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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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MassiveAttack said:


Good... haven't you seen The Thing?


gcubed said:
i am sure thats why Oprah didnt let her on the show. Most of these people go on shows like that with preconditions, and being a voice for women, I am sure Oprah wanted to grill her on everything, which was probably deemed off limits.

Pretty much. If Palin won't even answer questions from reporters the week she is nominated, I think its fair to say she will avoid like the plague any one-on-one environment where she will have to answer legitimate questions.

It is so bizarre to me, the way the RNC is positioning Palin, they are almost turning her into a villain... only letting her speak in controlled forums where she unleashes bitchy attacks on people, and then hiding behind the scenes until the next bitch-attack speech.

It is another example of Repubnick cognitive dissonance. They go insane if a democratic politician is bitchy or speaks her mind, but they eat the shit up when it comes from their side of the aisle.


suaveric said:
Ask her about spending tax payer's money on preserving the right to shoot wolves from airplanes. That will go over well I'm sure.

That story pisses me off both ways.

She should not have the authority to spend taxpayer money like that.

Government doesn't have the authority to say people can't do that.
You know, it is Drudge guys. Some Obama supporters used to eat his articles up back when he was attacking Clinton but he hardly has a perfect track record.


JayDubya said:
That story pisses me off both ways.

She should not have the authority to spend taxpayer money like that.

Government doesn't have the authority to say people can't do that.

The taxpayer money thing bothers me since it's not the only time she's done it. Seeing a pattern here.
_dementia said:
Mars Martix was amazing. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but I prefer playing with one button. Mash for rapid fire, press rhythmically or the shotgun blast, hold for shield and Gravity Hole Bomb.
I agree it was a great game....but wrong thread?? :lol


_dementia said:
Mars Martix was amazing. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but I prefer playing with one button. Mash for rapid fire, press rhythmically or the shotgun blast, hold for shield and Gravity Hole Bomb.

Go play Mars Matrix!
Aaron said:
A small town that's now $20 million in debt. This is the sort of 'experience' you want for a VP?
How does the town feel about this? Did she drag the little one-horse town into the big time? Is it improved? We laugh at the pictures of the "city hall" and that one street, but I've never seen a photo of the sports complex, and whatever else the money went towards. If the debt did little more than polish a turd, then it was a waste and she should be called on it, but if it really improved the town and created jobs, infrastructure, and fostered opportunity for the citizens to improve, then it was a good decision.


when is my burrito
artredis1980 said:
that is actually good, the more they watch McCain and Palin, the more they will support Obama

Seems to only include the big 3. What about CNN, MSNBC and FOX?
Here is my Idea for a new Ad for Obama:

Fade In

Show pictures of Obama doing community organizing

Fade out

Fade In

Show midwest farmer 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show small business owner 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show a college student 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show a gun totting hunter 'I am Barack Obama'

Then zoom out with first a dozen small frames, all with people saying 'I am Barack Obama', then zoom out with a 100's of small frames, all with People saying 'I am Barack Obama' and when all the image frames zoom out they make up the Full screen Image of Barack Obama saying 'I am Barack Obama and I approve this message'


artredis1980 said:
Here is my Idea for a new Ad for Obama:

Fade In

Show pictures of Obama doing community organizing

Fade out

Fade In

Show midwest farmer 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show small business owner 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show a college student 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show a gun totting hunter 'I am Barack Obama'

Then zoom out with first a dozen small frames, all with people saying 'I am Barack Obama', then zoom out with a 100's of small frames, all with People saying 'I am Barack Obama' and when all the image frames zoom out they make up the Full screen Image of Barack Obama saying 'I am Barack Obama and I approve this message'
Bad idea.
Door2Dawn said:
That makes no sense to me..

the more people (independents and democrats) watch palin and mccain, they more they will move to Obama. thier views will only sway the independent thinkers away.


MassiveAttack said:
Would that make a difference to you?


No, I'm just curious since the assertion is very different either way. I agree with Jaydub though, the fact that the government was involved in the issue in the first place was bad enough without her using taxpayer money to fight for it.


artredis1980 said:
the more people (independents and democrats) watch palin and mccain, they more they will move to Obama. thier views will only sway the independent thinkers away.

Maybe Palin, but not McCain.


artredis1980 said:
Here is my Idea for a new Ad for Obama:

Fade In

Show pictures of Obama doing community organizing

Fade out

Fade In

Show midwest farmer 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show small business owner 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show a college student 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show a gun totting hunter 'I am Barack Obama'

Then zoom out with first a dozen small frames, all with people saying 'I am Barack Obama', then zoom out with a 100's of small frames, all with People saying 'I am Barack Obama' and when all the image frames zoom out they make up the Full screen Image of Barack Obama saying 'I am Barack Obama and I approve this message'

he should totally do that.


Door2Dawn said:
Ahh I knew something was missing.
Ahh I knew you'd not even understand what I was trying to say.

Get a clue: Stop fucking trolling me after every fucking post I make, thanks.

The polls are fucked up right now because they do not even accurately represent the country fully digesting both conventions yet.

I'm really getting sick and tired of your shit. Leave me the fuck alone if you aren't even going to take into account what I'm actually trying to say.


I'd be curious about the geographic distribution of viewership. It really seems that conservative America is almost euphoric over Palin, and would watch at an extraordinary rate, but there's no polling that yet indicates a positive response among moderates.

Even the Rasmussen article linked above - she has 58% favorability, compared to 57% for McCain and Obama. But hers owes largely to almost unanimous support among conservatives (85%).
artredis1980 said:
Here is my Idea for a new Ad for Obama:

Fade In

Show pictures of Obama doing community organizing

Fade out

Fade In

Show midwest farmer 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show small business owner 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show a college student 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show a gun totting hunter 'I am Barack Obama'

Then zoom out with first a dozen small frames, all with people saying 'I am Barack Obama', then zoom out with a 100's of small frames, all with People saying 'I am Barack Obama' and when all the image frames zoom out they make up the Full screen Image of Barack Obama saying 'I am Barack Obama and I approve this message'

I am Dave Ming Cheng.


worst movie evah


gkrykewy said:
I'd be curious about the geographic distribution of viewership. It really seems that conservative America is almost euphoric over Palin, and would watch at an extraodinary rate, but there's no polling that yet indicates a positive response among moderates.

Even the Rasmussen article linked above - she has 58% favorability, compared to 57% for McCain and Obama. But hers owes largely to almost unanimous support among conservatives (85%).

well, the lead in to mccains speech was the NFL kickoff..


Deku said:
Are there any actual news?

Obama-Age GAF bracing for slipping poll numbers is a hard read :(
They're moving up the date of the troopergate findings in reaction to Palin's stalling tactics.
Deku said:
Are there any actual news?

Obama-Age GAF bracing for slipping poll numbers is a hard read :(

It's inevitable that the numbers will fluctuate over the next few weeks and even up until the day of the election.


artredis1980 said:
Here is my Idea for a new Ad for Obama:

Fade In

Show pictures of Obama doing community organizing

Fade out

Fade In

Show midwest farmer 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show small business owner 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show a college student 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show a gun totting hunter 'I am Barack Obama'

Then zoom out with first a dozen small frames, all with people saying 'I am Barack Obama', then zoom out with a 100's of small frames, all with People saying 'I am Barack Obama' and when all the image frames zoom out they make up the Full screen Image of Barack Obama saying 'I am Barack Obama and I approve this message'

I can see where you are going with this but it could be interpreted as 'elitist' or that Obama is some kind of messiah but I still like the message. How about in the last Fade In you show Rudy's speech laughing at community organizers.
Obama sends his top female surrogates to battleground states to attack Palin


Senator Barack Obama will increasingly lean on prominent Democratic women to undercut Gov. Sarah Palin and Senator John McCain, dispatching Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to Florida on Monday and bolstering his plan to deploy female surrogates to battleground states, Obama advisers said Thursday.

Mrs. Clinton’s campaign event in Florida, her first for Mr. Obama since the Democratic convention, will serve as a counterpoint to the searing attacks and fresh burst of energy that Ms. Palin injected into the race with her convention speech on Wednesday, Obama aides said.

With the McCain-Palin team courting undecided female voters, including some who backed Mrs. Clinton in the Democratic primaries, Obama aides said they were counting on not only Mrs. Clinton but also Democratic female governors to rebut Ms. Palin — and, by extension, Mr. McCain. Those governors include Janet Napolitano of Arizona and Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas.

Still, within the Obama campaign and among Democratic officials nationwide, talks are well under way about how the party should treat Ms. Palin in the campaign — and what Mr. Obama and his running mate, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., need to do to regain the offensive after the Republican convention.

Some Democrats were urging Mr. Obama’s campaign not to underestimate the potential power of Ms. Palin’s speech, even among voters not aligned with either party: On liberal talk-radio shows and on left-leaning blogs, some Democrats said the Obama campaign should fight back hard to avoid being caricatured as Senator John Kerry was four years ago when he ran against President Bush. Some party strategists warned that Mrs. Palin’s personal narrative as a “hockey mom” with a special-needs child, would appeal to some undecided women voters.

“What McCain has done with Governor Palin’s nomination is aim right at a demographic that Obama needs to address quickly: noncollege-educated women,” said Mike McCurry, a former spokesman in the Clinton White House. “They need to maximize Biden’s ability to reach out to them, but at the end of the day, it is Obama who has to get that very, very critical group.”

Advisers to Mr. Obama predicted that the buzz over Ms. Palin would fade and that the race would quickly turn back into a contest between Senators McCain and Obama, despite the McCain campaign’s efforts to compare Mr. Obama’s experience unfavorably to Ms. Palin’s. At the same time, even as Democratic researchers pore over Ms. Palin’s record in Alaska, a rapid response team is being created in Chicago to dispatch female surrogates around the country.

David Axelrod, the Obama campaign’s chief political strategist, said Mr. Obama would not raise questions about Ms. Palin’s experience. Mr. Axelrod said the campaign would work instead to impress upon voters the seriousness of the race and continue to try to link the McCain-Palin team to President Bush.

While Mr. Obama did not aggressively challenge Ms. Palin, his advisers opened a new line of criticism to brand her as part of the Republican establishment.

“For someone who makes the point that she’s not from Washington, she looked very much like she’d fit in very well there when you see how she brings the attacks,” Mr. Axelrod said. “They all felt very familiar to Americans who are used to this kind of thing from Washington.”

Advisers to Mrs. Clinton said that she stood ready to help the Obama-Biden ticket, but they urged the campaign not to overestimate the impact Mrs. Clinton could have, noting that she had other commitments this fall, like campaigning and raising money for Senate candidates. Obama aides said the Clinton trip had been in the works before Ms. Palin was named the running mate.

Still, Mo Elleithee, a Clinton spokesman, said he believed she could make a difference with some voters who feel lost in the current economy and who want to see a federal role enacting universal health insurance.

“Anyone who was inclined to support Hillary Clinton typically did so because of her focus on middle-class, bread-and-butter issues,” Mr. Elleithee said. “Her message for Barack Obama on those issues could certainly help the Democratic ticket at the ballot box.”

The Obama camp also plans to keep Mr. Biden campaigning steadily in swing states. Obama advisers said that one advantage they had was that Mr. Biden, as a six-term senator and former presidential candidate, is well-prepared for his single debate with Ms. Palin, in October.

With both conventions seen largely as successes for their tickets, the importance of the three presidential debates — the first of which is Sept. 26 — and the one vice-presidential debate become even more crucial for either side to gain a political advantage, Democratic strategists and elected officials said.

Mr. Obama, speaking to reporters on Thursday at a campaign stop in York, Pa., brushed aside any worry that he might have about Ms. Palin’s criticism of his biography and political record in her convention speech.

“I’ve been called worse on the basketball court, so it’s not that big of a deal,” he said.

Yet Ms. Palin seemed to be on Mr. Obama’s mind. At a rally in Lancaster, Pa., Mr. Obama asked an audience of several thousand people if they had “caught any of the performances” at the Republican convention.

Mr. Obama did not mention Ms. Palin by name, but added, “They may have found some new faces to present their message, but it’s the same old message.”

if Hillary hurts Palin, she is a lock to be the president if Obama loses or in 2016
artredis1980 said:
Here is my Idea for a new Ad for Obama:

Fade In

Show pictures of Obama doing community organizing

Fade out

Fade In

Show midwest farmer 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show small business owner 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show a college student 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show a gun totting hunter 'I am Barack Obama'

Then zoom out with first a dozen small frames, all with people saying 'I am Barack Obama', then zoom out with a 100's of small frames, all with People saying 'I am Barack Obama' and when all the image frames zoom out they make up the Full screen Image of Barack Obama saying 'I am Barack Obama and I approve this message'

I can't imagine that kind of cult of personality celebrity ad coming back to hurt him at all...

Maybe the giant image of Obama could say "This election has never been about me. It’s been about you being me."

"I am Barack Obama, I approve this message, and I'm watching over you [insert laugh]."


gkrykewy said:
I'd be curious about the geographic distribution of viewership. It really seems that conservative America is almost euphoric over Palin, and would watch at an extraordinary rate, but there's no polling that yet indicates a positive response among moderates.

Even the Rasmussen article linked above - she has 58% favorability, compared to 57% for McCain and Obama. But hers owes largely to almost unanimous support among conservatives (85%).
I don't expect her to consistently stay that high. Nobody knew anything about her (and quite frankly still doesn't), so her speech really fired up the base; of course they'd be more eager to say they like her, because Obama fans have been giving high praise for months and months and months. Palin is riding in on a really big wave; it's going to weaken eventually.


Acid08 said:
Did Palin make fun of San Francisco? If so, fuck her, SF is greater than the entire state of Alaska.

I can totally get behind point 2, and yes, please carry on mocking the Lle Area rethugs, we'll be happy to deny you 55 EC votes every election.


FitzOfRage said:
I can't imagine that kind of cult of personality celebrity ad coming back to hurt him at all...

Maybe the giant image of Obama could say "This election has never been about me. It’s been about you being me."

"I am Barack Obama, I approve this message, and I'm watching over you [insert laugh]."

yup, he should also have an ad about the environment with this "this is the moment the earth healed" speech. that cant hurt at all either.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
O my Mods, I am heartfully sorry for
having offended thee, and I detest
all my sins, because of thy just
punishments, but most of all because
they offend thee, my Mods, who art
all-good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve, with the help of
thy grace, to sin no more and to
avoid the near occasion of sin.

AniHawk said:
They're moving up the date of the troopergate findings in reaction to Palin's stalling tactics.

Didn't Palin's Office ask that the State's Justice Department get involved so there would be a faster resolution?


ALeperMessiah said:
Didn't Palin's Office ask that the State's Justice Department get involved so there would be a faster resolution?
Only because the Justice Department is full of Palin loyalists.


ALeperMessiah said:
Didn't Palin's Office ask that the State's Justice Department get involved so there would be a faster resolution?

Oh... yeah. Looks like absolutely nothing's wrong then. :p


ALeperMessiah said:
Didn't Palin's Office ask that the State's Justice Department get involved so there would be a faster resolution?

oh and has asked that she be investigated thoroughly for transparency and accountability
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