight lefts and jabs at me, she's going to try to get me to respond, she's going to try to get me to respond in a personal way," Biden said at a fundraiser Tuesday night in Chicago. "That's not my style. I'm not going to do it."

"I'm not into the small-bore stuff. I don't care whether or not she built a bridge to nowhere. I don't care if she sold a plane," he said.

"What I care about is what in God's name is she going to do _ along with John McCain _ about the thousands of people who don't have health care," those struggling with other economic problems, and the foreign policy challenges facing the country, Biden said.


Tamanon said:
You keep it to one camp claiming sexism, the other camp claiming the first camp is a moron who lashes out.

Exactly. And every chance you get, you call 'em liars as well.

Edit: Or see that Biden quote above!
Tamanon said:
I don't think you want to get this into a sexism war of whose more sexist. You keep it to one camp claiming sexism, the other camp claiming the first camp is a moron who lashes out.

but the media can do it


Tim-E said:
This old woman on MSNBC is fucking stupid. She needs to be quiet, Matlock is getting ready to come on PAX.

Actually I've never really understood the hate for Matlock, it's a pretty good show.


Gaborn said:
Actually I've never really understood the hate for Matlock, it's a pretty good show.

It is a good show, it's only watched by old people these days though, since Murder She Wrote and The Rockford Files don't play as much!
Palin qoutes anti-semetic writer in speech

Thomas Frank noticed in the Journal today that Sarah Palin used an odd source for a quote in her announcement speech attributed only to a "writer."

"We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty and sincerity and dignity," she said, drawing from a once-powerful, now forgotten mid-century conservative columnist named Westbrook Pegler.

It's an odd source because Pegler, who moved further right as his career went on, ended up very, very far out. Frank notes that he talked hopefully of the assassination of Franklin Roosevelt.

He was also known for what Philip Roth described as his "casual distaste for Jews," which had become so evident by the end that he was bounced from the journal of the John Birch Society in 1964 for alleged anti-semitism. According to his obituary, he'd advanced the theory that American Jews of Eastern European descent were "instinctively sympathetic to Communism, however outwardly respectable they appeared."

It's unlikely that Palin wrote the speech or dug up the quote, though it's possible. The line does come from a strand of conservative populism that isn't particularly native to McCain or his usual rhetoric: The only other source for that Pegler easily available online is a 1990 book by Patrick Buchanan.

In any case, it won't calm Ed Koch any.



GhaleonEB said:
Ignorant, uneducated public and a truly atrocious media.

Among other things.

And this is why I shudder every time I hear Obama analyze his situation instead of responding to it. I don't know why anyone would disarm themselves in this political environment when the republicans will do and say ANYTHING to win. Obama might win the moral battle but if he loses the election what will that get him? A footnote in the history books and 4 more years of republican command. I have NO FAITH that the general American populace will vote for their best economic interests, when they can vote for their fears, racism, and sterotypes. Culture wars beat class wars everytime and republicans have that arguement well in hard. Pray for our country.

The Dark One
Tamanon said:
Small issues.

let the campaign talk about big issues, the people, not the campaign have to fight 527 with 527s, mud with mud, the media is the one which can be used for this like they are doing, its the only way to win.
artredis1980 said:
Palin qoutes anti-semetic writer in speech



Oh jeez, that was the most innocuous line in the whole speech.
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