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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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PhoenixDark said:
ABC interview: Palin Warns of War With Russia if it Invades Another Country



Incognito said:
War with Russia? Perhaps so! :lol :lol

Maybe it's time for Obama to drop the draft card because that's the only way the US would be able to launch a war with fucking Russia; I'm not doubting our ability to kick their ass but let's be real: the military is bogged down in Iraq with no end in sight. This isn't Risk, you don't just take your military out of one war and throw it into another, bigger one. What the fuck
PhoenixDark said:
Maybe it's time for Obama to drop the draft card because that's the only way the US would be able to launch a war with fucking Russia; I'm not doubting our ability to kick their ass but let's be real: the military is bogged down in Iraq with no end in sight. This isn't Risk, you don't just take your military out of one war and throw it into another, bigger one. What the fuck
let's be real.


Jesus Christ people read the fucking article. She is asked if NATO is obligated to respond to an attack against NATO Allies. She is correct in saying yes because treaty says yes and thanks to Democrat FDR stacking the Supreme Court they ruled Treaty law supercedes Constitutional Law.
Sarah Pailn said:
For Russia to have exerted such pressure in terms of invading a smaller democratic country, unprovoked, is unacceptable.
bu bu bu bu we invaded Ira-- oh wait, she said democratic. Sarah, you sly devil you!
The Lamonster said:
let's be real.

All things being equal I think we could defeat them - their military is still not in good shape. But the problem is that things are not equal: we're currently bogged down in another war, which would effect our response time.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
actually. i just read the quote. its not that bad.. its actually a freaken t-ball question.

Gibson asks if, under the NATO treaty, the U.S. would need to go to war with Russia if it again invades Georgia.

Palin: “Perhaps so. I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you’re going to be expected to be called upon and help.”

Adds: “For Russia to have exerted such pressure in terms of invading a smaller democratic country, unprovoked, is unacceptable.”

durrrrrrrr.. this interview is going to be retarded.

laserbeam said:
Jesus Christ people read the fucking article. She is asked if NATO is obligated to respond to an attack against NATO Allies. She is correct in saying yes because treaty says yes and thanks to Democrat FDR stacking the Supreme Court they ruled Treaty law supercedes Constitutional Law.

my bad, i just read it. this is the line of questioning she is going to have? jesus christ.

'so, palin, if someone commits a crime, should they go to jail?'

laserbeam said:
Jesus Christ people read the fucking article. She is asked if NATO is obligated to respond to an attack against NATO Allies. She is correct in saying yes because treaty says yes and thanks to Democrat FDR stacking the Supreme Court they ruled Treaty law supercedes Constitutional Law.

We will not be going to war with Russia.


laserbeam said:
Jesus Christ people read the fucking article. She is asked if NATO is obligated to respond to an attack against NATO Allies. She is correct in saying yes because treaty says yes and thanks to Democrat FDR stacking the Supreme Court they ruled Treaty law supercedes Constitutional Law.

"And we've got to keep an eye on Russia. For Russia to have exerted such pressure in terms of invading a smaller democratic country, unprovoked, is unacceptable," she told ABC News' Charles Gibson in an exclusive interview. "

That's almost as bad


formerly sane
PhoenixDark said:
ABC interview: Palin Warns of War With Russia if it Invades Another Country



Shit anyone send this shit to cnn and msnbc. Lets see McCain talk about this blunder of supposed experience.

Here's a tip Palin so you and your neocon buddies get it. next time you allow genocide don't get uppity because russia played you and your buddies and got away with returning the favor. Man I can see Putin just licking his chops at how stupid this new group of neocons are.
PhoenixDark said:
All things being equal I think we could defeat them - their military is still not in good shape. But the problem is that things are not equal: we're currently bogged down in another war, which would effect our response time.
Exactly. Things aren't equal. Plus there's a good chance it would turn nuclear.


Hang out with Steve.
laserbeam said:
Jesus Christ people read the fucking article. She is asked if NATO is obligated to respond to an attack against NATO Allies.


Unless she thought they meant the Georgia in the US? ZING!


LCGeek said:
Shit anyone send this shit to cnn and msnbc. Lets see McCain talk about this blunder of supposed experience.

Here's a tip Palin so you and your neocon buddies get it. next time you allow genocide don't get uppity because russia played you and your buddies and got away with returning the favor. Man I can see Putin just licking his chops at how stupid this new group of neocons are.

Putin is just as likely licking his chops over how stupid liberals are. Apparently they can't even read a news article how are they gonna stop his domination plans


laserbeam said:
Jesus Christ people read the fucking article. She is asked if NATO is obligated to respond to an attack against NATO Allies. She is correct in saying yes because treaty says yes and thanks to Democrat FDR stacking the Supreme Court they ruled Treaty law supercedes Constitutional Law.



formerly sane
laserbeam said:
Putin is just as likely licking his chops over how stupid liberals are. Apparently they can't even read a news article how are they gonna stop his domination plans

Fair Point.
Note she will not be criticized by the media or her party for recklessly provoking a confrontation unlike the reverse situation for Pakistan and Obama for instance. If this was Obama there would be Drudge blaring siren right about now with big red capital letter text and the media would be like flies on shit...

I hate our media.


The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.
laserbeam said:
Putin is just as likely licking his chops over how stupid liberals are. Apparently they can't even read a news article how are they gonna stop his domination plans

the fuck outta here. If anything he's licking his chops at the perspective of fucking John McCain and his female-version-of-president-logan-from-24 VP getting into office.


We will never go to war with Russia as has been said. We will piss and moan at each other and threaten to Nuke each other but until one side actually gets froggy it will always be words and even then I doubt Nukes would be used unless one side was about to just totally be annihilated.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Charlie Gibson has rooster neck.

Also I like how he pressed her on that one. Maybe not tooootally a softball interview.
laserbeam said:
Putin is just as likely licking his chops over how stupid liberals are. Apparently they can't even read a news article how are they gonna stop his domination plans


I am sorry, but how is it that Republicans would be better at foreign policy, when it was their policies that led us to the mess we are in right now?

If you honestly think we will go to war with Russia... then you seriously need to "focus" and think about what that would mean.
PhoenixDark said:
the fuck outta here. If anything he's licking his chops at the perspective of fucking John McCain and his female-version-of-president-logan-from-24 VP getting into office.
Where is that Entourage GET THE FUCK OUT.gif when you need it?


Master of the Google Search
MADISON, WI—Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) fell deathly silent in the middle of a speech on education before the Wisconsin Teachers Union Tuesday, his failure of words reportedly a result of the Democratic nominee's forward-looking tendencies suddenly bringing him a harrowing glimpse of a future world shaped by madness and horror. "And that is why we must all strive to make our own tomorrow together," Obama said to resounding applause before stopping abruptly, breaking into a cold sweat, and bringing his trembling hands to his blanched face. "Oh, God, no. They're sentient. Every last one of them is sentient!" While spokespeople from the Obama camp have suggested that the candidate's recent comments about magnets being "our only hope for survival" were taken out of context, they did confirm that he has canceled all future appearances in New Mexico, especially those taking place during the month of October

laserbeam said:
Putin is just as likely licking his chops over how stupid liberals are. Apparently they can't even read a news article how are they gonna stop his domination plans
John McCain and Sarah Palin are licking their chops over how stupid Republicans are. Apparently they can't even do a fact check to see that Sarah Palin and John McCain are spitting out lies faster than they can be disproven and they insult their base's intelligence by repeating these lies even after they are disproven.


polyh3dron said:
John McCain and Sarah Palin are licking their chops over how stupid Republicans are. Apparently they can't even do a fact check to see that Sarah Palin and John McCain are spitting out lies faster than they can be disproven and they insult their base's intelligence by repeating these lies even after they are disproven.



Putin's pretty happy about the way Republicans have governed I'm thinking. They've stretched the US military thin, given Putin a pretext for invading other countries and angered the rest of the world. :p

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
No shit the US and the EU would go to war with Russia if it invaded the Ukraine or Poland, guys. Whether McCain or Obama wins, that would probably happen.


Tamanon said:
Putin's pretty happy about the way Republicans have governed I'm thinking. They've stretched the US military thin, given Putin a pretext for invading other countries and angered the rest of the world. :p

Putin has it good. He has Europe by the Balls with Oil and gas so they wont be mean to Papa bear. The US is too busy to bother with Papa Bear unless something serious happens.
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