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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Amir0x said:
Heh, he is really going at her.

I know MSNBC is librul central but really this is objective fact, what a silly controversy to create.

The fact that they are even covering it is sad.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Amir0x said:
man jesus christ that interview was pretty unprofessional :lol

Well, when you keep slinging bullshit, someone is bound to call you out on it. Pfotenhauer didn't back down from trying to push their talking points and leave them at face value, and Schuster fought back.


Fragamemnon said:
September 7-9, Sunday through Tuesday.

Really, if NC, VA, Ohio, or MO is within 2 by mid October McCain's fucked. Both states had awful primary polling and the general election polling is going to probably be even more off the mark.

7th - 9th? I'll definitely take it


AndyIsTheMoney said:
im saying put past your hate for republicans and recognize that it may be working. This isnt about pride. I think we all could agree that leaving without any accomplishment would be the worst thing we could do. Now if accomplishment of any kind isn't possible then of course we should leave. But when we see security is being maintained, and that a government is being formed, don't argue for us to leave prematurely just because you "don't want to give republicans the benefit of the doubt just because they may have finally gotten something right for once."

The government wants us to leave. It's not about "giving Republicans the benefit of the doubt", it's about for just once in our lives actually respecting what some other country thinks. Just once.
Gaborn said:
As I said, spin it however you want. It's pretty clear that Obama's supporters are never considered surrogates if they say anything controversial and McCain's supporters are ALWAYS considered surrogates by Obama's campaign when they do say something controversial.
It depends on who you're talking about. The argument about whether Clark was or wasn't a surrogate seems trivial, as Clark was blasted at the time, and Obama had to denounce the comment, much to our chagrin here.

Clark was well known. That's why that comment got play, regardless of his official status in the campaign. Who, oustide of South Carolina, knows who this person is today? Is she an insider in the Obama campaign? Did she make those comments on a national show?


Console Market Analyst
So, do the Republicans attack the Biden "Clinton would have been a better choice" comment tonight? Or wait for Lipstickgate to peter out?



She's not bad looking.



reilo said:
Well, when you keep slinging bullshit, someone is bound to call you out on it. Pfotenhauer didn't back down from trying to push their talking points and leave them at face value, and Schuster fought back.

An good interviewer does not consistently interrupt their subject, editorialize mid-question ("if we were having a drink I know you wouldn't be saying this, hurr hurr") and open with a perspective coloring commentary, this is something Bill O'Reilly does and we hates him.

His point was sound, he was certainly right with the facts... as an interviewer, you simply must show a little more composure with the delivery of said facts. It was a tad immature :p

Chris R

That Time article was seriously, one of the worst "professional" articles I've EVER seen. Good thing they made it online and not in print :lol


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Krowley said:
I'm just making the point that fair play is not a winning strategy in american politics, and if you let the other guy win because you're trying to be "honorable" that's not really honorable at all.
Electing someone into office based on how willing they are to compromise any principles of decency or integrity just for the sake of getting into office isn't a winning strategy either. If that's what the election comes down to, it's a wash, because the choice between two such candidates would offer no better option between the two. That kind of election just contributes to voter apathy and isn't a recipe for any kind of worthwhile win.

The level of american political discourse is determined by what the people will believe, and by their way of looking at things. If you try to rise above that, and you end up losing as a result, that's nothing to be proud of. That isn't helping anybody.
It isn't as black and white as that. The presidency is important but it isn't the only way to influence American politics. If the effort to raise the level of discourse doesn't pay off in time for this election, we should continue to work on it in time for next, and the next, and as long as it takes. Not just fall into a state of utter defeat if it doesn't work in time for this election and allow the inroads made so far to fall to neglect.

Despite whatever else happens, this election will have been historic in a number of ways that are very positive for this nation and they shouldn't be overlooked. That Obama has done as well as he has as a black candidate, that his toughest opponent in the primaries was a woman, that even the Republicans put a woman on the ticket, even if that is initially as a gimmick but still an acknowledgment that their existing practices needed to be updated for the times. Walls are breaking down - it may be a slow, frustrating process but it is happening.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
Nearly all wars we've entered into, we've occupied the country correct? Isn't that what war is? You're the dimwit if you think im saying Iraq is the location of terror. Your a dimwit if you try to argue that us being in Iraq hasn't led to a large number of extremists coming in from surrounding countries because they see it as their chance to fight Americans. WHO ever said anything about occupying Iraq indefinitely, again, go read my post. Before you wanna come back and me and try and make a point, maybe you should read everything that you are posting about.

We didn't occupy any part of Europe in WWII.

We didn't occupy Japan in WWII.

We didn't occupy any part of Europe in WWI.

We aren't even occupying Afghanistan.

War != occupation.
The Lamonster said:
I was really impressed with Biden when I saw him here yesterday. Confident, knowledgable and intimidating, I'd hate to have to debate the guy :lol

Yeah, but the problem with Biden in a debate setting is it takes a lot of words for him to not say much at all. He needs to be more concise for the debates, but he's good on the stump.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Amir0x said:
An good interviewer does not consistently interrupt their subject, editorialize mid-question ("if we were having a drink I know you wouldn't be saying this, hurr hurr") and open with a perspective coloring commentary, this is something Bill O'Reilly does and we hates him.

His point was sound, he was certainly right with the facts... as an interviewer, you simply must show a little more composure with the delivery of said facts. It was a tad immature :p

It was, but whenever you deal with someone like Pfotenhauer, that is really the only way you can get a point across. Because whenever Schuster opened his mouth, she interrupted him, too, and couldn't keep her own mouth shut because she just had to get in the last word.


rhfb said:
That Time article was seriously, one of the worst "professional" articles I've EVER seen. Good thing they made it online and not in print :lol

i didnt even know it actually came from a reputable source, i thought it was just garbage in a chain email... makes me sad for our new outlets. I mean, it takes a few minutes to realize that some books on the list werent around during the timeframe the discussion happened in
Amir0x said:
An good interviewer does not consistently interrupt their subject, editorialize mid-question ("if we were having a drink I know you wouldn't be saying this, hurr hurr") and open with a perspective coloring commentary, this is something Bill O'Reilly does and we hates him.

His point was sound, he was certainly right with the facts... as an interviewer, you simply must show a little more composure with the delivery of said facts. It was a tad immature :p
but it's Schuster, man.

He's just a kid but he's got a lotta heart!


Anerythristic said:
Below is a paragraph from this week's Time magazine article on
> Sarah Palin:
> �
> "[Former Wasilla mayor] Stein says that as mayor, Palin
> continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times.
> "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he
> says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate
> language in them. "The librarian was aghast." The librarian,
> Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports
> from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire her for not
> giving "full support" to the mayor."
> �
> Mary Ellen Baker�resigned�from her library director job in
> 1999.

...oh wow. I really feel sorry for you americans now.
Last night, while on Hannity & Colmes I cut Barack Obama some slack on his reference to "lipstick on a pig." Now I personally don't think he was referring to Gov. Palin, but if he was he should apologize immediately.

Almost twenty four hours into this new controversy and the accusations are continuing to fly from both campaigns. That's too bad.

Let's shift back to the issues. Barack Obama released an education proposal yesterday that has plenty of faults. Lets talk about it instead. Republicans have been arguing correctly for choice in our schools and adding accountability. Lets spend our time and energy focusing on what we stand for. There is plenty to talk about.


A return to the issues is what the American people expect and it is a mistake to think that our Republican ideas somehow can't compete with the Democrats. And frankly, if anyone tells you otherwise, that dog won't hunt.

*tips hat*
worldrunover said:
Yeah, but the problem with Biden in a debate setting is it takes a lot of words for him to not say much at all. He needs to be more concise for the debates, but he's good on the stump.
I know what you're saying, but just seeing him in person yesterday really made it clear - this is not a guy you'd want to argue with.


Hitokage said:
If Obama is up 6 in NH post-convention, then it's safe to take it out of the swing column. Barring some craziness in Michigan, Kerry/IA/NM is go. All that's left is CO/FL/OH/VA.
Calling off Nevada?

Also think MT belongs there now, though is doesn't impact any win scenarios.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gruco said:
Calling off Nevada?

Also think MT belongs there now, though is doesn't impact any win scenarios.

Ugh, MT does impact it. MT + Colorado = Obama win. Coincidentally, Colorado + NH is a win, too.
Huck isn't marching in lockstep because I think he senses the mood of the country and has his sights set on 2012. I think he thinks McCain has no shot of winning.


Setec Astronomer
Gruco said:
Calling off Nevada?

Also think MT belongs there now, though is doesn't impact any win scenarios.
I'm unconvinced that an electoral tie is acceptable, especially since each state gets one vote, not the usual 435.

Not to mention the possibility of a rogue elector...


Gruco said:
Calling off Nevada?

Also think MT belongs there now, though is doesn't impact any win scenarios.

I have no faith in Nevada. It's going to be IA/CO/NM with a 48% chance of Ohio and a ~30% chance of FL. He's definitely winning though, or I'm going to be stuck with a 50" Kuro instead of a 60" :lol


Zeliard said:
Did Huck basically just admit that Republican conservatives don't think they can compete with Democrats on the issues? I mean, that's something we already knew, but he's pretty much insinuating here that at least some on the right feel that way and so resort to personal attacks and fud spreading.

Well come on, McCain's own manager said that the election wasn't about issues. That should tell you all you need.
Incognito said:
Huck isn't marching in lockstep because I think he senses the mood of the country and has his sights set on 2012. I think he thinks McCain has no shot of winning.

I totally agree, although this behavior is in tune with the way he ran his campaign as well. I wonder how he really feels about Palin :lol


Setec Astronomer
reilo said:
Ugh, MT does impact it. MT + Colorado = Obama win. Coincidentally, Colorado + NH is a win, too.
Kerry/IA/NM + Colorado is a win whether he has MT or not. Now, Kerry/IA/NM + MT + NV does clinch though.


PhoenixDark said:
I totally agree, although this behavior is in tune with the way he ran his campaign as well. I wonder how he really feels about Palin :lol

He's probably pissed off on the inside because she's laying claim to being the leader of the Evangelical movement, which he had pretty much commanded until a couple days before the convention.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Zeliard said:
Did Huck basically just admit that Republican conservatives don't think they can compete with Democrats on the issues? I mean, that's something we already knew, but he's pretty much insinuating here that at least some on the right feel that way and so resort to personal attacks and fud spreading.

McCain's own campaign admitted as much when they stated this would be about personalities, not policies.

Also, the backlash is beginning. That pendulum will start to fall tomorrow.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hitokage said:
Kerry/IA/NM + Colorado is a win whether he has MT or not. Now, Kerry/IA/NM + MT + NV does clinch though.

Yeah, I wasn't looking at Kerry states, just how pollster.com stands today, and giving three "leaner" states to Obama:

Michigan + combination of the two aforementioned. Obama is +7 in NM, I'm gonna say that's his to lose and not a swing state anymore.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
im saying put past your hate for republicans and recognize that it may be working. This isnt about pride. I think we all could agree that leaving without any accomplishment would be the worst thing we could do. Now if accomplishment of any kind isn't possible then of course we should leave. But when we see security is being maintained, and that a government is being formed, don't argue for us to leave prematurely just because you "don't want to give republicans the benefit of the doubt just because they may have finally gotten something right for once."
My point is that one right in a series of devastatingly bad errors does not give you the right to campaign as a winner.

Maybe, just maybe, McCain got the surge right (I'm just playing devil's advocate here). I'll give him that. What I don't care for is this notion that "what's done is done. Sure, we fucked up at every turn, but we got the last one right, and my opponent got it wrong. If you prefer cowardice over victory, vote Obama."

This is crap. It brushes aside that this entire operation has been a huge clusterfuck in favor of "what have you done for me lately?" nonsense. The arguable success of the surge does not in anyway, shape, or form mean that McCain's right and Obama's wrong.
OuterWorldVoice said:
McCain's own campaign admitted as much when they stated this would be about personalities, not policies.

Also, the backlash is beginning. That pendulum will start to fall tomorrow.

What makes you say that
CharlieDigital said:
We didn't occupy any part of Europe in WWII.

We didn't occupy Japan in WWII.

We didn't occupy any part of Europe in WWI.

We aren't even occupying Afghanistan.

War != occupation.

yeah your right, were still not in parts of Europe, and Afghanistan. And Japan is allowed to create an army outside of protecting its own borders.


OuterWorldVoice said:
McCain's own campaign admitted as much when they stated this would be about personalities, not policies.

Also, the backlash is beginning. That pendulum will start to fall tomorrow.
I've been buried at work all day - what signs of backlash are you seeing? I've noted a few online (like CBS pulling the McCain ad), which have had me hopeful.
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