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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
polyh3dron said:
However, Palin did refer to herself as a dog. One would infer that this would mean that it is OK to make statements referring to her as such.

Why won't you guys let me put a sex in that hot Tranny mouse?


Mandark said:
You watch the interview? It was a followup to the question of whether Georgia should be admitted into NATO, to which Palin said yes.

So she confirmed what NATO treated would dictate if *her preferred policy were enacted*.
Yea, what a stupid policy to prefer.
Obama wants Georgia in NATO
Bill sponsored by Biden and cosponsored by Obama strongly encouraging Georgia's admittance into NATO.

Palin said the right thing concerning this question. She wants Georgia in NATO so that it can continue to collectively deter Russia from using force.


What's even nicer about today's Gallup is that the weekend Gallups are usually not in Obama's favor, I wonder what it'll be like monday.


polyh3dron said:
OK he's been pointing this out for a long time though. If he and his campaign think that only repeating this is "hitting hard", they're crazy. .
How about this:


“We will take no lectures from John McCain who is cynically running the sleaziest and least honorable campaign in modern Presidential campaign history. His discredited ads with disgusting lies are running all over the country today. He runs a campaign not worthy of the office he is seeking,” said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.


I think he's going to come out swinging on Monday.
Juice said:
Saw the http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/ update just now and went :( when I saw that it has Obama losing 266 to McCain 277 in electoral after marking Ohio light red :( :(

The only part of the post I found particularly relevant is the observation of how when you are leading (no matter how small) the media and people say everything you are doing is right and when you are losing (no matter how small) everything you are doing is wrong. GAF also falls into this trap.


NetMapel said:
In the end, that's still just your belief. You believe those doctors are contract hitmen and there doesn't seem to be anything I say that can change your mind. That's fine because that's your belief.

No, I'm careful with my language. That's not a belief. That's not, "It's murder" "No it's not" "Well, it should be!" That's you take money to kill a innocent third party that happens to be a human being, and there's words for that.

But even were one to grant you that, "Well, that's like, your opinion, man," is not the strongest rebuttal around.

Look at it this way though, can you agree that, say, an athiest and Christian shouldn't push their own belief onto one another ? If so, then by supporting anti-abortion, you're only pushing your own belief onto another. Fundamentally, pro-choice doesn't limit choices of those who don't wish to get an abortion, and that is ultimately the way to go.

In the generalities you're talking about I'd agree with you.

However, I don't support the legality of child porn or slavery, and I don't support the legality of abortion. I understand that limits the choices of those that want to procure child porn or slaves, and I just don't give a damn. "Your rights end at the tip of my nose" and all that.

polyh3dron said:

Yes, I compare living human organisms to living human organisms. Crazy, right, lolol?
Why doesn't Obama just make a highly televised speech (ie. his speech on race) about lying in Presidential campaigns? He could ask the McCain camp to abstain from putting out lying ads, because he hasn't done so himself and the American people care about issues. Basically, a "call to issues" speech, to get the race focused on what matters, while drawing attention to the fact that the McCain campaign has been very misleading lately.

This will make the McCain camp look like assholes if they decline, and will stop the lying ads if they accept and force the issues back into voter's minds.


PhoenixDark said:
I'll believe it when I see it. Laughing at his inability to send emails and questioning his integrity and honest (seriously, John McCain?) is laughable

... What integrity or honesty has he been showing as of late?


GhaleonEB said:
How about this:


I think he's going to come out swinging on Monday.

Haha, the first blog comment is awesome:

My friends, thanks to the crack reporting of the Editors, most of us are familiar with the tragic tale of one of the more famous Republican pedophiles of the last few years. Of course, I speak of Mark Foley - whose perfectly understandable and totally normal lust for underaged Congressional page-boys led to his tragic undoing at the hands of a vindictive EmmEssEmm. The cost to the Homeland was enormous: Foley was an ardent Republican warrior in such wars as: the War on Terror, the War on Islamofascists, the War on Homosexuals (not to be confused with same-sex child molestation) and the War on the War on Christmas. Foley?s examplary career was undone mid-stride by an emboldened boy who, thanks to some liberal do-gooder, got it into his head that there was something inappropriate about Old Man Foley?s groping, leering and drooling. The media cried foul, and the country lost a great, great Republican ally. But Foley was not the only Republican felled by the nefarious plot to provide young children with the courage and resources to ruin perfectly healthy Republican Man-on-young child sexual relations. No my friends, in recent years, at least 46 other Republican stalwarts have fallen prey to this culture of victimhood (or 47, but whose counting?). So it is time that we draw a line in the sand. We cannot afford to sacrifice another Republican leader to the perfidy of children who tell the authorities when they are touched inappropriately by Republican leaders. If we do that, the terrorists will have already won. Gays too most likely. The first step in our War on Child Molestation Victims Speaking Out is to prevent legislation like that proposed by Barack ?What About the Children Sniffle, Sniffle? Obama and his pantywaist liberal cronies who don?t realize that this country is going soft by shielding children from Grand Ole Pedophilia. Where are we supposed to get our sociopathic will to fight from? My friends, I beseech you to join me in my effort to elect John McCain to the White House - a President that will truly put the interests of pedophiles ahead of whiney little children whose heads are filled with insidious liberal propaganda. John McCain: The only candidate willing to truly put country first by keeping experienced Republican pedophiles in office! http://thepoorman.net/2008/09/10/mccain-protecting-pedophiles-from-precocious-child-victims/

:lol :lol :lol


PhoenixDark said:
I'll believe it when I see it. Laughing at his inability to send emails and questioning his integrity and honest (seriously, John McCain?) is laughable
Two ads went on Friday. One excellent, one terrible. As I said, let's see how this goes on Monday. Obama is scaling things down a bit for the weekend due to Ike. This the fourth statement in a row directly questioning McCain's honor and calling him a liar. I want to see it amplified via commercials, Obama's stump and surrogates. If not, I'll likewise be very disappointed.


Small balls, big fun!
JD: You're comparing absolute rights based on sentience to absolute rights based on potential sentience.

If you want to answer the Sorites paradox by saying a grain of sand is a mound and the rest is a matter of scale that's your business. But don't act like it's totally dispositive and that anyone who disagrees is somehow denying fundamental scientific facts.
GhaleonEB said:
Two ads went on Friday. One excellent, one terrible. As I said, let's see how this goes on Monday. Obama is scaling things down a bit for the weekend due to Ike. This the fourth statement in a row directly questioning McCain's honor and calling him a liar. I want to see it amplified via commercials, Obama's stump and surrogates. If not, I'll likewise be very disappointed.

So you want national ads questioning jucking John McCain's honor? Obama is in no position to play ball on that thin ice


PhoenixDark said:
So you want national ads questioning jucking John McCain's honor? Obama is in no position to play ball on that thin ice
"John McCain served this country honorably as a soldier. Now, he's just another politician, lying and running a dishonorable campaign."

Something like that. Yes.

Chris R

Mom went to the Palin rally today and supposdly was right behind her on the stage, going to try to find some pics of it now :lol Also said she got a sign signed by both her and her husband (I told her to ebay it now while she can get some good cash)


GhaleonEB said:
"John McCain served this country honorably as a soldier. Now, he's just another politician, lying and running a dishonorable campaign."

Something like that. Yes.

Bingo. McCain the politician is a far cry from the soldier.


PhoenixDark said:
I'll believe it when I see it. Laughing at his inability to send emails and questioning his integrity and honesty (seriously, John McCain?) is laughable

Republican Tactic #1: Take your opponents strength and turn it into a negative while co-opting it for yourself.

See also: "McCain-Palin For Change!"

If they keep hammering it with concrete examples and Mccain continues bullshitting, which he will, it'll work. You know what's a good one? On The View, when Behar called the sex-ed-to-kindergartners ad a lie, McCain said it was not though he conveniently only addressed the lipstick garbage.

There's your honesty and integrity.


Small balls, big fun!
laserbeam said:
NATO has already confirmed Georgia will become a member. They are simply not getting special instant membership treatment.

That's a really disingenuous simplification. There is no unitary NATO agent, especially not in this case and Georgia's membership is very much up in the air.

I believe the Europeans (Sarkozy? Merkel?) have said (before the Russian invasion) that Georgia can't be admitted until the situations with Ossetia and Abkhazia have been resolved. There's a gulf between a simple Yes like Palin answered and a conditional one.


GhaleonEB said:
"John McCain served this country honorably as a soldier. Now, he's just another politician, lying and running a dishonorable campaign."

Something like that. Yes.
Ugh. Something with that much potential to backfire should be saved until a point where Obama's desperate.
GhaleonEB said:
"John McCain served this country honorably as a soldier. Now, he's just another politician, lying and running a dishonorable campaign."

Something like that. Yes.
Its all in the phrasing.

"WHILE John McCain once served our country with honor, he now dishonors its past and future with a campaign full of lies"


Trakdown said:
Bingo. McCain the politician is a far cry from the soldier.

Wow it would be awesome if the ad showed footage as him a POW with maybe some quotes from him back when he was released juxtaposed against the sleazy campaign ran against him in 2000 and then jumping to the slew of horrible lies he's told throughout the 2008 campaign culminating with that sex ed ad.

"John McCain, former POW. John McCain, current Bush politician."

But yeah, only as a last second Hail Mary.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
JayDubya said:
No, I'm careful with my language. That's not a belief. That's not, "It's murder" "No it's not" "Well, it should be!" That's you take money to kill a innocent third party that happens to be a human being, and there's words for that.

But even were one to grant you that, "Well, that's like, your opinion, man," is not the strongest rebuttal around.

In the generalities you're talking about I'd agree with you.

However, I don't support the legality of child porn or slavery, and I don't support the legality of abortion. I understand that limits the choices of those that want to procure child porn or slaves, and I just don't give a damn. "Your rights end at the tip of my nose" and all that.

Yes, I compare living human organisms to living human organisms. Crazy, right, lolol?

Look. You're not convincing. You just can't seem to get past the sticking point that potential sentience != actualized sentience.

Potential is far too wishy-washy when you consider just how many potentials there are. Sure, blastose has a high potential to actualise into sentience, but it also has a pretty high potential to be flushed away due to its hosts body chemistry imbalances.

I was especially disappointed by your weak strawmen when you were arguing this last time. Comparing potential sentience in blastose... to actualised, albeit temporarily inebriated sentience of an anasthetized patient? That was weak just like your case.


Still waiting on an unedited transcript of the Palin/Gibson interview not sourced to Mark Levin if anyone can find it. bumblebeetuna is still looking I guess.


polyh3dron said:
I'll let you know the next time I rub one out so you can condemn me for committing a holocaust.

Jay gets this line every time. Let's see how he answers and he better make it funny at least.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
By extension JayDubya would probably have us to believe sperm and eggs are all human lives as well.

A woman ovulating ? JayDubya: OMG YOU KILLING BABYZ


polyh3dron said:
I'll let you know the next time I rub one out so you can condemn me for committing a holocaust.

Hey, go take a shower while you're at it. Or better yet, just check your computer's innards for all that dust - forensic evidence of your crimes.

Or, you could stop being disingenuous and comparing cells that comprise part of an organism with the sum total of all the cells that comprise an organism, which is also called, well, an organism. There are 10 trillion cells in the adult human body. There are obviously fewer total cells in utero.

The legion of haploid sperm cells in your splooge are not each their own unique human organism. They're just part of your own body, until you exude them, where all but an almost statistically insignificant number of them die. And just like with the superficial skin cells you slough off all the time, every day, some of your cells have died, but you remain.


AniHawk said:


McCain's bounce is asstastic compared to our boy, both in intensity AND duration. It makes the Chicken Little act from some of you even funnier :lol


NetMapel said:
By extension JayDubya would probably have us to believe sperm and eggs are all human lives as well.

A woman ovulating ? JayDubya: OMG YOU KILLING BABYZ

Nooooooooo!! Haploids, diploids, ziploids, all kinds of damn oids and shit! Gah!

If I was a heckler, I'd be yelling "Get a new line already!"
GhaleonEB said:
"John McCain served this country honorably as a soldier. Now, he's just another politician, lying and running a dishonorable campaign."

Something like that. Yes.

It'll be interesting to see how that plays out. Honor in general seems like a rather Teflon aspect for McCain, especially when attacked by someone like Obama - lets face it, he's seen as "less patriotic" than McCain or any other major candidate.

I was thinking about Halperin last night, concerning something he said a few weeks ago. Everyone remembers laughing at him for suggesting the "how many houses do you own" strategy was a bad idea since it would open the door to Rezko assaults. That didn't happen of course but I've realized that conversation really sums up this race: Obama is on continuous defense, and can't get his offense going. So many lines of attack can be argued against due to the possible consequences, like these honor attacks for instance. McCain has shown no honor or integrity by lying about Obama, yet considering he's a very well respected/trusted politician will attacks on his honor work for a black guy who spent 20 years listening to anti-American sermons and has ties to American terrorists (blah blah blah)? That's not my analysis/opinion of it, but it's a very possible pit stop for this line of attack.
JayDubya said:
Hey, go take a shower while you're at it. Or better yet, just check your computer's innards for all that dust - forensic evidence of your crimes.

Or, you could stop being disingenuous and comparing cells that comprise part of an organism with the sum total of all the cells that comprise an organism, which is also called, well, an organism. There are 10 trillion cells in the adult human body. There are obviously fewer total cells in utero.
I'll mix in some jizz with some menstrual blood and then flush it down the toilet then, k?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
laserbeam said:
What would we do without Liberal Celebrities sharing their views when no one asked for it.

Why do people get so pissed at celebrities speaking their minds? It's fucking America, they have the right to do it. If it pisses anybody off, just don't buy their CDs or movies.

They are allowed to speak their minds in this country.


Crayon Shinchan said:
Look. You're not convincing. You just can't seem to get past the sticking point that potential sentience != actualized sentience.

And I don't argue from "potential," so I'm not sure what you're on about.
devilhawk said:
Yea, what a stupid policy to prefer.
Obama wants Georgia in NATO
Bill sponsored by Biden and cosponsored by Obama strongly encouraging Georgia's admittance into NATO.

Palin said the right thing concerning this question. She wants Georgia in NATO so that it can continue to collectively deter Russia from using force.
More details from an informed reader ...

That is not accurate, here is Obama's position.

There's a bit more on Georgia and Ukraine and NATO. What Obama and Biden favor is for NATO to offer these two countries accession to the "Membership Action Plan" (or MAP), a process set up in the late 1990s to help aspirant countries prepare for possible membership in the Alliance. MAP isn't a promise of membership, and the last members to join NATO were in MAP for nearly a decade. It would take at least as long for Ukraine and Georgia to become members of NATO, not least since one of the criterion for membership is that there are no territorial disputes involving the country that is requesting membership... A lot of mumbo jumbo on NATO accession procedures, this. But here's the kicker: What Palin said is that Ukraine and Georgia should become NATO members now. Not even Bush is arguing that. (He, too, favors MAP.) McCain was with Bush on this until recently and, I assume, if asked still is. Palin didn't know the distinction, and is suggesting that these countries get into NATO tomorrow. She may not realize that this is a decision that NATO members need to make collectively, all 27 of them, which won't happen, given that MAP was denied the countries just a few months ago...


PhoenixDark said:
I was thinking about Halperin last night, concerning something he said a few weeks ago. Everyone remembers laughing at him for suggesting the "how many houses do you own" strategy was a bad idea since it would open the door to Rezko assaults. That didn't happen of course

Actually it did. The McCain campaign brought up Rezko in their first or second response, it's just that nobody gave a shit.

And Halperin is a moron.
Guys, just stop arguing with JayDub over this. Believing that life begins at conception isn't a right/wrong issue, it's unprovable and depends on the arguer's own concept of "life." JayDub plainly disagrees with most people, and there's no way anyone is going to change his opinion.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
polyh3dron said:

These voters Obama has to reach don't know what lobbyists are, they probably think they're hotel employees that work in the lobbies or something, or even worse they're people who think that Obama's campaign has just as many lobbyists in it without actually checking it out.

Again, if this is the Obama campaign's idea of hitting back, they're gonna lose.

Get outta here with that BS. If McCain and Sarah are going to tell folks that they are going to run the lobbyist out of town and everybody cheers and Obama has to tell these people the truth about McCain and lobbyist.

It's that simple.


mckmas8808 said:
Get outta here with that BS. If McCain and Sarah are going to tell folks that they are going to run the lobbyist out of town and everybody cheers and Obama has to tell these people the truth about McCain and lobbyist.

It's that simple.

Only thing I see is the Ad implies they are current lobbyists while the website the obama camp setup says they are all former lobbyists.


McCain has shown no honor or integrity by lying about Obama, yet considering he's a very well respected/trusted politician will attacks on his honor work for a black guy who spent 20 years listening to anti-American sermons and has ties to American terrorists (blah blah blah)? That's not my analysis/opinion of it, but it's a very possible pit stop for this line of attack.

But it also keeps the media talking about how the ads have been debunked and puts more scrutiny on the McCain ad campaign. Also, I can see a brouhaha over that leading to an Obama speech about "same old" political attacks and how he'd like to change things..

Tough to tell. Most people will believe what they want to believe in the end..
Frank the Great said:
Guys, just stop arguing with JayDub over this. Believing that life begins at conception isn't a right/wrong issue, it's unprovable and depends on the arguer's own concept of "life." JayDub plainly disagrees with most people, and there's no way anyone is going to change his opinion.

That goes for pretty much all arguments on here which is why I never tend to go down that road in the first place with certain people but that's just me.

Arguing is pointless when both sides are entreched never to change their opinions.


laserbeam said:
Only thing I see is the Ad implies they are current lobbyists while the website the obama camp setup says they are all former lobbyists.

Since when did the truth/facts get in the way of a McCain attack ad? :lol


Frank the Great said:
JayDub plainly disagrees with most people, and there's no way anyone is going to change his opinion.

Most people here. But when someone calls the views I strongly identify with "cryptic bullshit," we're going to have words.


Cloudy said:
Since when did the truth/facts get in the way of a McCain attack ad? :lol

All I am saying is the AD is weak overall. McCain can say Bidens own son has been lobying for groups with questionable donations to Bidens campaign. All my staff is no longer employed as lobbyists and to joe schmoe topic is dead
Bumblebeetuna said:
Yeah, by cutting out basically everything she said about Russia and Georgia and making it seem as if she is just ready to send troops in tomorrow when in reality all she said is because of NATO, we would need to support Georgia if they joined. And support them by sanctions and diplomatic pressure, not war. She specifically says it doesn't have to be all out war but they edit it out and now you're seeing people go apeshit because omg she's starting shit with RUSSIA WTF :lol

You really think Putin is going to give a shit about her talking up sanctions? She'll have precisely zero political weight in this scenario. "Democratic nation with democratic ideals" means absolutely nothing in this current global climate. If she's going to try to impress upon Putin and the Russian government the values of democracy...when the US has basically shitted on our Bill of Rights...she's hopelessly naive. She can tout "diplomacy" all she wants. It won't matter as long as her national policies and ideologies are slaps in the face of government balance.

"And, Charlie, you’re in Alaska. We have that very narrow maritime border between the United States, and the 49th state, Alaska, and Russia. They are our next door neighbors.We need to have a good relationship with them. They’re very, very important to us and they are our next door neighbor." This part of her response is absolute nonsense. The world is NOT some piss-ant suburbia. The issues you have with a next-door neighbor are making sure a tree isn't hanging over the fence. Picking up their mail when they go on vacation. House-sitting, on occasion. Play-dates for the kids. Agreeing to have their kids over for a few hours after school. She betrays her own inexperience when she tries to use suburb lingo in the context of international relations.

Or when she tells Gibson that you can see Russia from Alaska but then they edit out her response when pressed on what that means, so it looks like Gibson asked her a serious question and her only response was "well dur you can see russia right there LOL".

GIBSON: What insight does that give you into what they’re doing in Georgia?

PALIN: Well, I’m giving you that perspective of how small our world is and how important it is that we work with our allies to keep good relation with all of these countries, especially Russia. We will not repeat a Cold War. We must have good relationship with our allies, pressuring, also, helping us to remind Russia that it’s in their benefit, also, a mutually beneficial relationship for us all to be getting along.

Sarah Palin on Russia:

We cannot repeat the Cold War. We are thankful that, under Reagan, we won the Cold War, without a shot fired, also. We’ve learned lessons from that in our relationship with Russia, previously the Soviet Union.

We will not repeat a Cold War. We must have good relationship with our allies, pressuring, also, helping us to remind Russia that it’s in their benefit, also, a mutually beneficial relationship for us all to be getting along.

A few important notes here.

One, the world is not small enough for her "next-door neighbor" approach. This isn't her hometown. "We're all in this together so let's get along" in the sense she's using it is a Disney "aw shucks" small town mantra that has no place in the geopolitical arena. She's trying to treat international politics in the same way she'd deal with a next-door neighbor. "We're able to see Russia" is clear evidence of that. But the world--especially as it relates to international politics--is much bigger than her hometown.

Two, we didn't "win" the Cold War. Nobody did. It wasn't a war for anyone to win; it was a war for everyone to lose. Both sides knew that if a shot were fired, it would be the end of civilization as we knew it. It was a stare-down. There was never going to be a shot fired. Palin claiming a US victory in the Cold War with no shots fired betrays her inexperience and lack of basic historical perspective.

Three, there will never be a repeat of the Cold War, because at this point, with the world in the state it is...there would be shots fired. It wouldn't be Cold War II. It would be World War III. And that war wouldn't even be with Russia. Name-dropping the Cold War makes it seem like she knows what she's talking about. But to the informed public, it's obvious she's just regurgitating talking point lines fed to her by the campaign.

And the whole Bush Doctrine bull, I'm sure they knew there are only about 7 different versions and explanations of the Bush Doctrine and that any person would seem confused when asked such a vague question about an issue with so many different meanings.

There's no confusion what the Bush Doctrine is, though. It's a foreign policy that allows the US to make a "preventative" attack against a nation that is believed to provide some sort of international threat. We can see the Bush Doctrine at work. It's the justification for the Iraq War (WMDs and links to Al Qaeda). It's going to be the justification to take announced military action against Iran (nuclear power). For Palin to be completely unaware of this is unsettling. She's an elected official. She should have been following the news.

And when Gibson explained it to her, her response was nonsensical gibberish. She didn't discuss policy details. She didn't explore how the US has used the Bush Doctrine in the War on Terror. She obviously had never even heard of the Bush Doctrine until Gibson brought it up.

Basically the whole thing paints her out to be some war mongering buffoon who doesn't know shit but if you read the unedited transcript she makes good points and says she hates war and wants to see it end.

No, the unedited transcript shows how she's completely unqualified for the job. She doesn't talk policy details, even when pressed for them. She has a simplistic and naive view of the world, and obviously believes it to be a mere extension of her own backyard in Wasilla. Further, in the unedited portions, she uses even more filler to pad up her replies, so she appears more knowledgeable than she really is. For example:

"these last couple of weeks … it has been overwhelming to me that confirmation of the message that Americans are getting sick and tired of that self-dealing and kind of that closed door, good old boy network that has been the Washington elite."

"And, Charlie, you’re in Alaska. We have that very narrow maritime border between the United States, and the 49th state, Alaska, and Russia. They are our next door neighbors.We need to have a good relationship with them. They’re very, very important to us and they are our next door neighbor."

"especially with new leadership coming in on January 20, being sworn on, on either ticket,"

"be vigilant against. We have got to be cognizant of what the consequences are[...]support, in this case[...]doesn’t have to lead, as I said, to a Cold War"

"in this case, we’re talking about Israel"

"I agree that a president’s job, when they swear in their oath to uphold our Constitution, their top priority is to defend the United States of America.

I know that John McCain will do that and I, as his vice president, families we are blessed with that vote of the American people and are elected to serve and are sworn in on January 20"

"And I do believe, though, that this war against extreme Islamic terrorists is the right thing. It’s an unfortunate thing, because war is hell and I hate war, and, Charlie"

That kind of shit is what you'd read in a Frosh Comp 101 paper when the student has no fucking idea what they're talking about. The student includes irrelevant details and numbers (Alaska being the 49th state, January 20th inauguration, etc) and clauses and phrases like "in this case," "cognizant of what the consequences are," "be vigilant against," "very narrow maritime border," and so on. Any Composition instructor would bitchslap the student who turns in a paper filled with drivel like that.
“We will take no lectures from John McCain who is cynically running the sleaziest and least honorable campaign in modern Presidential campaign history. His discredited ads with disgusting lies are running all over the country today. He runs a campaign not worthy of the office he is seeking,” said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.


POW is officially all used up at this point. All your POW honor is gone in my eyes after series of ads spouting pure unadulterated bullshit.
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