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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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TDG said:
Wtf @ those letters. :lol McCain sounded like a pissed off fanboy on Gaming. :lol

Ugh. What the fuck was that. I guess the speeches I watched must have been more heavily rehearsed.

The awkwardness of it is mesmerizing...


*drowns in jizz*
Funky Papa said:
That was painful to watch. If people cannot see through this... well, those who vote for McCain deserve any possible outcome.

The problem is, the rest of us don't.

Also, I wish Obama could just go off like Biden did (rightfully so). But he knows he can't do that, running the fear of being portrayed as 'an angry black man or 'the angry left'.


GhaleonEB said:
Each Friday I come home and read fivethirtyeight, and the Bungie Weekly Update.

Today has been disappointton. :(

Oh crap I think they just updated :lol

The change is so small that I really don't even want to bother posting the graphs here, though. But I will. :D





I'm not sure why people have been saying that Palin is a good speaker. She has the cadence and charisma of a junior high school teacher.


If we're making picture requests I'd like it if someone could post the diagram going around of the tax cut policies where it shows who would benefit by tax bracket and by how much.
Slurpy said:
The problem is, the rest of us don't.

Also, I wish Obama could just go off like Biden did (rightfully so). But he knows he can't do that, running the fear of being portrayed as 'an angry black man or 'the angry left'.

In addition modern historically speaking in these processes the presidential candidate is suppose to be the above the fray one and the VP has more freedom to be the attack dog.
Zeliard said:
I'm not sure why people have been saying that Palin is a good speaker. She has the cadence and charisma of a junior high school teacher.
Yeah . . . but compared to McCain?

I couldn't believe that the last 2 minutes of his acceptance speech were pretty much inaudible since he just kept delivering while he was drowned out by the crowd. I guessing that the notes told him to deliver that section in one big finish so he kept going even though no one could hear him.
devilhawk said:
I am a fiscal conservative at heart. Obama is anything but.
Seems to me you've got a better chance of finding fiscal conservativism in the Democratic Party then the Republican party. He's overused it a bit, but speculawyer is right. The closest thing to a fiscal conservative we've seen in the past 30 years is Clinton.
More on the topic of education:

My wife works for a company called SDE: http://www.sde.com/onsitetraining/featuredpresenter.asp?id=330&page=list (yah, that's her; terrible picture) as a presenter (she's also a grade school teacher).

In other words, she trains other grade school teachers on techniques for teaching math.

She teaches what's called "Singapore Math". It is as literal as it sounds: it's the Singapore math educational curricula adopted for US schools (text books and all). So I think she has a bit of background on this topic.

She provided this nugget: http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss1999i/pdf/T99i_Math_2.pdf

Here's an excerpt:


Dude, we ranked below Moldova and Cyprus. Moldova, Cyprus, and fucking Tunisia. That shit is just pathetic for one of the most developed and wealthiest nations in the world.


Zeliard said:
I'm not sure why people have been saying that Palin is a good speaker. She has the cadence and charisma of a junior high school teacher.

Reminds me of homey moms here in western Canada. Very casual.

I hate her voice but her cadence is very ... welcoming. Granted her policy positions are some of the scariest I've seen a woman espouse.


Master of the Google Search
I still don't understand how McCain plans on winning the electoral college. He doesn't even seem to have a state by state strategy anymore and Obama has almost every state he needs permanetly wrapped up.


speculawyer said:
Yeah . . . but compared to McCain?

I couldn't believe that the last 2 minutes of his acceptance speech were pretty much inaudible since he just kept delivering while he was drowned out by the crowd. I guessing that the notes told him to deliver that section in one big finish so he kept going even though no one could hear him.

Compared to McCain, Bob Dole is a great speaker. Yeah, I don't know what was going on at the end there.

theviolenthero said:
Cnbc's Donny Deutsch - "I want her (Palin) laying next to me in bed."


A four letter acronym that begins with M and ends with F. :lol

Deku said:
Reminds me of homey moms here in western Canada. Very casual.

I hate her voice but her cadence is very ... welcoming. Granted her policy positions are some of the scariest I've seen a woman espouse.

She doesn't come off as casual and naturalistic to me at all, honestly. Everything about her screams "trying too hard, don't belong here". She also has this ugly sarcastic edge to her that isn't really befitting of a VP candidate.


I can't wait to see the debates. My hope is that Biden destroys her in every imaginable way only to show that you have to have experience and knowledge on issues.

The way things are looking I have a feeling it will look like this:

Narrator: Gov Palin what is your foreign policy experience?
Palin: Alaska is close to Russia
Narrator: And this is relevant how?
Palin: Obama has never even been to Russia
Narrator: But your experience, what do you know about policy and democracy in other countries?
Palin: This is not relevant at all to the position of VP


Biden: Are you for real?


CharlieDigital said:
More on the topic of education:

My wife works for a company called SDE: http://www.sde.com/onsitetraining/featuredpresenter.asp?id=330&page=list (yah, that's her; terrible picture) as a presenter (she's also a grade school teacher).

In other words, she trains other grade school teachers on techniques for teaching math.

She teaches what's called "Singapore Math". It is as literal as it sounds: it's the Singapore math educational curricula adopted for US schools (text books and all). So I think she has a bit of background on this topic.

She provided this nugget: http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss1999i/pdf/T99i_Math_2.pdf

Here's an excerpt:


Dude, we ranked below Moldova and Cyprus. Moldova, Cyprus, and fucking Tunisia. That shit is just pathetic for one of the most developed and wealthiest nations in the world.[/QUOTE]

Very aptly named image :lol

I can't believe 66% couldn't answer that question. Unbelievable.


CharlieDigital said:
Look man, if you still think his solution boils down to just "throwing money at the problem", then you haven't really read through his proposals.

If you want to nitpick, please read through it and tell me what you think would work better and what you think Bush has done better and/or what McCain will do better than what Obama has proposed. It's one thing to be skeptical, but it's another to be misinformed and mis-characterize his solution as just "throwing money at the problem". You're talking about a guy that graduated from Harvard Law on student loans man; not some rich kid who got a free pass through life. You're talking about a man who spent a good part of his life doing community service and involved in community activism; this isn't a guy that's just talking the talk...he's walked the walk.

Look, you can be skeptical, but at the least read through his full document and check out his stance on how to reform the educational system. Will it work? Maybe; maybe not. But tell me: who has a better idea? Do you? If so, let's hear it. Does John McCain? Where's the details as Obama has laid out? Did George Bush? What I hate is when people mis-characterize his position by a simple wave of their hand and say he's just going to "throw money at the problem"...well of course man! These things cost money! It's all about how you use the money that counts :D

First check out my edit above. Second, remember I don't have to think either or. You may not believe this but the correct answer may not lie with Obama no matter how wrong McCain is.

Dealing with higher education - for times sake
1)Simplifying application - McCain agrees with - I also think it is long overdue
2)Tax Credit - It is a check. We've discussed this
3)College Readiness - More money devoted to a program. This isn't really even an issue. If you are not ready or willing to go to college why are we making programs for it. The problem is the ever increasing price of college. The aid component of the program is redunddant to the simplification process he has.
4)Pell Grants- Money and more band-aids
5)Community College Partnership - He basically outlined the purpose of community colleges. If this is an issue, fine deal with it. Has no connection to the cost of college.
6)Federal Federal Family Education Program - this program is on the way out already. It has been slashed in funding. There are some positive sides to it however, by being private it can compete with better rates because it invest the loan in what they see fit. It is being fased out however anyways.
CharlieDigital said:
Look man, if you still think his solution boils down to just "throwing money at the problem", then you haven't really read through his proposals.

If you want to nitpick, please read through it and tell me what you think would work better and what you think Bush has done better and/or what McCain will do better than what Obama has proposed. It's one thing to be skeptical, but it's another to be misinformed and mis-characterize his solution as just "throwing money at the problem". You're talking about a guy that graduated from Harvard Law on student loans man; not some rich kid who got a free pass through life. You're talking about a man who spent a good part of his life doing community service and involved in community activism; this isn't a guy that's just talking the talk...he's walked the walk.

Look, you can be skeptical, but at the least read through his full document and check out his stance on how to reform the educational system. Will it work? Maybe; maybe not. But tell me: who has a better idea? Do you? If so, let's hear it. Does John McCain? Where's the details as Obama has laid out? Did George Bush? What I hate is when people mis-characterize his position by a simple wave of their hand and say he's just going to "throw money at the problem"...well of course man! These things cost money! It's all about how you use the money that counts :D

Very well said CharlieDigital.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
grandjedi6 said:
I still don't understand how McCain plans on winning the electoral college. He doesn't even seem to have a state by state strategy anymore and Obama has almost every state he needs permanetly wrapped up.

Me neither. It's like I said earlier and I'm glad it is being seen from the American public.

Obama picked someone that will make him a better president.
McCain picked someone that will make him a better candidate.

This isn't to mention the ground game.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Crisis said:
If we're making picture requests I'd like it if someone could post the diagram going around of the tax cut policies where it shows who would benefit by tax bracket and by how much.


theviolenthero said:
Had to stop watching at the 5:30 mark.

Also, why the fuck does McCain keep looking down? Looks like he's looking at her ass or something.

No. He's making sure she stays on-script. He even mouths the words at points.
grandjedi6 said:
I still don't understand how McCain plans on winning the electoral college. He doesn't even seem to have a state by state strategy anymore and Obama has almost every state he needs permanetly wrapped up.

Whenever I get down I always remember what better shape we are in at this stage versus 2004 final results.

Bush:286 Kerry:251





Thunder Monkey said:
Seems to me you've got a better chance of finding fiscal conservativism in the Democratic Party then the Republican party. He's overused it a bit, but speculawyer is right. The closest thing to a fiscal conservative we've seen in the past 30 years is Clinton.
That graph is a bit of a fallacy though. It is an ultra-simplification of the debt, holdings, and budget. Just google information on the surplus and its relation to public holdings. Clinton also spent a lot more while taxing a ton more.
Pakkidis said:
I can't wait to see the debates. My hope is that Biden destroys her in every imaginable way only to show that you have to have experience and knowledge on issues.

The way things are looking I have a feeling it will look like this:

Narrator: Gov Palin what is your foreign policy experience?
Palin: Alaska is close to Russia
Narrator: And this is relevant how?
Palin: Obama has never even been to Russia
Narrator: But your experience, what do you know about policy and democracy in other countries?
Palin: This is not relevant at all to the position of VP


Biden: Are you for real?

Question: "What world leader would you feel most comfortable working with?"

Palin: *reads scripted talking points, mentions something about President of Georgia*

Biden: *pulls out blackberry with address book of national leaders he's talked to*

Biden: "Hmm...so many to choose from..."
Slurpy said:
The electoral college is such a fucked up system. What the hell is wrong with popular vote?

Small state/Big state compromise. It is what it is and we are never going to get rid of it so we just have to deal.
devilhawk said:
That graph is a bit of a fallacy though. It is an ultra-simplification of the debt, holdings, and budget. Just google information on the surplus and its relation to public holdings. Clinton also spent a lot more while taxing a ton more.
And Bush spent a whole lot more then Clinton and taxed less.

At least Clinton made sense.


Slurpy said:
The electoral college is such a fucked up system. What the hell is wrong with popular vote?

Keeps em campaigning in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida instead of Los Angeles, San Fransisco, & NYC. It used to make sense since news was spread by word of mouth - but thanks to modern news services (Internet), I doubt it's still necessary. I doubt it will change. Did you notice how all the populist cities are all Blue? Chicago bridging the gap between the coasts.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
soul creator said:
Question: "What world leader would you feel most comfortable working with?"

Palin: *reads scripted talking points, mentions something about President of Georgia*

Biden: *pulls out blackberry with address book of national leaders he's talked to*

Biden: "Hmm...so many to choose from..."

Well Europeans are bad, so Palin would be calling ...ummm


....Fradique de Menezes, President of the African Nation of São Tomé and Príncipe?


Master of the Google Search
Pakkidis said:
Question, how often does the electoral count change for each state? I.e. How often do they adjust for population?
It updates with the census just like the House of Reps does.


Slurpy said:
Also, I wish Obama could just go off like Biden did (rightfully so). But he knows he can't do that, running the fear of being portrayed as 'an angry black man' or 'the angry left'.

This, mostly. And it's just unfortunate.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Slurpy said:
Just heard the Plane story on CNN.. what a fucking liar. I know it's not a massive lie, but its still a lie on 2 fronts (that she sold the plane on ebay, and that it was sold at a profit)- which she has repeated SEVERAL times, and which McCain is also repeating. I mean, the fact that she would lie about something like that, unnecessarily, isnt very encouraging in support of her character and integrity.

Also, loved that Paul Begala brought up the fact that she cut special needs funding by 62%. THIS is a whopper, as it exemplifies true hypocrisy and the fact that she's completely full of shit.
My issue with this, Mr. Slurpy, is that MCCAIN ALLOWED HER TO SAY THIS IN HER SPEECH WEDNESDAY. Is there any clearer demonstration of his either A) retarded nonjudgment or B) poor vetting of Palin than letting her repeat something that is going to be proved demonstrably false within the next few days?

I understand lying about policy. They all do it. Policy and ambition. But stupid shit like this?
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