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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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JayDubya said:
Most people here. But when someone calls the views I strongly identify with "cryptic bullshit," we're going to have words.

Will you at least admit that McCain words it that way in hopes of wooing his audience into the bliss of "Zuh? Sounds okay."

Babs was right to call him out on it.
JayDubya said:
Most people here. But when someone calls the views I strongly identify with "cryptic bullshit," we're going to have words.

Pretty sure most people are in favor of a woman's right to choose. And I'm pretty sure the "strict constructionist" viewpoint is held by a vast minority of people. Most of the people who think they are strict constructionists will quickly and readily betray their own beliefs for a number of reasons (kind of like how Rehnquist did.)

I agree though that calling constructionism "cryptic" is a pretty shitty argument. There are tons of ways to point out how stupid it is, but calling it cryptic isn't one of them.
capslock said:
Excerpts from the ABC interview.



But wait. It gets better:

Seven votes on the RNC's list were votes Obama cast for measures that called for lowering certain taxes broadly and would have paid for the cuts by raising taxes on high-income individuals or corporations. The RNC didn't give Obama credit for voting for the lower taxes, of course.

Bu, bu, bu, but lower taxes for corporations!


laserbeam said:
All I am saying is the AD is weak overall. McCain can say Bidens own son has been lobying for groups with questionable donations to Bidens campaign. All my staff is no longer employed as lobbyists and to joe schmoe topic is dead

Just like the McCain ads. These aren't for "joe schmoes" who have made up their minds already or are heavily leaning one way. They're for people inclined to distrust either candidate.

Looking at it that way, I think it works. Just like the McCain ones do for folks who are looking for reasons NOT to vote for Obama as opposed to reasons to vote McCain..
Cloudy said:
But it also keeps the media talking about how the ads have been debunked and puts more scrutiny on the McCain ad campaign. Also, I can see a brouhaha over that leading to an Obama speech about "same old" political attacks and how he'd like to change things..

Tough to tell. Most people will believe what they want to believe in the end..

I'm not concerned the validity of the ads even matters. Voters may not like negative ads, but they think they're effective. This campaign has boiled down to

1. Obama does something (overseas trip, major policy speech, comment, etc)
2. McCain camp responds with shockingly negative ad riddled with errors (celebrity, sex ed, etc)
3. Obama responds with above-the-fray outrage
4. Media focuses on ad for week, not paying attention to real issues
5. Repeat

That's all this election is, a giant circus show with Obama as the main attraction. We won't know how things are really going until a week after the first debate imo, but right now McCain has been totally controlling the narrative and scope of this election since July
The Blue Jihad said:
That kind of shit is what you'd read in a Frosh Comp 101 paper when the student has no fucking idea what they're talking about. The student includes irrelevant details and numbers (Alaska being the 49th state, January 20th inauguration, etc) and clauses and phrases like "in this case," "cognizant of what the consequences are," "be vigilant against," "very narrow maritime border," and so on. Any Composition instructor would bitchslap the student who turns in a paper filled with drivel like that.

Any Composition instructor would also recognize the vast differences in oral and written argument.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Michael Moore wrote an article in Rolling Stone a few months back saying that the Dems have to stop saying JOHN MCCAIN IS SO HONORABLE.

Just stop saying it.


gkrykewy said:
Most people anywhere. And you do argue based on potential - a zygote is not an independent organism.

Seriously. He accused others for being disingenuous by saying a haploid cell is not the moral equivalent of a diploid cell, but he is the one putting the rights of a single cell over those of a fully sentient being. It's ridiculous.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
I'll believe it when I see it. Laughing at his inability to send emails and questioning his integrity and honest (seriously, John McCain?) is laughable

How is questioning McCain's integrity laughable?
"The Chckens... are coming home.... ....to roost!"

The McCain campaign's blunder wasn't going negative too early. The blunder was going negative while trashing the media and being arrogant toward them all at the same time.

Many in the mainstream media resent the McCain campaign for lumping them in with the Daily Kos smears and other far left blogs. The MSM didn't start talking about Bristol's pregnancy until the McCain campaign announced it.

The republicans spent most of their convention bashing the media.

Also a lot of journalist were clearly irked when multiple McCain spokesmen more or less said, "We don't give a shit what you think. Palin doesn't need to do interviews with you belt-way sexist elitist. Palin will only do interviews when it's in our best interest and you cow-tow to us."

The initial criticisms from the McCain campaign did make the media a bit gun-shy at first. But the McCain campaign went too far. Add to the fact, Palin is appearing to be more Myth than the Real Deal, I think the media finally decided to start calling out the McCain campaign on their BS.
Y2Kev said:
Michael Moore wrote an article in Rolling Stone a few months back saying that the Dems have to stop saying JOHN MCCAIN IS SO HONORABLE.

Just stop saying it.

Ther distinction is you honor his military service. That doesn't mean his politics and his campaign are honorable. You separate those two. Even still it is difficult because the media wil cherry pick it and try to spin it into a military attack ala Wesley Clark.
JayDubya said:
Yes, I compare living human organisms to living human organisms. Crazy, right, lolol?
Whatever. Abortion is legal is most of the western world. There are plenty of theocracy where it is illegal. Go join them. You just have this simplistic need for a simple black and white rule because you can't seem to deal with gray areas.

We understand the science. We just don't believe that a blastocyst gets the same rights as a born human. We disagree with you. It is that simple.


laserbeam said:
Oh I fully agree with you. Im just stating what the treaty the US entered into says and...

and this is where we kick the past in the nuts and give it a wet willy. I agree that videogames and movies are the domain of armchair generals.

Mercenaries 3 will be awesome.

Yes it will be based in Russia.

Yes I'm being psychic, don't argue with this.


bob_arctor said:
Will you at least admit that McCain words it that way in hopes of wooing his audience into the bliss of "Zuh? Sounds okay."

Babs was right to call him out on it.

I've never watched The View, so I don't know what McCain specifically said, but I've scrutinized McCain's position on this one very thoroughly based on his voting record and his known issue stances, etc.

For me, Paul beats McCain on that issue like on so many others, but the differences are subtle, and I agree with the broad strokes of McCain's views on that topic, I'm very happy it's him and not Romney or Giuliani.

I'm watching that now.


Edit: having watched it, he stated the position he holds and stated that the matter should belong to the states. That's not "cryptic bullshit."

Ron Paul was apparently on the View as well, facing the same question. Watching that now.


REV 09


Saturday, September 13, 2008
Religious right "Values Voters" summit sells racist waffle kit mocking Obama, blacks, Mexicans, Mrs. Obama
John Aravosis (DC) · 9/13/2008 02:59:00 PM ET · Link
32 Comments · reddit · FARK · Digg It! · Stumble It!

From AP:

While Obama Waffles takes aim at Obama's politics by poking fun at his public remarks and positions on issues, it also plays off the image of the classic pancake-mix icon Aunt Jemima, which has been widely criticized as a demeaning stereotype. Obama is portrayed with popping eyes and big, thick lips as he stares at a plate of waffles and smiles broadly.
Placing Obama in Arab-like headdress recalls the false rumor that he is a follower of Islam, though he is actually a Christian.
On the back of the box, Obama is depicted in stereotypical Mexican dress, including a sombrero, above a recipe for "Open Border Fiesta Waffles" that says it can serve "4 or more illegal aliens." The recipe includes a tip: "While waiting for these zesty treats to invade your home, why not learn a foreign language?"
The novelty item also takes shots at 2004 Democratic nominee John Kerry, Obama's wife, Michelle

First off, this is THE religious right summit. Just to show you how ungodly, how un-Christian, the religious really is. Second, just imagine the outcry if we'd sold "Cindy McCain drug testing kits" at our big conventions. McCain and Palin are speaking at this convention (as is Obama). Are they going to be speaking out against this blatant racism, sexism and Latino bashing, or does John McCain only care about prejudice when it's a lie that helps him win an election? Greg Mitchell has more, including a photo of the product.
September 13, 2008
'Values' Crowd Gobbles Up Obama as Aunt Jemima

Obama_waffles Oh, leave it to those "Values Voters." Many of the two thousand attendees at the conservative political forum Value Voters Summit on Saturday were "snapping up boxes of waffle mix depicting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama as a racial stereotype on its front and wearing Arab-like headdress on its top flap," the AP reports.

Mark Whitlock and Bob DeMoss, two writers from Franklin, Tenn., created the mix and are selling it for $10 a box from a booth at the Summit in Washington, D.C. -- which is sponsored by the lobbying arm of the Family Research Council. Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney are among speakers at the forum.

The packaging "plays off the image of the classic pancake-mix icon Aunt Jemima, which has been widely criticized as a demeaning stereotype," AP relates. "Obama is portrayed with popping eyes and big, thick lips as he stares at a plate of waffles and smiles broadly. Placing Obama in Arab-like headdress recalls the false rumor that he is a follower of Islam, though he is actually a Christian." On the back of the box, Obama is depicted in stereotypical Mexican dress, including a sombrero."


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
gluv65 said:
More details from an informed reader ...

That is not accurate, here is Obama's position.

There's a bit more on Georgia and Ukraine and NATO. What Obama and Biden favor is for NATO to offer these two countries accession to the "Membership Action Plan" (or MAP), a process set up in the late 1990s to help aspirant countries prepare for possible membership in the Alliance. MAP isn't a promise of membership, and the last members to join NATO were in MAP for nearly a decade. It would take at least as long for Ukraine and Georgia to become members of NATO, not least since one of the criterion for membership is that there are no territorial disputes involving the country that is requesting membership... A lot of mumbo jumbo on NATO accession procedures, this. But here's the kicker: What Palin said is that Ukraine and Georgia should become NATO members now. Not even Bush is arguing that. (He, too, favors MAP.) McCain was with Bush on this until recently and, I assume, if asked still is. Palin didn't know the distinction, and is suggesting that these countries get into NATO tomorrow. She may not realize that this is a decision that NATO members need to make collectively, all 27 of them, which won't happen, given that MAP was denied the countries just a few months ago...

Thank you for that very nice needed information. Makes what Palin said even worse.
laserbeam said:
Personally I think all celebrities should shut the fuck up and keep their opinions to themselves and support the campaign like every other American. Just because they are in a TV show or a movie doesn't mean we need them spouting off.

OK . . . then please tell Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, and the rest of those nut bags to shut the fuck up. Because what are they other than idiots with a TV show or radio program?

Limbaugh is nothing but a fat, thrice divorced with no children, anti-science, has been on welfare, college drop-out, junkie. Where does he get credibility to talk? Most of the actors that you whine (Tim Robbins, Garafalo, etc.) about at least graduated from college.


REV 09 said:

This isn't a surprise. I lived in Utah for 5 years, and believe me when I say, MANY heartland conservatives are racist, despite their constant claims to the contrary. Even upper income people in the midwest, I am not just talking about trailer-park dwellers.

Racism continues to be a major & underlying aspect of the Republican party, despite what they claim.
mckmas8808 said:
How is questioning McCain's integrity laughable?

Montana update
[T]he Obama campaign is relying on its ground game—in Montana, that’s the 15,000 or so volunteers making phone calls, knocking on doors and registering people to vote—to tip the election its way.

Montana Democratic Party spokesman Kevin O’Brien calls it "the most organized, biggest ground game in the history of Montana politics," and he predicts that a record number of new voters will head to the polls in November.

How many new voters? According to figures from the Montana Secretary of State’s office:

* 38,063 new voter registrations have been turned in since January 1. (This number does not include address changes.)
* Of these new voters, 24,405 are between the ages of 18 and 35 years old, a demographic that heavily favors Obama.
* 16,848 have registered since the June 3 primary, 10,841 of whom are between 18 and 35.
* The numbers may not seem huge, but Montana had only 630,633 registered voters (and 285,215 votes cast) on June 3. There were 456,096 votes cast in the general election in 2004.

In Missoula County, which may be somewhat of an outlier being a college town, elections administrator Vickie Zeier said the elections office is already working overtime to process the rush of registrations (8,099 since the primary), the earliest it’s ever had to do so.

The ground game+Ron Paul on the ballot could equal an Obama win.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
I'm not concerned the validity of the ads even matters. Voters may not like negative ads, but they think they're effective. This campaign has boiled down to

1. Obama does something (overseas trip, major policy speech, comment, etc)
2. McCain camp responds with shockingly negative ad riddled with errors (celebrity, sex ed, etc)
3. Obama responds with above-the-fray outrage
4. Media focuses on ad for week, not paying attention to real issues
5. Repeat

That's all this election is, a giant circus show with Obama as the main attraction. We won't know how things are really going until a week after the first debate imo, but right now McCain has been totally controlling the narrative and scope of this election since July

This is a lie. I'd say since some time in August. But then it stopped when the DNC started. And now it's about Palin and NOT McCain.

They keep pushing Palin and not McCain will hurt them in the end.


lawblob said:
This isn't a surprise. I lived in Utah for 5 years, and believe me when I say, MANY heartland conservatives are racist, despite their constant claims to the contrary. Even upper income people in the midwest, I am not just talking about trailer-park dwellers.

Racism continues to be a major & underlying aspect of the Republican party, despite what they claim.

Holy shit, this is fucking breaking news right here. I am going to DIGG this.
mckmas8808 said:
This is a lie. I'd say since some time in August. But then it stopped when the DNC started. And now it's about Palin and NOT McCain.

They keep pushing Palin and not McCain will hurt them in the end.

I'm not counting conventions for obvious reasons. With respect to Palin, Palin=McCain; the campaign has been controlling the entire narrative, the only different now is that they're also using Palin as a shield.

Funky Papa

http://www.obamawaffles.com for those who want to order a couple of them (just kidding)

Personally I don't see the picture particulary offensive as per is, but the rest of the description is quite disgraceful. Obama in Arab garb? Really? Time to drop that one, retards.


PhoenixDark said:
I'm not counting conventions for obvious reasons. With respect to Palin, Palin=McCain; the campaign has been controlling the entire narrative, the only different now is that they're also using Palin as a shield.

While I generally agree with you, all they've managed is a tracking poll tie. Plus solidifying Georgia.


vangace said:
it was only a matter of time before they started showing their racist true colors:lol

Also note, the JSA defenders will brush this off as "just fringe elements", but let anyone here utter some whack shit (like v1cious last night), and it's suddenly a deplorable new low that each and every one of us is personally responsible for :lol
Frank the Great said:
Any Composition instructor would also recognize the vast differences in oral and written argument.

True. Though...even a Composition instructor would mark down on an oral argument if the student included "49th state," "January 20th," or "that's the beauty of Democracy." Sure, people are going to fuck up in these kinds of situations, but even with the bar set lower for the oral argument...there's some pretty inexcusable nonsense.


Funky Papa said:
http://www.obamawaffles.com for those who want to order a couple of them (just kidding)

Personally I don't see the picture particulary offensive as per is, but the rest of the description is quite disgraceful. Obama in Arab garb? Really? Time to drop that one, retards.

:lol @ the "Sarah Palin Special" and bullet points:

* Amaze and mystify your liberal friends
* Great conversation starter for your desk at work
* Serve for breakfast after the election . . . especially if your candidate wins!
* The souvenir conservatives crave . . . and liberals dread
* The perfect gift for a liberal friend who has everything . . . given to him by the government, of course.

"Hey asshole, what's with the fucking racist waffles?"

"Funny you should ask--"

*fist in face*


gkrykewy said:

Holy fuck, this man is old. He looks like the bedridden dude at the end of 2001. And clutching his chest. HRNGAAA

There are way, WAY too many pics of McCain looking like he's clutching his chest.



"I didn't decide to run for president to start a national crusade for the political reforms I believed in or to run a campaign as if it were some grand act of patriotism. In truth, I wanted to be president because it had become my ambition to be president. . . . In truth, I'd had the ambition for a long time."
- John McCain

:lol :lol :lol

But wait, there's more...


"I had promised to tell the truth no matter what," McCain wrote in the book. "When I broke it, I had not just been dishonest, I had been a coward, and I had severed my own interests from my country's. That was what made the lie unforgivable."
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