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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Hitokage said:
Don't try arguing that, the mother is irrelevant to JayDubya. It doesn't matter if she's hurt or killed. All that matters is the unborn baby. He is, after all, for the natural right of life. :p

I don't think there's any chance of cursing you out without a mod seeing, but that's a pretty blatant lie.

reilo said:
Is anyone going to disagree with you on that, especially liberals?

No, but it's specifically because of the common ground that the comment becomes relevant. The Constitution does not specifically protect the legal rights of non-citizens, but a respect for human rights and the concept of limited federal government, theoretically protected by the 10th, does.


Branduil said:
Where is "more taxes" coming from? I think both candidates support tax cuts, though neither explains where they're going to summon the magical pile of money for everything they want to do.
"More taxes" means that under a republican administration you can't benefit from democratic tax cuts. And how much money do you think we would save from pulling out of military occupations abroad? Whose pile of money would that contribute to?


Hitokage said:
Don't try arguing that, the mother is irrelevant to JayDubya. It doesn't matter if she's hurt or killed. All that matters is the unborn baby. He is, after all, for the natural right of life. :p
Why is okay for mods to make strawman attacks?

Dolphin said:
"More taxes" means that under a republican administration you can't benefit from democratic tax cuts. And how much money do you think we would save from pulling out of military occupations abroad? Whose pile of money would that contribute to?
The national debt is going to kill us either way. Tax cuts only work if you cut spending too and nobody wants to do that to the point it is needed.
Branduil said:
Where is "more taxes" coming from? I think both candidates support tax cuts, though neither explains where they're going to summon the magical pile of money for everything they want to do.

By raising taxes on people that make $623,000 or more each year.


Branduil said:
Okay, you're right, technically. Embryos can't choose to give up liberty. We choose that for them.

So you'd be ok with a massive increase in crime rates in this country? I would assume so based on your prior response.
JayDubya said:
Speaking as the father of a beautiful daughter myself, the act of hiring a hit man in a white coat should not be considered a personal medical decision.
hahaha okay wow

you know how crazy you sound? :lol

I'm done commenting on abortion, this is madness/Sparta etc etc etc


Hitokage said:
It's not a strawman. JayDubya has before he thinks any argument involving the woman's body is feminist bullshit.

Actually, I stated that co-opting the issue as a "women's rights" issue by suggesting that the opposition "wants to control women" or "hates women" is feminist bullshit. Because it is.


Hitokage said:
It's not a strawman. JayDubya has before he thinks any argument involving the woman's body is feminist bullshit.
Do you really think JayDubya doesn't care about his wife? Frankly your behavior is pretty disgusting to me.
Today on "The View," John McCain defended his campaign's latest ad campaign, which has been debunked repeatedly as both false and sleazy. In running the sleaziest campaign since South Carolina in 2000 and standing by completely debunked lies on national television, it's clear that John McCain would rather lose his integrity than lose an election.

Yeah, campaign just went nuclear. Should have cut an ad with that statement so they could get some national news airtime.

I was hoping for this tack-the media's been very decent in calling out the lies, and McCain's ads are nothing short of ridiculous. The bet Schmidt made always was that the Obama team wouldn't call them out on it and try to stay above the fray.


artredis1980 said:
so is this why gallup has them both closer than all the other polls?

Actually most polls are tighter (or tied, or Obama +1 ow 2) than gallup.

Fragamemnon said:
Yeah, campaign just went nuclear. Should have cut an ad with that statement so they could get some national news airtime.

Pretty much.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
JayDubya said:
No, but it's specifically because of the common ground that the comment becomes relevant. The Constitution does not specifically protect the legal rights of non-citizens, but a respect for human rights and the concept of limited federal government, theoretically protected by the 10th, does.

Wait, hold on.

You know what you just did there? You interpreted the constitution, and not only that, but you used your own worldview to come to that conclusion.


Setec Astronomer
JayDubya said:
Actually, I stated that co-opting the issue as a "women's rights" issue by suggesting that the opposition "wants to control women" or "hates women" is feminist bullshit. Because it is.
Fair enough, so it's just a side effect rather than your intent.

Branduil said:
Do you really think JayDubya doesn't care about his wife?
Not at all. Mothers in general? No clue.
Frankly your behavior is pretty disgusting to me.
Sorry, just trying to push the extremes of JayDubya's militant idealism to actually go somewhere interesting rather than run around in circles like we always do.


Branduil said:
The national debt is going to kill us either way. Tax cuts only work if you cut spending too and nobody wants to do that to the point it is needed.
What political party is historically more responsible for a budget deficit than a surplus? Which party is historically responsible for a budget surplus? If you're worried about spending, shouldn't you be voting for the party that spends less?


vitaflo said:
So you'd be ok with a massive increase in crime rates in this country? I would assume so based on your prior response.
Technically we'd be safe in a totalitarian government, but it doesn't mean that's ideal.

Crime is a complex issue and simplifying it to "more abortion=less crime!" is not valid.


reilo said:
Wait, hold on.

You know what you just did there? You interpreted the constitution, and not only that, but you used your own worldview to come to that conclusion.

"Living document" people interpret. The Constitution is not written in some mystic cypher. You do not need Benjamin Franklin's glasses to read the clues written on the back.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dolphin said:
What political party is historically more responsible for a budget deficit than a surplus? Which party is historically responsible for a budget surplus? If you're worried about spending, shouldn't you be voting for the party that spends less?

It's the biggest lie in politics: that republicans are better at managing our budget than democrats.
Fragamemnon said:
Yeah, campaign just went nuclear.

Don't you mean "nucular"?

That aside, it's certainly nice seeing some media starting to catch on. I'm still flabbergasted that The View, of all places, is spearheading this change. Part of it is intentional. No doubt in my mind that Whoopi, Walters, and Behar are genuinely pissed about the circus.
JayDubya said:
You bring me the anti-slavery amendment, and use it to decrease human liberty.

All persons that were born here or naturalized here are citizens. Citizens are not the only human beings that have rights that our government should respect.

Unless you think otherwise, and holding unlawful combatants is totally kosher, because subhumans with dark skin don't have habeas corpus rights, only citizens do.

Another reason why exclusive "legal personhood" is total bullshit.
What is all this 'interpretation'? I thought we are not allowed to do that?

If they are born here . . . they are citizens. Before that, they are not citizens. But they can't be aliens if the fetus has never been out of the country . . . thus they must not be humans. Seems to be a pretty clear literal reading.

unlawful combatants are aliens but they are human. And all humans have habeas corpus rights under common law.


Dolphin said:
What political party is historically more responsible for a budget deficit than a surplus? Which party is historically responsible for a budget surplus? If you're worried about spending, shouldn't you be voting for the party that spends less?
There is no viable party which supports what I want. Like most people, I have to prioritize what I care about the most and vote based on that.


TDG said:
Oh please, spare me the drama. "Liberal" practically became a cuss word it was demonized for so long by right-wingers. People are always complaining about how Obama supporters think he's the messiah, when I've never heard a single Obama supporter say anything of the sort.

You need to get out more. Yeah, no shit, no one has called Obama the next Jesus, but the cult following around him is more than prevalent and you're being ridiculous if you're trying to pretend that it doesn't exist.

And I'm not giving you drama, I'm just tired of this double-standard bullshit you guys pull. You criticize McCain and Palin for playing dirty in light of Obama's comparatively clean campaign, but then turn around and, as I said, demonize McCain and his supporters. You praise Obama for his tolerance but then express the same kind of mentality you're opposing to anyone who disagrees with you. It's ridiculous. Some of you guys could actually learn from the guy you're so vehemently supporting.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
JayDubya said:
"Living document" people interpret. The Constitution is not written in some mystic cypher. You do not need Benjamin Franklin's glasses to read the clues written on the back.
That's why I don't understand how you could get it so wrong. UNLESS you are reading it with Ben Franklin's glasses and it's magically making you see things that aren't physically there!


BotoxAgent said:
it's amazing that the View is the one doing the job that the MSM is supposed to be doing. This country is fuckin ridiculous sometimes.

The broadcast media wont even replay those clips, let alone ask those types of hard hitting questions.

It's an embarrassment.


Fragamemnon said:
Yeah, campaign just went nuclear. Should have cut an ad with that statement so they could get some national news airtime.

I was hoping for this tack-the media's been very decent in calling out the lies, and McCain's ads are nothing short of ridiculous. The bet Schmidt made always was that the Obama team wouldn't call them out on it and try to stay above the fray.

And the beauty of it is that it's twisting McCain's patriotism quip.
The Blue Jihad said:
That aside, it's certainly nice seeing some media starting to catch on. I'm still flabbergasted that The View, of all places, is spearheading this change. Part of it is intentional. No doubt in my mind that Whoopi, Walters, and Behar are genuinely pissed about the circus.

Everyone's pissed about the circus. The media is even pissed about it. What are they supposed to do though-say on the national news "John McCain and Sarah Palin are serial liars, here's why." ? Not likely.


Setec Astronomer
thekad said:
What's your tag about anyway? Palin?
He prefers a candidate which gives no gay marriage rights over a candidate who would support civil unions, because only the former leads to actual gay marriage.


gkrykewy said:
Actually most polls are tighter (or tied, or Obama +1 ow 2) than gallup.

Pretty much.

Rammusen: Mccain +3
Gallup: McCain +3
AP-GfK Poll: McCain +4

The Major Polls all show McCain maintaining a lead. It is a close race no matter what and the "Independants" will decide the election
Tamanon said:
And the beauty of it is that it's twisting McCain's patriotism quip.

Even if a coordinated attempt to undermine McCain doesn't pan out they are worth doing. Hitting your opponent where they are strongest pays off in politics, and forcing people to look at the surge of political diarrhea coming out of the McCain campaign gets the focus off Hooters McMooseburger.


Branduil said:
There is no viable party which supports what I want. Like most people, I have to prioritize what I care about the most and vote based on that.
Of course. But then what do you want? According to everything you've mentioned thus far, isn't it fair to say that your interests are counter to the objectives of the party for which you're intending to cast your ballet?
Branduil said:
The national debt is going to kill us either way. Tax cuts only work if you cut spending too and nobody wants to do that to the point it is needed.

Sadly, cutting taxes and spending wouldn't be as affective as increasing taxes on the rich, but then again, fiscal conservatism FTW:



about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
laserbeam said:
Rammusen: Mccain +3
Gallup: McCain +3
AP-GfK Poll: McCain +4

The Major Polls all show McCain maintaining a lead.

Oh God oh God oh God.

Are we gonna die now? Oh God.


Hitokage said:
Not at all. Mothers in general? No clue.Sorry, just trying to push the extremes of JayDubya's militant idealism to actually go somewhere interesting rather than run around in circles like we always do.
Please don't. I don't think mods engaging in puerile behavior is the good kind of interesting, and all it can really do is bait people into getting banned. It also lowers the level of discourse in this thread another decibel.


Hitokage said:
He prefers a candidate which gives no gay marriage rights over a candidate who would support civil unions, because only the former leads to actual gay marriage.

Obviously Gaborn is either not a single-issue voter, or that is not his single-issue.
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