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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Isn't she missing a few rings?

I'm so mean. :lol


has calmed down a bit.
Zeliard said:
Did Huck basically just admit that Republican conservatives don't think they can compete with Democrats on the issues? I mean, that's something we already knew, but he's pretty much insinuating here that at least some on the right feel that way and so resort to personal attacks and fud spreading.

It certainly doesn't seem like they WANT to discuss the issues, which is sad. And Huck is right, that leads to the impression that they cannot compete on issues. He disagrees with that notion, which is why he's calling them out.
Has anyone in the media even mention the fact Obama didn't ever REFERENCE Palin in any way when making the pig comment? Is the ONLY thing they have to go on the fact Palin mentioned lipstick in her RNC speech? I mean, this is just ridiculous. Shame on the news media.


testicles on a cold fall morning
AndyIsTheMoney said:
yeah your right, were still not in parts of Europe, and Afghanistan. And Japan is allowed to create an army outside of protecting its own borders.
someone should inform Germany that they're still being occupied to this day by American troops.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Interesting analysis from 538 on "lipstick":

My first reaction upon hearing Barack Obama's "lipstick on a pig" remark was that it was deliberate. Not a deliberate attempt to smear Sarah Palin per se, but a deliberate attempt to provoke exactly the sort of fanatical reaction that they have gotten from the Republicans. The McCain campaign has spent a week campaigning on big themes and big personalities, and gotten a fair amount of mileage out of it. This takes everyone back down a notch, back down to the tedium and banality of partisan politics. It would be wishful thinking to call it a momentum-changer, but it may by default be a momentum-stopper. The convention/Palinmania phase of the news cycle -- a phase the Republicans clearly thought they were winning -- is now over.

VanMardigan said:
It certainly doesn't seem like they WANT to discuss the issues, which is sad. And Huck is right, that leads to the impression that they cannot compete on issues. He disagrees with that notion, which is why he's calling them out.
Oh just wait until the debates.....it'll all come out in the wash. :D


OuterWorldVoice said:
McCain's own campaign admitted as much when they stated this would be about personalities, not policies.

Also, the backlash is beginning. That pendulum will start to fall tomorrow.

The longer they keep Palin sequestered, the more the media will start getting annoyed and start calling for answers. The mainstream press in this country is often ineffectual, but even they have their breaking point.
Watching Huck throw McCain under the bus for the sake of his 2012 chances is A+ awesome. You're a fool if you don't think he doesn't want McCain to lose and have the media label Palin as a lightweight so she couldn't challenge him for the fundie vote in 2012.
Steve Youngblood said:
My point is that one right in a series of devastatingly bad errors does not give you the right to campaign as a winner.

Maybe, just maybe, McCain got the surge right (I'm just playing devil's advocate here). I'll give him that. What I don't care for is this notion that "what's done is done. Sure, we fucked up at every turn, but we got the last one right, and my opponent got it wrong. If you prefer cowardice over victory, vote Obama."

This is crap. It brushes aside that this entire operation has been a huge clusterfuck in favor of "what have you done for me lately?" nonsense. The arguable success of the surge does not in anyway, shape, or form mean that McCain's right and Obama's wrong.

this isnt about obama or mccain, im talking philosophically here about what the next right step is in Iraq. Obamas not for immediate withdraw. But if you do want to make it about that Obama has admitted the surge is a success, and he didn't vote for it. I swear some of you cant admit a good idea based on who its coming from.
worldrunover said:
Has anyone in the media even mention the fact Obama didn't ever REFERENCE Palin in any way when making the pig comment? Is the ONLY thing they have to go on the fact Palin mentioned lipstick in her RNC speech? I mean, this is just ridiculous. Shame on the news media.
have you ever followed American news media before this?

I remember when I was like 8 years old and I noticed media was focusing on Bill Clinton's marijuana use for weeks and weeks and weeks. I was like, "seriously? Mom, isn't this guy running for President? Isn't there more important stuff to talk about?"

it's kinda like that comic someone posted a couple pages back

White Man

Fragamemnon said:
Watching Huck throw McCain under the bus for the sake of his 2012 chances is A+ awesome. You're a fool if you don't think he doesn't want McCain to lose and have the media label Palin as a lightweight so she couldn't challenge him for the fundie vote in 2012.

You know, although I would never vote for him, I like Huck a lot more than I probably should. Having a good sense of humor goes a long way toward impressing me.
I just got off a heated conversation with my republican friend and finally convinced him to vote Obama. He said he does not want to be on the losing side and said something very interesting:

'Sarah Palin's pick was brilliant to get the base to rally, but then just like before the pick the election was a referendum on Obama, not its a referendum on Palin and the more days are spent on her, the more likely McCain will lose Big'
scorcho said:
someone should inform Germany that they're still being occupied to this day by American troops.

is Germany now all of Europe? We decided to keep troops stationed in parts of Europe after WWII because our isolationism before WWII only hurt us.


artredis1980 said:
I just got off a heated conversation with my republican friend and finally convinced him to vote Obama. He said he does not want to be on the losing side and said something very interesting:

'Sarah Palin's pick was brilliant to get the base to rally, but then just like before the pick the election was a referendum on Obama, now its a referendum on Palin and the more days are spent on her, the more likely McCain will lose Big'
LOL I said that yesterday...is he a Gaf-fer?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Mathews: "The lipstick comment: Real, or unreal?"

GODDAMMIT. Quit talking about this shit.
artredis1980 said:
He said he does not want to be on the losing side and said something very interesting:

I'm sick of this nonsense.

When will you lemmings realize that when you stifle your true voice to maintain the status quo you're neither A: casting a vote for real change, B: being honest.

It's not a popularity contest, it's supposed to be a democracy; but the way things are these days you couldn't possibly tell that. :\
The Lamonster said:
have you ever followed American news media before this?

I remember when I was like 8 years old and I noticed media was focusing on Bill Clinton's marijuana use for weeks and weeks and weeks. I was like, "seriously? Mom, isn't this guy running for President? Isn't there more important stuff to talk about?"

it's kinda like that comic someone posted a couple pages back

yeah who needs to talk about weed when your gettin bjs from interns
AndyIsTheMoney said:
yeah your right, were still not in parts of Europe, and Afghanistan. And Japan is allowed to create an army outside of protecting its own borders.
I disagree with him on Afghanistan. But other than that, I don't think you understand what 'occupation' is.

When US military step foot off their bases in Germany or Japan, they are subject to the local law . . . in Iraq, nope.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
GhaleonEB said:
I've been buried at work all day - what signs of backlash are you seeing? I've noted a few online (like CBS pulling the McCain ad), which have had me hopeful.

The media is self-obsessed. As it starts to call itself out today - and international media rightfully assert superiority, they will start to take a hypocritical high road against themselves.


testicles on a cold fall morning
AndyIsTheMoney said:
is Germany now all of Europe? We decided to keep troops stationed in parts of Europe after WWII because our isolationism before WWII only hurt us.
stationed is different than occupation, and (i swear i've had this stupid argument with you before) is conditional on the host country actually wanting us there.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
this isnt about obama or mccain, im talking philosophically here about what the next right step is in Iraq. Obamas not for immediate withdraw. But if you do want to make it about that Obama has admitted the surge is a success, and he didn't vote for it. I swear some of you cant admit a good idea based on who its coming from.
This entire topic is about the election, so of course it's about McCain vs. Obama.

And those of us on the left are, in fact, cynical. We have every fucking right to be. "What's done is done... let's move on" isn't good enough, and makes for a completely disingenuous attempt at a pseudo-apology. The administration deserves every last bit of scrutinization they get for this mess.

With that aside, I'll admit that there is some degree of success to the surge. I'll admit that it was the right move once all of its goals have been met, and we are on our way to success in Afghanistan, which is where we should have been all along.


scorcho said:
someone should inform Germany that they're still being occupied to this day by American troops.

Occupation of Germany ended in 1990, when the allied powers signed a formal treaty relinquishing all rights in Germany.

Of course, there are still American troops in Germany, but the nature of their presence changed legally after the signing of the treaty.


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AndyIsTheMoney said:
yeah who needs to talk about weed when your gettin bjs from interns
Your sense of chronology is all sorts of fucked up :lol

Dude, you have to be the worst poster in PoliGAF, bar none.
worldrunover said:
Has anyone in the media even mention the fact Obama didn't ever REFERENCE Palin in any way when making the pig comment? Is the ONLY thing they have to go on the fact Palin mentioned lipstick in her RNC speech? I mean, this is just ridiculous. Shame on the news media.
The media has pushed back on that comment . . . of course not as much as I'd like, but at least they did point out that he was talking about McCain' POLICIES and that McCain has used the same expression.
Tamanon said:
Lots of derision and disbelief that the leadership of a country would be contested in this way. It's almost odd, but other countries have more respect for the office of the President, teacher, and overall quality of life than we do:p



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Oooh, this Obama surrogate is GOOD.

"If Republicans want to talk about make-up, then let's talk about all the stuff they have been making up about Palin to make her look better than she is."
Hootie said:
*hears Matthews' summary of today's Hardball*

Well, looks like I'll be playing some Xbox right now!

Srsly. I don't know why ANYONE would want to torture themselves with Cable TeeVee these last two months. I could only stomach a few primaries before I came to the realization that the internets was a much better place for my overall health and sanity.
reilo said:
Oooh, this Obama surrogate is GOOD.

"If Republicans want to talk about make-up, then let's talk about all the stuff they have been making up about Palin to make her look better than she is."


we all knew her
artredis1980 said:
I just got off a heated conversation with my republican friend and finally convinced him to vote Obama. He said he does not want to be on the losing side and said something very interesting:

'Sarah Palin's pick was brilliant to get the base to rally, but then just like before the pick the election was a referendum on Obama, not its a referendum on Palin and the more days are spent on her, the more likely McCain will lose Big'

Your friend is a twat. My guess is that he is still going to vote Obama. I am not suggesting that one of those statements is in any way causal toward the other.
Incognito said:
Srsly. I don't know why ANYONE would want to torture themselves with Cable TeeVee these last two months. I could only stomach a few primaries before I came to the realization that the internets was a much better place for my overall health and sanity.
True dat, sir. Cable news is bullSHIT!
Incognito said:
Srsly. I don't know why ANYONE would want to torture themselves with Cable TeeVee these last two months. I could only stomach a few primaries before I came to the realization that the internets was a much better place for my overall health and sanity.
I don't know how you people survive though, because seeing these youtube clips and ads from the McCain camp and the lies which are flying around like nuts...its literally making my stomach turn. Tips?

Should I start drinking?
Incognito said:
Srsly. I don't know why ANYONE would want to torture themselves with Cable TeeVee these last two months. I could only stomach a few primaries before I came to the realization that the internets was a much better place for my overall health and sanity.
until some Troll goes and posts fake poll results at an emotionally fragile time :lol
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