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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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CharlieDigital said:
Before I slam you for being a total idiot, are you for or against abstinence only sex-education?

Fuck it. You're still an idiot to assume that all pregnancies are results of consensual sex.
1% of abortions are due to rape and incest. 6% are typically due to medical conditions. So I think you need to watch the name calling. Consensual sex makes up the very vast vast vast majority of abortions
CharlieDigital said:
Before I slam you for being a total idiot, are you for or against abstinence only sex-education?

Fuck it. You're still an idiot to assume that all pregnancies are results of consensual sex.

Well you're and idiot for assuming that I'm a nut job like Palin who thinks it should be outlawed in every circumstance including non-consensual sex.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
PhoenixDark said:
Yup I go to EMU :lol
awwwwwww shit. I know what you look like too, so if sometime Saturday night, sunday afternoon, you're walking around campus or whatever and you see a stranger duck into the bushes to try to get out of your line of sight, DON'T THINK ANYTHING OF IT.:lol

I'm gonna graffitti some shit with PHOENIXDARK WUZ HERE too, while I'm at it.


GhaleonEB said:
Just imagine if Biden was actively being investigated in a corruption scandal and had his friends in his home state squash the investigation.

So far:

-she won't give up e-mails
-she had her lawyers get on 9 witnesses or whatever
-tried to replace the head of the investigation
-might cancel out subpoenas

Now just watch as the troopergate revelation in mid October is that the results are inconclusive for some reason.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
GhaleonEB said:
Just imagine if Biden was actively being investigated in a corruption scandal and had his friends in his home state squash the investigation.

Buh, buh, librul bias!


AniHawk said:
So far:

-she won't give up e-mails
-she had her lawyers get on 9 witnesses or whatever
-tried to replace the head of the investigation
-might cancel out subpoenas

Now just watch as the troopergate revelation in mid October is that the results are inconclusive for some reason.
Or better yet, "Alaska Attorney General throws out investigation, cites political slant of investigator".


SpeedingUptoStop said:
awwwwwww shit. I know what you look like too, so if sometime Saturday night, sunday afternoon, you're walking around campus or whatever and you see a stranger duck into the bushes to try to get out of your line of sight, DON'T THINK ANYTHING OF IT.:lol

I'm gonna graffitti some shit with PHOENIXDARK WUZ HERE too, while I'm at it.
I've already done all of that at EMU first lol. I even left hidden messages around for him to find when I discovered he went to EMU
Obama/Dukakis mashup on playing defense..

A more fleshed out post about the differences in offense/defense of democrats

Now for John Kerry. Listen, the standard complaint is that Kerry lost because he didn't do what Clinton campaign always advocated: respond fast and hard. This may well be true but it's not always easy knowing the best way to respond. In February of 2004 Drudge ran with a story that I noticed and felt sure Kerry would be hampered by either during what remained of the primaries or, for sure, during the general election. It was a story alleging an affair (a la Lewinsky) with an intern. The Kerry campaign, for the most part, ignored the story and (I bet) hoped it would go away. It did. When the equally ridiculous Swiftboat charges came out, they hoped it would blow over. And they hoped, and they hoped. And they responded, belatedly. If they had responded right away, they would argue, they would be giving oxygen to a ridiculous story that might just go away on its own

At any rate, the Obama campaign seems to have adopted part of the Bill Clinton approach, responding right away. What we're urging them to do, I believe, is 1) Turn these responses into attacks, a la Bill Clinton and 2) Create more of their own pithy attacks (like the Houses one).

I've never been a fan of Obama's "politics of the past" retorts because they just don't work; he might have been able to get away with that before the Wright situation/campaign bumpy waters but now he's seen as just another politician. Pretending to be otherwise won't work.

I can't wait to see this newfound "toughness" on display after today.
PrivateWHudson said:
The abortion issue is more about who's freedom is more important, the mother's (who chose to get pregnant) or the child's.

Are you sure you're not the idiot? Because this looks like you're saying it's always the mother's choice to get pregnant.

Backtracking now, are we?


PrivateWHudson said:
Freedom to marry...Absolutely. The abortion issue is more about who's freedom is more important, the mother's (who chose to get pregnant) or the child's.

Wrong. The abortion issue is about people having the right to live by their OWN values, and not have a goverment impose their Christian values on them.


GhaleonEB said:
Or better yet, "Alaska Attorney General throws out investigation, cites political slant of investigator".

After 8 years of Bush, it's sad to know the only chance this has of getting on television is through the fucking DAILY SHOW.



AniHawk said:
After 8 years of Bush, it's sad to know the only chance this has of getting on television is through the fucking DAILY SHOW.


Not only the main source for journalism, but they are doing a better job than the mainstream press that people take seriously by calling out inconsistencies, lies and general fuck ups.

It's sad and amazing.
laserbeam said:
1% of abortions are due to rape and incest. 6% are typically due to medical conditions. So I think you need to watch the name calling. Consensual sex makes up the very vast vast vast majority of abortions

Well considering many rape victims find it very hard to admit they were raped, I'd say the statistics on that aren't reliable.


mj1108 said:
Not only the main source for journalism, but they are doing a better job than the mainstream press that people take seriously by calling out inconsistencies, lies and general fuck ups.

It's sad and amazing.

I shudder to think what would be happening right now if not for little anti-propaganda shows like TDS and Colbert.
Criminalizing abortion is pretty much the surest way to throw this country to hell. If Obama had any balls he would flat out destroy this issue once and for all. Back alley operations and arresting rape victims? Are you fucking kidding me? The whole discourse is so fucking juvenile it hurts. As if the would be mothers don't understand they are killing their children.
CharlieDigital said:
Are you sure you're not the idiot? Because this looks like you're saying it's always the mother's choice to get pregnant.

Backtracking now, are we?

I'm pretty sure pro-choice is about abortion being the mothers choice regardless of how she got pregnant. Only extreme pro-lifers are hard lined about no abortions under any circumstance. That is the abortion debate that I was talking about. Not the extremes.
Stridone said:
Wrong. The abortion issue is about people having the right to live by their OWN values, and not have a goverment impose their Christian values on them.

Let's get rid of that "thou shall not commit murder" thing too. Damn those Christian values.
The Lamonster said:
We've been saying this since the primaries. I'll believe it when I see it.

I agree. I want to see him actually put McCain on the defensive. Obama has come out and responded to every McCain ad/charge, yet McCain has never really bothered addressing any of Obama's charges - unless of course when dismissing them with "I was a POW" nonsense. But with respect to McCain=Bush III...nothing. Obama has been on the defensive the entire race


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
PrivateWHudson said:
Let's get rid of that "thou shall not commit murder" thing too. Damn those Christian values.

Yes, because only Christians hold that value, right?

Give me a fucking break.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
PrivateWHudson said:
Let's get rid of that "thou shall not commit murder" thing too. Damn those Christian values.

those arent just christian values. you seriously think christians were the first to make up rules against murder??????!! and the only ones to uphold it??


PrivateWHudson said:
I'm pretty sure pro-choice is about abortion being the mothers choice regardless of how she got pregnant. Only extreme pro-lifers are hard lined about no abortions under any circumstance. That is the abortion debate that I was talking about. Not the extremes.

By extreme, you mean the GOP platform I assume.
CharlieDigital said:
That's why I fucking LOVE NJ. Not that we don't have our share of racist asshats, but at the Obama rally last night, there were whites, blacks, a mixed race family, Asians (although I didn't notice any Latinos). And one older white dude even asked how he should talk to some of his friends who were being implicitly racist about their choice (maybe I'm wording that weirdly, but he was basically asking for a strategy to talk to friends who he knew weren't voting for Barack Obama because of race, but not saying it outright).

Another NJ guy? Man, I'm liking you more and more. Cinnaminson here.
quadriplegicjon said:
those arent just christian values. you seriously think christians were the first to make up rules against murder??????!! and the only ones to uphold it??

Some people think the law was taken from the 10 commandments. Fact is, the majority of the 10 commandments were taken from the law, including don't kill, don't steal, etc. These were all the law before Moses had a sitdown with 'god'.


PrivateWHudson said:
Let's get rid of that "thou shall not commit murder" thing too. Damn those Christian values.

That's so irrelevant and stupid it's mindblowing.

I'll explain anyway; babies within the period that abortion is possible (and a pretty long while after that), are not sentient. They have no memory, no thoughts. They are no real human beings yet, in my opinion, and as such, it is not immoral to let them die.

You most likely disagree, but this is completely subjective, so your stance should not be treated as if it's more important than mine (by imposing it on an entire country).
mamacint said:
I'm sure it's been posted, can't keep up.

Obama on Letterman

The Popular Mechanics quip didn't get to much response, but it cracked me up.
I thought Obama did an awesome job yesterday. Not sure if I've ever seen him act so appropriate. He was funny when he needed to be and serious when he needed to be. Very presidential.

Guileless said:
Since 14% of white Mississippians also voted for Sen. Kerry in 2004, and I can't think of any reason that anyone would lie about voting for him, I would guess it's right around 14%.
Interesting! Good find.


Guileless said:
Since 14% of white Mississippians also voted for Sen. Kerry in 2004, and I can't think of any reason that anyone would lie about voting for him, I would guess it's right around 14%.

Kerry is not a black man.

I'm not saying it won't be 14%. I truly hope it is (more, actually). But this is the type of thing some people will lie about - both to pollsters, and to themselves. It's been heavily posited that polls featuring Obama may not be as accurate as polls featuring others (and not just in Mississippi) because some people are possibly being ingenuous about their true feelings and true intentions, maybe even to themselves, and could "change" their minds on election day when they actually get to the machines.
Zeliard said:
Kerry is not a black man.

I'm not saying it won't be 14%. I truly hope it is (more, actually). But this is the type of thing some people will lie about - both to pollsters, and to themselves. It's been heavily posited that polls featuring Obama may not be as accurate as polls featuring others (and not just in Mississippi) because some people are possibly being ingenuous about their true feelings and true intentions, maybe even to themselves, and could "change" their minds on election day when they actually get to the machines.
The "Bradley Effect" has kinda been disproven, or at least proven to no longer be true. We'll see.


testicles on a cold fall morning


Son of Godzilla said:
Criminalizing abortion is pretty much the surest way to throw this country to hell. If Obama had any balls he would flat out destroy this issue once and for all. Back alley operations and arresting rape victims? Are you fucking kidding me? The whole discourse is so fucking juvenile it hurts. As if the would be mothers don't understand they are killing their children.

On the subject, this photo and the story behind it is... interesting.


mamacint said:
The "Bradley Effect" has kinda been disproven, or at least proven to no longer be true. We'll see.

Being that this is the first U.S. presidential election with a black nominee, we should probably wait on that.
quadriplegicjon said:
those arent just christian values. you seriously think christians were the first to make up rules against murder??????!! and the only ones to uphold it??

I'm sorry, I didn't know Christianity was unique in it's view on abortion? I really don't know how other religions view abortion. Do you have some examples of religions that don't consider it murder? I'm glad to hear that you are for government imposing religious beliefs on citizens as long as all religions consider the act bad. BTW, Does it have to be all religions, the majority of, or just a set number of major religions that have to agree?
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