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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Sorry to post this here too but in case you haven't read the other thread (Newsweek: GOP is working to keep eligible African-Americans from voting) you'll probably miss this story since it's not in the OP and I don't want anyone to miss this:

Pudding Tame said:
Well it looks like in Michigan you'll need more than an ID to vote, as Republicans are going to challenge people who have had their home foreclosed.

Michigan Republicans plan to foreclose African American voters

Lose your house, lose your vote

The chairman of the Republican Party in Macomb County Michigan, a key swing county in a key swing state, is planning to use a list of foreclosed homes to block people from voting in the upcoming election as part of the state GOP’s effort to challenge some voters on Election Day.

“We will have a list of foreclosed homes and will make sure people aren’t voting from those addresses,” party chairman James Carabelli told Michigan Messenger in a telephone interview earlier this week. He said the local party wanted to make sure that proper electoral procedures were followed.

State election rules allow parties to assign “election challengers” to polls to monitor the election. In addition to observing the poll workers, these volunteers can challenge the eligibility of any voter provided they “have a good reason to believe” that the person is not eligible to vote. One allowable reason is that the person is not a “true resident of the city or township.”
Zeliard said:
The writing was already on the wall when the right was attempting damage control early on by saying that Palin was experienced on foreign policy because Alaska is "right next to Russia". I still can't believe she actually said it, though, in a nationally televised interview no less. Her first one. Oh, she'll go down in history all right.

That was a terrible response. That crap you spout on the campaign trail to your groupies you repeat in a serious interview and expect to be taken seriously.


If this interview isn't all over the news tomorrow, I have lost all hope in the media. This interview should scare the shit out of every single American. Her in office is a huge risk to the national security of this country. That's all there is to it.


Setec Astronomer
electricpirate said:
Lack of experience isn't a major fault for either of them.

Jon McCain choosing Sarah Palin shows that experience isn't important.

Palin wears her ignorance of foriegn affairs as a badge of honor though, that's kind of scary.

Okay, that's really fucking scary.
Such a far cry from the days when foreign policy chops on a Republican ticket meant ambassador to the UN, envoy to China, and director of the CIA.
Mahadev said:
Sorry to post this here too but in case you haven't read the other thread (Newsweek: GOP is working to keep eligible African-Americans from voting) you'll probably miss this "news story since it's not in the OP and I don't want anyone to miss this:

The GOP is so full of it. The media should go out in full force against them for this shady business....but they're too busy sensationalizing.


vitaflo said:
If this interview isn't all over the news tomorrow, I have lost all hope in the media. This interview should scare the shit out of every single American. Her in office is a huge risk to the national security of this country. That's all there is to it.

It should get some coverage but then more is aired in the morning and then tommorrow night a one hour special so it may not get a ton of play


PrivateWHudson said:
Dumb question time. Before campaigning for President, had Obama met and/or spoke with any foreign heads of state?

There's not many records on stuff like that, but I'm relatively sure he met with Israel's Prime Minister and Maliki before campaigning.


testicles on a cold fall morning
PrivateWHudson said:
Dumb question time. Before campaigning for President, had Obama met and/or spoke with any foreign heads of state?
i'm not sure of the decorum regarding Senators (esp. Junior Senators at that) meeting privately with foreign heads of state, but i imagine it's rare.


PrivateWHudson said:
Dumb question time. Before campaigning for President, had Obama met and/or spoke with any foreign heads of state?


Edit: What Scorcho said.

Sunday night Senator Obama headed to Amman, Jordan, and will then spend the rest of next week in Israel, meeting with both Israeli and Palestinian officials. Obama will be joined by leaders of Chicago's Jewish community. Those visits come at a time of great uncertainty in Israel after the Prime Minister's recent stroke.

Here is the part that is really sad . . .

PantherLotus said:
CG: No. The Bush Doctrine, as I understand it, is that we have the right of anticipatory self-defense.

(her eyes widen and she leans back) That's right!!!

[That] We have a right of a preemptive strike against any other country that we think is going to attack us. DO YOU AGREE WITH THAT?

(more confident now)
(deep breath)

Char-lee, if there is legitimate, and ENOUGH intelligence, that tells us that a strike is imminent, against American people, (fist pumping the points home) we have EVERY RIGHT to defend our country.

CG: (sadface)

Even after being told what the Bush doctrine is (preventive war) SHE STILL GETS IT WRONG. What she talks about is preemptive war . . . something that is generally agreed to be legal under UN rules. The 'Bush doctrine' refers to preventive wars . . . wars when there IS NOT AN IMMINENT THREAT.

So in a way, I agree with her more than Bush. However, the fact that she has no idea what she is talking about negates all that. And besides, if she actually knew she didn't seem to agree with the Bush policy, she'd probably flip-flop.


Can we stop pretending that Republicans are anti black people? They're not anti black people, they're anti poor people. Granted either demographic tends to swing Democrat, but lets not try and act so racist by baiting like that.

That said, wow at trying to keep people who lost their homes from voting, that's insane. The Identification issue I can see and actually support but, shit, since when does losing your home put you on the same grounds as a felon and make you ineligable to vote? That shit should be illegal, what grounds do they even have to try such a thing?
reilo said:
Also, I didn't think Gibson would actually ask about a specific policy issue. Kudos.

I'm still really amazed by that. I entirely expected a bunch of softball family history questions. So for him to come out with specific, fair, and normal questions...got Gibson mega respect points in my book. Then with her failing the answers so badly. It was glorious. I'm not generally politically vindictive, either. But this kind of interview performance needed to happen.


The Lamonster said:
So I just sent this e-mail to my family in response to some crazy shit they sent me:
Where do you get McCain has a 1/3 chance of dying in 4 years? You can't simply compare past president statistics because life expectancy and presidential security has changed significantly over the years. I do realize there is a possibility something could happen to him. It would be awesome if someone had formed that data into a decent prediction percentage haha.

Obama's premise on taxes can't exactly be illustrated in graph form. He has changed his tax policy several times since the primary. Hopefully the debate causes him to nail down and articulate an exact plan. Recently he has said that he might not repeal any of the Bush tax cuts, even to the wealthy, which is different than what he said earlier.


Although the Obama/McCain tax graph is from before June, since it deals strictly with income tax, it is likely still accurate even through his changes on other tax rates. Your post omits the capital gains tax and dividends tax. He has made remarks about the estate tax but it isn't exactly clear. Likely, this is where he will 'recuperate' money for his numerous plans by raising these taxes. Unfortunately people only dwell on the more well known income tax.


devilhawk said:
Where do you get McCain has a 1/3 chance of dying in 4 years? You can't simply compare past president statistics because life expectancy and presidential security has changed significantly over the years. I do realize there is a possibility something could happen to him. It would be awesome if someone had formed that data into a decent prediction percentage haha.

Obama's premise on taxes can't exactly be illustrated in graph form. He has changed his tax policy several times since the primary. Hopefully the debate causes him to nail down and articulate an exact plan. Recently he has said that he might not repeal any of the Bush tax cuts, even to the wealthy, which is different than what he said earlier.


Although the Obama/McCain tax graph is from before June, since it deals strictly with income tax, it is likely still accurate even through his changes on other tax rates. Your post omits the capital gains tax and dividends tax. He has made remarks about the estate tax but it isn't exactly clear. Likely, this is where he will 'recuperate' money for his numerous plans by raising these taxes. Unfortunately people only dwell on the more well known income tax.

Actuarial tables. That's where Politico did the figures.


Although the Obama/McCain tax graph is from before June, since it deals strictly with income tax, it is likely still accurate even through his changes on other tax rates. Your post omits the capital gains tax and dividends tax. He has made remarks about the estate tax but it isn't exactly clear. Likely, this is where he will 'recuperate' money for his numerous plans by raising these taxes. Unfortunately people only dwell on the more well known income tax.

He's said numerous times that he'd only raise the capital gains tax (to 20%) on folks making over 250 grand. His deal is better for the vast majority of the population...


[That] We have a right of a preemptive strike against any other country that we think is going to attack us. DO YOU AGREE WITH THAT?

That's actually true, this administration has become a thought police as well. There was a report sometime ago about this very concept, that they could take action against anyone who they deemed to be thinking about terrorism.


PrivateWHudson said:
Dumb question time. Before campaigning for President, had Obama met and/or spoke with any foreign heads of state?

He's on the foreign relations committee and traveled with Dick Lugar all over Europe, to Russia, Africa, etc. Of course he met with foreign leaders during that time. Being with Lugar should say as much (that guy knows everyone like Biden does).


testicles on a cold fall morning
thefit said:
That's actually true, this administration has become a thought police as well. There was a report sometime ago about this very concept, that they could take action against anyone who they deemed to be thinking about terrorism.
it's Bush's 2002 National Security Strategy. the 2006 version effectively reiterates the same.

edit: whoops. thought you were referring to the Bush Doctrine.
Hitokage said:
I found this, but it only describes intentions to meet with Palestinian and Israeli leaders, haven't found a news report of him actually doing so.
i imagine the only conditions that any foreign head of state would meet with a Senator(s) would be if he/she was part of an official Presidential diplomatic envoy.


Cloudy said:
He's said numerous times that he'd only raise the capital gains tax (to 20%) on folks making over 250 grand. His deal is better for the vast majority of the population...
Again, his stance has been all over the place. 20% may be his newest figure, I don't know.

Here he says 28-30% http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpSDBu35K-8
I was just simply stating that his position has changed over the past few months.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
A preview of tomorrow's interview via the Weekly Standard:

Gibson: What do you think of the Constitution?

Palin: ...Could you be more specific?

Gibson: [stares over glasses]




Clothed, sober, cooperative
It's becoming more and more apparent that the McCain administration is literally going to be an extension of the current one, minus Bush, but in exactly the same way. His camp - Cheney, Chertoff, Rove et al, have obviously made a deal:

"McCain, you're old, too old for that maverick bs. You're going to be president if we get you elected. What a great legacy to have for you and your family. Just go along with it and with us. We'll get you hired. Play along. "

This is roughly what they did with Bush.
Trakdown said:
Jesus. Fox News had a slate up about "Controversy surrounding Gibson's question to Palin". I actually thought maybe they were doing the right thing for once. Silly me.


Apparently, they were upset about the Iraq troops on a mission from God.
How come she still has to bullshit even though she prepped for this interview for a week? Lincoln? What.


140.85 said:
A preview of tomorrow's interview via the Weekly Standard:


To be fair, it wasn't "what do you think" it was "Do you agree with", not an open-ended question. A simple yes or no with brief explanation for why or what you would change.
Saw the whole Palin interview...

- The average uniformed voter will probably think she did decent enough. She babbled enough non-sense and talking points to at least give the illusion she knew what she was talking about.

- To the average informed voter she probably came off as a overly rehearsed 2nd rate politician. She made a lot of circular arguments and rarely addressed the questions at all. Obviously this is hardly unusual for politicians, but when you have to dodge/evade relatively tame questions from Charlie Gibson about basic experience & foreign policy competency, then you know there's a problem.

- She came across as someone who doesn't "think" too much. Numerous times she spoke of not hesitating about one thing or another, whether it was about foreign policy or accepting the VP job. Her responses were mostly empty rhetoric and it didn't seem like she used any critical thinking to come to her conclusions.

- Props to Gibson. It wasn't exactly a hard-hitting interview, but it wasn't a tee-ball game either. He actually called her out once for spewing non-sense and asked her to try to answer the question again.

- It's clear Palin won't have enough time to cram all the knowledge she needs to know for the debates and a real press conference. Her base-line of knowledge seems fairly low outside of Alaskan and Energy issues. The Gibson interview has already shown that just by referring to something as "Bush Doctrine" instead of "Pre-emptive strike" can totally throw her off. Notecards can only take you so far if you're ignorant of the underline events/situations. I've never been to Iraq but I could have answered all of Gibsons questions much better because I've read a ton of books on the subject and have been in-tune to the political news over the last several years as have most of poliGAF.

- Now it's painfully obvious why the McCain campaign has been keeping Palin in a bubble. In regards to Palin, they basically just want to run out the clock and hope she only needs to do the bare minimum of press events. After seeing this interview I can see how she would utterly crumble on Meet the Press, Face the Nation, a press conference, and etc. She's not a complete novice, after all she is a governor. But she's simply not ready for the big stage. They basically need to ride her popularity through the election and then hope everyone forgets about her for 6-9 months after the election while she learns on the job.


Son of Godzilla said:
How come she still has to bullshit even though she prepped for this interview for a week? Lincoln? What.

That was most likely what they told her to say. I mean, Lincoln was a republican afterall. So hey, must be ok.

Her biggest problem with a lot of this is that she comes off as the normal politician. Not directly answering questions, changing the meaning of things at will, delaying, stalling, and just generally talking out of her ass. Reform indeed.


A preview of tomorrow's 140.85 post in PoliGaf.

"Obama says economy in trouble, but according to Hannity economy's better than ever. Obama trying to fix a fine economy with your hard earned money and baby's blood.

mAcOdIn said:
Can we stop pretending that Republicans are anti black people?
You gotta admit that there is an anti-black subset in the GOP. Racist David Duke has run in various parties but managed to win a Republican primary and serve as a Republican in the Louisiana House of Representatives.

The modern GOP is mostly not racist . . . but there is definitely racist subgroup. It is not an accident that Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond were Republicans.

And yes, they largely were formerly in the Democratic party but they became Dixiecrats and then Republicans as the Democrats supported the civil rights movement.


Setec Astronomer
It's disturbing how after the 20s we're still capable of looking only at the upper crust of an economy and state that everything is fine. John McCain might as well be our modern Herbert Hoover.
BrandNew said:
Jesus Christ, since when did Ferguson get so awesome? Holy shit on a stick, that was some inspiring stuff.

This has always been his shtick. He doesn't open with the random punchlines and zingers instead does of a topic driven monologue with humor thrown in.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
ronito said:
A preview of tomorrow's 140.85 post in PoliGaf.

"Obama says economy in trouble, but according to Hannity economy's better than ever. Obama trying to fix a fine economy with your hard earned money and baby's blood.


I don't ever put anyone on ignore, but he's really not even arguing with anyone. He just kind of runs in and smears shit on the wall and then runs out again. I think I might just put him on ignore to keep the thread shorter.


The Chosen One said:
After seeing this interview I can see how she would utterly crumble on Meet the Press, Face the Nation, a press conference, and etc

Can you imagine her going up against Tim Russert? God it would be brutal. RIP Tim.
RobotChant said:
This has always been his shtick. He doesn't open with the random punchlines and zingers instead does of a topic driven monologue with humor thrown in.

Wow, I never knew that. I've only seen one other one of his monologue's where he was talking about his alcoholism, but I thought it was an isolated incident. I might have to tape him while I watch Conan.


OuterWorldVoice said:
I don't ever put anyone on ignore, but he's really not even arguing with anyone. He just kind of runs in and smears shit on the wall and then runs out again. I think I might just put him on ignore to keep the thread shorter.

I just refer to it as "Earning his pocketwatch"
The Chosen One said:
Saw the whole Palin interview...

- The average uniformed voter will probably think she did decent enough. She babbled enough non-sense and talking points to at least give the illusion she knew what she was talking about.

- To the average informed voter she probably came off as a overly rehearsed 2nd rate politician. She made a lot of circular arguments and rarely addressed the questions at all. Obviously this is hardly unusual for politicians, but when you have to dodge/evade relatively tame questions from Charlie Gibson about basic experience & foreign policy competency, then you know there's a problem.

- She came across as someone who doesn't "think" too much. Numerous times she spoke of not hesitating about one thing or another, whether it was about foreign policy or accepting the VP job. Her responses were mostly empty rhetoric and it didn't seem like she used any critical thinking to come to her conclusions.

- Props to Gibson. It wasn't exactly a hard-hitting interview, but it wasn't a tee-ball game either. He actually called her out once for spewing non-sense and asked her to try to answer the question again.

- It's clear Palin won't have enough time to cram all the knowledge she needs to know for the debates and a real press conference. Her base-line of knowledge seems fairly low outside of Alaskan and Energy issues. The Gibson interview has already shown that just by referring to something as "Bush Doctrine" instead of "Pre-emptive strike" can totally throw her off. Notecards can only take you so far if you're ignorant of the underline events/situations. I've never been to Iraq but I could have answered all of Gibsons questions much better because I've read a ton of books on the subject and have been in-tune to the political news over the last several years as have most of poliGAF.

- Now it's painfully obvious why the McCain campaign has been keeping Palin in a bubble. In regards to Palin, they basically just want to run out the clock and hope she only needs to do the bare minimum of press events. After seeing this interview I can see how she would utterly crumble on Meet the Press, Face the Nation, a press conference, and etc. She's not a complete novice, after all she is a governor. But she's simply not ready for the big stage. They basically need to ride her popularity through the election and then hope everyone forgets about her for 6-9 months after the election while she learns on the job.

Pretty much agree completely.


Professional Schmuck
I'm watching these interviews with her and, is she slouching really bad or is the chair too big for her? She does this weird thing where she leans forward while slouching. Horrendous body language.

devilhawk said:
Where do you get McCain has a 1/3 chance of dying in 4 years? You can't simply compare past president statistics because life expectancy and presidential security has changed significantly over the years. I do realize there is a possibility something could happen to him. It would be awesome if someone had formed that data into a decent prediction percentage haha.
It is from insurance actuary tables. They've been doing this for hundreds of years now, they know what they are doing. And that stat is not even taking into account the fact that he's had bouts with cancer.


Duke Togo said:
I can't even begin to imagine the fallout if that happens, and I don't even live in the US.

That sounds like the premise to a nice 527 just before election time, think about it as the Obama campaigns version of the Daisy/nuclear commercial.

Guy walks around a devastated post apocalyptic city, walks up to a line of homeless looking men waiting in a soup kitchen line, he asks, "What happened?" one man turns and responds, "we got fooled again, but you can still change the future, there is still HOPE." he turns back to receive his daily portion of gruel the food server, a tough looking female wearing glasses in a black uniform, reminiscent of the SS, with a big red R patched onto the chest. She looks down at the poor man and drops his food too the floor then proceeds to laughs in menacing way.
PantherLotus said:
I'm watching these interviews with her and, is she slouching really bad or is the chair too big for her? She does this weird thing where she leans forward while slouching. Horrendous body language.


She is obviously not ready to be a pack leader (dog whisperer). Sad thing is, a friend of mine had seen a 10 second piece of the interview and thought she came off as commanding. I had to then force him to watch the entire interview... he quickly changed his mind. Commanding became - "she doesn't know shit".

He was pretty mad, cause she's really an insult to voters... but are voters smart enough to catch on?
speculawyer said:
You gotta admit that there is an anti-black subset in the GOP. Racist David Duke has run in various parties but managed to win a Republican primary and serve as a Republican in the Louisiana House of Representatives.

The modern GOP is mostly not racist . . . but there is definitely racist subgroup. It is not an accident that Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond were Republicans.

And yes, they largely were formerly in the Democratic party but they became Dixiecrats and then Republicans as the Democrats supported the civil rights movement.

yeah your right...robert byrd wasnt racist at all with his white n*gger statement. need i remind you he is still serving today
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