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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Evlar said:
What do you think? Any theories, or are you just posting from complete innocence?
I don't see any reason to think shooting a wolf from a plane is worse or better than shooting one on the ground. It's not like the wolf has great chances either way.


Branduil said:
I don't see any reason to think shooting a wolf from a plane is worse or better than shooting one on the ground. It's not like the wolf has great chances either way.
Ever been hunting?


Setec Astronomer
Branduil said:
I don't see any reason to think shooting a wolf from a plane is worse or better than shooting one on the ground. It's not like the wolf has great chances either way.
Being on a plane enables you to kill more wolves more quickly and with less difficulty than having to do so on foot.


Hitokage said:
Being on a plane enables you to kill more wolves more quickly and with less difficulty than having to do so on foot.

Also to dramatically increase your carbon footprint for maximum "FUCK YOU, EARTH JESUS COMIN NEXT WEEK LOL" effect.
Branduil said:
I don't see any reason to think shooting a wolf from a plane is worse or better than shooting one on the ground. It's not like the wolf has great chances either way.

I would imagine it's much easier to lose a wolf in the snow while on the ground than in a helicopter.


Branduil said:
I don't see any reason to think shooting a wolf from a plane is worse or better than shooting one on the ground. It's not like the wolf has great chances either way.

If you put it that way, I agree. It's still killing animals for fun, fucking sad.

E: Not talking about population control of course.
Branduil said:
So what is it about hunting from a vehicle that makes it inherently wrong?

You've obviously never been around hunters for any period of time-few people here have. It's unsportsmanlike, dangerous, illegal in most places, and completely against the very reasons why people hunt for sport in the first place. Hunting isn't just about pointing your gun at something and shooting-it's about stalking and tracking intelligent animals and outwitting them.

When you are, say, hunting quail in Arizona quail country on foot, you have to be super careful because the scaled and gambel's quail will sense your presence as a predator and do things like circle behind you and cause massive misdirection, they are challenging and engrossing prey.

This is a lot more "sport" than driving around in a golf cart or pickup, seeing a quail calling on a fence, and blasting it from a car. Keep in mind that animals don't see vehicles with nearly the same sort of predator instinct that they do a human on foot.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
You guys don't understand. Alaskan wolves wil f*ck you up.



I would only classify killing an animal as hunting if the person was going to eat the prey, I dont think many of the wolf will end up as stew


Fragamemnon said:
You've obviously never been around hunters for any period of time-few people here have. It's unsportsmanlike, dangerous, illegal in most places, and completely against the very reasons why people hunt for sport in the first place. Hunting isn't just about pointing your gun at something and shooting-it's about stalking and tracking intelligent animals and outwitting them.

When you are, say, hunting quail in Arizona quail country on foot, you have to be super careful because the scaled and gambel's quail will sense your presence as a predator and do things like circle behind you and cause massive misdirection, they are challenging and engrossing prey.

This is a lot more "sport" than driving around in a golf cart or pickup, seeing a quail calling on a fence, and blasting it from a car. Keep in mind that animals don't see vehicles with nearly the same sort of predator instinct that they do a human on foot.
I never claimed there wasn't a difference in "sport" between shooting from a vehicle and shooting on foot. I just said I saw no moral absolute that makes shooting from a plane wrong in every circumstance.


Doesn't aerial hunting conflict with much of American hunting culture? I was always under the impression that one of the biggest facets of the practice that hunters took pride in was the hunt itself. Stalking their kills, controlling patience, and learning how to navigate the great outdoors.

The aerial hunting seems to strip much of that away, instead being some kind of glorified no-booty target practice.


Fragamemnon said:
You've obviously never been around hunters for any period of time-few people here have. It's unsportsmanlike, dangerous, illegal in most places, and completely against the very reasons why people hunt for sport in the first place. Hunting isn't just about pointing your gun at something and shooting-it's about stalking and tracking intelligent animals and outwitting them.

When you are, say, hunting quail in Arizona quail country on foot, you have to be super careful because the scaled and gambel's quail will sense your presence as a predator and do things like circle behind you and cause massive misdirection, they are challenging and engrossing prey.

This is a lot more "sport" than driving around in a golf cart or pickup, seeing a quail calling on a fence, and blasting it from a car. Keep in mind that animals don't see vehicles with nearly the same sort of predator instinct that they do a human on foot.
Right. The hunters I know take pride in overcoming the obstacles in the wilderness and the instinctual self-preservation skills of the prey. That's why they sit in deer stands in the middle of November, why they wade through muck to hunt duck, why they camp out on the ice to fish in the middle of winter. I would expect this practice to bother a lot of hunters.

I've been surprised before, though.
On some of the planes they have a monitor set up and you just click on the wolf onscreen and a Korean kid shoots the wolf for you. Then you can sell the legs on ebay.


eznark said:
I guess what some here are running with as stupidity I saw as her trying to fully understand Gibson's question to ensure she answered what he was actually asking

Not that she cared all that much on some other questions, of course.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I was going to say. The PP ad can definitely help among Indies, but anti-hunting stuff does more harm than good, honestly.
It plays into the "Obama wants to take your guns" paranoia, and I think a lot of people - hunters and conservatives in particular - will see hunting from a helicopter and say, "Fuck yeah!"


Setec Astronomer
Just getting in a dig at libertarianism here while we're on this subject, but wildlife conservation demands running contrary to market forces, which promote poaching and overhunting for short-term gain even if it means destroying the market in the long-term. Rising prices as an animal becomes rare only increases the incentive to supply.

How fucking convenient that some don't give a shit about anything not human. :p
The "Still" ad seems way too personal to me. The ad is completely correct, but it isn't about the issues at all. Seems like they are creating their own distractions.

It is not nearly as bad as any of McCain's ads, but that doesn't make it right. The other 2 ads are good though.


Personally I think the decision to shoot a wolf from a plane should be a private matter between the hunter and his prey and isn't any of the government's business.


ShOcKwAvE said:
Why bother with a gun? Homemade gas bombs could kill multiple animals in one drop.

Stupid hunters.
I was going to say napalm, but this works too.

It's like after Cheney shot that guy in the face, we all learned about the great sport of quail hunting, which is more or less shooting retarded wing-clipped birds at almost point blank range - does it really qualify as hunting?


Branduil said:
Personally I think the decision to shoot a wolf from a plane should be a private matter between the hunter and his prey and isn't any of the government's business.
:lol :lol :lol

Wolf to plane hunter - "Hey that aint fair!"


"GAF's biggest wanker"
AniHawk said:
"GAF's biggest wanker"
(Today, 04:35 PM)
Reply | Quote | Edit/Del

Still got it. *polishes knuckles*


force push the doodoo rock
GhaleonEB said:
It plays into the "Obama wants to take your guns" paranoia, and I think a lot of people - hunters and conservatives in particular - will see hunting from a helicopter and say, "Fuck yeah!"

Having grown up in the south and knowing a lot of people who hunt, I don't think they'd say fuck yeah to sitting in a plane shooting at wolves.


sp0rsk said:
Having grown up in the south and knowing a lot of people who hunt, I don't think they'd say fuck yeah to sitting in a plane shooting at wolves.
I hope that's the case. I don't know any hunters personally, so I'm quite out of touch with the issue. But I tend to think very little of the American public in general, and every time something comes along that one would assume they would have the correct stance on, I assume they will take the opposite. I am very rarely let down. See: Palin.
Cheebs said:
New AP national poll:
48-44 McCain in the lead.
For example.

I'll make this my last worried post of the day, but right now I think Obama is going to lose.
These ads are amazing...how can you donate to make sure they get on TV?

More of ads like the Planned Parenthood and wolves ad have to be on TV, and they have to be on REGULARLY.


force push the doodoo rock
GhaleonEB said:
I hope that's the case. I don't know any hunters personally, so I'm quite out of touch with the issue. But I tend to think very little of the American public in general, and every time something comes along that one would assume they would have the correct stance on, I assume they will take the opposite. I am very rarely let down.

It's like fishing really, no one goes fishing with a stick of dynamite because it takes no skill and that's just not the way you do it. Hunting is a lot about bonding, tradition, skill and so on.


What the hell with the hunting talk? I thought The Thing taught us it's actually pretty damn hard to shoot a canine from the air and that if you fail it means death for us all?


The 527 groups need to focus on McCain more, and not get hung up on Palin. (That 'hunting from planes' ad sure is powerful though)

Obama's main goal should be to target people with the mindset of, "Hey, what's so BAD about McCain ANYWAY?".
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