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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Instigator said:
The GOP will have used so much of the fake outrage that it probably won't matter by the time of the VP debate.

Either that or the public will have so soured to her VP nomination that no one cares if she's beaten badly in a debate.


ChoklitReign said:
I thought this was pretty funny
malkin and coulter? barbara!? :lol

But if you really have to know hot liberals:

Jennifer Aniston
Natalie Portman
Scarlett Johansson
Eva Longoria
Halle Berry
Charles Barkley
Jessica Biel


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
giga said:
malkin and coulter? barbara!? :lol

But if you really have to know hot liberals:

Jennifer Aniston
Natalie Portman
Scarlett Johansson
Eva Longoria
Halle Berry
Charles Barkley
Jessica Biel
Yea, I thought most of hollywood was liberal. That image is assbackwards.


giga said:
malkin and coulter? barbara!? :lol

But if you really have to know hot liberals:

Jennifer Aniston
Natalie Portman
Scarlett Johansson
Eva Longoria
Halle Berry
Charles Barkley
Jessica Biel

You forgot Michelle and Barack Obama.

EDIT: They seriously use Laura Bush and Ann Coulter as examples of attractive women? The GOP has more problems than I thought.
giga said:
malkin and coulter? barbara!? :lol

But if you really have to know hot liberals:

Jennifer Aniston
Natalie Portman
Scarlett Johansson
Eva Longoria
Halle Berry
Charles Barkley
Jessica Biel
Pam Anderson

edit: and some of the girls at the local Obama office

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
giga said:
malkin and coulter? barbara!? :lol

But if you really have to know hot liberals:

Jennifer Aniston
Natalie Portman
Scarlett Johansson
Eva Longoria
Halle Berry
Charles Barkley
Jessica Biel

giga said:
malkin and coulter? barbara!? :lol

But if you really have to know hot liberals:

Jennifer Aniston
Natalie Portman
Scarlett Johansson
Eva Longoria
Halle Berry
Charles Barkley
Jessica Biel

George Clooney Brad Pitt
giga said:
malkin and coulter? barbara!? :lol

But if you really have to know hot liberals:

Jennifer Aniston
Natalie Portman
Scarlett Johansson
Eva Longoria
Halle Berry
Charles Barkley
Jessica Biel


I knew the Pens were on the wrong side.
PhoenixDark said:

i think i might sign up
I have been begging Gaffers to help for days now and the thing that convinces you is hot girls??

You should have just assumed they'd be there! Democrats, dude! :lol

AniHawk said:
They're all white girls though.
definitely not true. lol though
methodman said:
Found this on another site:

* If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while
raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're
not a real Christian.
* If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your
disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a
Wait, what?


Fragamemnon said:
Depends on the state. If you are just working with newly registered voters in a state like, say, NC (where Dems have outregistered the GOP 8-to-1), it could influence the final polls in this heavy turnout year by 2% or even more.

There's way more to the ground game than just new registrations though. There's finding inactive voters and getting them engaged, and finding and pressing undecideds through direct contact.

To give a good example of the differences between the two candidates:

Obama has been in NC constantly since late March/April for the primaries and never left after they were done. He has 16 offices and 150-200 paid staff. Up until last month or so, McCain had been running the NC campaign out of Tallahassee, FL and nad no ground presence at all. Now they have nine offices and 17 paid staffers.

There is only one state that was reasonably mobilized for McCain for a good while and that's Florida. Everywhere else he's had an incredibly poor ground game compared to Dubya, whose 2004 effort pushed him over the top in Iowa, New Mexico, Nevada, and, of course, Ohio.

yes i tried to add that at the end. These likely voter models are giving a certain percentage to youth and minority voters who historically are under-respresented at the booths. If the campaign can bring these groups out to vote in significantly higher numbers, that also throws off the whole "likely voter" model. So if the Obama campaign can get these groups out and the newly registered out, some states could see a 3% or higher bump over previous polls for him simply because of that


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ChoklitReign said:
Wait, what?
First bullet = Obama
Second bullet = McCain


ChoklitReign said:
Wait, what?

While John Mccain was in Vietnam, his first wife, Carol, waited for him. Meanwhile, she got in a car accident which left her disfigured. McCain left her for Cindy, who was 18 years his junior (he could have been her father).
ChoklitReign said:
Wait, what?

I'm absolutely positive that a gay jihadist republican with a transvestite running mate can run as republican for president and republican spokemen/women would spin it "this is the republican party of diversity" and the base jump in line. McCain will have no problem with the lemmings voting block.


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MightyHedgehog said:
Probably not the best term to use when talking about Presidential candidates, no?
I'm really not sure if I should respond defensively, sarcastically or factually here :lol


AniHawk said:
While John Mccain was in Vietnam, his first wife, Carol, waited for him. Meanwhile, she got in a car accident which left her disfigured. McCain left her for Cindy, who was 18 years his junior (he could have been her father).

I heard they met in Hawaii too


AniHawk said:
While John Mccain was in Vietnam, his first wife, Carol, waited for him. Meanwhile, she got in a car accident which left her disfigured. McCain left her for Cindy, who was 18 years his junior (he could have been her father).



Junior Butler
Just wanted to pop in and say I finally got around to watching the full Palin ABC interview.

Any concerns I had have been instantly and completely erased.

I can't wait for the VP debates.



Ben Smith just pointed something out - Obama repeatedly cited the savings and loans collapse in the 80's as a reference for when this kind of financial institution collapse has occurred before. It's a stone throw away from that to the Keating Five. Obama didn't go there, but I wonder if it wasn't a kind of dog whistle. Keep an eye out for Keating Five mentions in the press.


GhaleonEB said:
Ben Smith just pointed something out - Obama repeatedly cited the savings and loans collapse in the 80's as a reference for when this kind of financial institution collapse has occurred before. It's a stone throw away from that to the Keating Five. Obama didn't go there, but I wonder if it wasn't a kind of dog whistle. Keep an eye out for Keating Five mentions in the press.

It's more of a set-up. This is a similar situation. More like laying the case down and then seeing which road to take:p


Man, when those two debate, Biden better not get a false sense of superiority.

Be witty, smooth, and then attack her experience in full force.

Watching that interview, it was pretty clear that she had no clue what the hell she was talking about.
I wonder how long the McCain campaign is going keep putting Carly Fiornia up front as one of their spokeswoman?

She's had a bit of a rough day.
GhaleonEB said:
Ben Smith just pointed something out - Obama repeatedly cited the savings and loans collapse in the 80's as a reference for when this kind of financial institution collapse has occurred before. It's a stone throw away from that to the Keating Five. Obama didn't go there, but I wonder if it wasn't a kind of dog whistle. Keep an eye out for Keating Five mentions in the press.

McCain vindicated? Obama chooses his words very carefully.

If so, awesome job (and I'm sure that's what the reference is for). Keep the republicans seeped in scandals and their own lies. McCain's camp has already done a great job of eroding that "straight talk line", so why not throw a press a bone or two while they're on the case.


Incognito said:
I wonder how long the McCain campaign is going keep putting Carly Fiornia up front as one of their spokeswoman?

She's had a bit of a rough day.

She's a woman, so she'll keep getting trotted out there, she's been pretty good at just veering off the trail throughout the campaign.

Remember she was the source of that contraceptives talk.:lol
Incognito said:
I wonder how long the McCain campaign is going keep putting Carly Fiornia up front as one of their spokeswoman?

She's had a bit of a rough day.

McCain's female surrogates are terrible. As soon as I see them on screen I run for the mute button.
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