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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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kevm3 said:
I think Obama should make an ad ridiculing McCain's obsession with attacking him.

McCain, what is your solution to the energy crisis? "Barack Obama"

McCain, how do you feel about the war in Iraq? "Barack Obama"

etc. McCain's answers to the biggest questions facing us today is Barack Obama.
I was thinking of an ad that started with the question: "What does John McCain stand for?"

Run through all this discredited attacks. Quotes from the press calling them lies, etc.

Ask in closing: "Why does John McCain spend all his time lying about Barack Obama? Because if he talked about his own proposals, you would see them for what they really are."

End with standard shot of Bush and McCain making out, more of the same quip.


Lemonz said:
Oh my god, here's the series of hoops I've had to jump through just to watch that:
1. Download flip4mac
2. Install
3. Find that flip4mac requires media 9 plugin
4. Find windows media 9 plugin, but in stuffit format
5. Go to mac website to download, but find it directs me to stuffit file (stuffit sucks, and is very hard to remove)
6. Bite my tongue and try to get stuffit anyway
7. Realize that stuffit requires a name, and email to let you download, make fake name and emai
8. "The download link will be sent to your email address!"
10. Install stuffit
11. Unpack Windows media file
12. Install windows media
14. Open link in Firefox "DOWNLOAD FLIP4MAC VIDEO PLUGIN LOL!"


Oh look
CNN said:
Flip4Mac is not currently compatible with CNN Video's live streams, though Mac users can easily access all of CNN Video’s content by using the Firefox browser, or by disabling the Safari Internet plug-in as detailed below. CNN Video is investigating the issue and will keep this section updated with any developments in Flip4Mac compatibility.
Oh, guess what, fuck you CNN, next time pick a format everyone can use.
Dolphin said:
Oh my god, here's the series of hoops I've had to jump through just to watch that:
1. Download flip4mac
2. Install
3. Find that flip4mac requires media 9 plugin
4. Find windows media 9 plugin, but in stuffit format
5. Go to mac website to download, but find it directs me to stuffit file (stuffit sucks, and is very hard to remove)
6. Bite my tongue and try to get stuffit anyway
7. Realize that stuffit requires a name, and email to let you download, make fake name and emai
8. "The download link will be sent to your email address!"
10. Install stuffit
11. Unpack Windows media file
12. Install windows media
14. Open link in Firefox "DOWNLOAD FLIP4MAC VIDEO PLUGIN LOL!"



Dolphin said:
Oh my god, here's the series of hoops I've had to jump through just to watch that:
1. Download flip4mac
2. Install
3. Find that flip4mac requires media 9 plugin
4. Find windows media 9 plugin, but in stuffit format
5. Go to mac website to download, but find it directs me to stuffit file (stuffit sucks, and is very hard to remove)
6. Bite my tongue and try to get stuffit anyway
7. Realize that stuffit requires a name, and email to let you download, make fake name and emai
8. "The download link will be sent to your email address!"
10. Install stuffit
11. Unpack Windows media file
12. Install windows media
14. Open link in Firefox "DOWNLOAD FLIP4MAC VIDEO PLUGIN LOL!"


Obama hasn't gone on yet, they're just talking about Ike.


Dolphin said:
Oh my god, here's the series of hoops I've had to jump through just to watch that:
1. Download flip4mac
2. Install
3. Find that flip4mac requires media 9 plugin
4. Find windows media 9 plugin, but in stuffit format
5. Go to mac website to download, but find it directs me to stuffit file (stuffit sucks, and is very hard to remove)
6. Bite my tongue and try to get stuffit anyway
7. Realize that stuffit requires a name, and email to let you download, make fake name and emai
8. "The download link will be sent to your email address!"
10. Install stuffit
11. Unpack Windows media file
12. Install windows media
14. Open link in Firefox "DOWNLOAD FLIP4MAC VIDEO PLUGIN LOL!"


If you want to be a MAC user in this windows world you need deal with the suffering :lol , but just know that the sacrifices of you and your fellow mac-ers will be legendary.


Dolphin said:
Oh my god, here's the series of hoops I've had to jump through just to watch that:
1. Download flip4mac
2. Install
3. Find that flip4mac requires media 9 plugin
4. Find windows media 9 plugin, but in stuffit format
5. Go to mac website to download, but find it directs me to stuffit file (stuffit sucks, and is very hard to remove)
6. Bite my tongue and try to get stuffit anyway
7. Realize that stuffit requires a name, and email to let you download, make fake name and emai
8. "The download link will be sent to your email address!"
10. Install stuffit
11. Unpack Windows media file
12. Install windows media
14. Open link in Firefox "DOWNLOAD FLIP4MAC VIDEO PLUGIN LOL!"


Oh look

Oh, guess what, fuck you CNN, next time pick a format everyone can use.
That's funny, you should have gotten The Unarchiver (and Perian, for good measure).
Wait . . . Palin is now saying the 'Bridge to Nowhere' is an embarrassment?

So . . . I guess you lied to the whole world with that "Thanks, but No Thanks" bullshit story? :lol

Say it ain't so Ms.'Reformer'!
GDJustin said:
I'm not knowledgeable enough to speak to this on any authority (who is?) but I consider myself fairly well-educated on Obama's tax plan, and you're right, as someone making (relatively) low income, I'd be taxed less under Obama.

But this isn't just about me and the tax that I pay. If you take taxes from millionaires, corporations, property owners... if you take it off the top of things people buy... this is all still money coming from the American people and going TO the US Government.

I don't like it, and I don't support it. I think our government is depressingly inefficient, and I don't support where all that money goes. Billions upon billions spent upon the most inane bullshit. Or worse, on things government doesn't NEED to be touching in the first place.

I'm not exactly mad at Obama for proposing a tax plan that will put money in my wallet, but there's bigger things I'm concerned about than my wallet...

well, I tend to think that's what happens when you (not you specifically, but the general populace) elect people into government who openly campaign on a concept of not liking government, heh. What seems to have happened over the past 30 years is that Republicans campaign on a platform of how inefficient government is, and then set out to prove so once they actually get in control. It's like hiring someone who hates video games to be on your dev team. If we elect people who go into government with the mindset that it's inherently inefficient...then how will government ever become efficient?

And government is supposed to be "for the people, by the people", so what people should see their tax dollars as is an investment into the wellbeing of society as a whole. The US government (theoretically) shouldn't be seen as some wholly separate entity that citizens are completely apart from. Of course, this requires the populace to take an active role in their government.

And for a lot of people it seems odd to rail against the inefficiences of government bureaucracy, but for whatever reason find private bureaucracy perfectly acceptable. At least with government you can vote people out :p

Of course, it's possible for dems to swing wildly in the opposite direction, but based on recent history, dems seem to be the far more reasonable of the two and more likely to control costs/reign in spending/etc.



soul creator said:
well, I tend to think that's what happens when you (not you specifically, but the general populace) elect people into government who openly campaign on a concept of not liking government, heh.

Yeah, government just needs the right PEOPLE to work. It's the PEOPLE that are the problem. If only we had the best and the brightest people telling us all what to do we'd all be better off.


GhaleonEB said:
I was thinking of an ad that started with the question: "What does John McCain stand for?"

Run through all this discredited attacks. Quotes from the press calling them lies, etc.

Ask in closing: "Why does John McCain spend all his time lying about Barack Obama? Because if he talked about his own proposals, you would see them for what they really are."

End with standard shot of Bush and McCain making out, more of the same quip.

That would be a good series of ads to create. One asking what is McCain going to do for the country, and not what his obsession with Barack is about.

I also think they should go for a "Lies you can believe in" campaign, showing clips of the constant lies the McCain camp can believe in. "Palin says she was against the bridge from nowhere, when she was really for it before she was against it." "McCain says Obama's bill that protects kindergarteners against sex education was about teaching kids about sex." "McCain Palin brining lies you can believe in.


Setec Astronomer
Gaborn said:
Yeah, government just needs the right PEOPLE to work. It's the PEOPLE that are the problem. If only we had the best and the brightest people telling us all what to do we'd all be better off.
Indeed, because if we don't have people accountable on the basis of voting then we'd just have people accountable only on the basis of money.


Hitokage said:
Indeed, because if we don't have people accountable on the basis of voting then we'd just have people accountable only on the basis of money.

I'm not sure I mentioned the word "accountable" there. I will say though it's a lot easier to live with a corrupt business than to live under a corrupt government, and the former is a lot less likely to affect your life.


formerly sane
Gaborn said:
I'm not sure I mentioned the word "accountable" there. I will say though it's a lot easier to live with a corrupt business than to live under a corrupt government, and the former is a lot less likely to affect your life.

What happens when business corrupts government, which banking is responsible for on a global scale.


soul creator said:
well, I tend to think that's what happens when you (not you specifically, but the general populace) elect people into government who openly campaign on a concept of not liking government, heh. What seems to have happened over the past 30 years is that Republicans campaign on a platform of how inefficient government is, and then set out to prove so once they actually get in control. It's like hiring someone who hates video games to be on your dev team. If we elect people who go into government with the mindset that it's inherently inefficient...then how will government ever become efficient?

And government is supposed to be "for the people, by the people", so what people should see their tax dollars as is an investment into the wellbeing of society as a whole. The US government (theoretically) shouldn't be seen as some wholly separate entity that citizens are completely apart from. Of course, this requires the populace to take an active role in their government.

And for a lot of people it seems odd to rail against the inefficiences of government bureaucracy, but for whatever reason find private bureaucracy perfectly acceptable. At least with government you can vote people out :p

Of course, it's possible for dems to swing wildly in the opposite direction, but based on recent history, dems seem to be the far more reasonable of the two and more likely to control costs/reign in spending/etc.


"The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it."

- P.J. O'Rourke
What does it say about a society when it has more serious regulation and governance over the truth in advertising commercial products and services than truth in advertising of political campaigns? Never understood it...


LCGeek said:
What happens when business corrupts government, which banking is responsible for on a global scale.

Did banking corrupt government, or did government, through it's proxy the federal reserve system, corrupt banking? Altering the money supply creates bubbles in different sectors of the economy which then burst.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Dolphin said:
Oh my god, here's the series of hoops I've had to jump through just to watch that:
1. Download flip4mac
2. Install
3. Find that flip4mac requires media 9 plugin
4. Find windows media 9 plugin, but in stuffit format
5. Go to mac website to download, but find it directs me to stuffit file (stuffit sucks, and is very hard to remove)
6. Bite my tongue and try to get stuffit anyway
7. Realize that stuffit requires a name, and email to let you download, make fake name and emai
8. "The download link will be sent to your email address!"
10. Install stuffit
11. Unpack Windows media file
12. Install windows media
14. Open link in Firefox "DOWNLOAD FLIP4MAC VIDEO PLUGIN LOL!"


Oh look

Oh, guess what, fuck you CNN, next time pick a format everyone can use.
Current Flip4Mac version doesn't work with CNN Live in FF (I think it works in Safari). Uninstall the stuff you installed in your list and then install Flip4Mac
rSpooky said:
LOL , I am not know to be one who listens to lyrics hehe, Does it really have a line in there about killing the yellow man?(I assume Japanese/Chinese??)
Yes, but that is because he is speaking in character as a Viet Nam vet.

The song Born in the USA is kinda ironic . . . it has the sound of a chest-thumping jingoist national song . . . but when you read the lyrics, you realize it is about both the pride and difficult struggles of an everyman soldier in America.

Born down in a dead mans town
The first kick I took was when I hit the ground
You end up like a dog thats been beat too much
Till you spend half your life just covering up

Born in the u.s.a., I was born in the u.s.a.
I was born in the u.s.a., born in the u.s.a.

Got in a little hometown jam
So they put a rifle in my hand
Sent me off to a foreign land
To go and kill the yellow man

Born in the u.s..a....

Come back home to the refinery
Hiring man said son if it was up to me
Went down to see my v.a. man
He said son, dont you understand

I had a brother at khe sahn
Fighting off the viet cong
Theyre still there, hes all gone

He had a woman he loved in saigon
I got a picture of him in her arms now

Down in the shadow of the penitentiary
Out by the gas fires of the refinery
Im ten years burning down the road
Nowhere to run aint got nowhere to go

Born in the u.s.a., I was born in the u.s.a.
Born in the u.s.a., Im a long gone daddy in the u.s.a.
Born in the u.s.a., born in the u.s.a.
Born in the u.s.a., Im a cool rocking daddy in the u.s.a.
Gaborn said:
Yeah, government just needs the right PEOPLE to work. It's the PEOPLE that are the problem. If only we had the best and the brightest people telling us all what to do we'd all be better off.

isn't the point of voting to elect people who do what you want them to do?

Corrupt business is "easier to deal with" if we're talking about a video game system. If we're talking about health care/oil/housing and other relatively basic public needs, then it's a bit of a different story.


speculawyer said:
Yes, but that is because he is speaking in character as a Viet Nam vet.

The song Born in the USA is kinda ironic . . . it has the sound of a chest-thumping jingoist national song . . . but when you read the lyrics, you realize it is about both the pride and struggles of an everyman in America.
aaah , see you can learn something new everyday.
Gaborn said:
Did banking corrupt government, or did government, through it's proxy the federal reserve system, corrupt banking? Altering the money supply creates bubbles in different sectors of the economy which then burst.
Uh oh . . . I smell a Ron Paul rant coming on . . . :lol


soul creator said:
isn't the point of voting to elect people who do what you want them to do?

I suppose that's basically correct.

Corrupt business is "easier to deal with" if we're talking about a video game system. If we're talking about health care/oil/housing and other relatively basic public needs, then it's a bit of a different story.

Actually in general I'd rather live in a private sector system for all of those things. Health care, if you don't like your current provider, switch! Oil isn't owned by the government in the US anyway, well, lands with oil are but you know what I'm saying. Government funded housing has never worked particularly well either, most people tend to view it as a trap they're unable to get out of.

Speculawyer - Not a rant, I'm just asking. Which corrupted which? The banking sector is not 8 years old.
So uh, what's going on with this Obama event in NH? I don't hear any more music and people are starting to look restless.

edit: wait Stevie Wonder just came on....


*drowns in jizz*
laserbeam said:
If McCain wins I think its well deserved. If the Democrats can't win 3 Elections in a Row that should have gone to them How can we trust them to handle the Government.

That was a fucking stupid analogy, even for you. If they lose, its the American people who have failed. Thats all their is to it. Obama has made his case. Any rational person has more than neough information to make a rational decision at this point. Obama has proven himself. Everything now is noise.
JCX9 said:
It creeps me out that the Obama emails always greet me as "friend"

I don't know them!
Hmm, mine say my name. Go sign up at barackobama.com and then they'll say your name. You can also go and tell them "I'm not your friend, buddy!"


That wolf ad was BRUTAL. Those are the kind of ads that Obama should be running. Hard hitting, serious ads. Not some goofy ad talking about McCain doesn't know about computers... Is there a way to give funding to that wolf ad so that it can be spread around on television? It's our duty to spread it around on the net.

Another ad I'd like to see is one like, "We've spent billions of dollars in Iraq and precious American blood in an unjustified war with no end in sight. *plays John McCain bomb Iran video clip. This is John McCain's foreign policy plan. Can we afford 4 more years of the same?


soul creator said:
I don't even think most dems think government is the answer to all the country's problems. They just think it's an answer to the problems that the private sector and rampant deregulation has failed at so far.

Quoted again (and again), until GDJustin gets it. The parties are not absolute extremes and I certainly don't support the government as the answer to all problems. Most Democrats don't either.

Oh, and let's not egg Gaborn into a discussion about economics or even socioeconomics. It's not his forté. Point in case, his last post.

And I have to hand it to ladies at The View. They kept their usually squabbling down and were fairly coherent for once.
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