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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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AndyIsTheMoney said:
he said who are the extremists, where are they, etc. My response was tell me they dont exists. you guys really should go back and read the posts before you all hurry in and attack the opposing viewpoints.

You completely missed the point.

You can't fight them in a war because "they" are undefined.

You can't expect to win by occupying Iraq because "they" are not all in Iraq (and in fact, most of them weren't until we went there).

You can't use "OMG TURRRISTS" as an excuse to occupy Iraq indefinitely because "they" are formless, mobile, and -- surprisingly (or not) -- reorganizing in Afghanistan.

You're a dimwit.


laserbeam said:

Clinton has said she’ll hit the road for Obama, but her team says she refuses to be an anti-Palin “attack dog.” Further complicating matters for Obama, Hillaryland fundraiser Susie Tompkins Buell is leading a group that will fight media sexism against the Alaska governor.

Of course she won't, people want a catfight, but that would just trivialize female politicians. Not to mention it would actually dignify Palin as more than she is.


bob_arctor said:
Obama instructed Clark to question McCain's POW-time in relation to being President? News to me. I assume you have links revealing said connection considering your claim was worth 3 of these: :lol

Also, why do you seem full of shit most of the time the way I feel independents mostly are? I want to think you aren't but you have that same smug sense of perched loftiness they seem to exude. Think Lou Dobbs.

As I said, Clark was a surrogate for Obama according to Politico, I've yet to see a link from anyone indicating that he was not a surrogate. Surrogates are representatives of the campaign that generally support and maintain the campaign's position on the issues. Give me evidence Clark was not a surrogate during that interview.


Remember after Katrina, how the U.S. media tried to say that they would start holding themselves more accountable for delivering the facts to the public and admonishing politicians if they are objectively in the wrong? What the fuck happened to that? McCain and Palin keep literally telling lies and outright distortions and the media does nothing but propagate them with their mix of tabloid hype and complete silence on the actual facts.


Setec Astronomer
Incognito said:
I truly believe Obama will squeak out wins in both Ohio and Florida. Just a hunch. Of course, I could be wildly off the mark...
I won't be greedy. One of the two is enough. :D
AndyIsTheMoney said:
but now that we are there, we cant undue it. so the question would be is what is the best thing to do no that we are involved. To which i believe is stay until the Iraqi government is effective enough to support itself and not crumble when we leave.
Yes, but how long do we let the current leadership continue on and get to continue campaigning with Iraq in the win column for them politically when they've screwed this thing up royally from the very beginning. Yes, the surge is arguably a success (and the word 'arguably' really needs to be emphasized, there), but it just seems entirely unreasonable to assume that we should once again give the Republicans the benefit of the doubt just because they may have finally gotten something right for once.

"Yes, we've screwed up everything from the very beginning, and the other guy has been saying that from the very beginning. But seriously, this time, I think we're on to something. Vote for us again so that we can seriously win it this time!" It's just painful to watch.
Funky Papa said:
I told you so, people, I told you so.

After seeing how bored she is with her own monologues, I don't think we need anyone to combat her. Her meteoric rise was so fast, I see her burning out rather quickly.


testicles on a cold fall morning
CharlieDigital said:
You can't use "OMG TURRRISTS" as an excuse to occupy Iraq indefinitely because "they" are formless, mobile, and -- surprisingly (or not) -- reorganizing in Afghanistan.
more to the point - TERRORISM IS A FUCKING IDEOLOGY. you don't kill it with war, you don't kill it with permanent bases, you don't kill it with stupid slogans.


Setec Astronomer
Steve Youngblood said:
"Yes, we've screwed up everything from the very beginning, and the other guy has been saying that from the very beginning. But seriously, this time, I think we're on to something. Vote for us again so that we can seriously win it this time!" It's just painful to watch.
Battered wife syndrome.
scorcho said:
when our troops withdraw and Maliki decides he wants to force them out of the security apparatus.

this whole premise is bogus - the biggest threat to Iraq isn't external anymore - it's the power struggle between the now-dominant Shiites and aggrieved Sunnis.

this fight has always been there, taking Saddam out was just removing the band-aid from the nasty bloody gash that lay beneath. Peace between the three groups is very much possible, but security has to be provided before a government can be built.


Setec Astronomer
AndyIsTheMoney said:
this fight has always been there, taking Saddam out was just removing the band-aid from the nasty bloody gash that lay beneath. Peace between the three groups is very much possible, but security has to be provided before a government can be built.
This statement reveals a fundamental ignorance of the situation.


Incognito said:
I truly believe Obama will squeak out wins in both Ohio and Florida. Just a hunch. Of course, I could be wildly off the mark...

Florida is never a safe bet. I wouldn't even consider it. Best to hope for Ohio, Virginia, Colorado.


Gaborn said:
As I said, Clark was a surrogate for Obama according to Politico, I've yet to see a link from anyone indicating that he was not a surrogate. Surrogates are representatives of the campaign that generally support and maintain the campaign's position on the issues. Give me evidence Clark was not a surrogate during that interview.

I guess I missed when he got his surrogate blessing, because he had been a commentator for months on end without being labeled a surrogate until the comment. Hell, he was an ardent Hillary supporter even after the primary was over. Plus, that argument he was doing, he'd been doing for months also, it only got airtime because of the way he worded it.:p


Incognito said:
I truly believe Obama will squeak out wins in both Ohio and Florida. Just a hunch. Of course, I could be wildly off the mark...

Ohio's one month of early voting is what makes me hold a tiny shred of hope for that state. But there are a loooot of rednecks in that state.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Oh god, Pfotenhauer on MSNBC. KILL IT WITH FIRE.

Schuster: "I know you really don't believe that the comment Obama made was truly sexist."

Pfotenhauer: "You have been drinking the kool-aid here, and you know Obama was referencing Palin in that pig remark."

Schuster: "I'm not drinking the kool-aid, I'm watching Mike Huckabee last night who said it was innocent. Even McCain's daughter said it was not sexist. Is Meagan McCain wrong?"

Pfotenhauer: "Exactly. That's why I don't know why Obama said it."

Schuster: "Maybe it's because it was part of our vernacular?"

Piece of shit.


Tamanon said:
I guess I missed when he got his surrogate blessing, because he had been a commentator for months on end without being labeled a surrogate until the comment. Hell, he was an ardent Hillary supporter even after the primary was over. Plus, that argument he was doing, he'd been doing for months also, it only got airtime because of the way he worded it.:p

As I said, spin it however you want. It's pretty clear that Obama's supporters are never considered surrogates if they say anything controversial and McCain's supporters are ALWAYS considered surrogates by Obama's campaign when they do say something controversial.
Steve Youngblood said:
"Yes, we've screwed up everything from the very beginning, and the other guy has been saying that from the very beginning. But seriously, this time, I think we're on to something. Vote for us again so that we can seriously win it this time!" It's just painful to watch.
bu bu bu but Sarah Palin YEAAAAAHHHHH


I am actually surprised Obama is not focusing more on Florida. He wins florida, he wins the election, in fact i think he has better chance of winning Florida than Ohio.


Heh, he is really going at her.

I know MSNBC is librul central but really this is objective fact, what a silly controversy to create.
Steve Youngblood said:
Yes, but how long do we let the current leadership continue on and get to continue campaigning with Iraq in the win column for them politically when they've screwed this thing up royally from the very beginning. Yes, the surge is arguably a success (and the word 'arguably' really needs to be emphasized, there), but it just seems entirely unreasonable to assume that we should once again give the Republicans the benefit of the doubt just because they may have finally gotten something right for once.

"Yes, we've screwed up everything from the very beginning, and the other guy has been saying that from the very beginning. But seriously, this time, I think we're on to something. Vote for us again so that we can seriously win it this time!" It's just painful to watch.

im saying put past your hate for republicans and recognize that it may be working. This isnt about pride. I think we all could agree that leaving without any accomplishment would be the worst thing we could do. Now if accomplishment of any kind isn't possible then of course we should leave. But when we see security is being maintained, and that a government is being formed, don't argue for us to leave prematurely just because you "don't want to give republicans the benefit of the doubt just because they may have finally gotten something right for once."
Below is a paragraph from this week's Time magazine article on
> Sarah Palin:
> �
> "[Former Wasilla mayor] Stein says that as mayor, Palin
> continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times.
> "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he
> says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate
> language in them. "The librarian was aghast." The librarian,
> Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports
> from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire her for not
> giving "full support" to the mayor."
> �
> Mary Ellen Baker�resigned�from her library director job in
> 1999.

*lies removed*


Setec Astronomer
"You have been drinking the kool-aid here,
:lol :lol :lol

vangace said:
I am actually surprised Obama is not focusing more on Florida. He wins florida, he wins the election, in fact i think he has better chance of winning Florida than Ohio.
Both states are outright messes, but Ohio now lacks the structural handicap that it used to while Florida is still run by the Katherine Harrises of the area.


PhoenixDark said:


Gaborn: I can tell by how much the Obama campaign railed against Lynn Westmoreland's continued use of the word "uppity"
gcubed said:
the numbers releasing today, they are recent numbers? So basically, it is post repub convention bounce for McCain, and in some of the close states, you may consider this as high as he may possibly go?

If these numbers are the last day or 2, shit, i'll take it.

September 7-9, Sunday through Tuesday.

Really, if NC, VA, Ohio, or MO is within 2 by mid October McCain's fucked. Both states had awful primary polling and the general election polling is going to probably be even more off the mark.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Amir0x said:
Heh, he is really going at her.

I know MSNBC is librul central but really this is objective fact, what a silly controversy to create.

Pfotenhauer: "They are scared of Palin. They know that McCain and Palin own the reform and change argument now."

Are you fucking serious?
reilo said:
Oh god, Pfotenhauer on MSNBC. KILL IT WITH FIRE.

Schuster: "I know you really don't believe that the comment Obama made was truly sexist."

Pfotenhauer: "You have been drinking the kool-aid here, and you know Obama was referencing Palin in that pig remark."

Schuster: "I'm not drinking the kool-aid, I'm watching Mike Huckabee last night who said it was innocent. Even McCain's daughter said it was not sexist. Is Meagan McCain wrong?"

Pfotenhauer: "Exactly. That's why I don't know why Obama said it."

Schuster: "Maybe it's because it was part of our vernacular?"

Piece of shit.

Nancy Pfotenhauer is a super hot lying sack of shit.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Amir0x said:
stop the lies Anerythristic.

Schuster: "She didn't kill the bridge to nowhere. CONGRESS killed it."

Someone youtube this. Schuster burned her like a bad STD.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
im saying put past your hate for republicans and recognize that it may be working. This isnt about pride. I think we all could agree that leaving without any accomplishment would be the worst thing we could do. Now if accomplishment of any kind isn't possible then of course we should leave. But when we see security is being maintained, and that a government is being formed, don't argue for us to leave prematurely just because you "don't want to give republicans the benefit of the doubt just because they may have finally gotten something right for once."

Maliki wants us out with a timetable and no permanent bases and is on record stating that Obama's plan for withdrawal sounds feasible. *shrug*


Black Canada Mafia
CharlieDigital said:
You completely missed the point.

You can't fight them in a war because "they" are undefined.

You can't expect to win by occupying Iraq because "they" are not all in Iraq (and in fact, most of them weren't until we went there).

You can't use "OMG TURRRISTS" as an excuse to occupy Iraq indefinitely because "they" are formless, mobile, and -- surprisingly (or not) -- reorganizing in Afghanistan.

You're a dimwit.

Nearly all wars we've entered into, we've occupied the country correct? Isn't that what war is? You're the dimwit if you think im saying Iraq is the location of terror. Your a dimwit if you try to argue that us being in Iraq hasn't led to a large number of extremists coming in from surrounding countries because they see it as their chance to fight Americans. WHO ever said anything about occupying Iraq indefinitely, again, go read my post. Before you wanna come back and me and try and make a point, maybe you should read everything that you are posting about.
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