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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Gaborn said:
Then there's no advantage to having more. Equality means everyone is equal, meaning everyone should pay EXACTLY the same percentage in taxes if you believe taxes should exist.

This would be true if you live in some dream world where everyone is born with the same status and same opportunities. Sadly, we don't live in that world, something that the well-off on the right don't care to notice.
PrivateWHudson said:
You believe that voting for self interests over freedom is a good thing?
This is a leading question and you know it.

The point that's being made, I think, is complicated by which of many diverse groups you're talking about. Honestly, I respect people who have strong beliefs, and will vote to execute them. I think where people here (and to be fair, this is not an entirely unbiased group by any means) are critical is specifically referring to people who are obliviously voting against their self-interests. There ARE people out there making $50,000 a year who are going to vote Republican because they think Obama's going to raise THEIR taxes. They're not standing up for equality for everyone, they're afraid that Democrats are going to steal their hard-earned money. That's not a vote for 'freedom', it's a vote based on ideological perceptions and marketing prowess.

Now, if you make $50,000 a year, know that Obama's not going to raise your taxes, but object to him raising ANYONE'S taxes, then that's fair.

PrivateWHudson said:
I was just responding to the person who thought teens should vote for Barack because it's cool and they wouldn't be an outcast. I wasn't debating tax hikes.
Fair enough. Disregard this, then.


"We have an education system that is not working for too many of our children and making us less competitive.
We have an economy that is creating hardship for families all across America.
We've got two wars going on, veterans coming home not being cared for
-- and this is what they want to talk about."

spot on
Gaborn said:
Then there's no advantage to having more. Equality means everyone is equal, meaning everyone should pay EXACTLY the same percentage in taxes if you believe taxes should exist.

Fuck no, if we want to get real equality everybody should be paid the same amount and work the same number of hours. You know, if we discredit thousands upon thousands of variables like you just did, ending up with there only being tax that matters. I mean people are being taxed equally but not paid equally, how the hell is that equal?


BenjaminBirdie said:
Yes. That is the only possible response.
Considering they have been told to get started. After September 11th would be the time to do it. Considering Obama has been running around like a confused puppy if they are suddenly gonna start hitting hard it wont be him.

Polls consistently show alot of people support him because he doesnt go all out. He starts doing that he loses support.


GhaleonEB said:
Probably Monday. A strong, concerted line of attack on tactics and policy is what I'm hoping for. Obama's shown he can throw a hard punch, I just want him to sustain it.

The mainstream press needs to take Biden off their ignore list, though. That's critical. A lot of people think he hasn't been doing shit about Palin, but he has - it's just gone unreported for the most part, which is unfortunate and a bit mystifying.
Tamanon said:
Yeah, OpenLeft had something about a whistleblower coming out about the whole thing, looks pretty fishy.


So he has no evidence or anything, just his charges. I wouldn't be surprised if he's telling the truth but honestly, even if he was it wouldn't matter. This will go nowhere because there is no smoking gun. Senate investigation of a presidential candidate? Give me a break. Media coverage/interviews in the future? Yeah right
Zeliard said:
The mainstream press needs to take Biden off their ignore list, though. That's critical. A lot of people think he hasn't been doing shit about Palin, but he has - it's just gone unreported for the most part, which is unfortunate and a bit mystifying.
Biden is the man. He has been attacking, but his lines don't have the 'catnip' spunk to them. In St. Louis a couple days ago he was talking all kinds of shit on McCain, Palin and the entire party. :lol

"So they'll put the bill on my desk, IF they follow the constitution..."

"She's a woman on the ticket - it's a big deal, a big deal. Especially for the Republicans it's a big deal!"

"I could walk from here to Springfield and not meet anybody who thinks the economy is in good shape...unless I accidentially bumped into John McCain!"

etc etc etc
laserbeam said:
Considering they have been told to get started. After September 11th would be the time to do it. Considering Obama has been running around like a confused puppy if they are suddenly gonna start hitting hard it wont be him.

A neutered nobody talking foreign policy on The Late Show with David Letterman. Riiight. (I wasn't going to let you just edit that out forever, man. ;D)


I stopped by my local Obama headquarters (now open!, according to the website) in the hopes of getting a yeard sign, and the door was unlocked. I went in, and it was just a big goddamn empty room, with two boxes sitting in a corner. Nobody was there, I yelled a few times, but it was just abandoned.

Ohio goes red this fall: confirmed.


Lemonz said:
Barack Obama meeting Bill Clinton in his Harlem office today.




Obama, follow this man's advice except on the ...u know. Heck they should make appearances together.
laserbeam said:
Considering they have been told to get started. After September 11th would be the time to do it. Considering Obama has been running around like a confused puppy if they are suddenly gonna start hitting hard it wont be him.

Polls consistently show alot of people support him because he doesnt go all out. He starts doing that he loses support.

all Obama needs to do is show them Daily Kos clips. He don't have to say a thing.
TDG said:
I stopped by my local Obama headquarters (now open!, according to the website) in the hopes of getting a yeard sign, and the door was unlocked. I went in, and it was just a big goddamn empty room, with two boxes sitting in a corner. Nobody was there, I yelled a few times, but it was just abandoned.

Ohio goes red this fall: confirmed.

They were probably having an orgy in the basement. You missed out dude


laserbeam said:
Polls consistently show alot of people support him because he doesnt go all out. He starts doing that he loses support.

Yeah, I'm sure they will run to the peaceful McCain campaign...


TDG said:
I stopped by my local Obama headquarters (now open!, according to the website) in the hopes of getting a yeard sign, and the door was unlocked. I went in, and it was just a big goddamn empty room, with two boxes sitting in a corner. Nobody was there, I yelled a few times, but it was just abandoned.

Ohio goes red this fall: confirmed.
Confirmed... :(


Stridone said:
Yeah, I'm sure they will run to the peaceful McCain campaign...

Didn't say they would but theres alot of people who don't usually voting saying they will because Obama is not just your average scumbag poilitician. He starts doing the scumbag politician stuff and he risks those people saying fuck it and staying home.

Obama's election win depends on those people
Tamanon said:
Like the freedom to marry? The freedom to have a choice on whether or not you have an abortion?

Or the freedom we give other countries when we invade them for no good reason?:p

Freedom to marry...Absolutely. The abortion issue is more about who's freedom is more important, the mother's (who chose to get pregnant) or the child's.
Because I think it's too important a topic to let die...
Gruco said:
Granted, I am the only one still on the subject, but I came across a couple very interesting articles o nuclear power today.

First one discusses the types of cost overruns that plants are having, particularly given that it's been so long since so many have been built. Increasing commodity costs, along with soup to nuts costs including interest, etc, are making things spiral out of control. Cost estimates are up to $6000 per kilowatt, which is kind of a lot.

Second one discusses how much of a role nuclear power can play in the near term for carbon reduction, and concludes not much. The issue here is the time horizon to build plants, along with bottlenecks for various components in the supply chain.

So basically, even disregarding waste, I don't see anything suggesting the nuclear power as a primary near-term component of energy solutions. The idea of subsidizing it just looks like a ton of pork, really.
I think it does go without saying that even if we start building nuclear plants the minute the next president steps into office, it will be about 20 years before they have a notable impact on carbon emissions/energy production, etc. That's not to dismiss nuclear power -- power plants aren't really "quick fixes" no matter what type they are -- but it's just not a near-term solution. It's a long-term one.

Unrelated note on standardizing reactor design: I know there are some approved standard designs, but since nobody's done it and nobody can mass produce it, it's hard to say it's "standardized". It's only true in name only. The cost cutting benefit of having a standard isn't there, because nobody's built any of the things yet. ;P

The first link you have there is very interesting. I believe the Westinghouse AP1000 is the 1000 MW version of the "meltdown-proof" reactor I was thinking of. (uses gravity very cleverly). That $12-$18 billion figure is insane though. I know it's two plants, but ... yikes.

I don't like the idea of writing nuclear power off. The problem seems to be that there's a lot of friction acting against getting the industry up and running again, with huge startup costs and the practical problem of "no one has done this before" at the moment. I guess what I'd propose is lending a helping hand for a few of these projects, then after the pioneers forge through the wilderness (so to speak) reassess the economics of it all and hope the lessons learned can reduce the startup costs significantly enough to make it less of a risky business. Government loans/insurance perhaps?

Here's a nuclear link with way too much data: http://world-nuclear.org/info/inf02.html
Note the ridiculous capital costs.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
PhoenixDark said:
You live in Michigan too? I'm in Ypsilanti btw

Sometimes when I'm at school (like right now) I look around and wonder "are these people going to vote in November?" :/
Me to you (You're not going to Eastern michigan are you? Because that would be weird as fuck, considering I'm meeting a friend up there this weekend)


Looking around school, since there's Obama people walking around registering students to vote, I don't worry too much about the young people. Working at DQ all the time though, I look at the older people a lot and wonder how many of them really are swinging the Big O's bat. There isn't really a good way to tell.

P.S. I'm texting everyone on my phone book election day telling them to go VOTE.:D
laserbeam said:
Didn't say they would but theres alot of people who don't usually voting saying they will because Obama is not just your average scumbag poilitician. He starts doing the scumbag politician stuff and he risks those people saying fuck it and staying home.

Obama's election win depends on those people

McCain resorts to scumbag tactics because the reality of issues and facts are against him. The facts are on Obama's side. He doesn't need to rely on scumbag or gutter politics.


PrivateWHudson said:
Freedom to marry...Absolutely. The abortion issue is more about who's freedom is more important, the mother's (who chose to get pregnant) or the child's.

I think the point of choosing to get pregnant is to actually have a kid. Choosing to have sex is a different matter.


BotoxAgent said:
McCain resorts to scumbag tactics because the reality of issues and facts are against him. The facts are on Obama's side. He doesn't need to rely on scumbag or gutter politics.

Yet it was reported for past 2 days now he has removed the leash on the 527s and told them to get to work. Even Olbermann the Left's golden boy has flat out said Obama told them to get to work.

The facts dont always win elections.


BotoxAgent said:
McCain resorts to scumbag tactics because the reality of issues and facts are against him. The facts are on Obama's side. He doesn't need to rely on scumbag or gutter politics.

Obama's ads starting next week need to focus on his healthcare plan and his tax cuts for working families. Also mention a little something about how McCain wants to make it about little issues and that he's clueless about the plight of ordinary Americans.


BotoxAgent said:
McCain resorts to scumbag tactics because the reality of issues and facts are against him. The facts are on Obama's side. He doesn't need to rely on scumbag or gutter politics.

The facts were on Kerry's side and he lost.

The reason politicians use negative ads is because they work to depress turnout for the other guy.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Me to you (You're not going to Eastern michigan are you? Because that would be weird as fuck, considering I'm meeting a friend up there this weekend)


Looking around school, since there's Obama people walking around registering students to vote, I don't worry too much about the young people. Working at DQ all the time though, I look at the older people a lot and wonder how many of them really are swinging the Big O's bat. There isn't really a good way to tell.

P.S. I'm texting everyone on my phone book election day telling them to go VOTE.:D

Yup I go to EMU :lol

Also...with this subpoena stuff. If she does dismiss them is there anything the AG/investigator can do?
GhaleonEB said:
Only 14 percent of white Mississippi voters currently support Obama.

Holy racial polarization, Batman.

I'm really interested to see the racial crosstabs on North Carolina, and see how they compare with 2004 and the current voter registration composition.

That's why I fucking LOVE NJ. Not that we don't have our share of racist asshats, but at the Obama rally last night, there were whites, blacks, a mixed race family, Asians (although I didn't notice any Latinos). And one older white dude even asked how he should talk to some of his friends who were being implicitly racist about their choice (maybe I'm wording that weirdly, but he was basically asking for a strategy to talk to friends who he knew weren't voting for Barack Obama because of race, but not saying it outright).


PhoenixDark said:
Yup I go to EMU :lol

Also...with this subpoena stuff. If she does dismiss them is there anything the AG/investigator can do?

I know a few people at EMU. I called one of them to trash talk last Saturday :D

The Obama voter registering people here are really aggressive ( 2 girls asked me if I was registered to vote on a Friday night at 10:30 PM). If Michigan went to McCain I would be shocked.
AniHawk said:
I think the point of choosing to get pregnant is to actually have a kid. Choosing to have sex is a different matter.

However, choosing to have sex and not take basic precautions is absolutely the same matter. Due to a person's inability to be a responsible human being, and not just an animal, we now have to discuss the option of killing an unborn baby as being a choice.


laserbeam said:
Yet it was reported for past 2 days now he has removed the leash on the 527s and told them to get to work. Even Olbermann the Left's golden boy has flat out said Obama told them to get to work.

The facts dont always win elections.
So you already know what the democratic 527 ads will talk about huh?

Well spill it!


PhoenixDark said:
Yup I go to EMU :lol

Also...with this subpoena stuff. If she does dismiss them is there anything the AG/investigator can do?

Go to the press?

It's amazing that her corruption is getting nada on the MSM.
lawblob said:
The facts were on Kerry's side and he lost.

The reason politicians use negative ads is because they work to depress turnout for the other guy.

Yeah, definitely. I think Obama's ads should sound forceful and aggressive. Use McCain's own words against him and make him look stupid. He can do that without resorting to the gross cynical style McCain has adopted.
PrivateWHudson said:
However, choosing to have sex and not take basic precautions is absolutely the same matter. Due to a person's inability to be a responsible human being, and not just an animal, we now have to discuss the option of killing an unborn baby as being a choice.

Before I slam you for being a total idiot, are you for or against abstinence only sex-education?

Fuck it. You're still an idiot to assume that all pregnancies are results of consensual sex.


I go to EMU and like 2-3 times a DAY since school started I have been asked if I was registered to vote. I see them all over. I went to Borders today and Obama folk were wandering the parking lot going up to people.


AniHawk said:
Go to the press?

It's amazing that her corruption is getting nada on the MSM.
Just imagine if Biden was actively being investigated in a corruption scandal and had his friends in his home state squash the investigation.


PrivateWHudson said:
However, choosing to have sex and not take basic precautions is absolutely the same matter. Due to a person's inability to be a responsible human being, and not just an animal, we now have to discuss the option of killing an unborn baby as being a choice.

These animals, as you so nicely put it, probably aren't fit to be parents in the first place. And sometimes the choice isn't the uh, 'mother's' to have sex.
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