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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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we all knew her
artredis1980 said:
Palin qoutes anti-semetic writer in speech




Should I really be outraged by this? I'm as anti-Palin as anyone on this board, but it's not like what she said was anti-semetic. Whether the particular quote was said by this guy or Winston Churchill doesn't change its meaning, does it?
artredis1980 said:
Palin qoutes anti-semetic writer in speech





DarkMage619 said:
And this is why I shudder every time I hear Obama analyze his situation instead of responding to it. I don't know why anyone would disarm themselves in this political environment when the republicans will do and say ANYTHING to win. Obama might win the moral battle but if he loses the election what will that get him? A footnote in the history books and 4 more years of republican command. I have NO FAITH that the general American populace will vote for their best economic interests, when they can vote for their fears, racism, and sterotypes. Culture wars beat class wars everytime and republicans have that arguement well in hard. Pray for our country.

The Dark One
Indeed, the great accomplishment of the GOP is getting poor people to vote against their interests, time and time again.


Setec Astronomer
lawblob said:
As someone who has read the Bible cover-to-cover, I can say with some conviction.... don't make that same mistake.
I've read much of the New Testament, but once the Old Testament gets light on narrative and heavy on "thou shalt not"s I kinda gave up on it. (I have read all of the BoM save the part lifted wholesale from KJV Isiah, and most of the D&C/PGP.) One of these days I may end up reading the Skeptics Annotated version.


artredis1980 said:
Palin qoutes anti-semetic writer in speech




If she quoted something bad that would be an issue. Considering the history of anti-semitism and its habit of becoming popular in parts of the world there is probably alot of stuff read and quoted by people who didnt like jews or another group of people


Where in the holy fuck is the outrage about the fucking "teach children sex before they can read" ad on the news channels? Why in the hell are they fucking covering cosmetic wearing porcine instead of talking about the fact that (a) McCain is accusing Obama of supporting purposely corrupting the sexual innocence of children, and (b) that by attacking Obama over his vote for the bill, McCain is essentially saying that he's against protecting children from sexual predators? Seriously?
zesty said:
Should I really be outraged by this? I'm as anti-Palin as anyone on this board, but it's not like what she said was anti-semetic. Whether the particular quote was said by this guy or Winston Churchill doesn't change its meaning, does it?
Yeah, it is a pretty tenuous link.

I think the more damning fact is that she just sat there while some guy at her church preached that Terrorism in Israel is due to the fact that Israel is filled with Jews that have not accepted Christ.

Even that is pretty tenuous . . . but if the Rev. Wright 'God damn America' (after listing a long list of pretty loathesome parts of our history) is fair game then her sitting there for that sermon is fair game as well.
DarkMage619 said:
And this is why I shudder every time I hear Obama analyze his situation instead of responding to it. I don't know why anyone would disarm themselves in this political environment when the republicans will do and say ANYTHING to win. Obama might win the moral battle but if he loses the election what will that get him? A footnote in the history books and 4 more years of republican command. I have NO FAITH that the general American populace will vote for their best economic interests, when they can vote for their fears, racism, and sterotypes. Culture wars beat class wars everytime and republicans have that arguement well in hard. Pray for our country.

The Dark One
I've said this before, and I'll say it again, an effective campaign (which I believe Obama has demonstrated in the past and is capable of executing still) CAN fight through this. It just isn't going to be easy.

Sometimes, I wonder what you guys were expecting. When Obama came out preaching the merits of change and "new politics," did you just expect "old politics" to concede defeat, roll over, and die?

Yes, he can embrace old politics, fight fire with fire, and win. However, I think he can still win an election on the issues. It just isn't going to be easy. However, surely his campaign understood the task in front of them when they set out on this journey. He's got money, he's got supporters, and his got fiery rhetoric on his side. He can win this battle. We all just need to understand that change wasn't going to happen overnight. We also need to understand that there is a chance (though it's far too early to see this as a forgone conclusion), that change wasn't going to win at all. If it's going to win, though, it's going to take everything Obama and his team can muster.


when is my burrito
Wolffen said:
Where in the holy fuck is the outrage about the fucking "teach children sex before they can read" ad on the news channels? Why in the hell are they fucking covering cosmetic wearing porcine instead of talking about the fact that (a) McCain is accusing Obama of supporting purposely corrupting the sexual innocence of children, and (b) that by attacking Obama over his vote for the bill, McCain is essentially saying that he's against protecting children from sexual predators? Seriously?

You don't defeat an attack by acknowledging and debunking it, you attack back and get people's attention away from it.

That's exactly what they're doing today with the LIES LIES LIES
artredis1980 said:
Palin qoutes anti-semetic writer in speech




The GOP is pretty much teflon when it comes to these accusations. Only the democrats can be labeled as Elite or Anti-American while GOP leaders exploit the conservative base to their own ends and people love them for it. Most dictators just plunder the country and then roll out to live lavishly on some island when they're done. The GOP does it every cycle and get treated as heroes for fighting the 'terrurists' and saving us from 'big government'.

Go figure.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
giga said:
A new video of Obama in a turban with Osama in the mountains, but that's about it.
This will likely be true by the end of the day.
It is so nice to see Obama smack back hard to all the bullshit.

Obama accuses McCain camp of lies, phony outrage
By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 23 minutes ago

NORFOLK, Va. - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Wednesday accused Republican John McCain's campaign of using "lies and phony outrage and Swift-boat politics" in claiming he used a sexist comment against vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Calling it "the latest made-up controversy by the John McCain campaign," Obama responded to the Republicans' charge that he was referring to Palin when he used the phrase "lipstick on a pig" at a campaign stop Tuesday.

"I don't care what they say about me. But I love this country too much to let them take over another election with lies and phony outrage and Swift-boat politics. Enough is enough," he said.

Obama's reference was to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, an outside group that in 2004 made unsubstantiated allegations about Democratic nominee John Kerry's decorated military record in Vietnam.

On Tuesday, Obama criticized McCain's policies as similar to those of President Bush, saying: "You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still going to stink after eight years."


polyh3dron said:
The argument should be made that McCain picked Palin to win an election while Obama put his Country First by picking Biden.
Pretty much. As someone else said, McCain picked someone to help make him an even better candidate. Obama picked someone to help make him an even better president.
wow and that's from Nedra Pickler.

I've been thinking it and saying it all morning-the McCain camp is playing with fire if they think they can run this kind of total bullshit by the media forever. It's insulting to them and eventually they are going to pile on this crap something fierce.


giga said:
A new video of Obama in a turban with Osama in the mountains, but that's about it.

It's pretty sad that I actually thought for a second about the possibility of McCain going that low. At this point it I would not be surprised.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
laserbeam said:
If she quoted something bad that would be an issue. Considering the history of anti-semitism and its habit of becoming popular in parts of the world there is probably alot of stuff read and quoted by people who didnt like jews or another group of people

true. but if this happened to obama.. say, for instance, if he quoted farrakhan.. even something innocuous like this.. it would be all over the news.
Steve Youngblood said:
I've said this before, and I'll say it again, an effective campaign (which I believe Obama has demonstrated in the past and is capable of executing still) CAN fight through this. It just isn't going to be easy.

Sometimes, I wonder what you guys were expecting. When Obama came out preaching the merits of change and "new politics," did you just expect "old politics" to concede defeat, roll over, and die?

Yes, he can embrace old politics, fight fire with fire, and win. However, I think he can still win an election on the issues. It just isn't going to be easy. However, surely his campaign understood the task in front of them when they set out on this journey. He's got money, he's got supporters, and his got fiery rhetoric on his side. He can win this battle. We all just need to understand that change wasn't going to happen overnight. We also need to understand that there is a chance (though it's far too early to see this as a forgone conclusion), that change wasn't going to win at all. If it's going to win, though, it's going to take everything Obama and his team can muster.

I guess I would have to disagree with that. If anything else, what we've seen from the conservative base is that as much righteous indignation and 'values' that they claim, they are willing to overlook just about anything as long as someone supports their one or two wedge issues.

As a candidate who was adulterous and divorced, evangelicals should not in full confidence support him. Especially as the campaign rhetoric heats up and McCain's camp is in full deception mode, this should infuriate them...but it does not. Palin is anything but a good example of family values with just about a new scandal appearing every day and the conservatives love her even more. Hypocrisy at its best.

Obama is a more moral candidate than either one of them and has set an exemplary family values example but it just so happens that he supports abortion (or at the very least will not push for legislation to ban it) and supports civil unions. Two wedge issues make him the anti-christ in the eyes of most religious conservatives.
quadriplegicjon said:
true. but if this happened to obama.. say, for instance, if he quoted farrakhan.. even something innocuous like this.. it would be all over the news.
This is a really silly debate. Personally, if I find anything wrong with that, it's the reference to nebulous small town values and their arbitrary merit. Everytime that gets brought up, it does a disservice to the political process.
PhatSaqs said:
Pretty much. As someone else said, McCain picked someone to help make him an even better candidate. Obama picked someone to help make him an even better president.

Wow, QFT. I don't think McCain can deny this, especially since Palin has barely any experience and just "happens" to be a woman shortly after Hillary loses.

McCain is just trying to spread lies and rumors and undermine Obama's image. Hopefully this doesn't become Swiftboating.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Steve Youngblood said:
This is a really silly debate. Personally, if I find anything wrong with that, it's the reference to nebulous small town values and their arbitrary merit. Everytime that gets brought up, it does a disservice to the political process.

i'm not really debating anything, other than the media's hypocrisy. personally.. i don't think either instance should get airtime.. but it's a bit irritating how the media treats each candidate so differently.


Fragamemnon said:
wow and that's from Nedra Pickler.

I've been thinking it and saying it all morning-the McCain camp is playing with fire if they think they can run this kind of total bullshit by the media forever. It's insulting to them and eventually they are going to pile on this crap something fierce.
Well, except the largest cable network news channel in the US.
giga said:
A new video of Obama in a turban with Osama in the mountains, but that's about it.
Rumors of a captured Osama for an October surprise are starting to float around . . . with Bob Woodard as an original source(!?!).
maximum360 said:
Obama is a more moral candidate than either one of them and has set an exemplary family values example but it just so happens that he supports abortion (or at the very least will not push for legislation to ban it) and supports civil unions. Two wedge issues make him the anti-christ in the eyes of most religious conservatives.
Okay, take another issue that Republicans have a tendency to win: taxes. Most of us here on NeoGAF would agree that McCain leads the polls based on distortions of Obama's proposals. So, why does he get away with it? Some would argue ignorance. Others, tradition. Still others might point a finger at our pathetic media and fault them for not educating the electorate.

Regardless of which it is, all of them are examples of problems that are not new. Obama isn't the first candidate ever who's been subject to distortions in order for the other side to gain political expedience and sidestep the issues. Obama is running entirely on a platform of sweeping change. He had to have been prepared for this. If Obama, if his supporters truly believed in the campaign rhetoric, we should expect him to be able to rise above this.

I just don't understand some of the naiveté among some Obama supporters. The people wanted change! Obama promised change! He should have won in a landslide! Unfortunately, the unthinkable occurred: the Republicans ran the same kind of campaign they also run. Obama just didn't have the foresight to see that coming.

If Obama's message isn't working as well as hoped, then that means he needs to do better, and he still can. He's not getting demolished out there -- it's still a very close race. Maybe closer than we'd like, but that's politics for you.


Wolffen said:
Where in the holy fuck is the outrage about the fucking "teach children sex before they can read" ad on the news channels? Why in the hell are they fucking covering cosmetic wearing porcine instead of talking about the fact that (a) McCain is accusing Obama of supporting purposely corrupting the sexual innocence of children, and (b) that by attacking Obama over his vote for the bill, McCain is essentially saying that he's against protecting children from sexual predators? Seriously?

Anyone care to link me to this ad?
Hootie said:
Just got home; anything I need to panic/laugh/cry/commit prompt suicide about now?

Matt Damon says Palin being so close to being the president (if McCain croaks) is a scary thing, especially from a woman who says dinosaurs have exsisted for 4,000 years. :lol
Fragamemnon said:
I've been thinking it and saying it all morning-the McCain camp is playing with fire if they think they can run this kind of total bullshit by the media forever. It's insulting to them and eventually they are going to pile on this crap something fierce.
Yeah, this morning I heard an NPR news update say that the claims of Sarah Palin claiming oppose the bridge to nowhere "proved to be false."

And I heard the BBC go off on the faux lipstick outrage noting that 'lipstick on a pig' is a phrase commonly used by many politicians including Senator McCain.

So Johnny, you can't depend on everyone to kiss your ass the way Fox News does.

And if Obama/Biden tried to pull the same crap, I'm pretty sure Rachel Maddow would call them on it.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Fatalah said:
This thread is slowing down.
It's tough to talk right now when the most substantive thing that was said today out of someone not named Obama was said by Matt...fucking...Damon.

Matt Damon.


RubxQub said:
It's tough to talk right now when the most substantive thing that was said today out of someone not named Obama was said by Matt...fucking...Damon.

Matt Damon.
Kinda like Lindsay...fucking....Lohan as well:
Lohan on Palin said:
I am concerned with the fact that Sarah Palin brought the attention to her daughter's pregnancy, rather than all world issues and what she believes she could possibly do to change them-if elected

The celebs are taking task what some in the MSM aren't doing.
The Obama camp should be using this ridiculous issue as a nice transition into a real issue: women's rights/issues etc. The McCain suggesting Obama is sexist yet they're the ones against equal pay for equal work? They're the ones who want complete control of women's bodies decided by a bunch of law makers? etc
speculawyer said:
Rumors of a captured Osama for an October surprise are starting to float around . . . with Bob Woodard as an original source(!?!).

Ha. Cue the press release:

October 30, 2008

US Forces in Afghanistan have bombed the hideout of 911 mastermind Osama Bin Laden along with other top Al Qaeda leaders. Military Intelligence strongly suggests that Osama Bin Laden was on-site and killed as a result of the blast.....

.....Due to the nature of the blast it will take US Forces several weeks to verify that the Al Quaeda leader has been killed.
Isn't there an Op-Ed of McCain using 'lipstick on a pig' to mock Hillary's old original healthcare initiative?

If so, she should get on the stage and mock cry about 'being called pig' . . . and then snap out of it saying "Yeah, right. Folks, this election is about issues . . not phony outrage."
speculawyer said:
Isn't there an Op-Ed of McCain using 'lipstick on a pig' to mock Hillary's old original healthcare initiative?

If so, she should get on the stage and mock cry about 'being called pig' . . . and then snap out of it saying "Yeah, right. Folks, this election is about issues . . not phony outrage."

Even better, we had the youtube of it a couple pages back.
Remember to listen to the generals on the ground....


Bob Woodward’s latest book, The War Within: A Secret White House History 2006-2008, has just hit the shelves and as usual, contains some incredible new facts about President Bush’s style of “leadership” and decision-making. On 60 Minutes Sunday, Woodward sat down with Scott Pelley and dropped the bombshell that the idea of the surge came from the White House and was vehemently opposed by the top military brass.

“What does General Casey, sitting in Baghdad, think of having additional troops?” Pelley asked.

“He thinks that Baghdad is a troop sump-a place you can put endless numbers of troops in. And he does not want to add force,” Woodward said.

“The president, who has said in public, endless times, that he relies on his generals to tell him what they need, is actually going his own way here,” Pelley remarked.

“That’s right,” Woodward agreed. “The records of the joint chiefs show that the idea of five brigades came from the White House, not from anybody except the White House.”

So much for listening to the Generals on the ground.

And then there’s this from the Washington Post:

In response to a question about how the White House settled on a troop surge of five brigades after the military leadership in Washington had reluctantly said it could provide two, Bush said: “Okay, I don’t know this. I’m not in these meetings, you’ll be happy to hear, because I got other things to do.”

Justin Bailey

------ ------
RubxQub said:
It's tough to talk right now when the most substantive thing that was said today out of someone not named Obama was said by Matt...fucking...Damon.

Matt Damon.
Matt Damon is cool as hell, haven't you seen any of his Kimmel bits?


when is my burrito
bob_arctor said:
Anyone care to link me to this ad?

It's a web-only ad that some TV stations played this morning. It's despicable but the only places that would show it are Republican blogs and the McCain campaign website. Best not to draw any attention to it.
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