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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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ronito said:
Dude, don't mock it. I found it rather POW POW POWERFUL

Oh, no question. I love all that shit, to be honest. GAF would find me more rah rah than my posts would ever let on. But thing is: McCain's a prick. Now especially. I see that clip above where he mentions Palin's energy credentials as part of her FP "experience" and then his litany of she good/Obama bad talking points and all I can think is:

This is the same bad-ass that limped his way out of a damn 'Cong prison??
PrivateWHudson said:
Trying to figure out why people would selflessly vote against their self interests? You must be a Democrat.
Selfless implies something done for the good of all.

Voting Republican while poor is just stupid.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Yea, the state's seems heavily democrat (governor, detroit mayor, Kerry won it, etc), sO i don't worry too much. Still though, I look around sometimes and wonder "Are these people really gonna vote for Obama?"

You live in Michigan too? I'm in Ypsilanti btw

Sometimes when I'm at school (like right now) I look around and wonder "are these people going to vote in November?" :/
PrivateWHudson said:
Trying to figure out why people would selflessly vote against their self interests? You must be a Democrat.

Holy shit! You're right, here I was on the left thinking it would be best for equality throughout classes, but I've been a big selfish jerk. 98% of us should be the ones making sacrifices for those top 2% to appease their greed, if not we're obviously terrible people!
Spirit of Jazz said:
Holy shit! You're right, here I was on the left thinking it would be best for equality throughout classes, but I've been a big selfish jerk. 98% of us should be the ones making sacrifices for those top 2% to appease their greed, if not we're obviously terrible people!

Wouldn't equality mean everyone sacrifices eaqually?
polyh3dron said:
So Sarah Palin is abusing her power as Governor to block an investigation accusing her of abusing her power as Governor?


If they want to attack, this is the angle that they need to take and link it to Bush's abuse of executive privilege (that whole fiasco with the Department of Energy?).

This is a legitimate angle because the investigation was already underway when she was nominated and it's not some blogosphere generated rumor. They can attack her on this without coming off like they're playing dirty.
Palin knows energy is SUUUUUCH BS. Media can't focus on the substance when it is easier to referee a T-Ball game.

Alaska has no Nuclear power. Not a surprise.
Alaska Electric Light & Power
-Privately owned company
-The current dam at Snettisham was completed in 1973
-April, 2008, a series of massive avalanches outside Juneau heavily damaged the electrical lines providing Juneau with power, knocking the hydroelectric system offline and forcing the utility to switch to a much more expensive diesel system. Utility officials have said that electric bills in the city of 31,000 will quintuple in the months ahead.

So she knows the power structure of the structure (big oil) that gives AK all it's power (political) that has been in place for decades? Whoop-dee-fuckin-doo!
The McCain interview with the Maine reporter is absolutely hilarious. If you didn't know better, you'd think McCain was the VP and Palin was the nominee.
Incognito said:
If you didn't know better, you'd think McCain was the VP and Palin was the nominee.
The entire GOP doesn't know any better. They're all living in pretend fantasy land where McCain is in the background. Palin '08!

She didn't even have to do those tedious primaries!
Incognito said:
The McCain interview with the Maine reporter is absolutely hilarious. If you didn't know better, you'd think McCain was the VP and Palin was the nominee.

Can't fucking wait for debates man, can't wait.

Also, where MAH YARD SIGNS MAN??!


And just to screw with everyone further, Strategic Vision polls Ohio and has McCain up by four.


Insider Advantage has Obama up by one in Ohio, though. Don't sell your hope yet.


They also have Obama up by three in Colorado.


BUT have McCain ahead a point in Michigan.


Rasmussen does Michigan is a few hours.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
quadriplegicjon said:
fuck, well, Quadriplegic Advantage has Obama up by 8 in florida.

i hate polls.


Heck, thanks to a bogus McCain tax email that made it's way around my office, I converted 5 people to Obama just this morning in Florida. :D
Thunder Monkey said:
Selfless implies something done for the good of all.

Voting Republican while poor is just stupid.

Hmm...voting for freedom (to succeed or fail on one's own merit and accomplishments) over one's self interests is stupid now. Awesome!


quadriplegicjon said:
fuck, well, Quadriplegic Advantage has Obama up by 8 in florida.

i hate polls.

Just added others. One Ohio poll today has Obama ahead, one shows him behind; the other is basically tied. The hold in Colorado is good news. And a new North Carolina poll has McCain up only three.


There will be another NC poll tonight from Research 2000.

The MI one aside, these are pretty good results. j

Edit: and the MI poll is Likely Voters.



PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Former Rhode Island Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee has called vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin a "cocky wacko" and said her selection as John McCain's running mate has energized supporters of Democrat Barack Obama.

Chafee left the Republican Party last year after losing his bid for re-election and now supports Obama. He told an audience Tuesday at the New America Foundation in Washington that the Alaska governor has revived a "lackluster McCain candidacy."

"They've just thrown this firestorm, this tornado, into the whole presidential election," Chafee said in response to an audience member's question about whether the Obama campaign should worry about Palin's presence in the race.

He said her speech at the Republican National Convention had the unintended effect of energizing Democrats and Obama supporters.

"People were coming into my office, phone calls were flooding in, e-mails were coming in, 'I just sent money to Obama, I couldn't sleep last night' — from the left. To see this cocky wacko up there," Chafee said to laughter.

Chafee said in an interview Thursday that he found much of Palin's convention speech objectionable, particularly her "mocking" assertion that Obama was overly concerned with al-Qaida terrorists getting read their rights.

That comment "got to the core of everything wrong with the last eight years," he said.

"I consider that wacky, and certainly her tone was very, very cocky," said Chafee, a visiting fellow at Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies. "So I thought they were appropriate words."

All of you, especially the liberals, read that piece on the difference in perception of morality between liberals and conservatives. It's really good, and gives you a hint as to why Democratic messages often fall flat. Democratic morality is a turn off for many because it lacks certain aspects that really attract certain portions of the population. Furthermore, it's not deficient, just different. It explains why people will vote against their economic interests.

This is why I troll every page. I wish there was an app. that'd automatically compile links posted in the thread.
http://www.americablog.com/2008/09/is-washington-post-hiding-major.html said:
Is the Washington Post hiding a major corruption story about John McCain and his wife's drug use?
John Aravosis (DC) · 9/11/2008 02:14:00 PM ET · Link

John Mccain abused his power to keep it a.... secret, perhaps? This isn't a story about the wife, it's a story about the Senator possibly using his office to obstruct justice for personal gain. Sounds a lot like Troopergate in fact. Definitely a story.

But when you click the link and go to the Washington Post's Web site, there's nothing there, just a blank template with no content.

So why did the Washington Post seemingly pull a very damning story about John McCain? Did the McCain campaign threaten not to invite them to any more barbeques?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Not sure if it's already been said (my this thread moves fast!), but CBS has had the McCain Lipstick ad pulled from youtube, because of the use of the Katie Couric footage (which, by the way, was her referring to Hilary Clinton, not Palin).
PrivateWHudson said:
Hmm...voting for freedom (to succeed or fail on one's own merit and accomplishments) over one's self interests is stupid now. Awesome!
I think that's entirely disingenuous.

You might argue that Democrats aren't as selfless as they might claim to be, and that's arguable. But in the battle of creating strawmen to fight, I don't think Richy Rich whining about a small tax hike under the guise of 'freedom' can be classified as selflessness.
Thunder Monkey said:
Selfless implies something done for the good of all.

Voting Republican while poor is just stupid.

This has been posted a couple of times by me (but was originally posted by another GAFfer), but it deserves to be reposted because it exposes a lot of interesting facets of the issue of social inequality and how it affects voting:


Perhaps what's most interesting to me is that the Republicans are right: the Democrats are made up of intellectuals and upper crust elitists...except these elitists actually want to help society; they're willing to vote Democrat, even if it means higher taxes for them. It's really the Republicans who've framed this fact so well, that they've been able to turn this into a negative.

David Frum said:
In fact, Fairfax’s Democratic preference is typical of upper America. In 2000, Al Gore beat George Bush, 56-39, among the 4 percent of voters who identified themselves as “upper class.” America’s wealthiest ZIP codes are a roll call of Democratic strongholds: Sagaponack, N.Y.; Aspen, Colo.; Marin County, Calif.; the near North Side of Chicago; Beacon Hill in Boston. (Palm Beach, at least, remains securely Republican.) There is a long list of reasons for this anti-Republican tilt among the affluent: social issues, the environment, an ever more internationalist elite’s distaste for the Republican Party’s assertive nationalism. Maybe the most important reason, however, can be reduced to the two words: “Robert Rubin.” By returning to the center on economic matters in the 1990s, the Democrats emancipated higher-income and socially moderate voters to vote with their values rather than with their pocketbooks.
Looks like 9/11 and a potentially catastrophic Hurricane Ike are going to give everyone some time in the media and in the campaigns to back off and breathe a bit.

Interested to see the R2K poll from NC later today. I think that if NC is hovering in that +4 McCain territory, then Virginia is definitely all tied up-the two states are very similar, just that NC tends to tack a bit more to the right by about 3 or 4 points.
Fragamemnon said:
Looks like 9/11 and a potentially catastrophic Hurricane Ike are going to give everyone some time in the media and in the campaigns to back off and breathe a bit.

Interested to see the R2K poll from NC later today. I think that if NC is hovering in that +4 McCain territory, then Virginia is definitely all tied up-the two states are very similar, just that NC tends to tack a bit more to the right by about 3 or 4 points.

With the airwaves already filling up with some of the most negative imagery of the campaign, Obama aides hinted that they would save their toughest counterpunch until after Sept. 11.

They should roll it out Monday mid-morning next week.
Steve Youngblood said:
I think that's entirely disingenuous.

You might argue that Democrats aren't as selfless as they might claim to be, and that's arguable. But in the battle of creating strawmen to fight, I don't think Richy Rich whining about a small tax hike under the guise of 'freedom' can be classified as selflessness.

I was just responding to the person who thought teens should vote for Barack because it's cool and they wouldn't be an outcast. I wasn't debating tax hikes.


PrivateWHudson said:
You believe that voting for self interests over freedom is a good thing?

Like the freedom to marry? The freedom to have a choice on whether or not you have an abortion?

Or the freedom we give other countries when we invade them for no good reason?:p


PrivateWHudson said:
You believe that voting for self interests over freedom is a good thing?
You believe a vote for McCain is a vote for freedom? :lol :lol :lol

And they say that the Obama people here are delusional...


gofreak said:
Not sure if it's already been said (my this thread moves fast!), but CBS has had the McCain Lipstick ad pulled from youtube, because of the use of the Katie Couric footage (which, by the way, was her referring to Hilary Clinton, not Palin).
The ad went right back up with couric removed.

Stoney Mason said:
Damn Gina Gershon is 46 and still has a kicking body. I didn't even watch that. Just fast forwarded through it and freeze framed.

They do say Bill is getting a piece of that


Spirit of Jazz said:
No. Equality would mean that those who have more sacrifice more, if everybody sacrificed an equal amount then they'd be no change...

Then there's no advantage to having more. Equality means everyone is equal, meaning everyone should pay EXACTLY the same percentage in taxes if you believe taxes should exist.
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