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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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AndyIsTheMoney said:
im not saying we should make abortion illegal. but lets call it what it is. people need to take responsibility and not pretend they are stopping a few cells from multiplying. Abortion is a result of our actions, therefore we do have control over it except in cases of rape or incest. We can try and make the greater good argument all we want, but come on this is human life we are talking about here, the exact same way everyone of us started. I hate when people, like in this picture, blasts other people for thinking all humans deserve a chance and not be subject to whether its convenient for your mother to have you or not.

You can't judge people for what they do with their lives. If someone needs an abortion they should get it. Who are you to deny them? And IT IS stopping a few cells from multiplying.

People can argue about when a life starts, how irresponsible it is and so on but in the end it's not those peoples choice that matters. Abortion is a personal choice, you can't make general rules of how it should be used and you can't judge people for how they live their lives.

There is no logical reason to deny people that choice.

Sorry for just jumping into this thread like this but I was browsing and people questioning pro-choice in any way makes me angry.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
McCain on Morning Joe. I almost fucking vomited about just as a reaction.

The fact that people buy his lies and that he can deliver them is so fucking wrong. He doesn't even have a good poker face, he has an uneasy, knows he's full of shit face (That's not change we can believe i, a heh heh :\ ) that's just unsettling, yet he keeps it coming.


GhaleonEB said:
And the Republicans control the Alaska House committee investigating. A Republican ordered the investigation, and the committee voted 3-2 to order subpoenas. Only two Democrats sit on the committee.

The Republican that broke ranks represents Wasilla.
I think I've seen a quote from him along the lines of "I don't think there's anything to it, but the truth needs to be found".


Biden did well on morning joe as well, imo.

Re: The fundamentals ad...does anyone think that comment was McCain's tank moment?


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Kildace said:
New Obama ad : Fundamentals

The Obama campaign granted everyone's wish from yesterday!

It's good, but this is a card that Obama needs to ration and play carefully, he is still the candidate of hope, he doesn't want to become the candidate of pessimism.


jakershaker said:
You can't judge people for what they do with their lives. If someone needs an abortion they should get it. Who are you to deny them? And IT IS stopping a few cells from multiplying.

People can argue about when a life starts, how irresponsible it is and so on but in the end it's not those peoples choice that matters. Abortion is a personal choice, you can't make general rules of how it should be used and you can't judge people for how they live their lives.

There is no logical reason to deny people that choice.

Sorry for just jumping into this thread like this but I was browsing and people questioning pro-choice in any way makes me angry.
Sure there is. If a fetus is human it is only logical to defend it's right to exist.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I love that they talk about McCain gaining that lead of 4 in Ohio whilst ignoring the other Ohio poll saying the exact opposite.
That was a poll a week ago. There have been 2-3 since then that showed McCain in the lead.
BenjaminBirdie said:
I love that they talk about McCain gaining that lead of 4 in Ohio whilst ignoring the other Ohio poll saying the exact opposite.

That's common practice these days. Joe mentioned all the polls that were out claiming McCain was ahead of Obama in all three polls. He was incorrect of course and I think he recognized it after but he didn't correct his previous statement. My problem with most of these morning shows is they lack balance. Fox and Friends is a republican frenzy. John Roberts should go back to be a disk jockey. Joe is a classic republican apologist with Willie as his apprentice and Mika there to fill a seat. Often times their co-hosts are either moderate or lean right. Even their so-called democrat is a major DLCer. It's hard to get upset with the show if you have realistic expectations.

I credit Maddow for her show so far. She doesn't come off as a talking point spewing partisan (like so many conservatives and liberal pundits/radio talk show hosts, etc). Keith has good points but he is obviously partisan, a bit melodramatic, and doesn't normally have guests with differing viewpoints. When you can have Pat Buchanan on your show to talk you down, that says something about your temperament. It'll be interesting to see how she does in the ratings game over the next month.
rancor said:
Obama is up by four in the latest Daily Kos poll (48-44).

The net favorable rating is very interesting.


Compare that with five days ago


Look at how Palin has tanked. Ditto McCain.


Age: 18-29 ---> McCain: 30 Obama: 63
30-44 ---> Mc 47 Ob 44
45-59 ---> Mc 45 Ob 48
60+ -----> Mc 54 Ob 39


Go new generation, go!


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GrotesqueBeauty said:
Holy cow, how did I not see this clip of McCain on Meet the Press?
That was a good one, alright.

"Those were your words! WHAT THE FUCK NOW BITCH! Checkmate GRAMPS, you just got Timmy'd on live TV! Clowned you in front of everyone in America! Uh! Oh yeah!

Can you taste that? That's sweet satisfaction in the air and it tastes like embarrassed old has-been! BOOM!"

*waltzes off the set laughing off camera*
wut the h e double hockey stick:


Obama 247 McCain 257 Ties 34

Presidential polls today: CO FL NY OH PA UT VA

Dem pickups (vs. 2004): CO IA

GOP pickups (vs. 2004): (None)

PA!? :O
The Obama campaign needs to be careful about this troopergate thing. The repubs are bringing it to the spotlight today to do 2 things, I think:

1. Bait the dems / committee to release information contradicting Palin early so that they have time to spin it before the election.

2. Refocus things on Palin.
Rachael is doing okay but I really don't like her format. It screams CountDown Lite. She needs to do something that's more of her own.

I also saw McCain attack Mika this morning. That was pretty classless even if she is in the tank for Obama. You could tell he didn't want to do the interview at all.


From the Salon article:

I said, 'Sarah, how can you believe in creationism -- your father's a science teacher.' And she said, 'We don't have to agree on everything.'

"I pushed her on the earth's creation, whether it was really less than 7,000 years old and whether dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time. And she said yes, she'd seen images somewhere of dinosaur fossils with human footprints in them."

Munger also asked Palin if she truly believed in the End of Days, the doomsday scenario when the Messiah will return. "She looked in my eyes and said, 'Yes, I think I will see Jesus come back to earth in my lifetime.'"

Holy crap!


The Chosen One said:
Rachael is doing okay but I really don't like her format. It screams CountDown Lite. She needs to do something that's more of her own.

I also saw McCain attack Mika this morning. That was pretty classless even if she is in the tank for Obama. You could tell he didn't want to do the interview at all.

Who is Mika?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
TheKingsCrown said:
The Obama campaign needs to be careful about this troopergate thing. The repubs are bringing it to the spotlight today to do 2 things, I think:

1. Bait the dems / committee to release information contradicting Palin early so that they have time to spin it before the election.

2. Refocus things on Palin.

i seriously doubt obama and/or his campaign is going to even touch this... unless she is found guilty.


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Loudninja said:
Will have to see the video evidence to see how this one played out.

Can't wait for angry John to come out, though. He's lost the election the moment he does it in a big way, like...at a debate!

Question #1: You have a long, long history of being derogatory towards women, senator. After returning from your time in Vietnam as a POW, you had admitted to having various affairs. This ultimately led to your divorce, and remarriage to (supposedly) the last of your affairs, Cindy McCain.

You then went on later in your career to call your wife both a, and I'm quoting senator, a "trollop" and a "cunt".

You oppose equal pay for equal work.

You oppose a woman's right to choose what's best for her and her family in the case of a pregnancy.

Now, you have literally broadcasted to all American women that you think they'll blindly vote for you, just because you put a pair of X chromosomes on your ticket.

The question, Senator McCain, is this: Can you look America in the eye this evening and say to them that you have women's best interests in mind?

John McCain: angryjohnny.gif


capslock said:
It's good, but this is a card that Obama needs to ration and play carefully, he is still the candidate of hope, he doesn't want to become the candidate of pessimism.
The message of hope will only take you so far...we are in the stretch run here and to not take advantage of the gift McCain gave them yesterday would be a tragedy. Like Obama said, he never throws the first punch but he always throws the last. He needs to keep this up but follow it with an explanation of how to fix things but he'll have all week to do that. In the meantime, he's doing exactly the right thing because it keeps McCain's quote in the news for a couple more days.


Why do you keep posting electoral-vote.com maps? They are even more worthless than 538, which also gets way more attention than deserved. Certainly not worth obsessing or panicking over.


3rdman said:
The message of hope will only take you so far...we are in the stretch run here and to not take advantage of the gift McCain gave them yesterday would be a tragedy. Like Obama said, he never throws the first punch but he always throws the last. He needs to keep this up but follow it with an explanation of how to fix things but he'll have all week to do that. In the meantime, he's doing exactly the right thing because it keeps McCain's quote in the news for a couple more days.

I really can't believe there are Obama supporters who actually think he will win by staying positive. This is politics 101, the politicians who refuse to go negative lose every single time.

The idea that Obama has to 'stay positive' in order to win is the classic loser argument of Presidential politics. Candidates who stay positive without also viciously attacking the opponent lose every single fucking time. This election is no different.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
gkrykewy said:
From the Salon article:

Holy crap!
I might be in the minority here but, of the two things in that quote, it disturbs me far more that she thinks she saw pictures of human footprints in dinosaur fossils than it does that she thinks Jesus will return in her lifetime.


Kittonwy said:
Why is America in debt? Because in a democratic society there are alot more things to spend things on, people don't like making sacrifices, why is China so rich right now? Because they don't spend on the people, THAT's how you have no debt.


I don't necessarily agree with that...

gkrykewy said:
From the Salon article:

Holy crap!

WW3 with Iran confirmed if the Republicans win. :p


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lawblob said:
I really can't believe there are Obama supporters who actually think he will win by staying positive. This is politics 101, the politicians who refuse to go negative lose every single time.

The idea that Obama has to 'stay positive' in order to win is the classic loser argument of Presidential politics. Candidates who stay positive without also viciously attacking the opponent lose every single fucking time. This election is no different.
Admittedly I was in the "positive only" camp during the primaries. To me, it really represented a genuine change in politics.

I still don't consider what Obama is doing today to be negative politics, however. It's tough to call them negative when I see what is currently being displayed from the opposing camp.


RubxQub said:
Will have to see the video evidence to see how this one played out.

Can't wait for angry John to come out, though. He's lost the election the moment he does it in a big way, like...at a debate!

Question #1: You have a long, long history of being derogatory towards women, senator. After returning from your time in Vietnam as a POW, you had admitted to having various affairs. This ultimately led to your divorce, and remarriage to (supposedly) the last of your affairs, Cindy McCain.

You then went on later in your career to call your wife both a, and I'm quoting senator, a "trollop" and a "cunt".

You oppose equal pay for equal work.

You oppose a woman's right to choose what's best for her and her family in the case of a pregnancy.

Now, you have literally broadcasted to all American women that you think they'll blindly vote for you, just because you put a pair of X chromosomes on your ticket.

The question, Senator McCain, is this: Can you look America in the eye this evening and say to them that you have women's best interests in mind?

John McCain: angryjohnny.gif


Edit: Holy crap he was glad the bill was rejected 0_o
RubxQub said:
Will have to see the video evidence to see how this one played out.

Can't wait for angry John to come out, though. He's lost the election the moment he does it in a big way, like...at a debate!

Well don't expect any fireworks. He wasn't over the top or anything in the Morning Joe interview. But he clearly was showing some contempt for Mika with off-hand remarks.

I should add while Mika does have a little schoolgirl crush on Obama, she's also been a HUGE fan of Palin for the past couple of weeks. Palin can use all the media support she can get. So it wasn't wise for McCain to be so dismissive to Mika. Plus if the interview gets a little more play, it could get out that he was being disrespectful to a woman, which could hurt his Sexist card his campaign has been abusing lately. But more than likely I don't think much will come of it. A few other MSNBC hosts may take note of it but nobody else will care.
syllogism said:
Why do you keep posting electoral-vote.com maps? They are even more worthless than 538, which also gets way more attention than deserved. Certainly not worth obsessing or panicking over.

Weren't their polling chart pretty accurate in 2004?
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