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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Hey Guys,

Mcain is about to show up to the Rachel Ray show. The show is shot in the building next to mine. Anyone want me to yell a few words out as he enters?? :lol :lol
GhaleonEB said:
I'll make this my last worried post of the day, but right now I think Obama is going to lose.

Really? Even looking at the state-by-state situation? This far out?


I mean, I was definitely internally hoping Obama would be back on the upswing today but I can't honestly believe that this will sustain itself.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
BrandNew said:
If Obama loses this thing, it's entirely and 100% the blame of the media news networks.

I will seriously protest if he loses.

If Obama loses this he's got no one to blame but himself, the dude's been off his game since early August.
Soroc said:
Hey Guys,

Mcain is about to show up to the Rachel Ray show. The show is shot in the building next to mine. Anyone want me to yell a few words out as he enters?? :lol :lol

"run your campaign with honor"
GhaleonEB said:
I hope that's the case. I don't know any hunters personally, so I'm quite out of touch with the issue.

Just for another perspective from sp0rsk and Fragamemnon I would actually say that the average hunter that I knew growing up (in a very deer-hunting heavy part of Michigan) cared very little for "sportsmanship" or this man vs. beast battle that Frag seemed to be mentioning. The usual method of hunting was a well hidden blind in a tree with a salt lick or apple stand down below it. The deer would come regularly to the salt or apples and hunting was just a matter of being in the blind when one came by and making the shot.

I would say that about 90% of the hunters that I knew growing up would have no issues with deer culling from a plane. I remember all the outcry when the local gov't had to hire a sniper to clear the excess deer out of one of the local metro parks. The outcry was not over the "unsportsmanlike" sniper killing the deer but over the fact that local hunters were not asked to perform the duty.
capslock said:
If Obama loses this he's got no one to blame but himself, the dude's been off his game since early August.

I have to agree. Well, he hasn't been completely off his game (he wowed me with his Convention speech). But he really needs to stand up for himself in a more aggressive direct way. It's pissing the hell out of me.


What's the point of the "Still" ad, it's absolutely horrendous. Who the hell cares that McCain can't use a computer or send an e-mail? I thought the Obama campaign said they were taking off the gloves.
so, after Gibson's interview and the resulting cable news chatter, Palin is now set to do an interview with a real, hard hitting journalist
Politico said:
The first Palin cable interview...

...is with Sean Hannity, Fox says, as she heads back to a zone of relative safety.
Sean Hannity, the bastion of pure, unbiased interviewing

(i searched back to about 11am in this thread looking for Hannity, and found no references, so apologies if this has already been posted)


What is with these 1-minute+ 527 ads? Are they planning to air on cable access or something?

I suspect they're just trying to get free "news" airplay, but still.


Fatalah said:
Explain what's been different since early August.
McCain has figured out how to control the media narrative. Obama has focused on the issues. McCain's campaign is 100% based on distraction from the issues. It's working. Obama needs to find a way to cut through it. He is doing all the right things, but it's not getting through.

For example: The lipstick flap. NPR did a long piece about how stupid the entire thing was, and played a lot of tape of Obama smacking it down at the town hall meeting where he was announcing new details in his education proposals. But they only mentioned in passing that he was there to talk about education. The McCain's strategy was - prevent Obama's education proposals from getting air time. Mission accomplished; in all the coverage of the day, I never say any mention of Obama's education plans other than in passing.

If Obama can cut through that, he wins. The debates are the best shot at doing that.


kkaabboomm said:
so, after Gibson's interview and the resulting cable news chatter, Palin is now set to do an interview with a real, hard hitting journalist

Sean Hannity, the bastion of pure, unbiased interviewing

(i searched back to about 11am in this thread looking for Hannity, and found no references, so apologies if this has already been posted)

If it's live, she still has a chance to fuck it up.


EricM85 said:
What's the point of the "Still" ad, it's absolutely horrendous. Who the hell cares that McCain can't use a computer or send an e-mail? I thought the Obama campaign said they were taking off the gloves.

yeah, this ad is really stupid.

My god Barack....just play some of McCain's dumb quotes (ala Daily Show), that's it. Sheesh.
EricM85 said:
What's the point of the "Still" ad, it's absolutely horrendous. Who the hell cares that McCain can't use a computer or send an e-mail? I thought the Obama campaign said they were taking off the gloves.

This is just a trickle. You don't want him to prematurely shoot his wad on what's supposed to be a dry run, if you will. He doesn't want a mess on his hands.


kkaabboomm said:
so, after Gibson's interview and the resulting cable news chatter, Palin is now set to do an interview with a real, hard hitting journalist

Sean Hannity, the bastion of pure, unbiased interviewing

Her father might as well interview her.


kkaabboomm said:
so, after Gibson's interview and the resulting cable news chatter, Palin is now set to do an interview with a real, hard hitting journalist

Sean Hannity, the bastion of pure, unbiased interviewing

(i searched back to about 11am in this thread looking for Hannity, and found no references, so apologies if this has already been posted)

when I just smacked my head, my palm went through my skull


AniHawk said:
Somebody's bounce is dying.
McCain's bounce is holding, but Obama is ticking up a bit. From the daily write up:

These results, based on interviewing conducted Tuesday through Thursday, mark the first time since the Sept. 4-6 report that McCain does not have a statistically significant lead over Obama, and also reflect interviewing on Thursday that showed a very close race. It is unknown whether or not Thursday's results may have reflected any possible impact of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's widely publicized television interviews with Charles Gibson of ABC News, which began to be broadcast Thursday evening.
McCain had a few +6 and +7 days in the past week, so if it really closed down on Thursday, and holds, that could show movement. We'll see over the course of the weekend.


Governor Palin: Do you believe that working closely with William Ayers, sitting in the pews of a man who say GD America for 20 years or buying a house from convicted felon Tony Rezko is more qualified than you?
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