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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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syllogism said:
Mccain chose a bad day for some "straight talk"

"Delighting Democrats: "The fundamentals of our economy are strong," McCain reiterates at a Florida rally this morning, before noting that "these are very, very difficult times."


Christ on a stick, this man has officially lost his mind. Nobody with a sound grasp on reality would walk on stage this morning and say this. Obama needs to turn this into a commercial by tomorrow!
tanod said:
Christ! How can he still say that when the foundation of our economy (Wall Street and the financial sector) is spastically shitting all over itself!?

What the motherfucking hell?

More importantly, millions of white and blue collar Americans are going to see a good chunk of their retirement savings evaporate today. It's going to hurt.


CharlieDigital said:
More importantly, millions of white and blue collar Americans are going to see a good chunk of their retirement savings evaporate today. It's going to hurt.

Exactly! How's that 'ownership society' working out now, Republicans?

Can you even imagine what would be happening right now had Bush's looney Social Security privatization plan taken effect? Half of this country's retirees would be even more fucked than they currently are. It boggles the mind to think of what bad shape we would be in if Bush had gotten his way on more policies.


tanod said:
Christ! How can he still say that when the foundation of our economy (Wall Street and the financial sector) is spastically shitting all over itself!?

What the motherfucking hell?

Maybe he means the paper industry? Nothing more fundamental than this.


lawblob said:
Christ on a stick, this man has officially lost his mind. Nobody with a sound grasp on reality would walk on stage this morning and say this. Obama needs to turn this into a commercial by tomorrow!
I have a feeling they're going to pounce, and pounce hard. I mean, the banking sector is melting down. That's a rather important aspect of the economy, no? Talk about lobbing a slow one over the plate. :lol

Also: I didn't know Colorado had early voting.

First Read said:
COLORADO: Early voting promises to be a major force in battleground state Colorado, where both Obama and Palin appear today. Per the Denver Post: "Already, nearly 1 million Colorado voters have requested mail-in ballots -- a 35 percent increase from four years ago. The ballots are expected to be sent out as early as Oct. 3, according to the secretary of state's office."
Obama could run up a huge tally in early voting there.


Neo Member
lawblob said:
Christ on a stick, this man has officially lost his mind. Nobody with a sound grasp on reality would walk on stage this morning and say this.

If shit really does fall apart today, that's where McCain just lost the election.


CharlieDigital said:
More importantly, millions of white and blue collar Americans are going to see a good chunk of their retirement savings evaporate today. It's going to hurt.

today? Jesus, i have lost a shitload all year... today will be the icing on the cake. Good thing i have another 30 years... people within a few years of retirement... ouch


when is my burrito
CharlieDigital said:
More importantly, millions of white and blue collar Americans are going to see a good chunk of their retirement savings evaporate today. It's going to hurt.

It just proves how out of touch John McCain really is. 25,000 people LOST their jobs today. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!
tanod said:
Christ! How can he still say that when the foundation of our economy (Wall Street and the financial sector) is spastically shitting all over itself!?

What the motherfucking hell?

It's on his index card.
The Obama campaign (or maybe GAF pseudo-527) needs to put together a clip juxtaposing McCain (and maybe even some Hannity just for shits and giggles) against some of the news clips about Lehman, Merrill, and AIG.


not a medical professional
CharlieDigital said:
The Obama campaign (or maybe GAF pseudo-527) needs to put together a clip juxtaposing McCain (and maybe even some Hannity just for shits and giggles) against some of the news clips about Lehman, Merrill, and AIG.

If this hasn't been done by the time I get home from work, I'll whip one up tonight :D


Obama doesn't have to worry. He has millions of people around the U.S worried for him :lol. He's kept his cool for these miserable 2 weeks, now it's time to get off Palin, and back on the old guy.

BTW where does most of Obama's cash go towards? Ads, or paid staffers/"ground game"/grass roots org. stuff?


has calmed down a bit.
That is literally manna from the political heavens. Jump now, Obama, jump fast. This can be a Palin-sized turning point in the campaign if they pounce.
GhaleonEB said:
I have a feeling they're going to pounce, and pounce hard. I mean, the banking sector is melting down. That's a rather important aspect of the economy, no? Talk about lobbing a slow one over the plate. :lol

Also: I didn't know Colorado had early voting.

Obama could run up a huge tally in early voting there.
It wouldn't surprise me if this was Obama's strategy all along. Get everyone who can possibly vote to vote for you early on. This way, the Repubs can't kill votes on election day by ripping people's identifications to pieces. There is no way that they can stop the early votes over a 20 day period. And Ohio and Colorado would pretty much seal the election for Obama.

Very interesting indeed.


MaddenNFL64 said:
Obama doesn't have to worry. He has millions of people around the U.S worried for him :lol. He's kept his cool for these miserable 2 weeks, now it's time to get off Palin, and back on the old guy.

BTW where does most of Obama's cash go towards? Ads, or paid staffers/"ground game"/grass roots org. stuff?

I'm hoping it's mostly ground game stuff.

I'm emailing the "fundamentals are strong" link to the obama campaign in case they haven't seen it yet. I urge others to do the same.


FitzOfRage said:
I think that's a couple months old.
The youtube video was posted in July. Planned Parenthood ran an ad based on that clip.

This made me laugh, from cnn.com talking about Biden's speech coming up:

The excerpts make no mention of Palin. Biden spokesman David Wade said that until the Alaska governor comes out of her "hermetically sealed" environment, the campaign will assume she holds the same positions as McCain and will focus on him.
I think that's the right strategy. "Hermetically sealed" environment indeed. :lol


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Clipjoint said:
I'm not sure if this has been posted yet - if so, it's worth another watch:

McCain being asked about Viagra being insured but not birth control

I love how McCain couldn't answer the question at all.

Not knowing your own stances is...kinda impossible right? How do you not know how you feel about something? :lol

Not a very damning clip, but not knowing whether or not you think birth control and Viagra should be covered by insurance is pretty god damned stupid.

Oh McCain of '00...where have you gone?


testicles on a cold fall morning
CharlieDigital said:
More importantly, millions of white and blue collar Americans are going to see a good chunk of their retirement savings evaporate today. It's going to hurt.
remember that one of McCain's chief economic advisers called all of this economic downturn psychological. what else do you expect to hear?


RubxQub said:
I love how McCain couldn't answer the question at all.

Not knowing your own stances is...kinda impossible right? How do you not know how you feel about something? :lol

Not a very damning clip, but not knowing whether or not you think birth control and Viagra should be covered by insurance is pretty god damned stupid.

Oh McCain of '00...where have you gone?
Here's the ad that ran off it.


Love how they just let McCain do all the talking.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
VanMardigan said:
That is literally manna from the political heavens. Jump now, Obama, jump fast. This can be a Palin-sized turning point in the campaign if they pounce.
What are we referring to here?

The Florida rally mention that the economy is strong?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν


has calmed down a bit.
RubxQub said:
What are we referring to here?

The Florida rally mention that the economy is strong?

Yep, that. Uttering something like that ON THIS DAY is unbelievable. Just look at the headlines on every single site out there. It's all doom and gloom for the economy. Painting McCain as out of touch on this issue is now more relevant than the dumb "he can't use a computerz lulz" ad they played the other day.

This shows he's out of touch on a HUGELY RELEVANT ISSUE, on a day where that issue has taken center stage in every single news outlet.


when is my burrito
VanMardigan said:
Yep, that. Uttering something like that ON THIS DAY is unbelievable. Just look at the headlines on every single site out there. It's all doom and gloom for the economy. Painting McCain as out of touch on this issue is now more relevant than the dumb "he can't use a computerz lulz" ad they played the other day.

This shows he's out of touch on a HUGELY RELEVANT ISSUE, on a day where that issue has taken center stage in every single news outlet.

Obama needs to do a press conference NOW!


BenjaminBirdie said:
Hm, true. Maybe specific foundations? Trusts?

I think conventional investing wisdom would say to invest right now in non-cyclic industries, mature & low growth industries with consistent yields (dividends) that deal in basic consumer needs. ie: Proctor & Gamble, Kellogs, etc. But honestly, the financial situation is so nutty at this point, I am not really sure what would be a good play, if you are looking for a long-term investment.

Also, whoa at the WaPo op-ed by the McCain surrogate. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. It seems like McCain is running plays straight from the Ronald Reagan 'morning in America' playbook. Apparently nobody told them you can only run on that schtick when the fucking sky isn't currently falling! Holy shit...
Did hell just freeze over?


Rove: McCain went 'too far' in ads

(CNN) -- Former Bush adviser Karl Rove said Sunday that Sen. John McCain had gone "one step too far" in some of his recent ads attacking Sen. Barack Obama.

"McCain has gone in some of his ads -- similarly gone one step too far," he told Fox News, "and sort of attributing to Obama things that are, you know, beyond the '100 percent truth' test."

"They ought to -- there ought to be an adult who says, 'Do we really need to go that far in this ad? Don't we make our point and won't we get broader acceptance and deny the opposition an opportunity to attack us if we don't include that one little last tweak in the ad?' " he said.
AniHawk said:
I'm hoping it's mostly ground game stuff.

I'm emailing the "fundamentals are strong" link to the obama campaign in case they haven't seen it yet. I urge others to do the same.

Who exactly takes those submissions? (email address)


syllogism said:
"JACKSONVILLE, Fl. -- At his first rally without Palin since selecting her as his running mate, McCain attracted roughly 3,000 people at an arena here with 16,000 seats. "


so, he actually attracted about 1100 people.

Byakuya769 said:
Who exactly takes those submissions? (email address)

I just go to the contact us part of the page and mail it in as a general comment.
He mentioned the 'fundamentals of the economy are strong' line in Florida? What a dumbass-that's something that you might be able to get away with in a state like Colorado, North Carolina, or Virginia, but certainly not a state where the housing collapse has caused huge problems in that economy.

What a dumbass.


Fragamemnon said:
He mentioned the 'fundamentals of the economy are strong' line in Florida? What a dumbass-that's something that you might be able to get away with in a state like Colorado, North Carolina, or Virginia, but certainly not a state where the housing collapse has caused huge problems in that economy.

What a dumbass.

Well, he said "still strong," implying that it was strong even recently, including now.


Neo Member
Obama is up by three in the Daily Kos poll (48-45) but it's a bit hard to take seriously with a moe of 5%.

The net favorable rating is interesting though.


Compare that with four days ago


The sheen is wearing of Palin and the lies and other bullshit is taking its toll.
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