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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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REV 09

I'm in South Carolina. I realize that my state is going red this year, and will probably continue to go red for years to come. Given my circumstances, i feel that the most beneficial thing that I can do to support Obama's campaign is to help fund his operations in the states that do matter. That is why I'm not just going to vote on November 4th, but I'm also going to vote today..with my wallet. I just gave $100 to Obama-Biden. This marks my second donation to the Obama campaign (I had never donated to a political campaign before this election). Anyone want to join me?

I just took the next step towards owning a piece of the political process; I made a donation to Barack Obama's presidential campaign.

But it's going to take more than just me and the others who've acted so far -- it's going to take a movement.

It's going to take millions of people working together to compete against John McCain and the RNC in all 50 states. They are raising more money than ever -- collecting huge checks from Washington lobbyists and special interest PACs who will do everything in their power to maintain their influence in Washington with a third term of George Bush's disastrous policies.

We're not going to play that game.

Barack Obama is not taking any contributions from Washington lobbyists or political action committees.

We're transforming the political process by bringing together millions of ordinary Americans in a campaign that's owned by no one but the people.

At this crucial moment in history, will you join us by making a donation?



OuterWorldVoice said:
I thought you were an atheist. Not a dig. Srsly thought you were.

"Side of the angels" is a common expression (idiom? is that the term?), and I'm free to reference mythological figures.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
:lol at Gerafolo owning John Fund on the free market system. He tried to make it look like the government adding some oversight after the Enron fiasco was a bad thing. What a dick.

He's completely intellectually dishonest.


REV 09 said:
I'm in South Carolina. I realize that my state is going red this year, and will probably continue to go red for years to come. Given my circumstances, i feel that the most beneficial thing that I can do to support Obama's campaign is to help fund his operations in the states that do matter. That is why I'm not just going to vote on November 4th, but I'm also going to vote today..with my wallet. I just gave $100 to Obama-Biden. This marks my second donation to the Obama campaign (I had never donated to a political campaign before this election). Anyone want to join me?
Your district could turn blue.


Diablos said:
Looks like McCain lost a point, though.

The most likely 2012 GOP pool of candidates will probably be...


Maybe Rudy. But I doubt it.

Romney - Jindal would be a formidable ticket in 2012.

Mittens will hire better campaign strategists, and Jindal would take away the 'Ken Doll' phoniness.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
JayDubya said:
Hey, if Bob wants to bring things up along these lines, and you want to fuss at me, bring your A-game, because I'm always up for this.

:lol @ "For the last time." Oh, I get it, you're super duper serious, and this is the end of it. "LET THIS BE OUR FINAL BATTLE" or some shit. Where's that He-Man screencap?

I'm all about personal choice, but aggressive homicide is not a private, personal choice, it is a social evil. The fact that was trussed up as related to the right to privacy by Blackmun does not make it so. Point in fact, I'm not sure how the Supreme Court believes they can enforce an un-enumerated right, as defined by an un-enumerated right, as interpreted by how they think an amendment would have been written if it was written by themselves.

Legal abortion is a social evil and a human rights abuse. The 1800s equivalent is saying "Don't tell me I can't own slaves! You don't have to own one if you don't want to!"

It also means that contract killers cannot legally practice in my state, and strongly encourages people who feel that hiring them is ethically appropriate to GTFO.

I don't want to be a "slave state." We were quite happy being on the side of the angels down here in Texas before Blackmun decided he was the law [/Judge Dredd].

Of course not. There's always a black market for anything.

With guns and drugs, the argument of "people will do it anyway" has always played second fiddle to me next to "there's absolutely no reason for people to restrict the freedom of the individual when they're not hurting any one else."

There are some things, however - slavery, child porn, abortion, etc. - that fundamentally violate human rights, and while there always will be a black market for these things, that is not a relevant fact regarding their legality / illegality.

Only in a state of total barbarism or anarchy would the freedom to kill others on a whim without just cause, without self-defense, be regarded as a neccessary freedom.

You mean the scientific stand? Oh, I'm sorry, I can read a Biology text, my bad.

The wife and I have donated to relevant charities and we've frequently discussed adoption and informed our parents of our intention about the relative likelihood of doing so at some point in the future.

That about cover it, Mapel?

In the end, that's still just your belief. You believe those doctors are contract hitmen and there doesn't seem to be anything I say that can change your mind. That's fine because that's your belief. Look at it this way though, can you agree that, say, an athiest and Christian shouldn't push their own belief onto one another ? If so, then by supporting anti-abortion, you're only pushing your own belief onto another. Fundamentally, pro-choice doesn't limit choices of those who don't wish to get an abortion, and that is ultimately the way to go.


Deku said:

We're now far out enough that if the streams cross in the next few days, Obama would have gotten the bigger bounce of the two, despite having his bounce cut short by Palin and the RNC.
Yeah, it's worth noting that McCain was +2 at the start of the Dem convention. So after two veeps and two conventions, Gallup is back right where it was before.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Agent Icebeezy said:
When people try to bullshit through something like an interview, they hang on to a word or name to get through it. It is a talltale sign that someone is out of their league.
Yep, Olbermann pointed this out too. It's supposed to be humanizing too. Like, "Stop asking me hard questions, Charlie. I'm your friend, Charlie. I know you."

no you don't, moron

reilo said:
:lol at Gerafolo owning John Fund on the free market system. He tried to make it look like the government adding some oversight after the Enron fiasco was a bad thing. What a dick.

He's completely intellectually dishonest.

Absolutely. Snake in the grass.

lo escondido

Apartheid is, in fact, not institutional racism
Is there any way to find a list of coming rallies? because I really want to go to one and i live in central florida so there's bound to be some before the 4th
lawblob said:
Romney - Jindal would be a formidable ticket in 2012.

Mittens will hire better campaign strategists, and Jindal would take away the 'Ken Doll' phoniness.

Palin is nuts but Jindal takes religious zealotry to another level. I'm terrified of the up and coming republicans. There are none that are close to moderates. The younger they get, the harder right they swing.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
McCain camp is in trouble now. They've lied way too many times.

!hat happens if they try to run a clean campaign?


mckmas8808 said:
McCain camp is in trouble now. They've lied way too many times.

!hat happens if they try to run a clean campaign?
They won't. They're doubling down on it.

I think the most troubling sign for them is that the media is turning on them. Actually, they turned on the media and it backfired. The AP and major networks were all handling him with white gloves right after the conventions. Now the fact that he's lying is constant front-page news and on the channels.

Obama has a chance to ride that wave and show that McCain is an untrustworthy liar willing to say and do anything to get elected. The shift in rhetoric on Friday was encouraging. Monday will be telling for where this is going.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Maher: "Even former Mayor of New York CITY, Rudy Giuliani accused Obama of being too cosmopolitan. That's like being called a douchebag by Andy Dick."

:lol :lol :lol :lol
mckmas8808 said:
McCain camp is in trouble now. They've lied way too many times.

!hat happens if they try to run a clean campaign?
Here's what they'll do, turn around and play victim over all of these CRAZY ATTACKS from the Obama campaign as well as the Liberal Elite Media and they'll call for this campaign to get back to the issues even though they're the ones who set this tone. Make Obama look like the bad guy.


mckmas8808 said:
McCain camp is in trouble now. They've lied way too many times.

!hat happens if they try to run a clean campaign?

Considering who they're working with, I don't think that'll be happening. And if it does, they'd have to go toe-to-toe with Obama on the issues. They don't want that- ask Rick Davis.

The biggest problem they have is that these lies are actually being attached to judgment, and that's going to get hammered as Palin star fades (and it's doing it sooner than I thought). Not only did they go to falsehoods and get caught, they did it waaaaay too early to be effective.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Y2Kev said:
Yep, Olbermann pointed this out too. It's supposed to be humanizing too. Like, "Stop asking me hard questions, Charlie. I'm your friend, Charlie. I know you."

no you don't, moron

Absolutely. Snake in the grass.

Keith did? Awesome!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Maher: "There's so much meth in this town, I'm surprised the Palins didn't name one of their kids "Tweaker".


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Seems like conventional wisdom wins out. Palin shows her true face, teflon cracks, media wakes up after being bucked by McCain for two weeks, convention bump ends, poligaf takes its lithium, everything is back to normal. Waiting for statistical noise to push Obama ahead of McCain again plz.
reilo said:
Maher: "Even former Mayor of New York CITY, Rudy Giuliani accused Obama of being too cosmopolitan. That's like being called a douchebag by Andy Dick."

:lol :lol :lol :lol
Where is that from? Video? Article? ... I wanna see. :)


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Souldriver said:
Where is that from? Video? Article? ... I wanna see. :)

It's from last night's airing of "Real Time With Bill Maher." Re-airs on HBO if you got it.
maximum360 said:
Palin is nuts but Jindal takes religious zealotry to another level. I'm terrified of the up and coming republicans. There are none that are close to moderates. The younger they get, the harder right they swing.

I think if McCain loses there will be another push to amend the Constitution one way or another and run Schwarzenegger. It sounds a bit crazy, and his popularity in California isn't what it used to be, but this would be 4 years after the post-Palin shark jumping nomination. Anything goes.


reilo said:
It's from last night's airing of "Real Time With Bill Maher." Re-airs on HBO if you got it.

There are also clips of it on YouTube. Just search for "Real Time With Bill Maher - 9/12/08"...just watch the entire episode. :) Great show.
PALIN: And, Charlie, you’re in Alaska. We have that very narrow maritime border between the United States, and the 49th state, Alaska, and Russia. They are our next door neighbors. We need to have a good relationship with them. They’re very, very important to us and they are our next door neighbor.

GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?

PALIN: They’re our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.

Greatest interview exchange in the history of anything.


Mermandala said:
I think if McCain loses there will be another push to amend the Constitution one way or another and run Schwarzenegger. It sounds a bit crazy, and his popularity in California isn't what it used to be, but this would be 4 years after the post-Palin shark jumping nomination. Anything goes.

And they're going to get 2/3rds of a Democratic controlled Congress to pass this... how exactly?


JayDubya said:
Legal abortion is a social evil and a human rights abuse. The 1800s equivalent is saying "Don't tell me I can't own slaves! You don't have to own one if you don't want to!"

It also means that contract killers cannot legally practice in my state, and strongly encourages people who feel that hiring them is ethically appropriate to GTFO.

JayDubya, if you think that life begins at conception and that abortion is a abuse of human rights, what is your opinion of in vitro fertilization? IVF creates extra unused embryos that are usually discarded.
thefro said:
And they're going to get 2/3rds of a Democratic controlled Congress to pass this... how exactly?

They will do something real tricky that I am too feeble-minded to formulate right now.
Actually, That is a good point. Free tacos? Who in modern America doesn't love tacos?
REV 09 said:
I'm in South Carolina. I realize that my state is going red this year, and will probably continue to go red for years to come. Given my circumstances, i feel that the most beneficial thing that I can do to support Obama's campaign is to help fund his operations in the states that do matter. That is why I'm not just going to vote on November 4th, but I'm also going to vote today..with my wallet. I just gave $100 to Obama-Biden. This marks my second donation to the Obama campaign (I had never donated to a political campaign before this election). Anyone want to join me?

I'm also from SC.

It was close(r than expected) in 2004, the margin was 276,275 votes. If half a million minorities come out to vote this time...i'm hoping for at least a slim McCain win realistically.

They will do something real tricky that I am too feeble-minded to formulate right now.
Actually, That is a good point. Free tacos? Who in modern America doesn't love tacos?

Mermandala said:
I think if McCain loses there will be another push to amend the Constitution one way or another and run Schwarzenegger. It sounds a bit crazy, and his popularity in California isn't what it used to be, but this would be 4 years after the post-Palin shark jumping nomination. Anything goes.

The Constitution will never get amended to allow for this. It is ridiculously hard to amend the Constitution, and it requires agreement from nearly everyone.

The Dems won't just hand the presidency to Arnold like that. Same reason why Republicans won't let DC become a state.


Jagernaut said:
JayDubya, if you think that life begins at conception and that abortion is a abuse of human rights, what is your opinion of in vitro fertilization? IVF creates extra unused embryos that are usually discarded.

Hitmen in lab coats.



Singer Pink leads the pack against Sarah Palin

Matt Damon is frightened, Gina Gershon has a damn good impersonation and Pamela Anderson wants her to suck it. Who could we be talking about? None other than vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

In more “Sarah Palin Pisses The World Off” news, on Thursday Pink told popeater.com: ”If I were writing a letter to Sarah Palin it would be a lot of whys and hows. Who are you? Do you know? Why do you hate animals? Please point out Iraq on a map …” As many know, Pink considers herself an animal rights activist and said that unlike Palin, “she couldn’t imagine shooting a wolf out of a helicopter.” But It isn’t just Palin’s hatred of animals that upsets Pink.

What scares the singer most is the women out there who consider Palin’s selection some of sort of victory for feminism. Pink says: ”This woman hates women. She is not a feminist. She is not the woman that’s going to come behind Hillary Clinton and do anything that Hillary Clinton would’ve been capable of … I can’t imagine overturning Roe vs. Wade. She’s not of this time. The woman terrifies me.”


Annie Lennox on Sarah Palin:

This is deeply and dangerously worrying ... the lipstick wearing 'pitbull' hockey mom (her own words to describe herself) fundamentalist christian pro gun potential vice president, who has only ever made one trip out of North America in her life. The United States is staggering on it's knees in debt ... the US soldiers in Iraq are profoundly demoralised after a five year debacle where thousands of lives have been decimated ... for what? And this woman would consider sending US troops to Georgia!!!! GET A GRIP!!!!!"



Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
giga said:
canadians are laughing at us americans that it's even a contest between obama and mccain.
I wish we Canadians could laugh at the US presidential election. But, we got our own problem going on right now with our shitty federal election :lol

Here's a youtube of the commercial played by our Conservative party, who is positioned to win big in the upcoming election currently


gkrykewy said:
Hey, she went there once. That's more than the other neighbor can say.
:lol :lol


Good point. If, as Palin keeps saying over and over and over again, that Russia is Alaska's "next door neighbor" and is so vital to Alaska's interests, how come she never went there? She didn't even own a US passport until 2007.


Atomic said:

Singer Pink leads the pack against Sarah Palin

Matt Damon is frightened, Gina Gershon has a damn good impersonation and Pamela Anderson wants her to suck it. Who could we be talking about? None other than vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

In more “Sarah Palin Pisses The World Off” news, on Thursday Pink told popeater.com: ”If I were writing a letter to Sarah Palin it would be a lot of whys and hows. Who are you? Do you know? Why do you hate animals? Please point out Iraq on a map …” As many know, Pink considers herself an animal rights activist and said that unlike Palin, “she couldn’t imagine shooting a wolf out of a helicopter.” But It isn’t just Palin’s hatred of animals that upsets Pink.

What scares the singer most is the women out there who consider Palin’s selection some of sort of victory for feminism. Pink says: ”This woman hates women. She is not a feminist. She is not the woman that’s going to come behind Hillary Clinton and do anything that Hillary Clinton would’ve been capable of … I can’t imagine overturning Roe vs. Wade. She’s not of this time. The woman terrifies me.”


Annie Lennox on Sarah Palin:

This is deeply and dangerously worrying ... the lipstick wearing 'pitbull' hockey mom (her own words to describe herself) fundamentalist christian pro gun potential vice president, who has only ever made one trip out of North America in her life. The United States is staggering on it's knees in debt ... the US soldiers in Iraq are profoundly demoralised after a five year debacle where thousands of lives have been decimated ... for what? And this woman would consider sending US troops to Georgia!!!! GET A GRIP!!!!!"


What would we do without Liberal Celebrities sharing their views when no one asked for it.


MassiveAttack said:
Greatest interview exchange in the history of anything.

:lol That shit's real? Ah man, no wonder Republicans are all about God. Who else would forgive them for pretending they think she's qualified? She should have switched it up. That would have been something.

"Well Charlie, I stop by and ask them for sugar when I'm all out. It's very important that this free exchange of sucrose continues without any more invasions."

"Sarah, what is sucrose?"

"You'd have to ask the Russians that, Charlie."


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
laserbeam said:
What would we do without Liberal Celebrities sharing their views when no one asked for it.

No one asked for yours, but you're still sharing it, why can't she have that same right? It's her myspace page after all.


laserbeam said:
What would we do without Liberal Celebrities sharing their views when no one asked for it.

Yeah, fuck people with opinions!

Nice of you to point out "Liberal" celebrities, btw. I guess you had nothing but love for Chuck Norris' banter.
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