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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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maximum360 said:
McCain vindicated? Obama chooses his words very carefully.

If so, awesome job (and I'm sure that's what the reference is for). Keep the republicans seeped in scandals and their own lies. McCain's camp has already done a great job of eroding that "straight talk line", so why not throw a press a bone or two while they're on the case.

McCain's playing checkers with Chess playing Barack.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
The Lamonster said:
Pam Anderson

edit: and some of the girls at the local Obama office

I'm actually considering signing up for the local Democratic office, although my state is a given for Obama. Hearing there are hot girls involved makes me even more willing to sign up... even better is I broke up with a hardcore Republican Christian. :D
djtiesto said:
I'm actually considering signing up for the local Democratic office, although my state is a given for Obama. Hearing there are hot girls involved makes me even more willing to sign up... even better is I broke up with a hardcore Republican Christian. :D
I'd do it if I was in a swing or red state.


maximum360 said:
McCain vindicated? Obama chooses his words very carefully.

If so, awesome job (and I'm sure that's what the reference is for). Keep the republicans seeped in scandals and their own lies. McCain's camp has already done a great job of eroding that "straight talk line", so why not throw a press a bone or two while they're on the case.

Here's the great thing with what Obama said: McCain can't come out with fake outrage about Obama trying to draw attention to McCain's past in the Keating Five scandal without bringing the Keating Five issue up himself. I'd imagine McCain doesn't want to go there, as the last thing he needs right now is to remind people (or even inform some people for the first time) that he was involved in any way, shape, or form with the S&L scandal of the 80s.
SnakeswithLasers said:
Unfortunately a giant percentage of the country doesn't understand chess, but checkers makes perfect sense.

Damnit.. you're absolutely right. Lupe Fiasco might need to tell Barack to dumb it down.
Is there a good relatively hi-res image of Obama together with Biden that I can print out and put in my cube? Maybe one of them smiling or something. The newsweek cover was perfect but I missed it and can't find it online.

Google image search wielded no satisfactory results.


AniHawk said:
While John Mccain was in Vietnam, his first wife, Carol, waited for him. Meanwhile, she got in a car accident which left her disfigured. McCain left her for Cindy, who was 18 years his junior (he could have been her father).

This made me curious and I wiki'd her. I never knew that McCain's first wife was a model before her accident and is now a White House Event Planner and Director of the White House Visitor's office. The more you know.
maximum360 said:
Eh. Everytime I see her I think Skeletor with hair and makeup. But whatever floats your boat.
just googled her and I think he has the same fetish as that guy on Penny Arcade. The one who likes long necks? yeah. she looks like a giraffe.


maximum360 said:
Eh. Everytime I see her I think Skeletor with hair and makeup. But whatever floats your boat.

Everytime I see her I think she must be on some seriously good shit to keep that smile glued to her face.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Awesome maze in Cincinnati.



The Lamonster said:
Is there a good relatively hi-res image of Obama together with Biden that I can print out and put in my cube? Maybe one of them smiling or something. The newsweek cover was perfect but I missed it and can't find it online.

Google image search wielded no satisfactory results.



Republican lawmakers sue to stop 'Troopergate' probe of Alaska Gov. Palin


Five state Republican lawmakers want a judge to stop an investigation into Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's firing of a public safety commissioner.

A bipartisan oversight committee had unanimously approved an inquiry into whether Palin, now the Republican vice presidential nominee, dismissed the commissioner because he wouldn't fire her ex-brother-in-law, a state trooper.

In Anchorage Superior Court on Tuesday, three state representatives and two state senators sued to stop the investigation. Palin had said months ago that she welcomed the inquiry. The lawsuit called the investigation "unlawful, biased, partial and partisan."
Nothing to see here!

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
I got an e-mail today from the Obama campaign to go to PA and canvas for voters... and I'm seriously thinking about doing it - putting my actions where my mouth is... anyone going to do it?
El_TigroX said:
I got an e-mail today from the Obama campaign to go to PA and canvas for voters... and I'm seriously thinking about doing it - putting my actions where my mouth is... anyone going to do it?
Can you ask them if they need someone for Virginia or Ohio?

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
TheKingsCrown said:
Can you ask them if they need someone for Virginia or Ohio?

I think they absolutely would. You should contact your local office and find out. I am from PA, but I live in NJ now, so that's why I got the e-mail about PA.


all that he wants is another baby
El_TigroX said:
I got an e-mail today from the Obama campaign to go to PA and canvas for voters... and I'm seriously thinking about doing it - putting my actions where my mouth is... anyone going to do it?

Got a call to go up to Wisconsin for the weekend to drum up support. Considering it, as long as I can get out of wedding planning with the wife.

Also, anyone on here volunteer at his campaign headquarters? Thinking of doing that as well.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
GhaleonEB said:
Here I thought this guys were smarter than this to attract attention to something like this. Wouldn't it be better to just let it play out, let Palin seem cooperative yet just the right level of clueless like she's perfected on the national stage in the past couple of weeks? I'd think they could deflate the severity of any disciplinary measures this way.
Serious Question

John McCain repeatedly states that he and he alone can

1. Fix the economy

2. win wars

3. Fix Health Care

and the list goes on.

My question is why when he says these things, no one just ask him you say you can fix these things and americans are hurting. Why do we have to wait for you to be president in order for these things to manifest?

Justin Bailey

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gluv65 said:
Serious Question

John McCain repeatedly states that he and he alone can

1. Fix the economy

2. win wars

3. Fix Health Care

and the list goes on.

My question is why when he says these things, no one just ask him you say you can fix these things and americans are hurting. Why do we have to wait for you to be president in order for these things to manifest?

You can raise those same questions about Obama and every other political candidate. Ever.
Justin Bailey said:

You can raise those same questions about Obama and every other political candidate. Ever.

No Obama says he will enact policies, John McCain says he will fix it, very different in my opinion. Obama says he will encact a policy opposing the trickle down theory that has failed and on the other hand John believes in the trickle down policy so he's going to fix it


"GAF's biggest wanker"
gluv65 said:
My question is why when he says these things, no one just ask him you say you can fix these things and americans are hurting. Why do we have to wait for you to be president in order for these things to manifest?
SRSLY. Pick one and fix it now - if he did that, he'd easily have well over 50% of America ready to vote him into office. Just catch Bin Laden - instant victory.

Justin - Best example is McCain's "I know how to catch Bin Laden" claim. He's not simply saying that it will be his top priority to catch him, he has said he explicitly knows how to catch Bin Laden, now. Just conveniently won't share that knowledge with anyone though, until he's president.
kaching said:
SRSLY. Pick one and fix it now - if he did that, he'd easily have well over 50% of America ready to vote him into office. Just catch Bin Laden - instant victory.

Justin - Best example is McCain's "I know how to catch Bin Laden" claim. He's not simply saying that it will be his top priority to catch him, he has said he explicitly knows how to catch Bin Laden, now. Just conveniently won't share that knowledge with anyone though, until he's president.

Perfect example.


when is my burrito
kaching said:
SRSLY. Pick one and fix it now - if he did that, he'd easily have well over 50% of America ready to vote him into office. Just catch Bin Laden - instant victory.

Justin - Best example is McCain's "I know how to catch Bin Laden" claim. He's not simply saying that it will be his top priority to catch him, he has said he explicitly knows how to catch Bin Laden, now. Just conveniently won't share that knowledge with anyone though, until he's president.

Isn't it obvious. McCain's literally going to take him out by himself.



I don't agree with everything in this, but there's some really interesting takes, makes one take pause.

White privilege is when you can get pregnant at seventeen like Bristol Palin and everyone is quick to insist that your life and that of your family is a personal matter, and that no one has a right to judge you or your parents, because “every family has challenges,” even as black and Latino families with similar “challenges” are regularly typified as irresponsible, pathological and arbiters of social decay.

White privilege is when you can call yourself a “fuckin’ redneck,” like Bristol Palin’s boyfriend does, and talk about how if anyone messes with you, you'll “kick their fuckin' ass,” and talk about how you like to “shoot shit” for fun, and still be viewed as a responsible, all-American boy (and a great son-in-law to be) rather than a thug.

White privilege is when you can attend four different colleges in six years like Sarah Palin did (one of which you basically failed out of, then returned to after making up some coursework at a community college), and no one questions your intelligence or commitment to achievement, whereas a person of color who did this would be viewed as unfit for college, and probably someone who only got in in the first place because of affirmative action.


gluv65 said:
No Obama says he will enact policies, John McCain says he will fix it, very different in my opinion. Obama says he will encact a policy opposing the trickle down theory that has failed and on the other hand John believes in the trickle down policy so he's going to fix it
Yeah, Obama outlined a pretty detailed policy prescription - alongside an indictment of the deregulation that contributed to the current situation. McCain's response was very high-level and ultimately punted to a proposed committee to look into what went wrong.

Justin Bailey

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Ok that's not the same thing as saying you're going to fix something. Every political candidate ever has said they're going to fix this and that when they get into office. To answer your original question, all they have to say is that they don't have the authority to do what they want to do currently, but they will as soon as they're elected. Not a very good question to ask since it has such an obvious answer, that's probably why no one has asked it :p

As for the Bin Laden thing, he is just talking about using the military to its full potential. It's just phrased to score a few political points.
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