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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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"John McCain, while you may think he's a mesnch, is really a rapscallion! Enough is enough! The American people deserve more than mere skullduggery!"


Freedom = $1.05 said:
It's hard to pin down McCain's policies as he keeps going back on things on a regular basis. He's a paradoxical candidate if I ever saw one.
I'd say he's more just desperate to get into office and he'll sell himself out completely.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
140.85 said:
So you're going to support 4 years of policies you disagree with becuase of 2 months of mudslinging? How long have you been into politics?

There's very little that is a "deal breaker" for me. I don't have "hot button" issues like a lot (most?) people. I look at candidates and parties as WHOLES, and base my voting decision on the entirety of their platform.

Example: I'm from the Midwest and very very much support the rights of gun owners. I even belonged to the NRA (although my membership is lapsed). McCain's stance towards gun owners would almost certainly friendlier than Obama's if elected (no matter what O has been saying lately).

But the President makes a lot more decisions than on gun issues, or abortion, or immigration, or any other hot-button, divisive topic. And I was fairly split on the candidates' overall positions on governing, relative to my own.

I bring all this up because there is one, and ONLY one dealbreaker for me. One thing candidate can do that will make me dismiss them out-of-hand. And that's lie. Not distort, or take out of context, or mis-remember, or spin. All those things are nasty necessities. But when you out-right LIE to try and get ahead, you're done. I'm through with you. And lying seems to be the McCain campaign's M.O., lately.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
GDJustin said:
There's very little that is a "deal breaker" for me. I don't have "hot button" issues like a lot (most?) people. I look at candidates and parties as WHOLES, and base my voting decision on the entirety of their platform.

Example: I'm from the Midwest and very very much support the rights of gun owners. I even belonged to the NRA (although my membership is lapsed). McCain's stance towards gun owners would almost certainly friendlier than Obama's if elected (no matter what O has been saying lately).

But the President makes a lot more decisions than on gun issues, or abortion, or immigration, or any other hot-button, divisive topic. And I was fairly split on the candidates' overall positions on governing, relative to my own.

I bring all this up because there is one, and ONLY one dealbreaker for me. One thing candidate can do that will make me dismiss them out-of-hand. And that's lie. Not distort, or take out of context, or mis-remember, or spin. All those things are nasty necessities. But when you out-right LIE to try and get ahead, you're done. I'm through with you. And lying seems to be the McCain campaign's M.O., lately.

My dream political party would be the republican party, but without any religious dogma or influence.

WTF @ repubs believing you and legislate what people can and can't do in their bedroom.

WTF @ dems believing government is the answer to all the country's problems.

How can Republicans espouse personal liberty when it comes to gun rights, but then try to justify domestic spying, and not allowing gays to marry? Gay marriage and owning guns are two sides of the SAME issue.

How can Democrats say with a straight face that they'll lower taxes, while providing health care and other incredibly massive services to the public?

Tamanon said:
He's pro-stem cell, or he has kinda been, Palin's anti-stem cell.

I guess these ads are trying to showcase his maverick ways and how he'll change Washington? He figures he has the right in his pocket well enough he can start talking about issues they disagree with?


Well until he campaigned in the primaries and said that he didn't even support his own immigration bill.:lol I think that's the weirder thing, somehow he became the candidate where we actually don't know where he stands on the issues.
Thunder Monkey said:
I'm not sure who this Sodahead is, but their ads are fucking great.:lol

From the makers of this:

Now bring you this:

Michelle looks like she's eat Obama, McCain, and Palin alive (in that Ad). :lol


GDJustin said:
My dream political party would be the republican party, but without any religious dogma or influence.

WTF @ repubs believing you and legislate what people can and can't do in their bedroom.

WTF @ dems believing government is the answer to all the country's problems.

How can Republicans espouse personal liberty when it comes to gun rights, but then try to justify domestic spying, and not allowing gays to marry? Gay marriage and owning guns are two sides of the SAME issue.

How can Democrats say with a straight face that they'll lower taxes, while providing health care and other incredibly massive services to the public?



Funky Papa

soul creator said:
at first, I thought that said Nambla, and thought to myself "well of course they would support McCain, after seeing his recent ad..."

BTW, I never imagined Taiwan was so conservative. Wow.
GhaleonEB said:
As Obama said earlier today:

"There is an old saying that Abraham Lincoln had about one of his opponents, he said if you don't stop lying about me, I'm going to have to start telling the truth about you."

YouTube please! Sounds fuck awesome!
GDJustin said:
My dream political party would be the republican party, but without any religious dogma or influence.

WTF @ repubs believing you and legislate what people can and can't do in their bedroom.

WTF @ dems believing government is the answer to all the country's problems.

How can Republicans espouse personal liberty when it comes to gun rights, but then try to justify domestic spying, and not allowing gays to marry?

How can Democrats say with a straight face that they'll lower taxes, while providing health care and other incredibly massive services to the public?


I don't even think most dems think government is the answer to all the country's problems. They just think it's an answer to the problems that the private sector and rampant deregulation has failed at so far.

And dems (currently, at least) do want lower taxes for most people, but want to raise them on people with higher income levels. And also to look for savings in other areas (like, wars). Of course, someone can be philosophically opposed to that, but Obama's proposed platform at least isn't just wildly spending. Some people even think Obama's proposed plans have too much compromise and doesn't go far enough with government.

Will he be able to do everything he plans? Likely not. But I don't really see it as the rampant blind spending that others see it as. Hell, Obama's "government" health care plan is nowhere near the "evil socialized medicine" that people seem to think it is.


Tamanon said:
Well until he campaigned in the primaries and said that he didn't even support his own immigration bill.:lol I think that's the weirder thing, somehow he became the candidate where we actually don't know where he stands on the issues.
I seriously think McCain figured he didn't have a chance in hell, but stuck around just in case. Need I remind you he was once at 3% in an ABC poll, behind pretty much every other GOP candidate last year.
soul creator said:
I don't even think most dems think government is the answer to all the country's problems. They just think it's an answer to the problems that the private sector and rampant deregulation has failed at so far.
soul creator said:
I don't even think most dems think government is the answer to all the country's problems. They just think it's an answer to the problems that the private sector and rampant deregulation has failed at so far.
soul creator said:
I don't even think most dems think government is the answer to all the country's problems. They just think it's an answer to the problems that the private sector and rampant deregulation has failed at so far.
soul creator said:
I don't even think most dems think government is the answer to all the country's problems. They just think it's an answer to the problems that the private sector and rampant deregulation has failed at so far.
Repeat ad inifinitum.
I sense a POW response to this

A pretty scathing charge from Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., this morning as he spoke to the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers and assailed Sen. John McCain's, R-Ariz., position on free trade.

"Just ask the machinists in Pennsylvania who build Harley-Davidsons," Obama said of McCain's record. "Because John McCain didn’t just oppose the requirement that the government buy American-made motorcycles, he called Buy American provisions 'disgraceful.' Just ask the workers across this country who have seen their jobs outsourced. The very companies that shipped their jobs overseas have been rewarded with billions of dollars in tax breaks that John McCain supports and plans to continue.

"So, when American workers hear John McCain talking about putting 'Country First,'" Obama said, "it’s fair to ask –- which country?"

"for 5 1/2 years, McCain didn't have free trade -- in fact, he wasn't free at all"
ghibli99 said:
BTW, the more I hear and read about Biden, the more I just love this guy. All his mistakes actually work for him, not against him, and his recoveries/corrections crack me up. It's amazing, and man, I'm riveted when I listen to him speak.

Biden was definitely a solid choice. He's got that ability to improvise that we never really saw in Hillary. When Hillary tried to crack a joke and all, she seemed almost sterile. Biden, on the other hand? The guy is a master at rolling with a crowd.


Setec Astronomer
Sarah Palin said:
And it's not inappropriate for a mayor or for a governor to request and to work with their Congress and their congressmen, their congresswomen, to plug into the federal budget along with every other state a share of the federal budget for infrastructure.
And what are these called? Earmarks.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
soul creator said:
I don't even think most dems think government is the answer to all the country's problems. They just think it's an answer to the problems that the private sector and rampant deregulation has failed at so far.

And dems (currently, at least) do want lower taxes for most people, but want to raise them on people with higher income levels. And also to look for savings in other areas (like, wars). Of course, someone can be philosophically opposed to that, but Obama's proposed platform at least isn't just wildly spending. Some people even think Obama's proposed plans have too much compromise and doesn't go far enough with government.

Will he be able to do everything he plans? Likely not. But I don't really see it as the rampant blind spending that others see it as. Hell, Obama's "government" health care plan is nowhere near the "evil socialized medicine" that people seem to think it is.

I'm not knowledgeable enough to speak to this on any authority (who is?) but I consider myself fairly well-educated on Obama's tax plan, and you're right, as someone making (relatively) low income, I'd be taxed less under Obama.

But this isn't just about me and the tax that I pay. If you take taxes from millionaires, corporations, property owners... if you take it off the top of things people buy... this is all still money coming from the American people and going TO the US Government.

I don't like it, and I don't support it. I think our government is depressingly inefficient, and I don't support where all that money goes. Billions upon billions spent upon the most inane bullshit. Or worse, on things government doesn't NEED to be touching in the first place.

I'm not exactly mad at Obama for proposing a tax plan that will put money in my wallet, but there's bigger things I'm concerned about than my wallet...


How come the gals on "View" had the guts to grill McCain but the MSM doesn't? That is the problem with political coverage today. It's become like entertainment coverage..


polyh3dron said:
Oh dear... That can backfire so many ways but fuck it, it's time to go all out and hit them with accusations faster than they can respond.
The shift that is emerging it to hit McCain on his perceived strengths, but to do it via policy posistions. That can be taken as a shot against McCain's patriotism, but it's rooted in a policy posision. It's not abstract - he's saying if you put county first then you'll put your money (or policy) where your mouth is.

I like where this is going.
polyh3dron said:
Oh dear... That can backfire so many ways but fuck it, it's time to go all out and hit them with accusations faster than they can respond.

The attack on his honor is perfect. It forces him to POW it up or to sit back and let it stand. And he can't milk the POW forever. Eventually he has to talk policy :D


Cloudy said:
How come the gals on "View" had the guts to grill McCain but the MSM doesn't? That is the problem with political coverage today. It's become like entertainment coverage..

To be fair, McCain hasn't had a press avail in almost a month.
Cloudy said:
How come the gals on "View" had the guts to grill McCain but the MSM doesn't? That is the problem with political coverage today. It's become like entertainment coverage..

And with shows like TDS and Colbert entertainment becomes more and more like journalism. Only in America.


I think Obama should make an ad ridiculing McCain's obsession with attacking him.

McCain, what is your solution to the energy crisis? "Barack Obama"

McCain, how do you feel about the war in Iraq? "Barack Obama"

etc. McCain's answers to the biggest questions facing us today is Barack Obama.
GhaleonEB said:
The shift that is emerging it to hit McCain on his perceived strengths, but to do it via policy posistions. That can be taken as a shot against McCain's patriotism, but it's rooted in a policy posision. It's not abstract - he's saying if you put county first then you'll put your money (or policy) where your mouth is.

I like where this is going.

Don't forget to watch Lou Dobb's "Independent Convention". This is probably as close as he'll get to the presidency (and most of America sounds a sigh of relief).

Get ready for the Obama hate on CNN starting at 7pm. :D


soul creator said:
I sense a POW response to this

"for 5 1/2 years, McCain didn't have free trade -- in fact, he wasn't free at all"
I don't like that line of attack. Arguing that McCain is putting other countries first by supporting free trade strikes me as both disingenuous and a bad message. Is McCain really motivated by what is best for other countries at expense of America? REALLY? (of course Pat Buchanan would argue that his foreign policy adviser puts Georgia first.) It would bother me less if he said something like "instead of putting country first, John McCain puts corporate greed first."
kevm3 said:
I think Obama should make an ad ridiculing McCain's obsession with attacking him.

McCain, what is your solution to the energy crisis? "Barack Obama"

McCain, how do you feel about the war in Iraq? "Barack Obama"

etc. McCain's answers to the biggest questions facing us today is Barack Obama.
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