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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Hootie said:
Has McCain ever elaborated on how pulling out of Iraq is defeat, when it's not even a war, but an occupation? How do you lose a military occupation?

The only way you can possibly lose a military occupation is if you are forcibly ejected out of the country or territory by the natural citizens, ala France and Algeria. Of course, that isn't what is happening at all in Iraq, and Obama wants to voluntarily leave because we shouldn't have been there in the first place, which is only painfully logical.

Of course, the talking point doesn't work at all unless you start talking about the U.S. losing, riling up the entire (and rather considerable) "USA! USA! USA!" part of the electorate in the process and making it a wedge issue.

American politics, baby. That's how we roll.


PhoenixDark said:

Shit is about to get real. Somebody hold me.

MI, NH, and VA are extremely important this election. Hopefully Obama hasn't lost much ground.


This will be hilarity. I really feel sorry for Obama having to deal with this shit.


South Carolina Democratic chairwoman Carol Fowler sharply attacked Sarah Palin today, saying John McCain had chosen a running mate " whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.”

Palin is an opponent of abortion rights and gave birth to her fifth child, Trig, earlier this year after finding out during her pregnancy that the baby had Down syndrome.

Fowler told my colleague Alex Burns in an interview that the selection of an opponent of abortion rights would not boost McCain among many women.

“Among Democratic women and even among independent women, I don’t think it helped him,” she said.

Told of McCain's boost in the new ABC/Washington Post among white women following the Palin pick, Fowler said: "Just anecdotally, I believe that those white women are Republican women anyway."


Okay this is going beyond the convention bump. What the fuck is going on? Obama has to strike back and strike back hard. There needs to be some good news to keep this campaign going.
DarkhawkX said:
This will be hilarity. I really feel sorry for Obama having to deal with this shit.


South Carolina Democratic chairwoman Carol Fowler sharply attacked Sarah Palin today, saying John McCain had chosen a running mate " whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.”

Palin is an opponent of abortion rights and gave birth to her fifth child, Trig, earlier this year after finding out during her pregnancy that the baby had Down syndrome.

Fowler told my colleague Alex Burns in an interview that the selection of an opponent of abortion rights would not boost McCain among many women.

“Among Democratic women and even among independent women, I don’t think it helped him,” she said.

Told of McCain's boost in the new ABC/Washington Post among white women following the Palin pick, Fowler said: "Just anecdotally, I believe that those white women are Republican women anyway."

What the fucking fuck? Where is the god damn image/narrative control from the Obama camp? JUST DON'T TALK ABOUT SARAH PALIN UNLESS YOU'RE STICKING TO THE TALKING POINTS


*drowns in jizz*
Wow at the wolves ad. McCains (sickening/vile) ads have high production values, are powerful, and are influential. If I didnt know much about Obama, I'd conclude he's one of the most disgusting beings on the planet from those ads.


Incognito said:
MI: Obama 46, McCain 44

MO: McCain 49, Obama 41

NH: Obama 48, McCain 40

VA: McCain 48, Obama 47

If you're not fucking with us, I'll take that for sure:p

Crisis: If you're going to spout out about Obama needing to attack, you really need to start reading or watching the news.




PhoenixDark said:
What the fucking fuck? Where is the god damn image/narrative control from the Obama camp? JUST DON'T TALK ABOUT SARAH PALIN UNLESS YOU'RE STICKING TO THE TALKING POINTS

Clearly McCain's surrogates are using talking points and Obama's surrogates are not speaking what the campaign wants them to say.
Real numbers

Michigan: Obama 49, McCain 45
Missouri: McCain 50, Obama 45
New Hampshire: Obama 51, McCain 45
Virginia: McCain 50, Obama 46

Virginia smh


Incognito said:
MI: Obama 46, McCain 44

MO: McCain 49, Obama 41

NH: Obama 48, McCain 40

VA: McCain 48, Obama 47

Not too shabby. Gore states still look intact, even in the week after the GOP convention.

One more state.. hmm..

Edit: First time is clever. Second time? Not so much. (I'll still take the new numbers.)


Tamanon said:
If you're not fucking with us, I'll take that for sure:p

Crisis: If you're going to spout out about Obama needing to attack, you really need to start reading or watching the news.

I am watching the news. And what I'm seeing is utter bullshit by the McCain campaign get flung out at every possible chance and Obama waiting entirely too long to do anything real about it. There's so many things to go after McCain for and he doesn't do it. He's trying to stay above it but the negative ads full of shit are clearly working. Somebody needs to do it to McCain.


PhoenixDark said:
Real numbers

Michigan: Obama 49, McCain 45
Missouri: McCain 50, Obama 45
New Hampshire: Obama 51, McCain 45
Virginia: McCain 50, Obama 46

Once more for real polls (damn you incog :lol ):

Missouri bellwether my ass.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PhoenixDark said:
Real numbers

Michigan: Obama 49, McCain 45
Missouri: McCain 50, Obama 45
New Hampshire: Obama 51, McCain 45
Virginia: McCain 50, Obama 46

Virginia smh



PhoenixDark said:
Real numbers

Michigan: Obama 49, McCain 45
Missouri: McCain 50, Obama 45
New Hampshire: Obama 51, McCain 45
Virginia: McCain 50, Obama 46

Virginia smh

shit, i'm quite happy with that this far out. Especially VA being that close


PhoenixDark said:
Real numbers

Michigan: Obama 49, McCain 45
Missouri: McCain 50, Obama 45
New Hampshire: Obama 51, McCain 45
Virginia: McCain 50, Obama 46

Virginia smh

Michigan - Awesome
Missouri - Not really unexpected
New Hampshire - Awesome
Virginia - You fail
Tamanon said:
That's the beauty of it. The sheer act of "retreat" is seen as bad, even though we don't know who the enemy is, where they are and what victory is. There is no argument that is more empty than the whole "defeat" argument.

the enemy are anti-American, anti-Semitic extremist, who come from many areas around the middle east in order to kill Americans, and see it as their opportunity for Jihad. People that will gladly kill American troops, Iraqi citizens, women, children, or whoever will stand in the way of their cause. Despite you trying to paint this enemy as the bogeyman, the truth remains such an enemy does exist and we have came into contact with them in Iraq. The question you should have posed is whether or not us being in Iraq creates more or not. Victory is the Iraqi government being completely functional and self sustaining. That they can effectively run their own government, provide their citizens own security, and begin the long difficult process of building a country.

Before any government can be functional you must first have security. the surge helped to provide this, to have spent 5 years there and leave right when the country starts to become much more stable would be a very big mistake in my opinion. It would be a waste of the billions of dollars that have been put in, and a waste of the thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of civilians that have died. Stay there a few more years if need be, keeping security, allow the government to develop a functioning legislative body and a security force that can actually protect themselves. Then you leave. you leave after the job is done, whether you agree with the job or not is a different story.


PhoenixDark said:
Real numbers

Michigan: Obama 49, McCain 45
Missouri: McCain 50, Obama 45
New Hampshire: Obama 51, McCain 45
Virginia: McCain 50, Obama 46

Virginia smh

Sigh. He posted those other numbers and I was like "oh shit! look at Virginia".

And now it's meh. Incognito, why must you play games with my heart. :(


Crisis said:
I am watching the news. And what I'm seeing is utter bullshit by the McCain campaign get flung out at every possible chance and Obama waiting entirely too long to do anything real about it. There's so many things to go after McCain for and he doesn't do it. He's trying to stay above it but the negative ads full of shit are clearly working. Somebody needs to do it to McCain.

Odd, you probably haven't seen the 3 or 4 negative ads Obama put out in the past few days. What can he do? He attacks on the stump, he attacks on the air, his surrogates attack. He can't force the media to cover things.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
the enemy are anti-American, anti-Semitic extremist, who come from many areas around the middle east in order to kill Americans, and see it as their opportunity for Jihad. People that will gladly kill American troops, Iraqi citizens, women, children, or whoever will stand in the way of their cause. Despite you trying to paint this enemy as the bogeyman, the truth remains such an enemy does exist and we have came into contact with them in Iraq. The question you should have posed is whether or not us being in Iraq creates more or not. Victory is the Iraqi government being completely functional and self sustaining. That they can effectively run their own government, provide their citizens own security, and begin the long difficult process of building a country.

Before any government can be functional you must first have security. the surge helped to provide this, to have spent 5 years there and leave right when the country starts to become much more stable would be a very big mistake in my opinion. It would be a waste of the billions of dollars that have been put in, and a waste of the thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of civilians that have died. Stay there a few more years if need be, keeping security, allow the government to develop a functioning legislative body and a security force that can actually protect themselves. Then you leave. you leave after the job is done, whether you agree with the job or not is a different story.

So....who are they? how many are there? Where are they?


Steve Youngblood said:
Is she an actual surrogate whose remarks will get play? If so... ugh.

I assume the party chairman of a state is a surrogate of that party's candidate. And either way you can't on the one hand blame your opponent for "swift boat politics" for rumor mongering the campaign proper isn't engaging in and disavow YOUR surrogates negative remarks.
Numbers aren't too bad. I really hope he can pull off Virginia but I'm starting to doubt it. He can make it close which is still helpful but I want it to turn blue!


Crisis said:
I am watching the news. And what I'm seeing is utter bullshit by the McCain campaign get flung out at every possible chance and Obama waiting entirely too long to do anything real about it. There's so many things to go after McCain for and he doesn't do it. He's trying to stay above it but the negative ads full of shit are clearly working. Somebody needs to do it to McCain.

I'm holding out hope that Obama and Biden will call out McCain and Palin on their bullshit in the debates. Both Obama and Biden have a HUGE opportunity to show just how out of touch the republican ticket is from reality and how dirty their tactics are.


has calmed down a bit.
PhoenixDark said:
Real numbers

Michigan: Obama 49, McCain 45
Missouri: McCain 50, Obama 45
New Hampshire: Obama 51, McCain 45
Virginia: McCain 50, Obama 46

Virginia smh

Looking like the Kerry/Bush map. Was hoping for Obama to switch some of the red states, because Colorado won't be enough if he doesn't win Ohio/Florida, unless he brings New Mexico/Nevada along.


Gaborn said:
I assume the party chairman of a state is a surrogate of that party's candidate. And either way you can't on the one hand blame your opponent for "swift boat politics" for rumor mongering the campaign proper isn't engaging in and disavow YOUR surrogates negative remarks.

I dunno, McCain's been letting his State GOP leaders run free with their attacks with nary a glance. Not word one about them!:p

And to the poll numbers, those are actually really good, IMO. Also, Bill Clinton to stump in Florida later this month.


typhonsentra said:
Numbers aren't too bad. I really hope he can pull off Virginia but I'm starting to doubt it. He can make it close which is still helpful but I want it to turn blue!

If Virginia and Colorado turn blue, it's done. Hell, probably just Colorado.

COME ON COLORADO. Step it up. We need you.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Tamanon said:
So....who are they? how many are there? Where are they?
it's good also to see that terrorism is only a ME issue, and not one that also pervades in Asia, or Africa, or Europe...
CBS orders YouTube to take down misleading McCain ad

YouTube has removed a webad that casts Sarah Palin as the victim of sexism on the request of CBS, whose anchor Katie Couric was featured in the ad.

“One of the great lessons of that campaign is the continued and accepted role of sexism in American life," Couric is quoted in the ad.

In the original clip, she was talking about Hillary Clinton; the ad applies her words to Sarah Palin.

Asked about the ad, CBS spokeswoman Leigh Farris said, "CBS News does not endorse any candidate in the Presidential race. Any use of CBS personnel in political advertising that suggests the contrary is misleading."

YouTube's page displaying the ad now tells visitors, "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by CBS Interactive Inc."

Couric's original commentary can be seen here. McCain still has the ad, "Lipstick," on his website.



VanMardigan said:
Looking like the Kerry/Bush map. Was hoping for Obama to switch some of the red states, because Colorado won't be enough if he doesn't win Ohio/Florida, unless he brings New Mexico/Nevada along.

More like the Gore/Bush map. Iowa and New Mexico look pretty good, as do the rest of the Gore states.

Still, Obama needs one more state. Colorado, Nevada, Florida, Virginia.. any one state will do the trick.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
VanMardigan said:
Looking like the Kerry/Bush map. Was hoping for Obama to switch some of the red states, because Colorado won't be enough if he doesn't win Ohio/Florida, unless he brings New Mexico/Nevada along.

New Mexico is trending to Obama, and the tipping point chance for McCain to win it is SMALL.

Meaning, all Obama needs is Colorado. Worst case scenario with Colorado, he ties it up at 269 and it goes to vote in congress. Obama wins.
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