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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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I realize it's probably a lost cause, but voter registration continues to spike up in North Carolina. Another 10,000 registered last week. 7,800 the week before, and 5,300 the week before that. Continue to be disproportionately Democrats, and black voters as well.

327,000 new voters this year so far.


McCain campaign asks that his supporters come out in force to show solidarity against pig lipstick*:




*not really


I've absorbed so much political info and it just seems pointless now. If the majority of America is going to vote based on soundbites, so be it.

Why am I a journalism and political science major again?
JCX9 said:
I've absorbed so much political info and it just seems pointless now. If the majority of America is going to vote based on soundbites, so be it.

Why am I a journalism and political science major again?

So you can fix the system.


testicles on a cold fall morning
JCX9 said:
I've absorbed so much political info and it just seems pointless now. If the majority of America is going to vote based on soundbites, so be it.

Why am I a journalism and political science major again?
so you can decide to specialize in IR or IA and, like me, say 'fuck you' to the domestic situation.
Tamanon said:


Males 49-42 to McCain
Females 49-44 to Obama

But it means that McCain wins by 5....seems to be an odd sampling for sure.

There's some absurd party ID slanting going on. I'm ignoring it for now, but if it sticks over time I'll admit that the GOP convention did what it did in 2004 and upticked the number of people self-identifying as Republicans by an amount.


Black Canada Mafia
Holy crap man, I wish Canadian politics were this freaking entertaining, maybe I'd care more then - seriously, I'm trying to imagine the frustration brewing with the people in the states who are watching these easily swayed and swindled people vote not based on any sort of politic merit, but because of the one drop rule and mud slinging.

Funky Papa

beermonkey@tehbias said:
Here's the poll on the lipstick thing at MSNBC:


Where the fuck is the sensible answer about how this was taken out of context?

Oh, and here's MSNBC's text on a video sidebar:

Jesus fucking Christ.
Again, this is the MSM making shit up and confusing the electorate in order to increase their numbers. Obama provides them a perfect vehicle for that, and they won't let him go unless something REALLY nasty explodes under McCain's feet.


Kinitari said:
Holy crap man, I wish Canadian politics were this freaking entertaining, maybe I'd care more then - seriously, I'm trying to imagine the frustration brewing with the people in the states who are watching these easily swayed and swindled people vote not based on any sort of politic merit, but because of the one drop rule and mud slinging.
You should be fortunate that you have actual political discourse favored over mud-slinging and empty stump speeches by a desperate Republican party that basically half of the country can't get off of.


Kinitari said:
Holy crap man, I wish Canadian politics were this freaking entertaining, maybe I'd care more then - seriously, I'm trying to imagine the frustration brewing with the people in the states who are watching these easily swayed and swindled people vote not based on any sort of politic merit, but because of the one drop rule and mud slinging.

I often wonder what it must be like on the outside looking in when it comes to American politics.


Zeliard said:
I often wonder what it must be like on the outside looking in when it comes to American politics.

Lots of derision and disbelief that the leadership of a country would be contested in this way. It's almost odd, but other countries have more respect for the office of the President than we do:p


Has McCain ever elaborated on how pulling out of Iraq is defeat, when it's not even a war, but an occupation? How do you lose a military occupation?


Freedom = $1.05 said:
Seems that they're consistently within the margin of error. Or am I missing the point?
No. It's just that they are also consistently right about who wins, even if the numbers are not exact.
Tamanon said:
Lots of derision and disbelief that the leadership of a country would be contested in this way. It's almost odd, but other countries have more respect for the office of the President than we do:p
I recently read the book "Alpha Dogs: The Americans Who Turned Political Spin into a Global Business" by James Harding. It's a really interesting read about the Sawyer Miller Group and other political consultants who exported America's political spin to politics around the world.


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Dolphin said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Holy shit....the pacing of that gif is fucking incredible.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Diablos said:
No. It's just that they are also consistently right about who wins, even if the numbers are not exact.

I'm curious to know if the polls shown were the last ones taken before the election.


Hootie said:
Has McCain ever elaborated on how pulling out of Iraq is defeat, when it's not even a war, but an occupation? How do you lose a military occupation?

That's the beauty of it. The sheer act of "retreat" is seen as bad, even though we don't know who the enemy is, where they are and what victory is. There is no argument that is more empty than the whole "defeat" argument.


Tamanon said:
So...then what you're saying is that if you believe someone is wrong, then you should lie repeatedly, make up random things about them, and even use physical violence against them?

I think you are reading WAY too much into what I said.

I'm just making the point that fair play is not a winning strategy in american politics, and if you let the other guy win because you're trying to be "honorable" that's not really honorable at all. I'm also making the point that it cuts both ways. I watched this board work itself into a frenzy of glee over every Palin rumor that came out over the last several days, people were salivating for the news media to pick them up. Everybody was excited to see her get swiftboated over comments and rumors that mostly ended up being half truths. Those were perfectly good political instincts, but don't be so upset when the other side does the same thing. If the Obama campaign failed to make that stuff work for them, that's their fault. The McCain campaign doesn't let things slide.

The level of american political discourse is determined by what the people will believe, and by their way of looking at things. If you try to rise above that, and you end up losing as a result, that's nothing to be proud of. That isn't helping anybody.

Another point I want to make. The "culture wars" are a perfectly valid reason to cast your vote. There is nothing stupid about choosing someone for cultural reasons over economic reasons. If you agree with someones economic programs, but they promise to appoint supreme court justices that will drasticly alter the country in areas were you have strong feelings, that can be a deal breaker. There are probably tons of people that would stop supporting Obama if he flopped on abortion, and nobody would accuse them of being ignorant or foolish. The same thing is true for the Iraq war. The left has it's pet issues too, and they can also be deal breakers.

Steve Youngblood said:
The difference is that the houses gaffe was an actual gaffe. I'm not saying that it was a campaign ender that deserves endless scrutinization from the media, but that was handled very poorly by McCain. Nobody was really faulting him for having ~7 houses, but his terrible "let me check with my staff on that one" answer. That DOES raise questions of being out of touch when the economy is such an issue.

Again, I'm not saying that attacking McCain on that is a 100% substantive and policy-driven attack, but there's a far greater rationale for that than the sex-ed ad, or the miserably pathetic lipstick-gate.

Fair enough, but you know the old saying about "hit me with a rock, and I'll hit you with a brick"


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
Right, as if Paul likes Obama better than McCain. :lol

He likes the truth - the more serious politicians come out against this disgusting non-issue BS, the better.
Kinitari said:
I'm trying to imagine the frustration brewing with the people in the states who are watching these easily swayed and swindled people vote not based on any sort of politic merit, but because of the one drop rule and mud slinging.
dude. you have no idea how infurating it is.


Fatalah said:
Well good news, Obama texted me. He said to make sure I'm registered to vote, and let other people know. The message said to fwd it to 5 friends.


The Obama camp using the power of the infamous chain text message!

Thanks, I'm going to whore this out all over the place.
PhoenixDark said:
Well, I live in Missouri and I'm a registered voter. However, I do not have a house phone and nobody ever called my cell phone. This means poll numbers = heavily skewed towards Bush

I mean McCain
The Lamonster said:
Well, I live in Missouri and I'm a registered voter. However, I do not have a house phone and nobody ever called my cell phone. This means poll numbers = heavily skewed towards Bush

I mean McCain

Freudian Slip! S'a Freudian Slip!
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