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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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devilhawk said:
It is a slippery slope for one. Why not just make college free? Secondly, it historically hasn't worked.

He's not proposing to make it free. He's offering a tax credit in exchange for service. It's not free money in any sense.


ViperVisor said:
Need to lay some high speed internet while we are at it. US broadband is piss compared to some other countries. You can drink it but I'd rather not.

ummm... er, i cant think of a good reason to do this.

People are upset at a 250GB cap w/ Comcast... and we want to emulate the rest of the world why?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
laserbeam said:
McCain said teachers who suck and dont perform need to get the hell out and find a new job. Obviously not gonna be popular with the shitty teachers as well as stressing the need for more choices for parents so they have options.

I found his education comments to be pretty good and the fact he flat out said underperforming teachers need to find a new field of work was refreshing. Didnt beat around the bush to appease the teacher union

If he only held republicans that have been in charge for the past 8 years to the same standard...


crisdecuba said:
Slippery slope aside (congress would not allow for a very long slide down that slope), can you give some example of it historically not working? The only example that comes to mind is the GI Bill, which I've always heard was beneficial.
You really don't have to look far. The current tax credit wasn't always there. Tuition has risen despite it. Throwing more money at it is just a band-aid. We will eventually be looking at this same problem in the future again.

The GI bill is a bit different. It was enacted because a generation of-well men at that time had not been able to attend college because of the draft. The US just took the hit for it.

Furthermore, there is always the underlining issue of whether or not everyone should go to college. It isn't really a debate I want to get into but I think some of these aspects play into higher education's problems.
gcubed said:
ummm... er, i cant think of a good reason to do this.

People are upset at a 250GB cap w/ Comcast... and we want to emulate the rest of the world why?
Damn those evil European Values!!!!!!

Gary Whitta said:
Biden +1000000000

I'm almost starting to wonder why he didn't do better in the primaries, the guy is a firebrand speaker, really electrifying when he wants to be.

Biden is going to utterly decimate Palin in the debate... as if there was any doubt.
soul creator said:
see? they love each other! McCain attacking Obama for being all talk no action after Obama calls McCain the anti-maverick, and Obama calling McCain a blowhard asshole who needs to go back to Arizona in response. complete love shared all around.
the proceeding is a complete gross distortion of the substance of the letters in question


MassiveAttack said:
Biden is going to utterly decimate Palin in the debate... as if there was any doubt.

in reality, yes, in the presses minds no... she will be expected to flop, and i dont see the republicans not preparing her so she at least doesnt suck. Biden can kick all kinds of ass, but if doesnt make Palin stutter and run out of the room, the media will think she won


CharlieDigital said:
He's not proposing to make it free. He's offering a tax credit in exchange for service. It's not free money in any sense.
Obama said:
Create the American Opportunity Tax Credit: Obama will make college affordable for all Americans by creating a new American Opportunity Tax Credit. This universal and fully refundable credit will ensure that the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans, and will cover two-thirds the cost of tuition at the average public college or university and make community college tuition completely free for most students. Obama will also ensure that the tax credit is available to families at the time of enrollment by using prior year's tax data to deliver the credit when tuition is due.
Looks like "free" money to me. Besides there are already programs to go to college for free by pledging service. Hell, you can go to med school for free after service.
gcubed said:
in reality, yes, in the presses minds no... she will be expected to flop, and i dont see the republicans not preparing her so she at least doesnt suck. Biden can kick all kinds of ass, but if doesnt make Palin stutter and run out of the room, the media will think she won

After watching her use her index finger to read a speech today, I'm not sure any amount of preparation is going to prevent her from being thoroughly embarrassed by Biden. If nothing else, Biden can talk and talk and talk on virtually any subject with little or no preparation.
devilhawk said:

Looks like "free" money to me. Besides there are already programs to go to college for free by pledging service. Hell, you can go to med school for free after service.

Ummm....you have to do a certain number of community service hours to get that money.

Obama said he would give students a $4,000 tax credit to help pay tuition and fees in exchange for 100 hours of community service. The campaign said the program would cost $10 billion a year.

devilhawk said:

Looks like "free" money to me. Besides there are already programs to go to college for free by pledging service. Hell, you can go to med school for free after service.

1) It's a tax credit. Think about the difference there.
2) Community college mostly free is all that I read in there. And you have to ask yourself, in an economy where it is increasingly difficult to get a job without a post high school education, why shouldn't we invest in a minimum level of financially attainable post high school education?
3) It's extending the med-school idea to more institutions of higher education.

I need to find more details, but I'm pretty sure it's not a "free" tax credit; it's tied to specific incentives and requirements for service by the borrower.


*drowns in jizz*
Just heard the Plane story on CNN.. what a fucking liar. I know it's not a massive lie, but its still a lie on 2 fronts (that she sold the plane on ebay, and that it was sold at a profit)- which she has repeated SEVERAL times, and which McCain is also repeating. I mean, the fact that she would lie about something like that, unnecessarily, isnt very encouraging in support of her character and integrity.

Also, loved that Paul Begala brought up the fact that she cut special needs funding by 62%. THIS is a whopper, as it exemplifies true hypocrisy and the fact that she's completely full of shit.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
SteveMeister said:
I may have missed something but was McCain's response totally off the mark? It seemed like a severe over-reaction to Obama politely suggesting a slightly different course of action than McCain wanted. Weird.

Remember, judgment and temperament.


CharlieDigital said:
1) It's a tax credit. Think about the difference there.
2) Community college mostly free is all that I read in there. And you have to ask yourself, in an economy where it is increasingly difficult to get a job without a post high school education, why shouldn't we invest in a minimum level of financially attainable post high school education?
3) It's extending the med-school idea to more institutions of higher education.

I need to find more details, but I'm pretty sure it's not a "free" tax credit; it's tied to specific incentives and requirements for service by the borrower.
Well first, I was referencing service as in for the armed forces. I've now read some things where he references community service. I think it is definitely an interesting idea. It, however, doesn't get to the root of the problem of education and is now just a check with a stipulation.


Karma said:
Need help gaf. Which candidate would best represent my beliefs?

I believe we need to eliminate the deficit but maintain the very strong military.

Umm, we already spend more on military shit than the rest of the world combined. Why on Earth would you want spend more? WTF are we fighting?

You want to cut the deficit and have enough left over for health care, education and roads? Cut military spending in half!
devilhawk said:
Well first, I was referencing service as in for the armed forces. I've now read some things where he references community service. I think it is definitely an interesting idea. It, however, doesn't get to the root of the problem of education and is now just a check with a stipulation.

Full 15 page specification on his education policy here: http://obama.3cdn.net/a8dfc36246b3dcc3cb_iem6bxpgh.pdf

Trust me, this guy has substance. It's not just rhetoric; a lot of thought has been put into how he's going to make his proposals reality.

You can also read his 60 page Blueprint for Change: http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/ObamaBlueprintForChange.pdf

I think it is definitely an interesting idea. It, however, doesn't get to the root of the problem of education and is now just a check with a stipulation.

Yes, that is the first step in Obama assimilation :D it's a very interesting idea that could do a lot of good for the country through charitable and volunteer work. See, you're not seeing the picture here.

Addressing the issue of education is not just a single line item that can be summarized easily. It's a big puzzle of interlocking pieces which includes increased funding for science and research to create the jobs that will demand knowledge, increased focus on early education so that kids get a head start, increased emphasis on teachers and how to make the educational system work at all levels to foster a desire for learning. It's about offering affordable healthcare so for families and kids so that budgets are not strained. It's a big picture thing where many parts intertwine with other parts.

You can't look at one line item and say "Well, there you go, that's how he's going to fix education." It's a part of the big picture and a part of many pieces of his policy puzzle.

The best that anyone can do is read his Blueprint for Change to get a feel for how all the interconnected pieces come together to help get us out of this rut that we're in.




devilhawk said:
This doesn't reference the credit in exchange for service part.


This doesn't either. I did love the "Obama will tell parents to turn off the tv and do their homework." :lol

Thats what the tax credit is, I don't know why the service isn't mentioned in that PDF

Require 100 Hours of Service in College: Barack Obama will make college affordable for all Americans by
creating a new American Opportunity Tax Credit. This fully refundable credit will ensure that the first $4,000
of a college education is completely free for most Americans, and will cover two-thirds the cost of tuition at the
average public college or university. Recipients of this credit will be required to conduct 100 hours of public
service a year, either during the school year or over the summer months.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Interesting that Olbermann let Maddow take over the day after the RNCC and few days before she would start her own show.
devilhawk said:
This doesn't reference the credit in exchange for service part.


This doesn't either. I did love the "Obama will tell parents to turn off the tv and do their homework." :lol

No, read it all. It's the big picture of how education will be reformed. The specifics of the service for money is already on record...what are you arguing anyways? That he isn't on record as stating that the $4000 tax credit would be in exchange for service? It is.

The documents outline his overall goals for the country and for education.

I'm not sure why you're so stuck up on one point when it's already been linked for you and documented.

It's like you secretly have an Obama man crush but you can't admit it to yourself :lol It's like some people will do anything they can to hate Obama....I don't get it :lol "Well yeah, he has it all typed out, but it's not in Lucida Grande!" :lol :lol :lol


Could someone post that picture of Barack drinking from a water bottle. I'm tired of trying to find it in these monster threads.



Tek said:
Could someone post that picture of Barack drinking from a water bottle. I'm tired of trying to find it in these monster threads.


reilo said:
Interesting that Olbermann let Maddow take over the day after the RNCC and few days before she would start her own show.

Maddow is probably doing rehearsal @ MSNBC for her show like Keith is doing for Sunday Night Football on Saturday.


So uh, FiveThirtyEight doesn't update on Fridays? I've been refreshing the front page every 10 minutes since I got home at about 2pm today and nothing has changed. :lol


*drowns in jizz*
Watching Palin read her prepared speeches is fucking painful. Its clear she doesnt have a fucking clue about what she's reading, and is just reading the words given to her. Very sad.

Oh and :lol :lol :lol at the utter frothing rage Bay Buchanan shows whenever anyone rightful questions Palin. She never has any retort except 'but OBAMA OBAMA'.


CharlieDigital said:
No, read it all. It's the big picture of how education will be reformed. The specifics of the service for money is already on record...what are you arguing anyways? That he isn't on record as stating that the $4000 tax credit would be in exchange for service? It is.

The documents outline his overall goals for the country and for education.

I'm not sure why you're so stuck up on one point when it's already been linked for you and documented.

It's like you secretly have an Obama man crush but you can't admit it to yourself :lol It's like some people will do anything they can to hate Obama....I don't get it :lol
Whoa, I am not arguing the point at all really. I think it is a novel idea actually. I still don;t think it is the solution and is nothing more than throwing money at the problem. There has yet to be any contention here on that point.

Edit: Obama has a lot of nice stuff. I am liberal on the social issues, especially Stem cells and Evolution - being that I majored in biochemistry/chemistry. THe rest of the social issues I don't really care for. I am a fiscal conservative at heart. Obama is anything but.

The negatives of McCain's policies and further more the Social Conserative/Bush ideals have been well documented and are very real. I just feel that Obama isn't without his problems.


Slurpy said:
Watching Palin read her prepared speeches is fucking painful. Its clear she doesnt have a fucking clue about what she's reading, and is just reading the words given to her. Very sad.
Really? The few times I've heard her speak she's seemed very natural and charismatic.
devilhawk said:
Whoa, I am not arguing the point at all really. I think it is a novel idea actually. I still don;t think it is the solution and is nothing more than throwing money at the problem. There has yet to be any contention here on that point.

Look man, if you still think his solution boils down to just "throwing money at the problem", then you haven't really read through his proposals.

If you want to nitpick, please read through it and tell me what you think would work better and what you think Bush has done better and/or what McCain will do better than what Obama has proposed. It's one thing to be skeptical, but it's another to be misinformed and mis-characterize his solution as just "throwing money at the problem". You're talking about a guy that graduated from Harvard Law on student loans man; not some rich kid who got a free pass through life. You're talking about a man who spent a good part of his life doing community service and involved in community activism; this isn't a guy that's just talking the talk...he's walked the walk.

Look, you can be skeptical, but at the least read through his full document and check out his stance on how to reform the educational system. Will it work? Maybe; maybe not. But tell me: who has a better idea? Do you? If so, let's hear it. Does John McCain? Where's the details as Obama has laid out? Did George Bush? What I hate is when people mis-characterize his position by a simple wave of their hand and say he's just going to "throw money at the problem"...well of course man! These things cost money! It's all about how you use the money that counts :D


crisdecuba said:
(comparison of Obama and McCain plans for education)
Which do you guys prefer?
That was actually interesting to read. Obama's plans were actually very specific and measurable, and McCains had a very broad "We should do more stuff that's good" approach.
soul creator said:
Holy crap. Completely batshit. I mean...wtf...

Biden's speech was pretty good. He missed the obvious line though, "Maybe if Republican spent half as much time figuring out how to run a government if they do coming up with these attacks, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in after these last eight years."

Well, something like that, anyway.

Anyone in Obamagaf spent time volunteering for the campaign? I'm some of you have. Good experiences? I'm strongly considering taking some time off from work (unrelated reasons) and figure it could be a good way to keep busy.


Hootie said:
So uh, FiveThirtyEight doesn't update on Fridays? I've been refreshing the front page every 10 minutes since I got home at about 2pm today and nothing has changed. :lol
Each Friday I come home and read fivethirtyeight, and the Bungie Weekly Update.

Today has been disappointton. :(
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