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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Qwerty710710 said:
Chuck Todd is making me sad :(
What is my man saying?!

With the general consensus being that the polls have peaked for McCain, I can't imagine too much doom and gloom from Captain Ginger Beard.

Something along the lines of, Obama needs to campaign hard in the major swings states in this election, most namely Ohio and Pennsylvania, if he wants to win this thing.

My guess is that this week will show the polls tied from today and tomorrow, with Obama starting to squeak out in front again by the end of the week.


force push the doodoo rock
Tim-E said:
Hey sp0rsk, what about that thing you saw on TV?

Sorry, I need at least 6 or 7 people to ask me what I saw before I can give you an answer.

Actually I have to go on a trip somewhere so I will tell you in about 10 hours. Please be waiting.


sp0rsk said:
Sorry, I need at least 6 or 7 people to ask me what I saw before I can give you an answer.

Actually I have to go on a trip somewhere so I will tell you in about 10 hours. Please be waiting.

How does 10 hours Japan-Time translate into America-Time?


a child left behind
He's basically putting MN WA and OR leaning Obama instead of strongly Obama. FL to McCain I don't really know why, and McCain and Obama are even when it comes to handling the economy. Which in the past 4 elections it's gone to the democrats, and that dumbass Palin is having a postive impact for McCain.


RubxQub said:
John McCain's don't really transition too well either.

*cue daunting scary music*

"Barack Obama...what a piece of shit. This man wants to tax you like fuck. Obama has liberal buddies. EVIL LIBERAL BUDDIES! This man can't lead shit. Fuck him."

*cue happy cheery music*

"I'm John McCain, and I approve this message"
oh man I love Poligaf:lol .


when is my burrito
FlightOfHeaven said:

I want to quit you. There are many intelligent and diverse debaters here, but this thread is killing me. :(

So I ask your assistance, one last time. Can you guys tell me what news sources, blogs, newspapers, channels, podcasts, in short, any website or resource on the web that I can use to keep up with the election? What are your favorites?

politico.com - the blogs on the right column, front page is pretty worthless and never updates
huffingtonpost.com - to check headline and blogs (not usually anything new here that I can't find on the others though)


force push the doodoo rock
AniHawk said:
How does 10 hours Japan-Time translate into 10 hours America-Time?

Japan time is different from regular time as it does not have set rules.

I saw a Japanese man dressed up as Lionel Richie.



Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
sp0rsk said:
Sorry, I need at least 6 or 7 people to ask me what I saw before I can give you an answer.

Actually I have to go on a trip somewhere so I will tell you in about 10 hours. Please be waiting.

Quit being a lame-o.


GrotesqueBeauty said:
During the primaries people were speculating whether the Wright controversy would be the end of his candidacy. Seeing that the issue was becoming all encompassing he used it as a lever to refocus on something more substantive. That was smart, much smarter than the kneejerk reactions as of late. The Obama campaign doesn't have to goad the media into being critical of the dishonesty coming from the McCain campaign. They are overplaying their hand and the media is jumping on it regardless of what Obama says, and pounding it home in commercials and press releases just looks opportunistic and runs contrary to the "no distractions" philosophy. Trying to out-outrage the McCain campaign is a stupid tactic. You can't beat Rove style tactics by emulating them, especially if you're simultaneously pulling punches because you can't and won't stoop as low. It's much better to let them descend into self parody and every time come back twice as hard on something that's actually relevant to leading the country.
Really? Because it seems the same to me...He's using their attacks as a way of pivoting to a discussion about the media coverage. It isn't as direct a hit as his Wright response but this is a different kind of argument. He is showing the media their faults while trying not to castigate them over their coverage and he has to be careful. Nobody likes a know-it-all after all so he must tread lightly. IMO, of course.


Qwerty710710 said:
He's basically putting MN WA and OR leaning Obama instead of strongly Obama. FL to McCain I don't really know why, and McCain and Obama are even when it comes to handling the economy. Which in the past 4 elections it's gone to the democrats, and that dumbass Palin is having a postive impact for McCain.

I seriously doubt that Obama will lose Washington or Oregon. I'm not too worried about Florida, either. He doesn't absolutely need it to win, but at this point it could go either way. I just won't be surprised if it goes to McCain.

Kerry states + Iowa + New Mexico + Colorado = Obamais44


Wilbur Ross sees about 1,000 bank closures: report

(Reuters) - Wilbur Ross, founder of private equity firm WL Ross & Co LLC, expects as many as a thousand U.S. bank closures in the coming months, CNBC said on its website on Monday.

The billionaire investor, who made his fortune making investments on distressed industries, said the closures will create opportunities for investors, CNBC said, adding that he is looking at picking up smaller distressed institutions.

"I do think a lot of the regional ones will (close), just as they did in the last savings and loan crisis in the 1990s," the website quoted Ross saying.

Ross said there will be too many people willing to provide capital to the large financial companies, making them less of a bargain than smaller banks, according to the website.

We're talking thousands of white collar, middle class jobs at stake here.

4 more years?


ViperVisor said:

The problem with the US style bailouts is that given the track record of the Republican administration the bailouts seem sorely designed to maintain market stability which is commendable but also bail out the bad decisions made by these companies.

This seems counter productive as the same actors will remain in place for the next bubble.

A more balanced approach is to go after all these executives as well.


Black Canada Mafia
sp0rsk said:
To be honest, I think this attack ad might be a little too harsh.

I mean... it's not like he's really lying though. It's stating a bit of opinion, then just flat out... quoting a lot of reputable and ironic (that republican thing) sources. Kinda made me feel like it was a bit too mean, like he was picking on an old man - but the old dude deserves it.


force push the doodoo rock
Kinitari said:
I mean... it's not like he's really lying though. It's stating a bit of opinion, then just flat out... quoting a lot of reputable and ironic (that republican thing) sources. Kinda made me feel like it was a bit too mean, like he was picking on an old man - but the old dude deserves it.

Well I don't think anyone is going to be thinking he's picking on McCain, but I think the harsness is just going to turn off some people as the campaigns get more and more negative.

I do think that the repubs will try and spin this as the liberal media treating them unfairly though.


Kinitari said:
I mean... it's not like he's really lying though. It's stating a bit of opinion, then just flat out... quoting a lot of reputable and ironic (that republican thing) sources. Kinda made me feel like it was a bit too mean, like he was picking on an old man - but the old dude deserves it.

I'm glad that Obama and his campaign is going after them like they are.
The way McCain has conducted his campaign is shameful and I'm glad they have the ability to put it in perspective with their ads.
I'd just be a spewing mess of obscenities...


sp0rsk said:
Well I don't think anyone is going to be thinking he's picking on McCain, but I think the harsness is just going to turn off some people as the campaigns get more and more negative.

I think, with the polls as they are, that he can't give positive, flowery speeches in response to outright lies.

He can save that for his Inaugural Address. :D


Guts Of Thor said:
I'll believe it when I see it.

That was exactly the kind of ad I had in my mind for how he should hit back. Run the clip of McCain promising a high-minded campaign. Ask, "what happened to John McCain?"

Fuck, that was brutal. The truth HURTS.
sp0rsk said:
I do think that the repubs will try and spin this as the liberal media treating them unfairly though.
Certainly, but who's gonna champion them and carry their message in the media then? The right wing wacko shock jocks who never say anything negative about their guy? McCain's campaign runs a greater risk trying to shit on the media they've already cockblocked.

By the way, Friday's Moyers had a nice piece on right wing shock jocks.


force push the doodoo rock
Tim-E said:
I don't know if this has been posted yet or not, but even Mittens is calling McCain out. :lol

I think Mandark pointed out earlier that this was from the primaries.

Certainly, but who's gonna champion them in the media then? The right wing wacko shock jocks who never say anything negative about their guy? McCain's campaign run a greater risk trying to shit on the media they've already cockblocked.

Whatever they do, they will always have Fox News.
sp0rsk said:
Well I don't think anyone is going to be thinking he's picking on McCain, but I think the harsness is just going to turn off some people as the campaigns get more and more negative.

I do think that the repubs will try and spin this as the liberal media treating them unfairly though.

The people have been longing for Obama to stand up for himself. Obama needs to do more of this. They want to see a fighter when mud and lies are being thrown at him.


CharlieDigital said:
What's the context here? Which ad/statement/accusation from the McCain camp?
Pretty sure that's from the GOP primary, and Mittens is talking about something McCain said about him.

Edit: so beat.


TPM said:
After being shuffled to the background of this campaign for a while, Joe Biden is set to step up his rhetoric against John McCain today, using his speech in St. Clair Shores, Michigan, to go after McCain's campaign tactics. "The campaign a person runs says everything about the way they'll govern," Biden will say, according to pre-released excerpts. "John McCain has decided to bet the house on the politics perfected by Karl Rove."


when is my burrito
So, I went to a family gathering yesterday and apparently, a lot of them (aunts and uncles) saw the SNL sketch. They loved it and thought it represented Palin perfectly. I think all of them are going to have a really hard time voting for John McCain but then again, Iowa has shifted hard core blue this cycle.

My parents who have been Republicans since forever are voting for Obama for almost the sole reason that he will be eliminating health insurance companies' exceptions for pre-existing conditions.
Anyone else suspect that the Obama camp purposefully held back during the past few days in order to amass such a huge number of quotes? Seems like he was purposefully waiting to me so he could go in with a full clip, so to speak.
sp0rsk said:
Whatever they do, they will always have Fox News.
Ugh...keep forgetting about them since I don't watch them if I can help it. Still, I wouldn't be surprised to see Fox get a 'liberal' makeover to follow the new demographics if Dems take it all home this year. That's just how mercenary News Corp is about their demographically targeted news reporting.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
WHOAguitarninja said:
Anyone else suspect that the Obama camp purposefully held back during the past few days in order to amass such a huge number of quotes? Seems like he was purposefully waiting to me so he could go in with a full clip, so to speak.
I don't think Obama would have purposely held back just to get the news snip-its he'd need for a commercial, unless he really felt that this commercial was some big-kahuna that would really shift the polls in their favor.

This ad seems to reinforce what the general media is putting forth themselves: McCain's campaign is very deep in gutter politics.

I'm just praying all this shit tossing madness lessens when the debates take place. There should be plenty of fodder when they arise.
WHOAguitarninja said:
Anyone else suspect that the Obama camp purposefully held back during the past few days in order to amass such a huge number of quotes? Seems like he was purposefully waiting to me so he could go in with a full clip, so to speak.

I think Obama was keeping it cool and staying on his message while he let McCain become undone on his own. Now with all the constant unsubstantiated lies from McCain and Palin, Obama is taking the offensive.
BotoxAgent said:
I think Obama was keeping it cool and staying on his message while he let McCain become undone on his own. Now with all the constant unsubstantiated lies from McCain and Palin, Obama is taking the offensive.

I tend to agree with this line of thinking. There was such a shitstorm in the mass media and the blogosphere after the Palin pick that Obama didn't really need to do much more than sit back and let the news machine run its cycle. It's not like they didn't dig up enough dirt on their own or question McCain's judgment.


"If you're ready for four more years of George Bush, John McCain is your man," Biden said in prepared remarks. "Just as George Herbert Walker Bush was nicknamed `Bush 41' and his son is known as `Bush 43,' John McCain could easily become known as `Bush 44.'"


when is my burrito
BenjaminBirdie said:

God, someone pass this along to Biden, Recount-style, before he takes the stage.

Christ! How can he still say that when the foundation of our economy (Wall Street and the financial sector) is spastically shitting all over itself!?

What the motherfucking hell?
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