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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Lou Dobbs shows us what a true racist is:


thefro said:

Old as hell, but DAMN IT!!! why don't we have 5 ads with McCain saying that he is NOT running to "start a national crusade for the political reforms", but for personal ambition. Now that his whole campaign is based around "reform" this would completely shut him up. It was true when he was 62 yrs old, and once again it is his last shot at the "prize".

p.s. what is the best way to give advise to Obama's campaign?


Snowman Prophet of Doom said:
I don't understand that Lou Dobbs photo. Somebody enlighten me.

Well, it's Lou Dobbs, so already the prick quotient is high as fuck but then he's holding waffles, racist waffles, and fwoosh!! not even God's green earth can hold the staggering mass of his douchebaggery.


Obama has an endless array of truly damaging material on McCain on VIDEO, but he refuses to use them. Ibetter not see any more weak videos like the computer ad. Boggles my mind. If the dems lose this year, it is their own fault. McCain himself just said personal ambition was a reason he tried to run in an earlier campaign, but I bet you we get more generic Bush 2.0 ads. Iwish Icould contact some 527 or something. Well, time to spread the video,
Frank the Great said:
I agree though that calling constructionism "cryptic" is a pretty shitty argument. There are tons of ways to point out how stupid it is, but calling it cryptic isn't one of them.
Look . . . when you go on "The View" and talk about 'strict constructionist interpretation, that *is* cryptic bullshit. It is a reactionary legal ideology that most people don't understand other it being anti-abortion.


Master of the Google Search
kevm3 said:
Obama has an endless array of truly damaging material on McCain on VIDEO, but he refuses to use them. Ibetter not see any more weak videos like the computer ad. Boggles my mind.
Why sully his own hands when the internet does all the work for him?
kevm3 said:
Obama has an endless array of truly damaging material on McCain on VIDEO, but he refuses to use them. Ibetter not see any more weak videos like the computer ad. Boggles my mind.
Agreed. The lobbyist angle is also too weak by itself, it doesn't get enough of an emotional reaction.
grandjedi6 said:
Why sully his own hands when the internet does all the work for him?
Snakes on a Plane sez hai


speculawyer said:
Look . . . when you go on "The View" and talk about 'strict constructionist interpretation, that *is* cryptic bullshit. It is a reactionary legal ideology that most people don't understand other it being anti-abortion.

Yup yup. What I said with way more words. ;-)
speculawyer said:
Look . . . when you go on "The View" and talk about 'strict constructionist interpretation, that *is* cryptic bullshit. It is a reactionary legal ideology that most people don't understand other it being anti-abortion.

Oh, you meant that it would be interpreted as cryptic by The View audience. Totally understandable.

Has JayDub been learning faux-outrage from the McCain campaign?
By the way, I suggest we all email CNN about this Dobbs racism thing. Email the other cable networks, too.

This is the kind of shit that should get someone thrown off the air.


has anyone posted the new zogby polls yet?

State: Pennsylvania

Updated: 9/13/2008

Summary: McCain - 49.1% Obama - 44.3% Not Sure/Other - 6.6%
State: New Hampshire

Updated: 9/13/2008

McCain - 49.1%
Obama - 42.8%
Not Sure/Other - 8.1%

New hampshire i can understand but PA? WTF.


Frank the Great said:
Oh, you meant that it would be interpreted as cryptic by The View audience. Totally understandable.

Has JayDub been learning faux-outrage from the McCain campaign?

If by "you" you mean me, then yes!
minus_273 said:
has anyone posted the new zogby polls yet?

State: Pennsylvania

Updated: 9/13/2008

Summary: McCain - 49.1% Obama - 44.3% Not Sure/Other - 6.6%
State: New Hampshire

Updated: 9/13/2008

McCain - 49.1%
Obama - 42.8%

Not Sure/Other - 8.1%

New hampshire i can understand but PA? WTF.

It's zogby. McCain up by 6 in NH? Give me a break
speculawyer said:
Mormon-Exorcism Ticket!
Heh, the Repubs are going to be rendered completely impotent on a national stage if Dems take it home in less than two months. Barring an unpopular Obama first term, Repubs are basically going to have to reconfigure their image and leadership over the next decade, hopefully bringing their effective center back to the actual center instead of the far flung right. Yes, I do dream of a Democrat/left-leaning Independent control over Washington for the next two or three decades...the Republicans/"conservative" near-domination of almost the last 40 years needs to fucking end already. This is, of course, assuming that the policies and standard of ethics of each side's top dogs stays where it roughly is currently.


minus_273 said:
has anyone posted the new zogby polls yet?

State: Pennsylvania

Updated: 9/13/2008

Summary: McCain - 49.1% Obama - 44.3% Not Sure/Other - 6.6%
State: New Hampshire

Updated: 9/13/2008

McCain - 49.1%
Obama - 42.8%
Not Sure/Other - 8.1%

New hampshire i can understand but PA? WTF.

Are these Zogby interactive? Those are the online polls that are always off.


Setec Astronomer
MightyHedgehog said:
Heh, the Repubs are going to be rendered completely impotent on a national stage if Dems take it home in less than two months. Barring an unpopular Obama first term, Repubs are basically going to have to reconfigure their image and leadership over the next decade, hopefully bringing their effective center back to the actual center instead of the far flung right. Yes, I do dream of a Democrat/left-leaning Independent control over Washington for the next two or three decades...the Republicans/"conservative" near-domination of almost the last 40 years needs to fucking end already. This is, of course, assuming that the policies and standard of ethics of each side's top dogs stays where it roughly is currently.
No, I seriously believe their immediate reaction to losing would be they weren't conservative enough.


Master of the Google Search
minus_273 said:
has anyone posted the new zogby polls yet?

State: Pennsylvania

Updated: 9/13/2008

Summary: McCain - 49.1% Obama - 44.3% Not Sure/Other - 6.6%
State: New Hampshire

Updated: 9/13/2008

McCain - 49.1%
Obama - 42.8%
Not Sure/Other - 8.1%

New hampshire i can understand but PA? WTF.

Which Zogby? There is a decent one and a Holy-crap-awful one.
Hitokage said:
No, I seriously believe their immediate reaction to losing would be they weren't conservative enough.
I don't know...I think that this election cycle is their "we're not conservative enough" reaction just by taking on the woefully unpopular Bush-Cheney platform and making it potentially even more conservative in the, IMO, likely event that McCain leaves office within the first term...giving it over to Palin.


grandjedi6 said:
Why sully his own hands when the internet does all the work for him?
Because it would be presented before a much larger audience and it would also make it something more 'official.' It would also show that Obama has a pair hanging from between his legs. It is starting to anger me this friend and war hero nonsense, and these softballs that the Obama campaign is tossing at McCain, while McCain is attempting to make Obama look like a pedophile.

Guys, post the video on McCain's myspace, send it to Obama's website, etc. Maybe we should do a HIT HARDER petition that includes some ofthe materials that should be used in the ads. We have only under 2 months, so these ads need to go out NOW.

Bush 2.0 has lost its impact a long time ago. Time to bring up something new. Look atwhen Michelle said, "I am proud of my country for the first time!" Look at how much spin that got. Imagine if Obama said this. It'd be over. Yet McCain will get a free pass AGAIN. Why? The dems won't bring it up.
Frank the Great said:
By the way, I suggest we all email CNN about this Dobbs racism thing. Email the other cable networks, too.

This is the kind of shit that should get someone thrown off the air.
If Dobbs spewing his xenophobic bullshit whenever immigration is brought up isn't enough to get him off the air, nothing is.


minus_273 said:
has anyone posted the new zogby polls yet?

State: Pennsylvania

Updated: 9/13/2008

Summary: McCain - 49.1% Obama - 44.3% Not Sure/Other - 6.6%
State: New Hampshire

Updated: 9/13/2008

McCain - 49.1%
Obama - 42.8%
Not Sure/Other - 8.1%

New hampshire i can understand but PA? WTF.

Yes these polls are zogby interactive. There are more like obama winning north carolina, but these polls are just awful and should be ignored
Well I just got finished phone banking at my local Obama office for five hours. It was awesome and you all must do the same.

Lots of undecideds out there!
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