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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Krowley said:
It was a hypothetical question.

First she says she favors putting georgia in nato, and then gibson reminds her that if they were, we would have to defend them with military attack if they were invaded. She agrees.

its completely softball line of questioning, created to make her sound like she knows what she is talking about when it comes to foreign policy. awesome.


The fact that putting Georgia in NATO would make us required to go to war is pretty much the best reason not to put Georgia in NATO. We need those buffer states.
Ugh at Sean Hannity. So I'm riding with my dad to get something to eat, and he's listening to Hannity's radio show. This guy makes you want to jump out of your car. He loves belittling Obama and the Democrats in general:

"Iran is a tiny country and it's a threat"

"Will cut military spending"

"Troops terrorizing civilians"

"cut n defeat"

"No to nuclear energy"

The list goes on and on. The man also seems to be General Motor's spokesman too. :lol


Cooter said:
He's right though. She never said she thought it was a mission from God.
Sorry , but even in her excuse/explanation it is clear that she does believe in Gods involvement, that He has plan that apparently involves fighting a war. God is not really fond of war, I am pretty sure that was made clear between "thou shalt not kill" and "turn the other cheek"
(and I know the old testament God was a bit more aggressive.)

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
She was obviously SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO prep for this interview

she fuckin......God

NO America!!!! NO!!!!

McCain might really die!!!!


Cooter said:
She may very well fall hard but your wishful thinking doesn't mean she is doing so right now.

First off, I'm a Republican. It's heartbreaking to see this happening.

I am not a heavy follower of politics, but I at least know what the bush doctrine is. For a second after the questions was I asked I sort of had a "Jeopardy" moment, but I came up with the answer. She clearly did not know what the bush doctrine was. That will be in front page stories tomorrow.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
rSpooky said:
Sorry , but even in her excuse/explanation it is clear that she does believe in Gods involvement, that He has plan that apparently involves fighting a war. God is not really fond of war, I am pretty sure that was made clear between "thou shalt not kill" and "turn the other cheek"
(and I know the old testament God was a bit more aggressive.)

"pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right also for this country. That our leaders, our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to be praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan. Bless them with your prayers."

Both parties and their voters are all the same.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
The Frankman said:
Y'know I just listened to this thing ... she's REALLY GOOD!
at giving nonanswers

will make for a good debater. she can say a whole lot of nonsense that means absolutely nothing, but has the perfect soundbites for the media.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
watching the interview now




The sad thing is , that alot of these people seem disgusted by/laughing at almost everything that Christ stood for.

Perhaps they have a J.C. that is a bit more assertive? You know the kind of man that would be a NRA member and rather shoot then talk and reason?


Guy Legend said:
Wow, the Gibson interview is surprisingly good right now. :lol

Palin really looks unknowledgeable and ridiculous out there...
People will think she is "just like us", call Gibson sexist and swarm to her en masse.

(Just trying to prepare for the inevitable swell of support.)
Guy Legend said:
Wow, the Gibson interview is surprisingly good right now. :lol

Palin really looks unknowledgeable and ridiculous out there...

How will she negotiate with terrorists if she can't even give an interview? Americans should be scared for their safety under this VP.

Her answer? "Well, we can SEE Russia from our state."

Legally Blonde: The Vice Presidential Campaign
Yeah this interview is starting as a trainwreck for her. That "Bush doctrine" question was extremely telling.

Not to mention Gibson asking her what, exactly, does Alaska's proximity to Russia do for her foreign policy credentials.

Her answer? "Well, we can SEE Russia from our state."
Death_Born said:
How will she negotiate with terrorists if she can't even give an interview? Americans should be scared for their safety under this VP.

Legally Blonde: The Vice Presidential Campaign

This was the interview she was prepped and coddled over 2 days to get?

Guy Legend

The Blue Jihad said:
Yeah this interview is starting as a trainwreck for her. That "Bush doctrine" question was extremely telling.

Not to mention Gibson asking her what, exactly, does Alaska's proximity to Russia do for her foreign policy credentials.

Her answer? "Well, we can SEE Russia from our state."

I literally laughed out loud when she started saying you could see Russia from Alaska. How stupid is she to even play into that line of reasoning one bit.
GhaleonEB said:
People will think she is "just like us", call Gibson sexist and swarm to her en masse.

(Just trying to prepare for the inevitable swell of support.)

Matthews hit it on the head when he said that many women look at her and say "she doesn't know it all right now but she'll learn," totally giving her the benefit of the doubt. She's got the lowest negative numbers out of all four candidates and has been totally teflon this entire week. He also pointed out she's sort of at the stage Obama was at before the primaries got real heated and he was brought back down to earth

In short, leave her alone outside of issues based jabs and focus on McCain

edit: what the fuck, she actually said she could SEE Russia when asked what the proximity had to do with anything?


Cooter said:
Both parties and their voters are all the same.

maybe.. and I try not to ,what do you call that in English? Polarize? a whole section of a nation. But to me some of this is as bad as extreme moslims and their Jihad. I was raised a Christen and I am far from a good one, but alot of the ideas republicans/conservatists(sp?) have is pretty dang foreign to what I have been taught and quite scary if you consider they bring these ideas and values in their politics and into the rest of the world.

Edit: thread going to fast lol. I will let this go now :D


OuterWorldVoice said:
So is she doing poorly? Can't watch live.

Yes. To my eyes this interview could cost McCain the election. If she is this bad after being prepped for an entire week she is definitely going to get ripped apart as the election continues. The debate is going to be a bloodbath.

The questions aren't even surprising. These are questions that she would have had to have known were coming and she is barely capable of answering them.
thekad said:
Yeah, she just prayed it was...

Yeah, religious people do that.

I still don't get the shock or surprise. Christians like to be aligned with what they view to be God's will. That's the hope anyway - and that sentiment goes for wars, flying in planes, and driving on highways.
you know Congress said we should use diplomacy and measured speech first before talking about going to war. But I said "Thanks, but no thanks" to diplomacy


The Blue Jihad said:
Yeah this interview is starting as a trainwreck for her. That "Bush doctrine" question was extremely telling.

Not to mention Gibson asking her what, exactly, does Alaska's proximity to Russia do for her foreign policy credentials.

Her answer? "Well, we can SEE Russia from our state."

She didn't really say that, did she? I mean are you fucking kidding me?
Tom_Cody said:
Yes. To my eyes this interview could cost McCain the election. If she is this bad after being prepped for an entire week she is definitely going to get ripped apart as the election continues. The debate is going to be a bloodbath.

The questions aren't even surprising. These are questions that she would have had to have known were coming and she is barely capable of answering them.

Oh jeez.

You guys are making a bigger deal out of this than it is. If her inexperience and corruption scandals didn't stick, neither will this.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Glad the rest of the country will see her as a dunce that doesn't know anything. :D

The MSM should attack. We know Keith and Rachel will.
Frank the Great said:
Oh jeez.

You guys are making a bigger deal out of this than it is. If her inexperience and corruption scandals didn't stick, neither will this.

You can't explain this away or hide it - it's on national TV. It's clear that she has absolutely no foreign policy experience.
Frank the Great said:
Oh jeez.

You guys are making a bigger deal out of this than it is. If her inexperience and corruption scandals didn't stick, neither will this.
You are being too pessimistic. No, this alone probably won't torpedo the entire campaign, but is this an indicator of what's to come?

Maybe she can catch on real quick. Maybe she can just adapt her smooth talking skills without really learning the issues 100%. However, I've always been extremely skeptical of those out there who honestly thought that some "crash course" was going to bring her adequately up to snuff.

She is going to have to prove that she's qualified to be where she is at some point. Eventually, there will be a sink or swim moment. The Gibson interview isn't it, but it will come.
Death_Born said:
You can't explain this away or hide it - it's on national TV. It's clear that she has absolutely no foreign policy experience.

It doesn't matter.

I will be really surprised if the Obama campaign makes a big deal out of it. I will be more surprised if the media does.

Steve Youngblood said:
You are being too pessimistic. No, this alone probably won't torpedo the entire campaign, but is this an indicator of what's to come?

Oh, I totally agree that this is a good indicator of what will happen at the VP debate, but we all knew this already. I just don't think this interview itself will turn any heads.


I don't see how Georgia being in NATO is a good idea.

I think keeping them out of the NATO house leaves options in regards to how to respond if they happened to be attacked again. There would be no binding obligations of formal association, but we would still have the options that include whatever our expected response would be if they were a part of NATO.
NullPointer said:
Yeah, religious people do that.

I still don't get the shock or surprise. Christians like to be aligned with what they view to be God's will. That's the hope anyway - and that sentiment goes for wars, flying in planes, and driving on highways.

The problem with the concept itself is that it's an absolute. There should be no absolutes in government. Historically, hard-edge absolute government does not work.

And what she's saying now is a blatant backtrack over the clear meaning of her original statements.
Steve Youngblood said:
You are being too pessimistic. No, this alone probably won't torpedo the entire campaign, but is this an indicator of what's to come?

Maybe she can catch on real quick. Maybe she can just adapt her smooth talking skills without really learning the issues 100%. However, I've always been extremely skeptical of those out there who honestly thought that some "crash course" was going to bring her adequately up to snuff.

She is going to have to prove that she's qualified to be where she is at some point. Eventually, there will be a sink or swim moment. The Gibson interview isn't it, but it will come.

I think she would have done herself a much better service if she said, "You know what, Charlie? As you might have heard, I'm a bit new at some of this stuff. Could you remind me what the Bush Doctrine is?" Charlie would have laughed, America would have swooned, and the whole thing would have been defused pretty much instantly.



BenjaminBirdie said:
I think she would have done herself a much better service if she said, "You know what, Charlie? As you might have heard, I'm a bit new at some of this stuff. Could you remind me what the Bush Doctrine is?" Charlie would have laughed, America would have swooned, and the whole thing would have been defused pretty much instantly.


Wait, so what did she say about the Bush Doctrine?
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