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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Kak.efes said:
Didn't 9/11 happen on W's watch? Only in America can the political party in question, the one negligent in taking the threat from al qaeda seriously in the first place, show a video montage of 9/11, planes crashing into towers, et al, as some.. ass-backwards way to distinguish themselves as savants on security.

Only in america...

I actually view this election as a turning point for how this century will turn out for America. It's either going to be Fall of Rome, with jarring transitions into a post-petroleum theocracy, or maturation into a stable post-superpower nation like the UK.

Could go either way, and I think this election could be the tipping point.


has calmed down a bit.
Anyone have a transcript of Obama on O'reilly? I can't access YouTube at work. It's not up on his site yet as far as I can tell.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Kak.efes said:
Didn't 9/11 happen on W's watch? Only in America can the political party in question, the one negligent in taking the threat from al qaeda seriously in the first place, show a video montage of 9/11, planes crashing into towers, et al, as some.. ass-backwards way to distinguish themselves as savants on security.
aside from Bush reportedly dismissing a CIA briefing on Bin Laden in August '01 i think it's misguided to place blame on the President for the attacks. that said, i also don't give him credit for no attacks since then because, let's face it, an attack like this isn't exactly child's play to pull off. any President would've looked hard at the money trails and capital flows, tightened immigration and beefed up domestic security.

what i would blame him for is haphazardly creating a terrorist honeypot in Iraq and creating an even larger pool of battle-hardened, anti-status quo actors to cause havoc both in the ME and the West.


First tragedy, then farce.
StoOgE said:
actually, that CBS poll is completely worthless. The 8 point Obama lead a week ago had completely different party ID numbers. Last week Democrats made up 6% more of the poll relative to republicans than this week.. so of that 8 points, 6 of it was simply changing the party ID numbers.

2% is either a mini bump or just movement within the MOE.

Last weeks poll is probably closer to correct, this week they have Dems with only a 2% edge in party ID which is way too low given the current party ID numbers, which have the dems with somewhere in the neighborhood of a 6-8% lead and that doesnt even factor the large enthusiasm gap (even with palin is 20% in Obamas favor)

You cant just look at the face value of polls. This poll essentially is showing either no or very little actual movement with a big change in the metrics of the poll. So comparing the old one to this one is apples and oranges.

bumping so this makes the next page.


lawblob said:
Yeah, O'Reilly's act comes across as more calculated shtick, whereas Hannity seems like he believes his bullshit.

Man, I am watching the Daily Show re-cap of Giuliani's speech... I forgot what a piece of shit that guy is.

Giuliani's speech is the best evidence in favor of the Repilian Agenda I've ever seen.


Kak.efes said:
Seriously, why is shit like that tolerated? I'm not even American, and I can't stand it.

Sadly, because people are just used to it by now.

I'm afraid that if McCain/Palin's elected, this country is shifting too far to the right to go back. Liberals will leave or give up, the ratings-driven media will crack down even harder on false controversies to drive stories, and nothing to progress society will ever get done.


I am loving all the "CHANGE IS COMING" headlines on the covers of newspapers this morning. Nice work, McCain. Barack thanks you.


gkrykewy said:
I am loving all the "CHANGE IS COMING" headlines on the covers of newspapers this morning. Nice work, McCain. Barack thanks you.
I can't believe the GOP fucking hijacked the entire message and no one fucking calls them.
kaching said:
So I guess it's to be a good cop/bad cop routine with McCain/Palin from here on out?
If they had gone with a softer image for Palin (and I think that lipsticked-pitbull image is manufactured, she seems perfectly nice in her Alaskan videos), they might have had a very good chance with independents and Hillary-voters. McCain seems really old now, and the prospect of a suburban, friendly mom in the White House would have appeal. Hillary and her staff understood that, even if the label didn't fit neatly. If Palin ever sheds a tear on the trail, it's going to seem a lot more contrived, now.


AniHawk said:
Sadly, because people are just used to it by now.

I'm afraid that if McCain/Palin's elected, this country is shifting too far to the right to go back. Liberals will leave or give up, the ratings-driven media will crack down even harder on false controversies to drive stories, and nothing to progress society will ever get done.

i just think the repub/rove machine of insults instead of policy needs to lose in order to stop it. It was wildly successful against a weaker opponent in the last election, i'm just afraid that if they win again here because of it, that it will become the norm.


VanMardigan said:
Yeah right. I wish, but that's not happening.

If you wish to run this country unopposed, you deserve the shitbin of a country you desire. The Republicans really need a purging of the neocons, and a defeat at the hands of a non-insulting campaign like this would go a long way. But if they're able to defeat someone so popular by attacking in such a negative way, someone backed by the people because of the message that the people can bring around change, nothing will change, and it will demoralize everyone who isn't cynical about politics already.


AniHawk said:
I can't believe the GOP fucking hijacked the entire message and no one fucking calls them.

I don't think they've successfully hijacked the message. If "change" is the tagline on both sides, Obama wins big.
It's right on his site:

Lower Costs by Modernizing The U.S. Health Care System

Lowering Costs Through Investment in Electronic Health Information Technology Systems: Most medical records are still stored on paper, which makes it hard to coordinate care, measure quality or reduce medical errors and which costs twice as much as electronic claims. Obama will invest $10 billion a year over the next five years to move the U.S. health care system to broad adoption of standards-based electronic health information systems, including electronic health records, and will phase in requirements for full implementation of health IT.

Lowering Costs by Increasing Competition in the Insurance and Drug Markets: The insurance business today is dominated by a small group of large companies that has been gobbling up their rivals. There have been over 400 health care mergers in the last 10 years, and just two companies dominate a full third of the national market. These changes were supposed to make the industry more efficient, but instead premiums have skyrocketed by over 87 percent.

Lower prescription drug costs. The second-fastest growing type of health expenses is prescription drugs. Pharmaceutical companies are selling the exact same drugs in Europe and Canada but charging Americans more than double the price. Obama will allow Americans to buy their medicines from other developed countries if the drugs are safe and prices are lower outside the U.S. Obama will also repeal the ban that prevents the government from negotiating with drug companies, which could result in savings as high as $30 billion. Finally, Obama will work to increase the use of generic drugs in Medicare, Medicaid, and FEHBP and prohibit big name drug companies from keeping generics out of markets.

Making healthcare available to everyone also emphasizes preventative care; it's an investment that would pay off over time.
Kak.efes said:
Didn't 9/11 happen on W's watch? Only in America can the political party in question, the one negligent in taking the threat from al qaeda seriously in the first place, show a video montage of 9/11, planes crashing into towers, et al, as some.. ass-backwards way to distinguish themselves as savants on security.
Anything bad that happens while a Republican is president is always the fault of the last Democrat who was in office.

Anything bad that happens when a Democrat is in office is the fault of the Democrat.
polyh3dron said:
Anything bad that happens while a Republican is president is always the fault of the last Democrat who was in office.

Anything bad that happens when a Democrat is in office is the fault of the Democrat.

You forgot:

Anything good that happens while a Democrat is in office is because of the previous Republican President.

I hear all the time how the only reason Clinton did well is because of Reagan and Bush.


polyh3dron said:
Anything bad that happens while a Republican is president is always the fault of the last Democrat who was in office.

Anything bad that happens when a Democrat is in office is the fault of the Democrat.

Like the converse argument is never made by anyone. :lol No high horsing this, please.


JayDubya said:
Like the converse argument is never made by anyone. :lol No high horsing this, please.

well unfortunately for the majority of the people in this thread (making a generalization here, i could be wrong)... there is only one democrat they can pull from when they were at least "informed" about politics.


Frank the Great said:
You forgot:

Anything good that happens while a Democrat is in office is because of the previous Republican President.

I hear all the time how the only reason Clinton did well is because of Reagan and Bush.

Exactly.. The logic of this is nonsense, but they spout it anyways. Can't give credit to Clinton, he was riding on the coat tails of Reagan's economy... Which I suppose means Reagan was riding on Carter's coat tails?


JayDubya said:
Like the converse argument is never made by anyone. :lol No high horsing this, please.

It is made, but it doesn't stick. Republicans are the ideologues when it comes to the economy. They deregulate every chance they get. When it leads to disaster, the answer is always the same: MORE DEREGULATION!
The Obama better jump all over these new job numbers and tie it into the RNC not mentioning the economy. Could make a great ad for battleground states.


Did anyone else see the story of Oprah not wanting Palin on her show? I hope Oprah holds steady and doesn't bring that crazy lady on.

Is Palin just going to hit up all the female-heavy media outlets? That's the first lady/first man's job. I hate hearing how great her speech was, and how it "saves this convention".

God help us all.


Fatalah said:
Did anyone else see the story of Oprah not wanting Palin on her show? I hope Oprah holds steady and doesn't bring that crazy lady on.

Is Palin just going to hit up all the female-heavy media outlets? That's the first lady's job. I hate hearing how great her speech was, and how it "saves this convention".

God help us all.

I thought Palin was hiding-out in Alaska for the next few weeks avoiding reporters so she could study up for the debates?

As for Oprah, she should refuse Palin... if Oprah wants Obama elected that badly, put your money where your mouth is and don't invite Palin.


Fatalah said:
Did anyone else see the story of Oprah not wanting Palin on her show? I hope Oprah holds steady and doesn't bring that crazy lady on.

Is Palin just going to hit up all the female-heavy media outlets? That's the first lady/first man's job. I hate hearing how great her speech was, and how it "saves this convention".

God help us all.

If Hillary Clinton manages to actually help out and keep her out of the white house... I might consider her in 2016. Depends who's running then, and Biden will be way too old (even older than McCain and that guy's near death).


I'll tell you what, I want whatever health plan McCain's mom is on. That old lady is spry! Did anyone else notice that when she stood up and clapped her hands didn't actually touch though? :lol


lawblob said:
I thought Palin was hiding-out in Alaska for the next few weeks avoiding reporters so she could study up for the debates?

As for Oprah, she should refuse Palin... if Oprah wants Obama elected that badly, put your money where your mouth is and don't invite Palin.

Or invite her so she can make clear how far right-of-center she is (no exceptions for rape/incest and all that).


Fatalah said:
Did anyone else see the story of Oprah not wanting Palin on her show? I hope Oprah holds steady and doesn't bring that crazy lady on.

Is Palin just going to hit up all the female-heavy media outlets? That's the first lady/first man's job. I hate hearing how great her speech was, and how it "saves this convention".

God help us all.

They have no intention of letting anyone question her:

According to Nicole Wallace of the McCain campaign, the American people don't care whether Sarah Palin can answer specific questions about foreign and domestic policy. According to Wallace -- in an appearance I did with her this morning on Joe Scarborough's show -- the American people will learn all they need to know (and all they deserve to know) from Palin's scripted speeches and choreographed appearances on the campaign trail and in campaign ads.


Drudge: "RASMUSSEN: Palin More Popular Than Obama or McCain... Developing..."

Any Gallop previews yet? This will be great!


AniHawk said:
If Hillary Clinton manages to actually help out and keep her out of the white house... I might consider her in 2016. Depends who's running then, and Biden will be way too old (even older than McCain and that guy's near death).

Why do people keep saying McCain might die in his first term ? He' only 72. People tend to live into their 90's these days especially when they have the best doctors and specialists available. Unless he gets cancer again, McCain seems in good health to me.


NullPointer said:
That mansion-like building they used as the backdrop for McCain's speech last night?


Walter Reed Middle School, Hollywood CA

Is it possible to be this much of a fuck-up in front of the entire world?
I'm still working my way through the pages I missed, but holy crap that's hilarious. From the multiple backgrounds to that, the presentation was a disaster.


JayDubya said:
Ooh, I gleaned this little tidbit from his speech last Thursday! He's going to be able to afford it by cutting inefficiency and wasteful spending in all those government programs that he doesn't like.

You know, like...

Like, uhh...

Well, you see, there's...

...the Iraq war.


AniHawk said:
If Hillary Clinton manages to actually help out and keep her out of the white house... I might consider her in 2016. Depends who's running then, and Biden will be way too old (even older than McCain and that guy's near death).

I like Hillary more and more with each passing day. I kinda miss her involvement in this race. She needs to become a prominent figure in Obama's run, reminding women that they're more in line with democratic beliefs than Palin's right-wing madness.


gkrykewy said:
I saw him just days ago in PoliGAF. Neutered by Umbridge?

I can still be sarcastic without resorting to the character that was always sarcastic.

A lot of it has to do with Umbridge and her fanboys pissing me off. I ran into one today and had to leave the area before I started yelling and going fucking crazy on the guy.

Luckily, I live in California, and it's going blue, so fuck him.

Also, I got a call from one of the many telemarketers that never fucking stops calling and I yelled at him and hung up. I'm just plain fed up lately.
RiZ III said:
Why do people keep saying McCain might die in his first term ? He' only 72. People tend to live into their 90's these days especially when they have the best doctors and specialists available. Unless he gets cancer again, McCain seems in good health to me.

His mother is still alive and she is in her 90's.
HylianTom said:
Not necessarily.

We might get a 50-50 tie in the Senate, with one independent senator voting for the Democrat (Sanders) and the other independent senator voting for the Republican (Lieberman). Per the 12th Amendment, in this scenario the Vice President does not get to break a tie - the tie stands.

If the tie is not resolved, succession defaults to the next person in line: Speaker Pelosi.

Vice President Pelosi? The mind boggles.
I don't think Lieberman would vote for Palin. He's McCain's bitch. With Obama as the president per the House, he'd want some protection to not get shanked on the Senate floor.


AniHawk said:
I can still be sarcastic without resorting to the character that was always sarcastic.

A lot of it has to do with Umbridge and her fanboys pissing me off. I ran into one today and had to leave the area before I started yelling and going fucking crazy on the guy.

Luckily, I live in California, and it's going blue, so fuck him.

Also, I got a call from one of the many telemarketers that never fucking stops calling and I yelled at him and hung up. I'm just plain fed up lately.

Perhaps a political break would serve you well. Take a lesson from no drama obama - he's got things under control. Barring an october surprise, this election really is over.


gkrykewy said:
Drudge: "RASMUSSEN: Palin More Popular Than Obama or McCain... Developing..."

Not surprising considering so many people still don't know her yet. "Popularity" is just approval minus disapproval. The first number is probably decent due to the base Republicans loving her and the second number is much smaller than it will be in a couple months.
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