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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
artredis1980 said:
Here is my Idea for a new Ad for Obama:

Fade In

Show pictures of Obama doing community organizing

Fade out

Fade In

Show midwest farmer 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show small business owner 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show a college student 'I am Barack Obama'

Fade out
Fade in

Show a gun totting hunter 'I am Barack Obama'

Then zoom out with first a dozen small frames, all with people saying 'I am Barack Obama', then zoom out with a 100's of small frames, all with People saying 'I am Barack Obama' and when all the image frames zoom out they make up the Full screen Image of Barack Obama saying 'I am Barack Obama and I approve this message'

Show the republicans laughing at Community Organizers at the start, replace every 'I am Barack Obama' with 'I am a Community Organizer', and you have an ad.


Despite Failin's new popularity and the RNC polling bump we are likely to see, I am still not too worried.

This election is about the economy, and the Republicans do not have the winning message on the issue. They didn't even talk about it at the convention. Check the latest news on the job market, from CNN.

Jobless rate soars
The unemployment rate soared to a nearly five-year high in August, topping 6 percent, as employers trimmed jobs for the eighth straight month. CNNMoney.com reports there was a net loss of 84,000 jobs in August. full story


ALeperMessiah said:
didn't say nothing was wrong, just said I thought there reasoning was a faster resolution.
That is not the reason though. At all. It is purely for personal reasons.


testicles on a cold fall morning
syllogism said:
That's because she is a celebrity, not a politician so there's no deep partisan divide yet
funny how these talking points interchange between parties.

Palin's more like the bad cop to McCain's 'good' - Palin stokes the conservative base with her right wing nuttery and gets independents nervous, while McCain soothes nerves by promising bipartisanship and change.

i'm waiting for more people to realize the god damn contradiction in the establishment party promising to, in essence, go against itself.


Guys, all of the positive coverage of the GOP post-convention isn't surprising at all. This is just how it works.

Wait for the debates before getting worked up about poll numbers/media coverage.
minus_273 said:
yup, he should also have an ad about the environment with this "this is the moment the earth healed" speech. that cant hurt at all either.
The end of the ad could show Obama saying, "I'm Barack Obama, and you're not."


I'm a little worried about Obama's fundraising capability. He's spending faster than money comes in, unless August was amazingly awesome. But even so, the DNC itself is having trouble matching their bank account levels to the RNC's. That and the Palin popularity have me pretty worried. The lack of Obama ads during the RNC (unlike McCain's plentiful ads during the DNC) add to my financial concern.

I'm holding a gaming & debate watch party at my house as a fundraiser on the 26th. So far I'm only averaging $22 per attendee, but hopefully that number will go up as my, shall we say, less poor friends start signing up.


So I want to continue my series of posts that looks at politics and the people around me.

Point #1:
"I mean, I just don't think I can take that kind of rejection." - George McFly

Some people do not want to vote for a losing candidate. They want to vote for the winner, so they themselves feel like a winner.

Point #2:
"You know what I think? We don't really have a good selection to choose from. I mean, both of them aren't too great". - My friend

This election's extra-long election cycle has effected the everyday voter's ability to distinguish the right candidate for them. How can the average American get behind a candidate when all they hear are their shortcomings? A segment of people have become indifferent toward both McCain and Obama.

Today's point:
"I like Obama, but there's no way he's going to win. The way that people are in this country, McCain will win the same way Bush got in." Friend #2

People like to know that their candidate has a chance, BUT they've adopted low expectations and high pessimism over the last 8 years.[/B]I think we have all heard the above quote many times from the people we talk to about this race.

So the remedy? Democrats must inform these hopeless voters that they are NOT alone with their dissatisfaction of the status quo. Tell them of fivethiryeight.com, tell them how Palin was a desperation pick to gain votes McCain was hugely lacking.

That's all for now. Thanks for listening!


Wow that is a bad idea for an ad. I'm probably vote McCain if they made something like that. They should make an ad showing Rudy and Palin belittling "Community Organizers" then showing all the great "community organizers" of the past.
Here are some things I think Obama/ Biden should emphasize:

-Palin's massive fiscal irresponsible record: earmarks, debt, bridge to nowhere (and the fact that she lied about it), earmarks, etc.

-Palin's false 'reformer' tag - point out that she just decided that a group of people she appoints should investigate Troopergate.

-It's the economy, stupid - Unemployment rate just hit 6.1% . . . contrast that with McCain's own quote of ~"I don't know anything about the economy" and Phil Gramm's "American's are whiners"

-Maybe: Fundamentalist anti-abortion view of Palin. The fact that she thinks that abortion should not be allowed even in the cases of rape and incest. That is a big loser position.

Things to stay away from:
-Guns (This is a gun country.)
-Oil (unless to point out that he's flip-flopped)


testicles on a cold fall morning
Soybean said:
I'm a little worried about Obama's fundraising capability. He's spending faster than money comes in, unless August was amazingly awesome. But even so, the DNC itself is having trouble matching their bank account levels to the RNC's. That and the Palin popularity have me pretty worried. The lack of Obama ads during the RNC (unlike McCain's plentiful ads during the DNC) add to my financial concern.

I'm holding a gaming & debate watch party at my house as a fundraiser on the 26th. So far I'm only averaging $22 per attendee, but hopefully that number will go up as my, shall we say, less poor friends start signing up.
since Dean came in he has been quick to dispense money as a part of the 50-state strategy and keep very little cash on hand.

otherwise, while the RNC has more money than the DNC, Obama continuously raises more than McCain. also consider that the money previously spent by the DNC in setting up offices and personnel nationwide is now being tapped by Obama's campaign.


*drowns in jizz*
So seems like Joe 'ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL' Lieberman is teaching Palin the ropes on Foreign policy. Aweome.


*drowns in jizz*
Kintaco said:
Wow that is a bad idea for an ad. I'm probably vote McCain if they made something like that. They should make an ad showing Rudy and Palin belittling "Community Organizers" then showing all the great "community organizers" of the past.

I think they should really do something with the community organizer video quotes. I don't think thee's nothing thats enraged me more watching that, and emotion leads to action. Especially Guliani's rendition. The extreme mocking look on his face, as if its something to be shit on and shameful of- he repeated it over and over, each time seemingly more disgusted with the term- as well as the roaring reaction from the crowd.. damn.


ST. PAUL, Minn. -- U.S. Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, said Thursday that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s upbringing was devoid of patriotism or the principles that make the United States a great country.

King, who represents western Iowa and is known for making provocative statements, made a speech here asking the Iowa GOP delegation what part of Obama’s upbringing, relationships and education would be appropriate for someone who wanted to be president.

“There is no part of that that I would subject a child, a young man or woman to. I don’t think that there’s a nurture there that shows a thread of patriotism or a sense of appreciation of free market capitalism or the destiny of America or what has made this country great,” he said.

Republicans have been increasingly questioning Obama’s patriotism.

King also criticized Obama for not putting his hand over his heart in 2007 when the National Anthem was played at Sen. Tom Harkin’s annual Steak Fry fundraiser. He said that stemmed from his nurturing, too.

Obama, whose grandfather was a World War II veteran, has said he was taught that you stand at attention during the National Anthem and put your hand over your heart during the Pledge of Allegiance.

Obama spokesperson Jenni Lee called King’s claim “ridiculous.”

“As opposed to offering any real solutions to fix our economy or get working families affordable health care, the Republicans are resorting to Washington-style name calling and personal attacks,” she said.
Well be hearing a thundering denunciation from the McCain camp.....right?
words used at conventions



Soybean said:
I'm a little worried about Obama's fundraising capability. He's spending faster than money comes in, unless August was amazingly awesome. But even so, the DNC itself is having trouble matching their bank account levels to the RNC's. That and the Palin popularity have me pretty worried. The lack of Obama ads during the RNC (unlike McCain's plentiful ads during the DNC) add to my financial concern.

The money used after Sept 1 is different from the money used before. After Sept 1 it's general election funds. Before, it's primary funds. That's why you saw so many McCain ads. He was trying to run his primary funds dry before he had to spend general election money.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
artredis1980 said:
words used at conventions

That's really cool. Shows you who focused on what, and who was just blowing smoke.
adamsappel said:
How does the town feel about this? Did she drag the little one-horse town into the big time? Is it improved? We laugh at the pictures of the "city hall" and that one street, but I've never seen a photo of the sports complex, and whatever else the money went towards. If the debt did little more than polish a turd, then it was a waste and she should be called on it, but if it really improved the town and created jobs, infrastructure, and fostered opportunity for the citizens to improve, then it was a good decision.

Great question. I don't know, but I'd like to know the answer to this as well.


when is my burrito
typhonsentra said:
9/11 was mentioned more at the DNC than at the RNC? So they're only counting "Main" speakers, right?

Doesn't count a 3 minute video either.

Still haven't watched it and don't want to.


Pro-Obama GAF, I have some positive anecdotal evidence to report. I just spoke with my dad about the RNC this week. He is a life-long Republican, and has never voted Democrat. He called the event "tired" and "embarrassing." He has always voted Republican because he is socially conservative and has a high income, but it honestly sounds like this might be the first time he will ever vote Democrat.

Who knows how many other Republicans are feeling the same way, but with any luck McCain will lose more supporters with the RNC spectacle than he will pick up.


Just watched the O Reilly interview with Obama.

Barack seems to have trouble admitting when he is wrong, almost at a Bush level :lol


ChrisGoldstein said:
The whole RNC was that. I couldn't stomach any of it, I just saw highlights...if you want to call them that.
Same. The speech I saw the most of was McCain's, but I largely tuned out about the halfway mark.


lawblob said:
Pro-Obama GAF, I have some positive anecdotal evidence to report.

These are the posts I like to read. They explore life outside of our the GAF-biome.

My friend's older brother, who's a cocky jock, was previously leaning toward McCain but was turned off by the Palin pick. He's now for Obama. I'm thinking Palin might lose McCain some of those manly men votes the Republicans usually get easily.


lawblob said:
Pro-Obama GAF, I have some positive anecdotal evidence to report. I just spoke with my dad about the RNC this week. He is a life-long Republican, and has never voted Democrat. He called the event "tired" and "embarrassing." He has always voted Republican because he is socially conservative and has a high income, but it honestly sounds like this might be the first time he will ever vote Democrat.

Who knows how many other Republicans are feeling the same way, but with any luck McCain will lose more supporters with the RNC spectacle than he will pick up.



BirdBomb said:
Barack seems to have trouble admitting when he is wrong, almost at a Bush level :lol

You never admit your wrong while your campaigning to be President.

Unless you want to be a........flip flopper!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
BirdBomb said:
Just watched the O Reilly interview with Obama.

Barack seems to have trouble admitting when he is wrong, almost at a Bush level :lol

O'Reilly wants him to admit he was wrong about answer 46 in a 100 answer quiz that he otherwise aced. Why should he play along with that red faced blowhard's absurd rhetorical trap?

Why didn't O'Reilly admit that he was dead wrong about every aspect of the war?


Fatalah said:
My friend's older brother, who's a cocky jock, was previously leaning toward McCain but was turned off by the Palin pick. He's now for Obama. I'm thinking Palin might lose McCain some of those manly men votes the Republicans usually get easily.

Ironically, all the polls so far have said that Palin is more popular with men than women.
lawblob said:
Pro-Obama GAF, I have some positive anecdotal evidence to report. I just spoke with my dad about the RNC this week. He is a life-long Republican, and has never voted Democrat. He called the event "tired" and "embarrassing." He has always voted Republican because he is socially conservative and has a high income, but it honestly sounds like this might be the first time he will ever vote Democrat.

Who knows how many other Republicans are feeling the same way, but with any luck McCain will lose more supporters with the RNC spectacle than he will pick up.

I'm still trying to figure out my mom. She's still not happy about Obama's choice of Biden over Clinton, but she absolutely hates Palin. She's not really happy about either choice, but I really don't see her voting McCain when the rubber meets the road.

I got her an Obama sign for her lawn anyways :lol


OuterWorldVoice said:
O'Reilly wants him to admit he was wrong about answer 46 in a 100 answer quiz that he otherwise aced. Why should he play along with that red faced blowhard's absurd rhetorical trap?

Why didn't O'Reilly admit that he was dead wrong about every aspect of the war?

Wasn't Obama saying as late as July that the surge was a failure? It's obviously not.

O Reilly won't admit anything because he's Bill fucking O Reilly. I hold Presidential candidates to a higher standard than the former host of Inside Edition.
Can anyone help me out here? I was arguing with someone about Clinton and his economic record. He said Clinton inherited a good economy and I told him there was a mild recession when Clinton entered office.

Besides the deficit, does anyone have a credible source that details how the economy was bad when Clinton became president?
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