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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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laserbeam said:
Fair and balanced time:

Lots of shit was given bush when he commented to a blind reporter about his glasses being worn not realizing he was blind so here is

Biden gaffe 2008:

Earlier in the week, in Columbia, Missouri, Biden urged a paraplegic state official to stand up to be recognized.

"Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Graham uses a wheelchair. "Oh, God love ya," Biden said. "What am I talking about?"

In Fort Myers, Florida, last week, he referred to the "Biden administration," before quickly correcting himself to say the "Obama-Biden administration."

Yeah, we talked about it about 50 pages ago. It's a bit of a laffer and most of us moved on:p


Mahadev said:
Because that was Bush's #348 gaffe for that year. The man is a clown and people are supposed to laugh at him. Btw how ironic you use the fair and balanced phrase considering the "news" you post.

He's just using his favourite channel's tagline.


chubigans said:
You know, I wouldn't mind having either Obama or McCain as president, but holy freaking crap do I hate the thought of Biden or Palin as president.

Ugh. Just...gah.

Biden is being foolish sometimes but the man is smart and VERY well educated. Don't put him in the same category with Palin please.


Dram said:

Robert Kagan, a foreign policy advisor to McCain, derided criticisms of Palin as elitist.

“I don’t take this elite foreign policy view that only this anointed class knows everything about the world,” he said. “I’m not generally impressed that they are better judges of American foreign policy experience than those who have Palin’s experience.”

Hey, the McCain camp has already derided all those economists with their elitist DEGREES, this is just piling on!


Wow this thread is fast. And I guess it's been answered, but if I'd responded in the same way in a college class, I'd probably be given hard F's and maybe even kicked out of said class for incompetence. I've seen this happen; students get much worse for much less.


Dram said:

Robert Kagan, a foreign policy advisor to McCain, derided criticisms of Palin as elitist.

“I don’t take this elite foreign policy view that only this anointed class knows everything about the world,” he said. “I’m not generally impressed that they are better judges of American foreign policy experience than those who have Palin’s experience.”

Nice to know Kagan sides with the dumbfucks.

Brannon said:
Wow this thread is fast. And I guess it's been answered, but if I'd responded in the same way in a college class, I'd probably be given hard F's and maybe even kicked out of said class for incompetence. I've seen this happen; students get much worse for much less.

True story: Friend of mine was taking a 400 level poli-sci class. One of the questions on the first test was "What former superpower was involved in the Cold War with the United States of America from the 50's to the 90's".

It was multiple choice. Two people out of 14 got it right.


AniHawk said:
I guess being a governor of Alaska is sorta like being a poster on PoliGAF except you don't have to know shit about the world around you.

Sounds like we need to get this GIF updated with that line now that she's dropped the Bridge to Nowhere from her stump speech:


Don't disappoint me, GAF.


Xisiqomelir said:
He's just using his favourite channel's tagline.
Funny I dont watch Fox News at all. i watched their online stream of the conventions because it was uncut and off the wall rather than news but thats it.

But if I upset you then I must say I am glad. I have been just as critical of McCain as any other individual in this election.


Here are the ones I see as noteworthy:

Brownback, Sam (R-KS) - Had no idea Brownback was retiring. Could be competitive depending on recruiting.
Bunning, Jim (R-KY) - Taking crazy pills, but should retire. Could be competitive depending on recruiting.
Burr, Richard (R-NC) - I like the think there's a chance to make this a race.
Gregg, Judd (R-NH) - Could get Sununu'd
Martinez, Mel (R-FL) - Apparently sucks at everything per Frag.
McCain, John (R-AZ) - Honestly would McCain really run again? If open this could be a good fight. If he wins then again, should be contested
Murkowski, Lisa (R-AK) - Might be competitive.
Specter, Arlen (R-PA) - Yeah, this will be a good fight no matter what.
Voinovich, George V. (R-OH) - Definitely will be competitive.

Give that there will be 4-7 pickups in 08, I could easily see another 4 in that lot. 04 as 02 was just an absolutely dreadful year for the dems in the Senate. There could realistically be a filibuster-proof majority in 2011.

I could see Salazar and Dorgan at risk, though Salazar is probably safe. The rest of the dem seats look reeallllly safe.
Blader5489 said:

Why is lack of experience a fault for Palin but a non-issue for Obama?
LOL, Palin had never even left this country before last year. There is a world of difference between Obama and Palin. She is just a dumb redneck.


Dram said:

Robert Kagan, a foreign policy advisor to McCain, derided criticisms of Palin as elitist.

“I don’t take this elite foreign policy view that only this anointed class knows everything about the world,” he said. “I’m not generally impressed that they are better judges of American foreign policy experience than those who have Palin’s experience.”
Ah, so they're already admitting Palin doesn't know what she's talking about.

It's a start.


laserbeam said:
Funny I dont watch Fox News at all. i watched their online stream of the conventions because it was uncut and off the wall rather than news but thats it.

But if I upset you then I must say I am glad. I have been just as critical of McCain as any other individual in this election.

No, I really don't mind at all. I think it's not exactly a devastating blow to Biden's electability, but at least you limit your spurts of nonsense to ~1/5 pages instead of King_Slender's 3 posts in a row.


Professional Schmuck

:lol :lol

This is more like a spelling bee than a serious interview


CG: Do you agree with the Bush Doctrine?

(uncomfortable pause)
(deep breath)

SP: "...in what respect Char-lee?" ...can you use it in a sentence?
CG: The...wha. What do you interpret it to be? ...do you know what it is?

(uncomfortable pause)
(deep breath)

SP: "...his world view?" ...can you use it in another sentence please Char-lee?
CG: (exasperated) No, the BUSH DOCTRINE, enuciated September 2002, before the Iraq War. ...have you ever heard of this before?

(uncomfortable pause)
(deep breath)

SP: "I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic Extremism, terrorists who are hell bent on destroying our nation. There have been blunders along the way, though.

There have been mistakes made. (smacks tongue like a cheerleader) And with new leadership (crinkles nose), and that's the beauty of American elections of course, and democracy as well, (fist pump), and with new leadership...comes opportunity to do things better.
...and the Iraq, like, such as. Right Char-lee?

CG: No. The Bush Doctrine, as I understand it, is that we have the right of anticipatory self-defense.

(her eyes widen and she leans back) That's right!!!

[That] We have a right of a preemptive strike against any other country that we think is going to attack us. DO YOU AGREE WITH THAT?

(more confident now)
(deep breath)

Char-lee, if there is legitimate, and ENOUGH intelligence, that tells us that a strike is imminent, against American people, (fist pumping the points home) we have EVERY RIGHT to defend our country. like, such as, the Iran.

CG: (sadface)



If this doesn't terrify every American, we've already lost.
Lack of experience isn't a major fault for either of them.

Jon McCain choosing Sarah Palin shows that experience isn't important.

Palin wears her ignorance of foriegn affairs as a badge of honor though, that's kind of scary.

Okay, that's really fucking scary.
laserbeam said:
Fair and balanced time:

Lots of shit was given bush when he commented to a blind reporter about his glasses being worn not realizing he was blind so here is

Biden gaffe 2008:

Earlier in the week, in Columbia, Missouri, Biden urged a paraplegic state official to stand up to be recognized.

"Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Graham uses a wheelchair. "Oh, God love ya," Biden said. "What am I talking about?"

In Fort Myers, Florida, last week, he referred to the "Biden administration," before quickly correcting himself to say the "Obama-Biden administration."

No comment on the second part but I heard about the first incident. That I believe is a non-issue and plus he turned it around when he asked everyone to stand up for the guy. Fox and Friends would like you to believe it was the worst gaffe ever though.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
electricpirate said:
Lack of experience isn't a major fault for either of them.

Jon McCain choosing Sarah Palin shows that experience isn't important.

Palin wears her ignorance of foriegn affairs as a badge of honor though, that's kind of scary.

Okay, that's really fucking scary.
Agreed 100%. I respect Mccain. Palin is fuckin sickening though and I can't stand and let her become VP or even president.
electricpirate said:
Lack of experience isn't a major fault for either of them.

Jon McCain choosing Sarah Palin shows that experience isn't important.

Palin wears her ignorance of foriegn affairs as a badge of honor though, that's kind of scary.

Okay, that's really fucking scary.



testicles on a cold fall morning
Dram said:

Robert Kagan, a foreign policy advisor to McCain, derided criticisms of Palin as elitist.

“I don’t take this elite foreign policy view that only this anointed class knows everything about the world,” he said. “I’m not generally impressed that they are better judges of American foreign policy experience than those who have Palin’s experience.”
of course not. Kagan wants a tabula rosa (aka: Palin) whom he can train to regurgitate his world view to a T. as such preconceived thoughts are a hindrance to that goal.
laserbeam said:
I tried to get a discussion on this before? thats funny ive never posted about this topic before considering it just happened this week.

I apologize, you haven't. I think I confused your post to what Rush said on his show... that's primarily due to the fact that you're just repeating the same sentiment.

"oh oh oh, the drive-bys spent hours and days talking about the mistake bush made"

"oh oh oh, douche-gaf spent hours and days talking about the mistake bush made"


Trakdown said:
True story: Friend of mine was taking a 400 level poli-sci class. One of the questions on the first test was "What former superpower was involved in the Cold War with the United States of America from the 50's to the 90's".

It was multiple choice. Two people out of 14 got it right.
Not trying to be a dick, but I have a lot of trouble believing that. Maybe I'm just too horrified to consider it true. I mean, seriously, a 400 level course?

Macam said:
Sounds like we need to get this GIF updated with that line now that she's dropped the Bridge to Nowhere from her stump speech:

Don't disappoint me, GAF.
So I told Charlie Gibson "Bush Doctrine? wtf are you talking about. btw I can see Russia"


Did anyone notice the whitish reflection moving up and down her glasses, she was staring at her teleprompter glasses but they just couldn't upload a response fast enough. Did anyone check if she had a radio stuck to her back?:lol
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I doubt it. She can see his country from her state. What else is there to it?

Her idea of the 2nd Cold War is an image of two angry men on opposing shores with binoculars and flags in hand.

Russian Side:

"What are you doing, Sergei?"

"There is an American on the shore. The motherland is in danger!"

"Sergei, you are a hero. What forces are the Americans amassing on the beach?"

"It is a single American politician with binoculars. He's dressed in a tuxedo that appears to have been crafted from an American flag."

"Go home, Sergei."

"Never. Not at the expense of the motherland."

American Side:

"Governor Palin, this is Eagle Eye 1. The Russians have amassed a sizable battle force on the beach."

"Really? That is great news!"

+10 Foreign Policy Experience appears from nothing and floats above the American shore.

*The American soldier is baffled; where in the Hell the message came from and what it stands for.

*In a studio 2500 miles from the shore.

"As Governor of Alaska, I have faced down the most threatening menace to democracy that has ever existed. I am prepared and my foreign policy credentials are sound."


Oh, GAF :lol No one cares about the interview.

Though it really was embarassing to watch. The look on her face really sold it; sort of felt bad for the woman.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Gruco said:
Not trying to be a dick, but I have a lot of trouble believing that. Maybe I'm just too horrified to consider it true. I mean, seriously, a 400 level course?
i'm more offended that a 400 level class actually has to ask that question. what next, a graduate level economic course asking what addition is?


She reminds me of David Brent bullshitting his way through a meeting with the District Manager.

"Have you made redundancies?"


BrandNew said:

CNN, smh

It seems she is getting a pass on the whole thing from most news sources. I am sure some of the more specialized shows will go after it but again it seems she is immune.

I expect the Obama Camp or a 527 to sieze on it for an ad or something.


scorcho said:
i'm more offended that a 400 level class actually has to ask that question. what next, a graduate level economic course asking what addition is?

Gruco said:
Not trying to be a dick, but I have a lot of trouble believing that. Maybe I'm just too horrified to consider it true. I mean, seriously, a 400 level course?

That was pretty much my response. Even a steady diet of pop culture would've produced the right answer.

I need to ask my friend what the other answers were and if they're even plausibly correct.


Trakdown said:
True story: Friend of mine was taking a 400 level poli-sci class. One of the questions on the first test was "What former superpower was involved in the Cold War with the United States of America from the 50's to the 90's".

It was multiple choice. Two people out of 14 got it right.


I believe it. I'm in several 300 level poli-sci courses now, and there's a similar level of stupidity on a daily basis.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
This Palin/Gibson interview feels like a faux Colbert interview. To every degree.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
reilo said:
This Palin/Gibson interview feels like a faux Colbert interview. To every degree.
I really can't believe she added nothing to that Russai question. "You can see Russia from Alaska."

that's it. I'm just baffled. Absolutely stunned.


laserbeam said:
It seems she is getting a pass on the whole thing from most news sources. I am sure some of the more specialized shows will go after it but again it seems she is immune.

I expect the Obama Camp or a 527 to sieze on it for an ad or something.

It only seems that way because the first responders are the hive that's been dispatched to do damage control. As for no one caring, I doubt that would be the attitude if she actually had done great not that she wasn't given an opportunity it is Charlie Gibson after all, I'm sure a lot of the same curious who watched her RNC speech came back for seconds probably to get too know her a bit more or maybe I'm just giving the American public way too much credit in thinking they would actually want to know more about a candidate other than a speech written for them and that has been repeated constantly at Nauseum.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Also, I didn't think Gibson would actually ask about a specific policy issue. Kudos.
laserbeam said:
It seems she is getting a pass on the whole thing from most news sources. I am sure some of the more specialized shows will go after it but again it seems she is immune.

I expect the Obama Camp or a 527 to sieze on it for an ad or something.

CNN's panel gave her a pass (and their panel goes from moderately decent to joke time depending on the day of the week). We don't even need to mention how Fox News reported it. Rachel Maddow is probably the old one that called her on it. News in print will not be so kind though. I expect full belly-aching for Joey Scarbs tomorrow claiming that the media is being sexist again (with Andrea Mitchell nodding in agreement in the background).


SpeedingUptoStop said:
I really can't believe she added nothing to that Russai question. "You can see Russia from Alaska."

that's it. I'm just baffled. Absolutely stunned.

The writing was already on the wall when the right was attempting damage control early on by saying that Palin was experienced on foreign policy because Alaska is "right next to Russia". I still can't believe she actually said it, though, in a nationally televised interview no less. Her first one. Oh, she'll go down in history all right.
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