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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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has calmed down a bit.
Hitokage said:
I've read much of the New Testament, but once the Old Testament gets light on narrative and heavy on "thou shalt not"s I kinda gave up on it.

Once you get past Exodus/Leviticus/Deuteronomy, the narrative stuff kicks back in. Then some poetic stuff, then some abstract prophecy, then some prophecy mixed with narrative. It seems you didn't get very far (not past the fourth book). :lol


FWIW, the Diego/Hotline daily tracker moved from McCain +1 to tied today.
VanMardigan said:
Once you get past Exodus/Leviticus/Deuteronomy, the narrative stuff kicks back in. Then some poetic stuff, then some abstract prophecy, then some prophecy mixed with narrative. It seems you didn't get very far (not past the fourth book). :lol
I can't blame him. That stuff is really dense. I'd rather read the annotations to the Silmarillion.


Setec Astronomer
VanMardigan said:
Once you get past Exodus/Leviticus/Deuteronomy, the narrative stuff kicks back in. Then some poetic stuff, then some abstract prophecy, then some prophecy mixed with narrative. It seems you didn't get very far (not past the fourth book). :lol
It's not as if I haven't touched the rest, far from it. But, that's how far I got when trying to read it cover to cover. :/


The Lamonster said:
Do you people even look at the thread before posting or do you just blindly pop in and post shit?
no i didn't look at the thread. i just got back from work, sheesh.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

McCain surrogate former Governor Jane Swift is asked by Norah about McCain using the same "dress up a pig" expression against Hillary, and the surrogate says that McCain's comment was NOT sexist, and that most people did not take it that way.

Oh, my god.

Norah just flat out accused her of playing politics.

The Lamonster said:
Do you people even look at the thread before posting or do you just blindly pop in and post shit?

This thread moves like 5 pages an hour. If you are not on 24/7 and always checking this thread, you miss a ton of shit. So, take your McCain-esque faux outrage somewhere else.
The Lamonster said:
Do you people even look at the thread before posting or do you just blindly pop in and post shit?

There really should be a rule to at LEAST read the most recent page. The reason this thread moves so fast is because half of each page is reposts.


has calmed down a bit.
Hitokage said:
It's not as if I haven't touched the rest, far from it. But, that's how far I got when trying to read it cover to cover. :/

Go from Genesis to the first part of Exodus (up to the Ten Commandments), then skip over to Joshua. Thank me later. And since 99% of people don't read those books in between either, no one will call you out on it. Just google the part about unclean foods and homosexuality that's in the laws somewhere.


reilo said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

McCain surrogate is asked by Norah about McCain using the same "dress up a pig" expression against Hillary, and the surrogate says that McCain's comment was NOT sexist, and that most people did not take it that way.

Oh, my god.

Apparently, the argument is that MEELIONS of people watched the Palinwreck trot out her "What's the difference between..." bit, and therefore OBVIOUSLY Obama was aiming his comments which he has used for months at her.
The Lamonster said:
Do you people even look at the thread before posting or do you just blindly pop in and post shit?
I waste too much time her as is, I can't read it all. You shouldn't either as I'm sure you have some other responsibilties (unless you are a community organizer :D ).


Republican Rep. Ron Paul, the libertarian-leaning Texas lawmaker who attracted a devoted following in the GOP primaries, said Wednesday he rejected an appeal to endorse John McCain’s presidential bid.

Paul said the request came from Phil Gramm, the former McCain adviser and ex-senator whom the campaign jettisoned after he said the country was a “nation of whiners” about the economy. Gramm defeated Paul in the Republican primary for the Senate in 1984.

Speaking to reporters at a news conference, Paul said Gramm called him this week and told him, “You need to endorse McCain.” The Texas congressman said he refused.

:lol :lol
Macam said:
In other news, Phil Gramm tried to win over Ron Paul towards backing McCain, despite no longer being "officially" part of the McCain campaign after the infamous "Americans are whiners" remarks. Paul also expressed support for the other third party candidates, including Cynthia McKinney.

EDIT: Beaten by Tamanon.

PhoenixDark said:

Damn, this is why this thread is SO AWESOME.
Though a new SurveyUSA poll shows Sen. John McCain surging in North Carolina, a new Public Policy Pollling survey has the race "pretty much where it was before the two party conventions- close but with a definite advantage for McCain."

McCain leads Sen. Barack Obama, 48% to 44%.

Analysis: "Barack Obama will not win the state by convincing folks who voted for George W. Bush to cross over and vote for him this time. His chances are almost completely predicated on how many new voters he can bring in. He won the primary that way, and he'll have to do the same in the general."

No coincidence that the numbers changed right after we demanded Triumph be unbanned. You know what needs to be done Amir0x!




learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PhoenixDark said:
No coincidence that the numbers changed right after we demanded Triumph be unbanned. You know what needs to be done Amir0x!

Or my theory that SurveyUSA is fucking up again like they did during the primaries.
PhoenixDark said:
No coincidence that the numbers changed right after we demanded Triumph be unbanned. You know what needs to be done Amir0x!
Is "unban Triumph" going to become liberal NeoGAF's equivalent of "drill baby drill"?

"If all we had to do was talk about unbanning Triumph and the numbers improved, imagine what would happen if we actually DID unban Triumph!"


Heh. CBS forced Youtube to pull the "Lipstick" web ad that McCain put out today.

YouTube has removed a webad that casts Sarah Palin as the victim of sexism on the request of CBS, whose anchor Katie Couric was featured in the ad.

“One of the great lessons of that campaign is the continued and accepted role of sexism in American life," Couric is quoted in the ad.

In the original clip, she was talking about Hillary Clinton; the ad applies her words to Sarah Palin.

Asked about the ad, CBS spokeswoman Leigh Farris said, "CBS News does not endorse any candidate in the Presidential race. Any use of CBS personnel in political advertising that suggests the contrary is misleading."
How to piss off the media (aka: McCain's base), example #12,845.



The McCain campaign probably feels justified with this pig attack because of the Obama campaigns ridiculous and overblown houses attack. That was a feeble attempt by the Obama campaign, but it was on the right track. If obama wants to win, he needs to fight fire with fire.

This is a campaign for the presidency, a position with so much power that the future direction of the worlds most powerful country is at stake. If you think the other guy is wrong, and if you think he's bad for the country, then you should do anything you can to keep him out of the oval office. The McCain campaign understands this, but so far, the Obama campaign does not. If he doesn't figure it out soon, he will lose. If you're fighting fair in a presidential election, it only shows that you don't want it bad enough. There is no honor in losing a presidential election and letting the other side run things for four years. That isn't serving the country. If McCain believes that Obama would be bad for this country, then he should do whatever he can to keep him out of office. Same for Obama. There is no room for Kid gloves in national politics.


Well good news, Obama texted me. He said to make sure I'm registered to vote, and let other people know. The message said to fwd it to 5 friends.


The Obama camp using the power of the infamous chain text message!
Xisiqomelir said:
Apparently, the argument is that MEELIONS of people watched the Palinwreck trot out her "What's the difference between..." bit, and therefore OBVIOUSLY Obama was aiming his comments which he has used for months at her.

And course he meant it because calling her a 'pig' would convey a massive political advantage to him. :lol
Krowley said:
The McCain campaign probably feels justified with this pig attack because of the Obama campaigns ridiculous and overblown houses attack. That was a feeble attempt by the Obama campaign, but it was on the right track. If obama wants to win, he needs to fight fire with fire.

This is a campaign for the presidency, a position with so much power that the future direction of the worlds most powerful country is at stake. If you think the other guy is wrong, and if you think he's bad for the country, then you should do anything you can to keep him out of the oval office. The McCain campaign understands this, but so far, the Obama campaign does not. If he doesn't figure it out soon, he will lose. If you're fighting fair in a presidential election, it only shows that you don't want it bad enough. There is no honor in losing a presidential election and letting the other side run things for four years. That isn't serving the country. If McCain believes that Obama would be bad for this country, then he should do whatever he can to keep him out of office. Same for Obama. There is no room for Kid gloves in national politics.

The facts are not kid gloves. The houses thing was a fact. McCain's tactics are not.


Krowley said:
The McCain campaign probably feels justified with this pig attack because of the Obama campaigns ridiculous and overblown houses attack. That was a feeble attempt by the Obama campaign, but it was on the right track. If obama wants to win, he needs to fight fire with fire.

This is a campaign for the presidency, a position with so much power that the future direction of the worlds most powerful country is at stake. If you think the other guy is wrong, and if you think he's bad for the country, then you should do anything you can to keep him out of the oval office. The McCain campaign understands this, but so far, the Obama campaign does not. If he doesn't figure it out soon, he will lose. If you're fighting fair in a presidential election, it only shows that you don't want it bad enough. There is no honor in losing a presidential election and letting the other side run things for four years. That isn't serving the country. If McCain believes that Obama would be bad for this country, then he should do whatever he can to keep him out of office. Same for Obama. There is no room for Kid gloves in national politics.

So...then what you're saying is that if you believe someone is wrong, then you should lie repeatedly, make up random things about them, and even use physical violence against them?
reilo said:
This thread moves like 5 pages an hour. If you are not on 24/7 and always checking this thread, you miss a ton of shit. So, take your McCain-esque faux outrage somewhere else.
lol you got me

but still, at least read the current and previous page!
(LANSING, Mich.) — Democrat Joe Biden has tapped Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm to be the stand-in for Sarah Palin as he prepares for next month's vice presidential debate.

Biden predicted that Palin would try to make their debate personal and said he wouldn't respond in kind if she attacked him.

"She's going to try to make it as personal as she can. She's going to take a lot of straight lefts and jabs at me, she's going to try to get me to respond, she's going to try to get me to respond in a personal way," Biden said at a fundraiser Tuesday night in Chicago. "That's not my style. I'm not going to do it."

Biden said Granholm had agreed to spend four days with him to help prepare for the Oct. 2 debate in St. Louis. The Obama-Biden campaign asked for her assistance, and she was pleased to accept, Granholm spokesman Liz Boyd said Wednesday.

Granholm, 49, graduated from the University of California-Berkeley and Harvard Law School. She is married with three children.

Granholm's superior performance in some of her 2006 debates against Republican opponent Dick DeVos, a businessman whose father co-founded Amway Corp., was credited with helping her win re-election despite the state's struggling economic performance.

According to the pool report from Tuesday's events, Biden said he'll be concentrating on national issues when he debates Palin.

"I'm not into the small-bore stuff. I don't care whether or not she built a bridge to nowhere. I don't care if she sold a plane," he said.

"What I care about is what in God's name is she going to do —along with John McCain — about the thousands of people who don't have health care," those struggling with other economic problems, and the foreign policy challenges facing the country, Biden said.

I must admit she got off my shit list after she canned Kwame, and then she got on my love list after Kwame threw her under the bus :lol


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Fatalah said:
Well good news, Obama texted me. He said to make sure I'm registered to vote, and let other people know. The message said to fwd it to 5 friends or else someone you know will die.


The Obama camp using the power of the infamous chain text message!

Can't be a chain message without a threat on someone's life!


Macam said:
In other news, Phil Gramm tried to win over Ron Paul towards backing McCain, despite no longer being "officially" part of the McCain campaign after the infamous "Americans are whiners" remarks. Paul also expressed support for the other third party candidates, including Cynthia McKinney.

including Cynthia McKinney.
including Cynthia McKinney.
including Cynthia McKinney.
including Cynthia McKinney.

Oh man. My ribs hurt so bad from laughing. Well Dr. Paul so this is how your "revolution" ends. I have to say I thought you were smarter than that.
VanMardigan said:
Once you get past Exodus/Leviticus/Deuteronomy, the narrative stuff kicks back in. Then some poetic stuff, then some abstract prophecy, then some prophecy mixed with narrative. It seems you didn't get very far (not past the fourth book). :lol
Ah . . . the old testament . . .
Krowley said:
The McCain campaign probably feels justified with this pig attack because of the Obama campaigns ridiculous and overblown houses attack. That was a feeble attempt by the Obama campaign, but it was on the right track.
The difference is that the houses gaffe was an actual gaffe. I'm not saying that it was a campaign ender that deserves endless scrutinization from the media, but that was handled very poorly by McCain. Nobody was really faulting him for having ~7 houses, but his terrible "let me check with my staff on that one" answer. That DOES raise questions of being out of touch when the economy is such an issue.

Again, I'm not saying that attacking McCain on that is a 100% substantive and policy-driven attack, but there's a far greater rationale for that than the sex-ed ad, or the miserably pathetic lipstick-gate.
Here's the poll on the lipstick thing at MSNBC:


Do you think Sen. Barack Obama went too far with his 'lipstick on a pig' remark?
- Yes, he has crossed the line this time.
- No, this is just part of the rough-and-tumble of political campaigning.
- I don't know.

Where the fuck is the sensible answer about how this was taken out of context?

Oh, and here's MSNBC's text on a video sidebar:

Sept. 10: The McCain campaign is asking for an apology after Barack Obama compared McCain’s call for change to putting “lipstick on a pig,” an apparent reference to an earlier comment by Sarah Palin. NBC’s Andrea Mitchell reports.

Jesus fucking Christ.


ronito said:
Oh man. My ribs hurt so bad from laughing. Well Dr. Paul so this is how your "revolution" ends. I have to say I thought you were smarter than that.

Bob Barr didn't even get in on the endorsement because he decided not to attend, and he had been hoping for it for a while!
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